The red-browed Taoist was also puzzled, "Your Highness, be careful. It is estimated that something happened to the demons in Xichi Kingdom. From this look, it seems... It seems that they can't control the Tongtian Yuan?"

"How is that possible!" Li Yansheng shook his head and said, "Although this Tongtian turtle is powerful, but its intelligence is low, and it is firmly controlled by the evil spirits of Xichi Kingdom with cruel means. How can it go crazy and out of control now? I think this must be a trick of Xichi Kingdom !"

"No matter what, it's better to be careful..." The red-browed Taoist knew what Li Yansheng was thinking, but he didn't wait for him to persuade him.

Li Yansheng has already issued an order, "Everyone, the evil spirits are in chaos in Xichi country, we will take this opportunity to kill the evil spirits!"

After speaking, he took the lead and rushed out directly.

Countless streaks of rays of light suddenly flew above the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty, and all of a sudden the magic weapon shot out, and the spiritual power was vertical and horizontal.

Li Yansheng was secretly happy, and said that God helped me.

Xichi Kingdom was obviously in a mess, and the demons on the back of the Tongtian Turtle had already vacated one after another.

The mountain and stone village covered by the huge turtle shell cracked, revealing the original shell of the Tongtian turtle, which was covered with runes and shone brightly.

Some demons accidentally left a little late, and were smashed to pieces by the stirring runes!

As for those human races who were slaves and livestock on the back of Tongtian Turtle, they all died in the turmoil.

Before he even had time to escape, he was directly vaporized by the violent rune.

Perhaps this kind of death without pain is a worthy death for them.

Patriarch Minghuo couldn't control Tongtian Yuan anymore, so he also flew up from the old Yuan's head, and the demons around him also flew up one after another, revealing their real bodies.

The defensive formation and attack formation engraved on the back of Tongtian Turtle were completely destroyed, the heart of the Minghuo Patriarch was bleeding, and there was an inexplicable fear.

This moment was when they were at their weakest, but what he feared was not the human monks led by Prince Li Yansheng of the Tang Dynasty.

It's the Chu River that looks like the sun in the light of the fire.

"Scatter! Spread each other!"

He didn't organize a resistance either, and just let all the demons in Xichi Kingdom go their separate ways.

Li Yansheng was overjoyed when he saw this, "Where my Tang sword is pointing, the demons have no choice but to run away. All Tang athletes, follow me to slay demons and eliminate demons!"

He thought that the demon was afraid of him, and felt even more energetic.

Those Tang monks also seemed to be inspired, and all of them were in high spirits, and the previous depression seemed to be swept away.

The Divine Turtle Lord also rushed forward, and with a wave of his hand, there was an extremely icy cloud, directly freezing several demons who had no time to escape into ice sculptures.

Li Yansheng also took out his saber, and cut these demons to pieces with one strike!

Those monks from Jingjue Temple also rushed to kill along with the formation.

Nifeng and the others are all benevolent and harmless to humans and animals, but when the wind comes, some of them are like thunderbolt King Kong, and their moves are killer moves!

True Monarch Shengui looked at Daoist Baiyu in the Dragon Palace camp deep in the depths, and said with some pride, "Fellow Daoist, if you join in now, with your ability, the crown prince will definitely let go of the past and give you all the promises I made before." cash."

Daoist Baiyu didn't speak, but just looked at him coldly.

If it was before, he would have hesitated, but at this moment, he only felt ridiculous when he heard this.

It was only because the Dragon King had already told him some of the secrets in the Chu River Consciousness Sea.

At this moment, Baiyu Daoist firmly believes that Chuhe is a certain ancient old man with peerless power!

From his point of view, the old turtle's change is probably also inseparable from Chuhe.

No evidence, just speculation.

With the defeat of the monsters in the Xichi Kingdom, the situation seemed to become clear in an instant.

Originally, these forces were just confronting each other, and they were afraid of each other, and no one dared to make a move, but now, it was the Da Tang monks chasing the monsters of the Xichi Kingdom to slaughter.

Few monsters can resist a round.

Gradually, even Li Yansheng came to his senses.

its not right!

Why didn't Patriarch Minghuo and those heavy monsters resist and fled away?

Even if their strength is not low, it is not a big problem to cover the retreat of the evil spirits of Xichi country, but why did they just leave without any resistance?

Even... Even the Tongtian Yuan, which is called the treasure of the town, is ignored?

This feeling of uncertainty lingered in Li Yansheng's heart, and he calmed down instantly.

It's just that under the current situation, all the monks of the Great Tang Dynasty are chasing and killing him frantically, even if he calls to stop at this moment, it may be of no avail.

That being the case, then simply kill the remaining demons to their heart's content!

If he returns to the imperial court with this great victory, he will be the next emperor for real!

Chapter 331 Berserk?frightened?

The Da Tang monk over there became more and more crazy, as if he really wanted to kill these demons.

In contrast, the crazier they are, the calmer these monks from the Dragon Palace camp will appear.

The Dragon King just watched this scene with a sneer, unmoved at all, and ordered the Sea Clan and his caged dragon grandson to set up a defensive formation with all their strength.

