He spoke sharply.

The voice of the Emperor's phantom was even rumbling!

The Golden Crow True Flame, which was still burning, was instantly extinguished under this sound, as if a light bulb had been turned on!

"Huh?" Chu He was taken aback, "You can't follow what you say?"

It was able to extinguish the Golden Crow True Fire!

Chuhe also noticed something was wrong, and felt that the surrounding space seemed to start to change, becoming repulsive and strange to him!

"Under the whole world, is it the land of the king!"

The emperor phantom said in a deep voice, like a thunderbolt.

It seems that as this sentence falls, the surrounding space can change accordingly.

This is Human Sovereign's most powerful ability.

As long as it is a land ruled by the Emperor, he can initially control the power of rules within it.

One word can make life, one word can make people die!

Words follow the law, extremely powerful!

"You demons should be bombarded by thunder."

Emperor Xuying gave another order.

Dark clouds suddenly rose in the void, and the purple-red thunder flashed in it, as if it was the end of the day.


The thunder calamity like an angry dragon rushed directly towards the Chu River, submerging the Chu River in an instant!

Everyone watched intently, Li Yansheng and others clenched their fists even more.


give me death!

But, things backfired.

The purple-red thunder flashed by, but Chuhe was still standing in the air, and the one-foot-thick thunder and lightning just passed through Chuhe's body.

It didn't leave any traces on the Chu River, and then it was severely bombarded in the seawater.

Suddenly thunder splashed on the water surface, and the ocean seemed to turn into a pond of thunder.

This thunder is real!

But why does it pass through Chuhe like an illusion! ?

Chapter 344

This sudden scene, before the people below had time to cheer, it turned into an expression of astonishment that froze on his face.

Especially Li Yansheng.

The expression on his face was extremely rich.

When the phantom of the emperor made a move, he almost cheered, because he recognized what his father used.

In fact, it's the same trick he used to deal with Chuhe before.

It's just more powerful.

Fang Tian's decree!

As long as it is within the territory of the Tang Dynasty, it can burst out infinite power. If the Dragon King is not in the Dragon Palace, but outside the Dragon Palace, it is almost impossible to block this move!

However, Chuhe blocked it?

You must know that this move almost uses the rules of the world. When it is used, it is not just the magic power of the regular monks, but the power of the rules, so that the entire world can restrain the enemy.

The thunder calamity that Emperor Xuying said was the thunder calamity that monks had to face after reaching a certain stage.

Although the power has been weakened, it is still a serious thunder calamity, which is different from ordinary thunder.

As long as there is even a trace of this thunder calamity, it is enough to shatter all the meridians of the monk.

Even this thunder calamity can bomb the soul, directly causing cracks in the soul.

If it really hits, no matter how powerful it is, it will be hurt and affected.

Li Yansheng didn't want to kill Chuhe directly, at least hurt Chuhe, or temporarily avoid the edge, right?

But in the end, he didn't dodge it, and the thunder disaster seemed to pass through Chuhe's body, and directly bombarded the sea below!

What's happening here?

It is obvious that the avatar of the father is the phantom, why does Chuhe look like a phantom now?

Do not!

It's impossible!

It is absolutely impossible for Chuhe to be a phantom, he is here.

The same question was clear in the hearts of all the monks present.

The monks in the Dragon Palace were really sweating for Chuhe. They thought Chuhe would be injured, but they found that the thunder calamity, which was enough to seriously injure them or even kill them, couldn't hurt Chuhe at all!

Dragon King Aosi gritted his teeth and said, "Everyone, spread out, don't let senior Chuhe distract us."

He really didn't want to harm Chi Yu.

But just when they were about to get out of the way, they found that the Tongtian Yuan on one side became restless.

The Tongtian Turtle was already facing the ups and downs of the Chu River, so it just shrank to one side, but when the thunder calamity came, it had already started to move.

It's not rage, but...fear!

That kind of fear is tangible, and even screamed, as if there was something huge that he couldn't resist pressing on top of its head.

