That sense of absurdity lingered in his heart.

In order to kill with one blow and establish his prestige, the supernatural power he used just now is already the most powerful spell he can cast!

Logically speaking, Chuhe has no chance of surviving!

Taking ten thousand steps back, even if Chuhe could escape, he must have exhausted all the energy in his body, was extremely embarrassed and seriously injured.

It is impossible to be so calm.

If it weren't for his strong cultivation base to support him, he would definitely think that he was sick or dazzled.

But after the shock, what surfaced in his heart was deep fear.

How strong would he be if even his strongest means could not harm him! ?

damn it!

Isn't the world he lives in generally low in cultivation?

Zhang Yinmei and others can be regarded as the leaders in that world, even if Chuhe is stronger than them, how much stronger can he be?

How could it be so outrageous!

For a moment, Li Yansheng wanted to kill Zhang Yinmei and others.

What the hell is going to kill Chuhe?

It's not for me to set up a strong enemy for nothing! ?

Li Yansheng was terrified, his expression was uncertain.

And many monks in the Tang Dynasty also readjusted their gazes at Chuhe.

They are not fools, they all know the power of Li Yansheng's move just now, but they can't do any harm to Chuhe.

This strong impact had to make them think about the position of the next station.

The red-browed Taoist even dodged directly to the center of the needle's eye on the deck of the Datang Treasure Ship.

He knew that if it wasn't for Chuhe's magic weapon to save his life, it was because of Chuhe's powerful strength that made him ignore Li Yansheng's attack.

No matter what kind of result it is, it is not something they can afford.

After the initial shock, the Three Thousand Xuanjia Army quickly retracted their formation and assumed a defensive posture.

As for Zhang Yinmei and others, with their strength, they couldn't tell how much power Li Yansheng used just now. They only saw that Chuhe was still alive and kicking.

Almost subconsciously, he said to Li Yansheng, "Your Highness! Your Highness!"

"Chuhe is still alive! Your Highness, please take another shot. This guy is very slippery. Don't let him escape this time!"

When Chuhe heard this, he immediately looked deeply at Li Yansheng.

Li Yansheng only felt that he was locked by some prehistoric beast, the hairs all over his body exploded instantly, he wished he could go up and slap Zhang Yinmei to death!

"Ahem, what..." Li Yansheng saw those cameras from the corner of his eye, and he knew that his every move at this moment was being broadcast live.

If the scruples hadn't affected the will of the people in that world, Li Yansheng would definitely go crazy and kill Zhang Yinmei and those who provided false information and let him fall into a trap one by one!

"You don't know something." Li Yansheng sorted out his emotions, seeing that Chuhe had no intention of attacking him, he breathed a sigh of relief and explained in a low voice, "Although Chuhe seems to be fine now, he must be seriously injured. All it showed was just pretending."

"In a few days, he will definitely die!"

Chapter 318 What are you?

Li Yansheng also knew that what he said was a bit forced, but at this moment, he could only say so.

If you say that you can't do anything about Chuhe, the vow you just condensed will dissipate in an instant.

Li Yansheng, who had tried the energy condensed by that powerful wish, was unwilling to discard it no matter what.

And if you want to keep these, you have to do everything possible to protect your image in front of those ordinary people.

He already felt the power of wish that had been condensed on him was slowly dissipating bit by bit.

Because the ordinary people who were watching the live broadcast were also extremely surprised after seeing this scene.

After the initial carnival, Chuhe was sure to die, and some people even started to open champagne. As a result, Chuhe appeared in the picture intact and intact in less than a cup of tea.

This strong contrast had to make them suspicious.

"Chuhe is still alive? This guy...he can't be killed? I'm dying! When will he die!?"

"What are you yelling for? Didn't you hear His Royal Highness say that he has been seriously injured and will not live for a few days?"

"But... do you really believe it?"

Many people said that they believed that the bullet screen was so dense that many people wanted to detect something abnormal through Chuhe's expression, and it was really impossible to analyze Chuhe.

But some words can deceive others, but not yourself.

The wish power in Li Yansheng's body is constantly disappearing, which is the proof.

He had already started to feel a little anxious, wanting to think of a way to solve it.

And at this moment, Abe Jiro said courteously, "His Royal Highness is invincible! The demon Chuhe, whom all of us can't help, was seriously injured by you!"

Li Yansheng nodded stiffly.

Abe Jiro continued, "In this case, why not kill Chuhe now? In front of everyone, let the five innocent people in my hometown who were slaughtered by Chuhe who are watching the live broadcast relieve their hatred !"