He looked up at the ball of flames that enveloped the Chu River, only to feel a familiar trembling breath emanating from it.

The Dragon King lowered his head instantly, trembling all over.

Senior Chuhe wants to... wake up!

Above the vast ocean, all kinds of magic weapons flew across, and some mysterious spells rippled and rippled unceasingly. The whole scene could not be kept up with countless large pieces added together.

Those who were watching the live broadcast clenched their fists excitedly, as if they themselves had transformed themselves into demon-slaying monks in front of them.

"The mighty Tang Dynasty!"

This is the most posted message on the barrage.

"Who underestimated Tang before? Why don't you stand up and take two steps now?"

"It's just a group of jumping clowns. With such a powerful Tang Dynasty protecting us, even if the world changes drastically, what can we do?"

A group of people were excited, and some people began to abuse Chuhe.

"I don't know if that guy has been burned to ashes now, hum!"

"It's really flammable. How long has it been? You can still vaguely see a human figure inside. It's really... huh?"

There are many camera seats for the live broadcast, and a small part of them are always facing the Chu River, and some people have been watching this camera seat.

Suddenly, for a moment, they seemed to have discovered something unusual.

At first they thought that the Chu River had been burned to ashes, but now it seems that not only has the Chu River not been burned to ashes, but... and it seems to have moved?

The flames were dense, and the surrounding space fluctuated accordingly, and they were not sure whether they had misread it or the Chu River really moved.

But in short, the hearts of those who saw this scene sank.

However, Li Yansheng and the others were not included among these people. They were fighting with all their might at this moment, and they had long since forgotten themselves.

"Red Eyebrows! This Tongtian Turtle is the sacred beast of the Xichi Kingdom Township. You quickly take someone to its back and see if you can restrain it!"

Chimei had already lost his temper by Li Yansheng's series of manipulations. He thought to himself, even the demons in Xichi Kingdom can't be controlled, how can we control them?

Is it just relying on my beast circle?

But he didn't resist either. In fact, why didn't he think so in his heart?

If this Tongtian turtle can be subdued, then Datang will have an extra top-level combat power out of thin air!

Coincidentally, he was carrying a magical beast ring on his body, which was an ancient treasure that could subdue thousands of monsters, but he was still not very sure when facing the real relics of the wild.

"Fellow Daoist Yongnian, please give me a helping hand!" Chimei said directly to the Supreme Turtle in front of him.

The Divine Turtle Master was also unambiguous, and directly waved a tortoise-like thing and threw it at the red-browed Taoist.

"Holding this will keep you safe and close to Tongtian Turtle!"

The red-browed Taoist acted decisively and directly activated the magic weapon in the shape of a turtle shell, and a thick barrier suddenly appeared around him, as if even the sound was cut off.

The red-browed Taoist made up his mind, took out a magic weapon like a vajra circle, and galloped towards the Tongtian Yuan at high speed.

Seeing this, the ancestors of Minghuo and other evil spirits who had fled far away were also a little panicked.

"Patriarch Minghuo! Why did you run away without a fight? You don't even want to connect to the sky? If you let the lord know, you and I will be tortured, and it is not impossible to die!"

"We must not let Datang get the Tongtian Yuan!"

The other demons were all a little angry, but the ancestor Minghuo kept on going on his way.

"If the lord judges us and we still have a chance to survive, if we continue to stay there, I am afraid that we will be killed immediately!"

"Then Datang is so powerful!?"

"Why don't you understand yet!? Didn't I understand enough!?" Patriarch Minghuo said with fear in his anger, "Chu River! It's Chu River! What's the point of Li Yansheng, the prince of the Tang Dynasty!?"

"The Golden Crow True Fire I released, I can't feel it at all at this moment. It must have been refined by the Chu River, and the reason why the Tongtian Turtle moved just now is not because the big formation that controls it is out of control, but... it is it. Feel the fear!"

The Patriarch Minghuo is the one who controls the Tongtian Yuan, and he can even feel the emotional changes of the Tongtian Yuan through the formation.

Just now, he clearly felt a kind of extreme fear from the Tongtian Yuan, the fear was so strong that it even lost control directly.

What kind of aura makes Tongtian Yuan, a remnant of the wilderness, so frightened?

He didn't dare to think!

The red-browed Taoist over there had already come in front of Tongtian Yuan, and he felt an extremely strong fluctuation coming from Tongtian Yuan.

It seems... not berserk?

The red-browed Taoist was taken aback.

At such a close distance, he also felt the fear of Tong Tong Tian Yuan!

Could it be that Tongtian Yuan lost control not because of sudden rage, but...but because of fear?

So what is it afraid of?

Countless thoughts flashed through the mind of the red-browed Taoist, and he threw it out of the beast circle in a flash.

No matter what the reason, right now is a rare opportunity.

I saw that the circle of beasts flew out, and it became bigger and bigger, and finally it seemed to be a huge circle enough to accommodate the mountain peak, and it went directly towards the head of Tongtianyuan!

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