Everyone was shocked.

This lightning calamity is so terrifying?

Let this Tongtian Turtle be so afraid! ?

However, they really guessed wrong.

The object of Tongtianyuan's fear is not the thunder calamity.

For monks, this lightning calamity is fatal or injured after being infected, but it is not so lethal to this prehistoric alien species of Tongtian turtle.

The reason why the Tongtian Yuan was so terrified was that it felt the object of the thunder calamity, that is, the aura conveyed by Chuhe's body at that moment.

It was long and deep, and it aroused a kind of fear in the depths of Tongtianyuan's blood.

That is... the aura that belongs to the prehistoric world!

It's just that these monks who have never experienced the flood can't capture the fleeting breath of the flood.

But Dihuang Xuying, who was so close to the Chu River, could feel it.

It's just that although I can feel it, the current Emperor Phantom, or the clone of the Great Tang Emperor, doesn't have much consciousness.

Although the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was about to arrive soon, he was still thousands of miles away from here.

It is impossible to completely control the phantom clone, and can only let it act.

However, after seeing the gap between the emperor's phantom reaching this frightening aura, he didn't even retreat, but took another step forward, and said angrily, "How dare you resist Tianwei!?"

The emperor's phantom sounded like rolling thunder, and said angrily, "Punish my son for not being able to speak, not to hear, not to be able to see, not to be able to move his body, his mind and soul will sink, and his flesh and blood will disintegrate!"

When the voice fell, the sky changed abruptly!

The space around the Chu River began to distort, and the rules of heaven and earth, like golden chains, stretched towards the Chu River.

In an instant, Chuhe was bound by this chain.

Li Yansheng rejoiced in his heart, "This is the seven absolute words to kill!"

"It's my father's extinction. Back then, it was the Qijueyan Killer who beheaded the master of the Xichi Kingdom on the battlefield!"

The crowd was horrified!

One sentence can directly kill the Grand Master of the Xichi Kingdom! ?

What a power this is!

The monks of the Dragon Palace who had already dispersed all looked pale, because they found that the world in front of them was gradually becoming dark.

Even for the Dragon King, the world in front of him is getting darker and darker.

The turbulent waves in his ears and the cheers from the monks of Tang Dynasty were also getting weaker and weaker. He wanted to open his mouth to call out to be careful, but found that he couldn't open his mouth!

Not only that, he only felt that the dragon's body was gradually shrinking and disintegrating, and even the soul became powerless and dim.

The Qijueyansha were released, and all of them were affected within a radius of fifty li centered on the Chu River, even the Dragon King and Baiyu Daojun were no exception.

They even felt the fear of death!

The power of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty is so terrifying! ?

Dragon King Aosi exclaimed in his heart, he still muttered about the human emperor, in the past few hundred years, the realm of the Tang emperor has reached an incredible realm.

Especially within the territory of the Tang Dynasty, the ability displayed is almost invincible!

Fighting against the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty is like fighting against the entire universe of the Tang Dynasty!

If he could go out of the Great Tang's territory, the Great Tang Emperor's ability would drop by less than [-]%. Unfortunately... Although this place is an ocean, it is still under the jurisdiction of the Great Tang!

Moreover, here, the power of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty has been reduced. After all, this is a frontier, not the middle of the Tang Dynasty.

But it's been like this several times, and it's so terrifying. If it is really in the middle of the territory of the Tang Dynasty, how powerful is the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty?

No wonder, within the Tang Dynasty, regardless of Buddhism or Taoism, all worship the emperor as the master, and even monsters are proud of being an official in the Tang government.

The Dragon King's consciousness gradually dissipated, remorse and unwillingness surged in his heart, and the strong resistance was just the aftermath of the dustpan to him.

He struggled to open his eyes, and in the gloomy world, he saw Chuhe still standing proudly.

Then, he could no longer hear any sound, and suddenly there was a deafening sound.

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