Why... how do you feel that this is an ordinary spirit stone?

And the appearance is not too good, low-grade spirit stone.

Those whose cultivation level is not as good as Baiyu Daojun's are muttering in their hearts, thinking that this must be some kind of treasure, Dragon King and God Turtle, etc., but they have seen through it all, this is a mediocre low-grade piece It's just a spirit stone!

The Dragon King was secretly angry.

What is he doing?

Are you going to play against me on purpose?

If the bet is heavy, the Dragon King will only feel distressed, and nothing else.

But the bet is light, but it's hard not to let people think that they have underestimated him.

The others were wondering, but they heard Lord Baiyu say, "The poor Taoist has nothing, so let this low-grade spirit stone be a bet for the poor Taoist."


Everyone was dumbfounded.

Did something go wrong?

Is it really just a low-grade spirit stone?

Why do you want to do this?

Could it be to save face for the Dragon King and not want the Dragon King to pay too much?

But if this is the case, wouldn't the Dragon King lose face even more?

Everyone was puzzled, but Chu He shook his head with a smile, thinking that the Lord of Hundred Desires is a wonderful person.

Others were wondering, but at this time Chuhe laughed out loud, and everyone's eyes fell on Chuhe again.

Now that everyone has placed their bets, how do you place your bets?

Chapter 281 What are you betting on?

Even the Dragon King cast his eyes on Chuhe.

"Hehe, it seems that you two are the only ones who haven't bet now. I don't know what you are waiting for?" The Dragon King said contemptuously. For you guys."

Hearing this, everyone praised.

"Dragon King Gao Yi, even though these few people are disrespectful to the Dragon King, the Dragon King still treats him like this. Doesn't this just show that the Dragon King has a broad mind?"

This flattery is really too hard.

But everyone didn't think there was anything wrong.

After all, there is no shame in flattering the Dragon King.

There was a sound of admiration, and everyone gave the Dragon King a high hat.

They are not very repulsed by this, after all, in their view, the Dragon King has spent all his money this time, since he took advantage of it, so what if he said some good things about him?

Zhang Zidong and the others felt a little unhappy.

"Master Dragon King is too kind to them. Even if this kind of person is killed immediately, no one will speak up for him!"

"That's right, Lord Dragon King. Although you have a kind heart and a broad mind, it's because you don't know what Chuhe did in our small world. If you knew, you wouldn't be so polite to Chuhe."

People like Zhang Zidong were there to add fuel and jealousy, and they told all the so-called evil things that Chuhe had never done, which naturally aroused righteous indignation at the scene.

"It's so disgusting? After this competition is over, I will definitely face this murderous demon!"

Anyway, they are all beautiful words. Now everyone can see that the Dragon King is dissatisfied with Chuhe, so just follow the Dragon King's words.

"After this banquet is over, I will kill this beast with my own hands!"

A man in a Taoist robe stood up inside the place, looking like a fairy, and what he said was righteous.

At the other end of the live broadcast room, ordinary people who were watching the live broadcast also cheered.

"It seems that Chuhe is going to die this time!"

"It's just that the Dragon King is a little too kind. He even gave Chuhe a chance to choose. Wouldn't it be fine to just shoot him into a meat paste?"

"I finally understand. The monks in this banquet are all righteous. The demons are raging here. Isn't it just right to take refuge with them? Doesn't it mean that the two worlds have been opened?"

"I don't care about other things, I just want to see Chuhe die now."

The barrage and some comments on the Internet, the Dragon Palace Banquet has always been a hot search, and many people have commented on it.

Saying everything, most people think that the human race is saved. After all, there is still such a vast world outside, and there are so many powerful monks.

According to the thinking of these people, as long as they ask for help when the time comes, they will be rescued.

After all, aren't these people the right way?

Isn't it natural to save people in the righteous way?

If Chuhe saw this, he would probably only sigh with a sigh.

It's just that Chuhe doesn't think about it now, nor does he care about it.

So many pairs of eyes are looking at Chuhe.

Waiting for Chuhe betting.

It's just that before Chuhe spoke, the black bear stood up first.

The black bear spirit has long shown its original shape, with a Buddhist bead wrapped around its neck, and a coercion exudes from its furry body.

