Li Yansheng was terrified, "Red eyebrows! What are you doing!?"

The red-browed Taoist's move obviously gave up resistance completely, and used the remaining divine power to protect the Xuanjia army.

The three thousand Xuanjia soldiers couldn't help being moved in their hearts while being astonished.

Many people even shed tears under the mask!

"Red eyebrows! Red eyebrows!"

Three thousand Xuanjia troops shouted the name of Taoist Red Eyebrow, Taoist Red Eyebrow closed his eyes with a smile and waited for death.

At least, Datang is not Li Yansheng's generation.

Then Li Yansheng couldn't help being angry and ashamed when he heard the three thousand Xuanjia soldiers shouting the red-browed Daoist slogan in unison.

Red eyebrows!what are you up to! ?

Could it be that he wants to invite people to buy people's hearts? ?

As a prince, Li Yansheng was born in the Great Tang Palace, so he was quite sensitive about this.

He had already made up his mind, even if the red-browed Taoist did not die this time, he would never be allowed to live in the future!

At this moment, Li Yansheng also pinched the magic weapon of the tortoise shell, and under the excitation, a protective layer in the shape of a tortoise shell was instantly formed around his body.

It's just that the tortoise shell magic weapon is already damaged, and it can't be fully activated under this situation, so it can't be directly propped up like the red-browed Taoist to protect the whole body.

The tortoise shell only formed protection on Li Yansheng's chest, abdomen and back, leaving his head, hands and legs outside.

It looked like he had a turtle shell on his back.

At this time, Li Yansheng didn't care whether he looked good or not, he directly shrunk his head into the turtle shell. As for his hands and feet... he also tried his best to curl up inside, but even with his legs and arms curled up, his hands and feet were still exposed.

If you are exposed, you are exposed, the left and right are not fatal.

Li Yansheng was so humiliated waiting for the final fate to come.

While the other Tang monks seemed to know that they must die, on the contrary, they were much more free and easy than him, and all of them were impassioned.

Even like the praying mantis with its arms as a cart, it charged towards the Tongtian Turtle that was overwhelming them!

It's just that they are limited by that kind of strong pressure, they can only do so mentally, and most of them can't move physically.

The monks on the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty watched this scene, and many of them even turned their heads away.

With such a sudden change, even if they wanted to rescue them, it would be too late.

Only those thousands of miles away who were watching the live broadcast still watched with gusto. They didn't know what was going on, they just felt that the visual effect was very shocking!

But he said that Li Yansheng hid in the turtle shell, waiting for the final attack, but he waited and waited, but he couldn't wait.

Some sharp whistling sounds came from the ears.

He stared intently, and was suddenly taken aback!

All I saw was the Tongtian Turtle flying up into the sky, but it didn't seem to smash towards them!

The closest red-browed Taoist had already closed his eyes and waited to die, but in the end he only felt that the oppressive pressure of being close to death disappeared instantly.

He raised his head abruptly, only to see that the huge Tongtian turtle didn't jump down after jumping out of the water, but stood firmly on the water with two legs!

Because of Tongtian Yuan's huge size and that indescribable sense of power, the space where Tongtian Yuan was standing was somewhat distorted.


A muffled roar sounded like an old cow, almost blowing through Chimei's eardrums!

Those who were shrouded in the shadow of the Tongtian turtle were also shocked by this low, but shocking muffled sound, and looked at the huge Tongtian turtle intently!

All I saw was the Tongtian Turtle man standing upright, with his huge head lowered, looking at the place where the Chu River was.

The two front claws of the Tongtian Turtle were also placed in front of its shell like a human being, with the left claw on top and the right hand on the bottom.

Because the turtle shell is a whole and cannot be bent, the Tongtian turtle lowered its head deeply, as if bowing to the Chu River!


Everyone who saw this scene was beyond shocked!

A terrible conjecture was formed in their hearts, and uncontrollable panic spread like a plague!

Only those ordinary people who were watching the live broadcast and who knew nothing about it were still commenting, "What's going on? Is this old tortoise brain wattless?"

"Isn't this kind of ridiculous?"

"No... why does it feel like this old turtle is bowing to Chuhe?"

