I saw Changsun Hanye's aura changed after the tiger talisman got into his body. His eyes revealed a sacred golden color through the mask, and a layer of illusory bright yellow armor began to appear around his body.

The cloak fluttered, and he became taller!

The three thousand Xuanjia army exuded bursts of smoke-like aura that seemed to be real and empty, and was attracted by Changsun Hanye.

"Fight! Fight! Stand!"

Although Patriarch Minghe was far away, his pupils shrank, and he said in surprise, "The royal family of the Tang Dynasty is really extraordinary!"

Fortunately, there was no Tuo Da to directly fight with them, otherwise, under the sudden attack, they would definitely suffer heavy losses.

Immediately, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth again, and he looked at the lonely Chuhe.

"Hmph, I don't know what is good or bad, if you join forces with me, how can you fall into such a trap?"

He made up his mind not to make a move, and waited until either of the two sides fell into a disadvantage before making a move. At that time, almost a large underwater formation could be arranged, killing two birds with one stone.

Both Ao Bai and Hei Xiong Jing were a little flustered, how could they resist such a powerful momentum?

"Senior, what should we do now?" Ao Bai asked eagerly, "Otherwise, I will go and explain to them clearly. As my dragon clan, I think they will also sell face. unite!"

Black Bear Spirit also said, "Why don't I go up and talk about it too? Given my status as the owner of Qingfeng Mountain, they will surely sell me some face!"

Chuhe didn't know if the black bear spirit was joking on purpose or if he really thought so. Anyway, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

Seeing this, Ao Bai was even more anxious.

Can you still laugh?

"What can we do?" Chu He smiled, "Just watch."

After speaking, he took a step forward and directly met the eldest grandson Hanye flying towards him.

At this moment, the eldest grandson Hanye is already three feet tall, and he is still growing. In the blink of an eye, he has reached the size of fifteen feet!

If you don't have any impression of this height, think about Ultraman, it's almost that high.

At this moment, Chuhe is as big as a squirrel by his side.

The eldest grandson Wuye gathered the power of three thousand Xuanjia troops, and combined with the tiger charm to pass on his skills, his strength was already quite strong!

It is also weaker than a top powerhouse like Baiyu Daojun.

Zhang Yinmei and others on the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty couldn't help but marvel at the aura exuded by such a huge body.

There were even more cheers in the live broadcast room.

"It's really difficult to persuade the damn ghost! I told Chuhe just now to let him leave now, but he insisted on leaving. Isn't staying waiting for death?"

"Hey! Anyway, Chuhe doesn't have a few days to live, so he probably wants to fight."

"That's fine, if he dies in some corner, it will be cheaper for him. I can't wait to see him being crushed into meat paste!"

Looking at these words, I thought they had some deep hatred with Chuhe, but what did Chuhe actually do to them?

In the final analysis, the mentality cannot be changed.

It's like a quarrel between two people. Even if the conclusive evidence is put in front of the other person, the other person will not easily admit his mistake.

He will only bite the bullet and continue to argue, and will never admit his mistake if he insists on using a knife or a gun.

As if what happens if you admit your mistake.

Now they see Chuhe as if they are at a disadvantage, and they are all extremely excited, as if Chuhe's death will prove that they are right.

At this point in the matter, it is no longer a question of right or wrong, they just want Chuhe to die to prove that they are right!

Although it is said that many words can make money, but I have never heard that talking about one person can kill a person.

Just like the current situation, will it change because of their support?

The eldest grandson Hanye snorted coldly, raised his horse high, and stabbed at Chuhe fiercely.

The wind and thunder drove the lightning, and the sound of breaking through the air almost shook the world!


The void seemed to be shattered by the spear.

Chuhe seemed to have no time to dodge and froze on the spot, motionless, letting Ma Qian poke towards him.

With his hands behind his back, he looked directly at the thick horse lance in his arms, and the sharp tip of the lance!


Ma Qian poked hard, and the strong energy poured out, directly dividing the sea water below into two parts!

The school of fish dispersed in panic, and some sea monsters who were not in a hurry to escape were cut off by Lanyao!

The screen is separated by dozens of feet, and continues to extend downwards!


The pouring energy seemed to touch an invisible barrier, offsetting that energy.

Everyone also saw something like a semicircular sea bowl deep in the bottom of the sea.

The cover is gray and black, reddish and translucent. On it is the place where demons sit cross-legged in all directions. Inside is the hazy Dragon Palace. Thousands of sea clans attack together, and even the dragon's body flashes past.

Obviously, the battle between Xichi Kingdom and Dragon Palace is also going on in this seabed!

Chapter 321 Senior?

Below the sea level, those Sea Clan and many monks who were trapped in the formation of Xichi Kingdom also saw the scene above.

For a while, many people exclaimed.

"The Treasure Ship of the Tang Dynasty!"

"People from the Tang royal family have also arrived!"