He drank too much, pointed at the Dragon King and yelled, "Who do you look down on!? Brother Aobai, will I lose so easily?"

"Oh, Ao Bai is not my brother." Black Bear rubbed his head, "Ao Bai is your son, if I were Ao Bai's brother, wouldn't I be a generation younger than you? No, no, absolutely not."

"Ao Bai is my grandson!"

Ao Bai, who was fighting with Ao Qing, suddenly heard someone above saying that he was his grandson, and couldn't help feeling angry, "Black bear spirit, I'm your uncle!"

As a result, Ao Qing took advantage of the opportunity of Ao Bai's rage, and dealt another blow, and directly injured Ao Bai severely, as if he was about to die.

"Who? Who's calling me?"

The black bear spirit didn't understand, so he didn't hear Ao Bai's voice, but he just looked down and saw Ao Bai's miserable appearance, "I, Sun Aobai, hold on for a while, at least wait for me to place a bet first!"

The Dragon King's face trembled as he watched, his anger had been accumulating all the time.

Even couldn't help but want to shoot directly.

But in order to maintain the current image, he did not make a move.

It's just that in the Dragon King's heart, this black bear spirit is already a dead bear.

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation and demanded that the black bear spirit be severely punished.

Instead, the Dragon King said with a smile, "It's just that he lost his temper after drinking. I think he will realize his mistake after he sobers up."

"Bet...I want to bet."

The black bear spirit fumbled around his body, and finally grabbed it violently on his belly.

A few black hairs protruded from the black bear's paws, and he threw them casually, and the hairs mixed with a strange black spot came to the right side of the fair scale.

"For my grandson Ao Bai, I must bet heavily!"

The black bear spirit said seriously, "This is a good brother who has lived with me for dozens of years. Now I take it as a bet. If I lose, my good brother will belong to you."

Look at his good brother, he turned out to be a lice the size of a marble!

The louse was flying in the air, and even yelled, "Black bear spirit! I'm just borrowing your skin to practice, and we've been living together peacefully all these years, why are you putting me to death now!?"

Chuhe was happy.

The other world is indeed very exciting, but there are people who have grown up with fleas.

The black bear spirit grinned, "Don't worry, Ao Bai won't lose. If you really lose, you can't beat it, just move to another place and continue to live. I think the hair on the Dragon King's neck is quite suitable for you to live in. If you can stay here, you will be a dragon lice from now on."

"Bah! Shameless black bear spirit, I will never end with you!"

It's just that the flea is screaming loudly, and it can't break through the layer of divine light on the fair scale. It can only jump left and right inside, but it can't jump out.

The Dragon King was already furious, but he still didn't make a move.

I have endured it for so long, how can I fail now?

Anyway, they are already dead in the Dragon King's heart, so let them jump around.

It won't be long anyway.

"It's your turn." The Dragon King looked at Chuhe, "What do you want to bet?"

Baiyu Daojun and others also looked at Chuhe.

As a person from the small world of the Dharma-ending Era next to the Tang Dynasty, he was able to sit under the seat of the Xuanzi Hall and have an official seat. This alone made many monks curious.

Not to mention, this person is so mysterious that he dares to fight the Steel Dragon King, which makes people look forward to it even more. What kind of magic weapon can he use as a bet?

Seeing the eyes of everyone, Chuhe smiled slightly, and took out a bead out of thin air.

The bead was extremely round and exuded a faint golden light.

There is a hazy dao rhyme shrouded in it...

Chapter 282 The fair scale is broken?

Those with relatively low cultivation bases seem to be a little confused.

But the Dragon King and all the dragon descendants and grandsons, including Baiyu Daojun and Shengui Zhenjun, who were on the top of the Tianzi, as well as Bihai Zhenren and others from that place, all stared wide-eyed.

The Dragon King was even more horrified.

This is... Dragon Ball! ?

I only saw the bead in Chuhe's hand exuding a faint coercion, like the power of a dragon. Even those who don't know what it is probably know that it may be related to the dragon clan.

Moreover, the dao rhyme shrouded in it is also hard to see through, hard to guess, that kind of dusty temperament, one can tell it is a treasure at a glance.

Only Zhang Zidong and others are still stubborn.

"What the hell? Is this a light bulb taken out?"

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