There are also people who have discovered blind spots, but their hearts are full of disbelief, and they subconsciously feel that this is impossible!

Then everyone's eyes fell on Li Yansheng again.


The black bear spirit standing on the side of the Dragon King couldn't help but laughed out loud.

"Is this the son of Emperor Tang? Why do you feel so like a son of a turtle?"

All the monks in Dragon Palace were amused by these words.

But I only saw Li Yansheng over there shrunk himself into a turtle shell with difficulty, his limbs curled up, and even his head desperately burrowed into the turtle shell, just lying there in the void, like a cowardly bastard.

The monks on the treasure ship of the Tang Dynasty also saw this scene.

In contrast to the red-browed Taoist who stood closest to Lao Yuan, who looked at death like home, and those impassioned Xuanjia soldiers, this cowardly and shrunk himself into a bastard, the Tang prince looked a little dazzling.

There is a strange feeling in their hearts.

And Li Yansheng, who was shrunk in the tortoise shell, also felt that the power of faith was dissipating like a tide in a trance.

His power is dropping rapidly!

what's the situation! ?

Chapter 334 Strange Birds

Li Yansheng was horrified and raised his head suddenly.

But he only saw the Tongtian turtle in front of him, showing an extremely strange posture.

It seems, it seems to be bowing to Chuhe! ? is this possible! ?

Li Yansheng also saw this scene, but Li Yansheng didn't want to believe it.

Although he had already guessed what was going on, he just didn't want to believe it.

Look around again.

He found that the way those monks looked at him had changed.

Especially those loyal Xuanjia soldiers who looked at him with...with some contempt?

It was a wordless contempt, and a disgusting disgust!

He also knew why his power of faith had declined, and why his luck was constantly decreasing.

It's all because what happened just now has damaged his image, making other monks and other people no longer trust him!

Thinking of this, Li Yansheng immediately yelled at the people on the Tang Treasure Ship, "Everyone! Turn off that strange live broadcasting machine for me!"

"Right now!"

However, no one paid any attention to him.

This made Li Yansheng, who had long been accustomed to almost following the law with his words, a little unacceptable.

After a long time, no monk did anything, but those who controlled the equipment took the initiative to turn off the live broadcast.

The live broadcast ended here.

It caused countless people who were watching the live broadcast to scold their mothers, but there was nothing they could do.

But even so, Li Yansheng still felt that the power of faith in his body, the luck that symbolized the emperor was still passing away rapidly.

It seems that in that quarter of an hour just now, he was abandoned by the world, and the world no longer loves him or cares for him.

It seemed that at this moment, he fell from the sky into the mortal world.

A feeling of panic kept coming out of his heart, which was a feeling he had never felt before.

Li Yansheng panicked, even more panicked than when he was facing the evil spirit of Xichi country just now, and even more panicked than when he was facing the unknown powerful Chuhe!

"All the officers and soldiers of the Xuanjia Army listen to the order!"

Li Yansheng shouted to everyone in a hurry, trying hard to maintain a positive image.

But in this panic, he even forgot to remove the turtle shell magic weapon on his body, so it looked even more funny, and even made people want to laugh.

The soldiers of the Xuanjia Army looked at him one after another, but the initial admiration was no longer in their eyes, and some of them just obeyed orders.

"We are victorious!"

Li Yansheng yelled, "Did you see that!? We have won! Where Datang Bingfeng points, we are invincible! We are invincible everywhere!"

"All of this is because of you, you are Datang's pride and the sword edge of Datang!"

Li Yansheng would never say such words before, but now he is almost out of choice.


The red-browed Taoist was in the nearest place to Lao Yuan, muttering to himself.

He looked up and saw the sun.

Yes, the sun very close to him.

Li Yansheng continued to talk about this, but suddenly a strong light hit him, causing his whole body to disappear in the light, and his voice also disappeared in this intense light that almost melted him completely. in the light.

Everyone looked up in shock.

I saw only one more sun in the sky!

It was where the Chu River was, and it turned into a ball of golden light at this moment.

One can vaguely see a strange three-legged bird flying, and Chuhe is right next to the strange bird!

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