Compared with the prehistoric period, human beings faced many difficulties and tribulations, as can be seen in the virtual prehistoric world in the sea of ​​consciousness alone.

There are countless powers, and if you are not careful, you will become a meal in the stomach of a strange beast.

If the ancestors were as soft-boned as they were at that time, wouldn't it be impossible for human beings to develop to the present?

But at this moment, in the outside world, it is already a mess.

The live broadcast signal was lost directly, and it was lost at the most critical moment.

They only saw the Dragon King transform into a mighty dragon, and then the live broadcast equipment was directly destroyed in the dragon's roar.

Those who were watching the live broadcast only saw that the screen in front of them went black, and they could no longer see the screen.

The bullet screen is full of question marks.

"What's the matter? I vaguely saw the Dragon King transform into a mighty dragon just now. It's so shocking! Are you going to fight Chuhe desperately?"

"But before that Dragon King knelt down to Chuhe!"

"It must have been the Dragon King's mistake. Now that he has recovered, he feels the humiliation. That's why he revealed his true body and intends to kill Chuhe!"

Such speculation has become mainstream.

"The information is lost! Can't contact them!"

On the blue ocean, more than a dozen warships are swaying in the raging waves.

These are the combined fleet of the most advanced warships of all mankind. At this moment, inside the bridge of the aircraft carrier surrounded by frigates, the correspondent is reporting to the captain.

The captain had a western face with an aquiline nose. At this moment, he was holding the handle of the chair tightly, his knuckles turning white.

It's not that he is so angry, it's that the aircraft carrier is shaking so much now!

For decades, he has never encountered such a situation. Huge waves knocked the fortress-like aircraft carrier upside down, and even some of the planes parked on it before they could be transferred to the hangar fell into the sea.

"Return! Return!"

His voice was trembling, "Damn it! I swear to God, if we don't evacuate dozens of miles within an hour, then we're all going to see God!"

Hundreds of miles away, dozens of reinforcement ships had also arrived, but they received orders to retreat.

They didn't doubt the authenticity of the order at all, because they were eager to retreat as soon as possible.

The current ocean is too scary!

Even when the typhoon passed by, it was never as terrifying as it is now.

In the face of the mighty Tianwei, the most cutting-edge ships of mankind are nothing more than a handful of duckweed, without the slightest ability to resist.

On land, the inside of the small world where the Chu River is located has also been blown up.

They don't know what the environment of Dragon Palace is like now, but they also know that this world will definitely not be the same as before.

The wilderness repeats itself!

Most people don't know what these four words mean, but it is enough for them to know that the world is about to change.

All of a sudden, people were panicked, and countless people were making plans for it.

At the same time, because of the roar of the Dragon King, the edge of the Tang Dynasty near the sea was also turbulent. Some fishermen were unable to dodge and were swallowed by the turbulent waves.

"The Dragon Lord is angry!"

Some fishermen closed their doors tightly after returning home, and knelt down to the statue of the Dragon King enshrined in the shrine.

The clothes they are wearing are not like modern people, just like ancient times, and there is nothing modern in the room.

TV refrigerator light bulbs...these most basic and common things in another world are simply not found here.

It's not that you have traveled to ancient times, this is the real ancient times!

A world that has been ruled by the Great Tang until now.

"Bang bang bang!"

The fisherman was worshiping God, when there was a knock on the door, the fisherman shivered in fright.

Turning his head, he saw that the dilapidated wooden door had been kicked open from the outside. Raindrops mixed with strong winds blew into the room. The candles on the shrine were instantly extinguished and turned into a puff of green smoke.

A soldier in iron armor, holding a red-tasseled gun, and a mask covering the face of a fierce beast stood at the door.


The fisherman said in surprise, "Master, it's windy and windy outside, sit inside..."

The soldier snorted coldly, "One stick of incense time, you still have another stick of incense time to pack your things."

After finishing speaking, the soldier left without moving his head.

The fisherman was taken aback and hurried to catch up.

But he saw that the soldier was already riding on the strange horse that looked like a war horse, but with scales and was far away.

In the wind and rain, there were only shadows of armored warriors like this, and some fishermen also appeared in the wind and rain with their families, as if they were evacuating.

"Xuanjia Army..." The fisherman's pupils vibrated, "There must be a big change in the East China Sea..."

He turned his head and went back to the house, tidied up indiscriminately, and left in a hurry after less than a stick of incense.

Braving the wind and rain to the shore, suddenly it was dark and the rain stopped.

He suddenly looked up——

All I saw was a huge treasure ship covering the sky and the sun, blocking the sun and the wind and rain.

Where the treasure ship passed, the dense clouds parted and the sun shone from the stern.

The bow of the ship is full of wind and rain, and the stern of the ship is sunny.

The fishermen were inexplicably shocked, and immediately knelt down and shouted, "The Tang Dynasty is brilliant! Its way is prosperous!"

"The Tang Dynasty is brilliant! Its Dao is prosperous!"

The surrounding Xuanjia troops also knelt on one knee, welcoming a treasure ship belonging to the Tang royal family.


The treasure ship rippled, and the dark clouds in the sky dissipated in an instant!

Hai Tao, who was originally furious, also returned to calm.