"I'm not talented, I thought His Highness would do the work of a dog and a horse and take off the head of Chuhe for you!"

This guy still wanted to kill Chuhe, but he didn't see Li Yansheng's already trembling cheeks.

"Your Highness? Your Highness?" Abe Jiro was delighted in his heart. He only felt that he was extremely resourceful. He didn't need to compete with Zhang Yinmei and the others, and just let His Highness make the decision and let him go, wouldn't it be over?

It's just that he didn't see Li Yansheng's response after talking for a long time, then he raised his head cautiously, and saw Li Yansheng's face covered with frost, not to mention amiable.

Abe Jiro suddenly thumped in his heart.

Turning your head to look, you saw Tong Litian looking at him with a look like you've left.

Abe Jiro was stunned, "Then what! I suddenly feel that it is not appropriate for the common people to see such a cruel scene..."

Li Yansheng took a deep look at him, then collected his thoughts and said.

"Chuhe is doomed. Now we must focus our main force on the group of demons in Xichi country. We must not lose our strength because of small losses, and let the demons of Xichi country have a chance to take advantage of it!"

Finally, he was rounded back.

Everyone didn't care about other things, they all shouted, "Your Highness is wise!"

At the same time, Li Yansheng was also sending a voice transmission to Chuhe, "Chuhe, you can dodge my trick, which is considered a bit of skill. My goal this time is to deal with the evil spirits of the Xichi country, and I don't want to spend time with you at this time." Don't worry too much, if you are sensible, then stay away, otherwise, you will be an enemy of my Great Tang!"

Of course Li Yansheng knew that Chuhe was powerful, but he still insisted on sending a strong message to Chuhe.

Datang is his greatest confidence.

He might not be able to deal with Chuhe, but if the [-] Xuanjia troops and the monks from the Tang Dynasty came together, he might not be afraid of Chuhe.

It's just that if this is the case, his plan will definitely be interrupted, after all, there is the evil spirit of the Xichi Kingdom, the life and death enemy, in front of him.

But Chuhe looked at him like a fool, the contempt and sarcasm in his eyes made Li Yansheng almost angry from embarrassment.

"That's it?"

Chuhe spit out two words lightly.

Li Yansheng suddenly felt his throat tighten.

Everyone on the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty was also on guard.

Just at this critical moment, the black bear spirit suddenly sprang out from the bottom of the water.

"Damn it! You actually killed my brother Chuhe!? I will fight you!"

Before seeing the bear, hear the sound first!

But I only saw a black shadow, heading straight for the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty.

The monk on the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty is naturally powerful. He is just a black bear spirit. If it is the same as in the past, a few Xuanjia soldiers can subdue him together.

But how dare they move now?

He could only let the big black fist of the black bear slam on the treasure ship fiercely!

Under the fury of the black bear spirit, his body also became huge. This punch hit the treasure ship, which only shook the treasure ship.

"Quick! Stop him!"

The cultivator manipulating the treasure ship moved upon hearing the wind, and they flew directly with their swords, and slashed at the black bear spirit a few times.

Li Yansheng was annoyed, startled and angry, and hurriedly said, "This monster is a monk of my Tang Dynasty. He must have been bewitched by the Chu River to flow with him. Don't hurt his life!"

If he really killed the black bear spirit, he would have offended Chuhe completely.

By then, wouldn't today's arrangement fall short?

Ao Bai had also come to Chuhe's side at this time, and said pleasantly, "I knew that senior will be safe and sound!"

After finishing speaking, he looked towards the treasure ship and said, "What about the black bear spirit?"

Chuhe smiled and planned to make a move.

But before Chuhe raised his hand, he saw a flash of red light!

The few monks who besieged the black bear spirit suddenly screamed, and a fierce flame ignited on their bodies, and they were burned to ashes in an instant!

Daoist Li Yansheng, the red-browed Taoist, and other monks from the Tang Dynasty all stared blankly.

But he heard wild laughter coming from his ear.


At some point, the one-legged old man came to the treasure ship and stood not far from the Chu River.

"Look! The so-called righteous monks are so dignified, far inferior to the true temperament of the black bear spirit!"

The one-legged old man seemed to have a mouthful of phlegm stuck in his throat, and his words seemed to be like sawing saws, which made people feel upset when they heard it.

Li Yansheng's expression changed drastically, and he stared at the shriveled old man firmly, holding the sword hidden in his waist with one hand.

The red-browed Taoist whispered, "Patriarch Minghuo..."

However, the ancestor Minghuo restrained his smile and sent the black bear spirit to Chuhe with a wave of his hand.

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