"Look at that, is it the magical general transformed by the Xuanjia Army, combined with the power of the tiger talisman to fight with people?"

"It must be dealing with Xichi country!"

Someone was pleasantly surprised, "If the Tang royal family joins forces with us to attack, today's crisis will be eliminated!"

"Wait a minute!" Suddenly someone noticed something was wrong, "The person the Tang royal family is dealing with... seems not to be the demon of Xichi Kingdom, but... Chuhe!?"

The people below waited until the aftermath disappeared, and finally saw clearly the figure of the man under the spear point of the horse.

Who else could it be if it wasn't Chuhe?


Someone exclaimed, "The Tang royal family can't find death!? Senior Chu alone can make the entire dragon clan go down. Unless the emperor comes personally, how can he be the opponent of senior Chu!?

"This is really flooding the Dragon King Temple!"

"They must be stopped, otherwise, if Senior Chu killed the Tang royal family in a fit of rage, wouldn't that mean we will be left to face the Xichi Kingdom alone?"

After the energy of the separated seawater tilted completely, it rolled back again, and the scene above also disappeared from their sight. Because of the blockade of the Xichi Kingdom, they could not transmit their spiritual consciousness and could only watch it with their naked eyes. .

The sea water poured down, and his eyes were once again dark blue.

The monks below were silent, and the top monks such as Baiyu Daojun looked bitter.

What he was worried about was not Xichi Country.

After all, at his level, even if he can't deal with Xichi Kingdom, he can still save his life.

What he was really worried about was why Chuhe was fighting with the Tang royal family now?

Could it be...Chuhe is on the side of Xichi country?

Just thinking about Baiyu Daojun makes him feel cold sweat.

Engulfed and wrapped in bubbles, Zhang Zidong and others also saw the scene above, and they even saw the live broadcast equipment flying in the air through one side.

This surprised them very much.

Could it be that the Datang royal family over there has already got in touch with their own people?

Otherwise, how could those people be allowed to broadcast live on the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty?

Thinking of this, the few of them quickly took out the communicators they carried with them.

Although this large array can isolate the spiritual consciousness, it cannot isolate the strong signal.

Zhang Zidong directly chose to talk to the nearest signal.

On the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty, the communicator at Zhang Yinmei's waist beeped, and he quickly took it out, only to see Zhang Zidong's surprised face on it, "Grandpa!? It's you! You came to save me!?"

Zhang Yinmei was also really pleasantly surprised, Zhang Zidong was his favorite grandson, and he was going to be trained as a celestial master!

"Are you okay? How is it underwater now? I seemed to see you trapped just now?" Zhang Yinmei also watched the live broadcast from inside the Dragon Palace before.

"We seem to be besieged by the large formation of Xichi Kingdom. It seems that we will not be able to break through for a while, but it is considered safe now. The strength of the Dragon Clan is still strong, but this large formation is weird, and it seems to be contaminated with a strange Flames can burn even in water, and they are very restrained to the aquatic people, so they haven't broken through for a long time."

Over there, Abe Kenji and Abe Jiro also got on the phone, and Chris was also talking to the priest.

Zhang Zidong continued, "What's the situation above? It seems to be fighting with Chuhe?"

"Not bad!"

Zhang Zidong hurriedly said, "Stop it! Chuhe is very strong, the Dragon Clan was forced to kneel just now, we are no match for him!"

Zhang Yinmei was taken aback, glanced at Li Yansheng, then at the majestic Three Thousand Xuanjia Army behind him, and at the Tang monk who hadn't made a move yet, and finally looked at the one who was fighting with Changsun Hanye , as if the Chu River is at a disadvantage.

"Zidong, Chuhe is powerful, but Datang is even more powerful!"

"The prince of the Tang Dynasty just shot, and Chuhe has been seriously injured. Even if he doesn't attack him, he won't live for a few days!"

"Really!?" Zhang Zidong couldn't believe it, but this was what his grandfather said, could it be false?

He was suddenly pleasantly surprised. He only thought that it would be great if Chuhe could die. His ignorance and resentment could also be vented.

More importantly, if Chuhe died, wouldn't he be able to get back his lost Celestial Master Sword and Celestial Master Seal?

Over there, Li Yansheng also saw the abnormality of Zhang Yinmei and others, and turned his head to look this way.

Zhang Yinmei offered the communicator in her hands with both hands, "Your Highness, this is a wonderful skill in my small world. It is called a communicator. There is my grandson Zhang Zidong in the Dragon Palace below. Now he is trapped in the Dragon Palace. It's about the conversation."

Li Yansheng took the communicator, and sighed in his heart, the mechanism technique is not useless, at least this communicator is absolutely useful, it can penetrate the large formation set up by Xichi Kingdom!

"Zidong! The one who is talking to you now is my Highness, the Crown Prince of the Tang Dynasty!"

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