Chapter 302

On the huge treasure ship, there were many soldiers who looked like approving Xuanjia.

But if you think that these soldiers are ordinary people, you will definitely suffer a big loss.

These Xuanjia soldiers stood on the splints like statues, no matter how the treasure ship shook, they would not move a single bit.

Above the deck is the five-story hull.

A young man in a bright yellow wide-sleeved round-neck dress stood on the bridge with his hands behind his back, overlooking the many black armored soldiers on the deck.

"It seems that the risk of the rebirth of the Xichi Demon Kingdom in the eastern part of the Tang Dynasty is not all rumors. Otherwise, Father would never hand over the Xuanjia Army to me to lead."

The person opened his mouth lightly, and there was a streamer in his eyes.

The Great Tang is not the Great Tang that ordinary people imagined. The Lord of the Great Tang is known as the Emperor, and his subordinates are not all ordinary people.

Otherwise, how can we establish an order dominated by human races in this world of Tang where demons are rampant?

No matter how arrogant and fierce those demons and ghosts are, they only dare to make trouble in the remote places around the Tang Dynasty. Those important cities in the Tang Dynasty have the power of the Tang government, so which monster would dare to make a mistake?

As for the Dragon Clan, which has always been strong, its relationship with the Tang Dynasty government can only be said to be that the well water does not violate the river water.

Back then, the Dragon King of Jinghe was raging in the Tang Dynasty, causing floods, and was finally beheaded by Tang Dynasty Prime Minister Wei Zheng in his dream!

After the death of the Jinghe Dragon King, he was still restless, complaining all the way, thinking that the Tang government was being too arrogant, so he went to the underworld in the body of a ghost, and wanted to ask the people of the underworld to uphold justice.

At that time, Emperor Li Shimin was invited to go to the underworld, but the magistrate of the underworld didn't dare to fart, so he sent Li Shimin away after some good words.

Otherwise, with the courage of the Tang Dynasty at that time, the emperor could really do the thing of "killing Yama with a hundred thousand banners".

Of course, that time was also the time when Datang was at its most powerful, and it is long gone now.

But there is still a majestic scene, and no ghosts and ghosts are allowed to haunt the lobby!

It's just... I don't know that the current Datang doesn't have such strength.

"His Royal Highness." A red-browed man in a vermilion official uniform said, "The water vapor ahead is turbulent, and the tide in the sea is surging. I'm afraid it's not peaceful in the Dragon King of the East China Sea."

"Hmph!" The prince sneered, "The Dragon King of the East China Sea widely distributed hero posts, inviting almost all famous and surnamed masters in my Tang Dynasty, and those thousands of monster races, as long as they have a little power, they will be invited Dragon Palace."

"He said he was going to a banquet, but who knows that today's big changes, this old dragon of the East China Sea just wants to take the opportunity to gain more luck, so that he will become stronger in this big change."

"Nowadays, people in the world only know that there is a Dragon Palace in the East China Sea, but they don't know what my Datang government is. This trip to the East China Sea is to let the Dragon King know why my Datang is called Datang!"

The prince said, exuding a panicked aura.

It was an indescribable fluctuation that was difficult to describe with a certain aura.

It is a thick, strong aura that seems to carry the hope of thousands of people.

Will power, luck!

There is a strong confidence and calmness in him, which is the background that belongs to the Tang royal family alone.

It's just that at this moment, he is also holding his breath in his heart.

The East China Sea Dragon Palace was engaged in such a big battle, and almost all the monks who appeared in the Tang Dynasty knew about it, but in the end they did not send invitations to the Tang royal family.

What the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea wants to do is already known to passers-by.

"The seal in the direction of Xichi Kingdom is a little loose, and he bears the brunt of the East China Sea Dragon Palace." The prince looked to the other side of the sea, and said in a low voice, "That's okay, let's see how many monsters he can mobilize from the East China Sea Dragon Clan, and how many monsters he can mobilize. How about Xichi Country?"

After hearing this, the red-browed man continued, "Your Highness, Your Majesty's order is for you to support the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea. Now that the seal in the direction of the Xichi Kingdom is loose, if the Xichi Kingdom is allowed to wreak havoc, it will be detrimental to our Tang Dynasty."

"This East China Sea Dragon Clan's banquet for the heroes of the world, but not inviting me, the Tang Dynasty Royal Clan, is justified. If at this moment, my Tang Dynasty is still willing to help his East China Sea Dragon Clan at a critical moment, then it will naturally occupy morality. By then..."

"Morality and righteousness! Just know morality!" The prince shook his hands impatiently, and said in a cold voice, "What else is there out of morality!? His Dragon Clan of the East China Sea has already been colluded with all the demons in the world by our Datang royal family. What is he going to do? Are you still looking at my Datang government house? This world is still not the world of the Tang Dynasty!"

"Your Highness calm down..."

"Hmph!" The crown prince turned around with a flick of his sleeves, looking at the boundless sea, "I know what your father is thinking. It is nothing more than wanting to resist Xichi Kingdom together with the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea. I don't want to disobey my father's order this time, but..."

"In the end, let the Dragon Clan of the East China Sea lead the group of monsters to fight it out, and then I, Tang Dynasty, will clean up the mess. Wouldn't it be beautiful?"

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