And at the moment when the big formation shattered, the monsters behind Chuhe also started to move around, aiming at the panicked crowd on the square.

"Master! Master, what's wrong with you, Master!? Get up quickly! Save us!"

"Can you do it? If we knew you couldn't do it, we would have run away!"

These people originally thought that after Chuhe came, he would be killed by these experts in an instant, but they didn't expect Chuhe to be so powerful.

They panicked for a moment, and remorse flooded their hearts.

Chuhe also received a large amount of regret during this time.

Watching the Sea and Listening to the Waves is really extraordinary, it is indeed an innate magic method, it seems that I still had some misunderstandings about this magic method before.

It's just because Guanhai Tingtao's attack power is not too strong, it's just a large-scale group attack.

Coupled with Zhang Zhicheng's help, Ge Linggen escaped a catastrophe.

This blow did not kill Ge Lingen.

"Guanhai Tingtao!? This trick is Guanhai Tingtao!? You actually stole the secret of Guanhaizong!?" Ge Linggen exclaimed in surprise!

"Stealing other sects' unique skills is a capital offense!" Zhang Zhicheng also said coldly.

Ge Linggen was terrified, but he didn't shrink back. He always felt that Chuhe was so young, but he was just talented and intelligent, and that's why he learned such a unique skill.

As for what Chuhe said about being guarded here for hundreds of years, he didn't believe a word!

"If you hurt my disciple, you will definitely die today!" Ge Linggen stepped back directly, "Friend Zhicheng, help me protect the Dharma!"

Zhang Zhicheng was taken aback, and secretly cursed Ge Linggen in his heart.

He originally thought that the two of them would work together to at least reduce the pressure, but he didn't expect this guy to let himself support himself?

But after seeing Ge Linggen's movements, Zhang Zhicheng stood in front of him silently without saying a word.

Zhang Zhicheng could see clearly that Ge Linggen was preparing the five thunder talisman!

This talisman is one of the attacking methods at the bottom of Gezao Mountain's pressure box. It will never be used lightly unless it is absolutely necessary. This talisman is powerful, but the layout is also a bit cumbersome.

It takes at least five breaths of time!

Five breaths, as long as you can hold Chuhe five breaths!

Zhang Zhicheng looked at Chuhe with full energy, always ready to face the storm.

But there was silence waiting for him.

Chuhe didn't make a move.

Instead, he looked at Ge Lingen with a sneer.

Zhang Zhicheng was taken aback for a moment, and his heart skipped a beat.

How about Chuhe...why does he look confident?

Is there a way to deal with these five thunder talismans?

He looked at the restless Nine Lives Cat Demon over there.

Even the sky demon is afraid of these five thunder talismans, but Chuhe is not afraid?

Why should he! ?

Chapter 28 Death?

"How daring!" Ge Linggen said angrily while arranging the Five Thunder Talisman, "How dare you do this in front of my Five Thunder Talisman, you really don't know how to live or die!"

While speaking, the time for five breaths has ended.

His Five Thunder Talisman is also ready.

Five charms of different colors shone brightly in his hands.

"Five thunder talismans, kill evil and destroy demons, the way of heaven is clear, and the thunder of the gods descends!"

After he finished speaking, he threw the five spells in his hand towards Chuhe!

Seeing this, Zhang Zhicheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Those disciples of their disciples also took advantage of this time to stand up, and they happened to see the process of casting the Five Thunders Talisman.

These disciples are all low-level monks, and they have only heard of the Five Thunder Talisman in legends, and now they finally see it, and they are also excited.

It is said that this is a spell that can directly kill the sky demon!

The reason why their Gezao Mountain has such a great reputation is that the five thunder talismans definitely occupy an important reason.

"Those who deceive their masters and exterminate their ancestors and take refuge in monsters will surely die under the thunder!"

"What do you think is how old he is who has guarded the world for hundreds of years? In order to lie, he has the face to say such a lie?"

"He has already turned to the demon, what face is there? He said that it was because of his master's ashes. In my opinion, he might have raised his master's ashes!"

The surrounding crowd were all fleeing in all directions, and some daring monsters also hunted and killed among these crowds.

But at the moment when the Five Thunders Talisman appeared.

The fear of thunder in the bones of these monsters suddenly burst out.

All of a sudden, those monsters scattered and fled!

In the blink of an eye, there was no longer a monster on the square, and the crowd couldn't help cheering.

"The two celestial masters are mighty!"

"Be sure to kill this guy! He just watched so many people die at the top of the mountain and didn't take action. He is an accomplice!"

"Isn't it just demolishing the house? Isn't it just digging up the graves of the ancestors? What are these in front of human life? It's as if we are sorry for him!"

As soon as these people saw that the wind direction had changed and the Chu River was about to be submerged by thunder, the guilt and regret in their hearts disappeared immediately.

On the contrary, I think that Chuhe's fuss is nothing more than the house being demolished and the ancestors' graves being dug up. Wouldn't it be better to be more generous?

Looking at the performance of these people, Chuhe shook his head secretly.

Seeing this scene, Ge Lingen immediately sneered and said, "Do you regret it now? Do you shake your head now? Let me tell you, it is because of you that there will be no more demon-suppressing temples in the world, and you, and Master Baixing, will never You must be nailed to the pillar of shame in the Daoist sect, and be reviled by thousands of people!"

He hated Chuhe very much in his heart. It was the second thing that Chuhe hurt his disciples. The most important thing was that Chuhe made him lose face in front of these people.

Fortunately, everything was saved in the end. As long as Chuhe is subdued now, everything will be fine.

This is a great contribution to saving the common people!

At that time, it will definitely be their turn to take the position of the leader of the Taoist sect.

And he will also sit on the position of the suzerain of Gezao Mountain because of this outstanding contribution, and at that time, he will be the leader of the Taoist sect!

It's just that he secretly thought it was a pity.

It's a pity that Chuhe was not as powerful as he imagined. He made such a big deal and killed so many people.

If Chuhe can make things bigger, more people will die, and the panic will be bigger.

When he comes out again to turn the tide, the admiration and admiration he can gain will be ten times or dozens of times that of now!

At that time, Gezao Mountain will also become the number one in the secular world!

And he has absorbed the power of admiration from Wanmin, maybe he can also break through to the legendary realm!

At this moment, Chuhe still didn't make any movements, just looked at Ge Linggen expressionlessly.

On top of Chuhe's head, five spells were spinning around.

White represents golden thunder, which is located in the west, red represents fire thunder, which is located in the south, black represents water, which is located in the north, cyan represents wooden thunder, which is located in the east, and yellow represents soil, which is located above the head of the Chu River in the center!

The five spells are connected in the order of mutual generation and mutual restraint, surrounded by lightning, which seems to trap the Chu River directly.

Ge Linggen and Zhang Zhicheng looked at Chuhe, losing their vigilance long ago, thinking about how to maximize the benefits after Chuhe died.

Only Yang Yufeng, who had seen Chuhe's strength just now, couldn't believe it.

Chuhe was subdued just like that?


It's impossible!

Well, Yang Yufeng, who has fought against Chuhe, knows what kind of monster Chuhe is. The feeling of powerlessness when facing Chuhe, and the feeling that his life and death are under the control of the other party have cast a shadow in his heart. .

Also who didn't believe that Chuhe was finished like that was the Nine Lives Cat Demon on one side.

It is a sky demon, and its sense is much more acute than anyone else's. It can feel that the Chu River at this moment is like a suppressed volcano. When it erupts, the sky and the earth will change color!

So it took a few steps back carefully, not wanting to be accidentally injured later.

"Fellow Daoist Zhicheng, look, even Tian Yao is afraid!" Ge Linggen laughed out loud, "As long as I pinch the last magic trick, Chuhe will be wiped out in an instant!"

Yang Yufeng finally couldn't help it, stepped forward and said, "Friend Ge Daoist, I'm afraid things are not that simple..."

"You're just scared!" Ge Lingen snorted softly, "You were defeated by him, so you deliberately exaggerated his strength, I can understand, but it's this time, don't you still want to say that Chuhe can escape me?" The Five Thunders Charm?"

"I..." Yang Yufeng gritted his teeth and said nothing.

"Chuhe!" Ge Lingen said, "Do you have any last words to say?"

Chuhe smiled, Ge Linggen was already a dead body in his eyes.

"Laugh? Laugh!" Ge Linggen snorted coldly, and directly choked the last spell, "Death!"


Thunderbolts of five colors fell almost instantly!

The thunder light instantly enveloped Chuhe, and his whole body was covered with terrible thunder fluctuations, and he couldn't see what happened inside at all.

But even if you can't see it, you can imagine what kind of hell it will be inside under such a powerful attack.

Ge Lingen turned back confidently and floated gently.

He looked at so many people in the square behind him, and said loudly, "Fortunately, I did not disgrace my life, the devil, I have already killed him!"

There was a burst of cheers from the square.

"Master Ge is invincible! Gezao Mountain is mighty!"

"I want to donate half of my property to Gezao Mountain!"

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