"Slow! Wait a minute!"

Li Qingming couldn't imagine that Chuhe, who was so easy-going just now, would be so difficult to speak when he came to him, and he didn't even have any intention of refuting, and directly killed him.

Could it be that Chuhe couldn't tell which one was more useful to him, a black bear spirit with a low cultivation level, or himself, the emperor of the Great Tang Empire?

"Wait a minute, senior!"

Li Qingming shouted eagerly, fearing that if he shouted too slowly, Chuhe would not be able to hold back the knife in his hand.

"Senior, I...do you want to think about it? The position of the emperor..."

"There's nothing to consider, if you don't want to, just kill it."

"Yes!" Emperor Tang endured the humiliation, "Yes! Yes!"

He wanted to fight hard now, but his whole body was shrouded in the prehistoric atmosphere of Chu River, and he had long since lost the ability to resist.

Now, in order to save lives, this is the only way to do it.

Seeing this, the Tang monks below were all dumbfounded.

For them, the Great Tang Emperor was the most supreme existence in the entire Great Tang. Many of them were personally trained by the Great Tang royal family, so they got their current status.

The Emperor of the Tang Dynasty was also the most powerful person in the Tang world, as well as the person with the highest cultivation.

But now, the emperor's position should be filled by a stingy black bear spirit?

They even wondered if they were dreaming, which is a bit too outrageous!

Behind Hei Xiong Jing, Ao Bai couldn't help persuading, "Hei Xiong, how can you do this emperor? It's better to stop joking and don't make things difficult for Senior Chuhe!

Compared with Black Bear Spirit, Ao Bai belongs to the kind of well-behaved and honest person.

But sometimes knowing the rules is not necessarily a good thing.

The black bear rolled his eyes at Ao Bai, and asked Chu Hedao directly, "Is this request embarrassing for you?"

Chuhe couldn't help laughing, "What's so embarrassing? It's Li Qingming who is embarrassing."

Li Qingming just wanted to say that he was really embarrassed, and wanted Ao Bai to speak for him.

But I heard Chuhe say again, "There is nothing to worry about if he is in trouble, if he is in trouble, he will be killed."

"In this Great Tang, whoever refuses to accept, whoever makes things difficult, will all be killed."

This is overbearing!

But no one took it as a deaf ear.

Occasionally, some of the Great Tang monks below wanted to be loyal to the Great Tang. After hearing this, they had to weigh it carefully.

The spirit of master Ying Fengzi, the master of the red-browed Taoist, was saddened.

Datang, it's over!

Li Qingming's liver and gallbladder were tearing apart, he was unwilling, angry, and fearful most of all.

"Senior Chuhe..."

"If you dare to say more, I will make you speechless!"

Li Qingming immediately shut up.

"Haha." Seeing this, the black bear spirit directly reached out to Li Qingming, "I heard that your emperor has a thing called a jade seal on his body, play with it!"

There is really no one with the character of Black Bear Spirit.

But Li Qingming was helpless.

Is life more important than dignity?

Even the emperor of the Tang Dynasty also chose life.

"Hey! Ancestors, I, I'm sorry for you!"

As Li Qingming said, he took out the jade seal he was carrying and threw it to the black bear spirit.

The black bear spirit directly held it in his hand and played with it.

The moment he got the jade seal, the black bear spirit seemed to be connected with this world. It was a wonderful feeling, and it directly improved his cultivation.

At this moment, the fate of the Tang Dynasty above the jade seal has also been passed on to the black bear spirit.

"From now on, I will be the emperor of the Tang Dynasty!"

Black Bear Spirit chuckled and said, "It just so happens that some of you high officials are here, and I want to formulate some laws... The first is that from now on, all the fine wines in the world will be donated to me at least [-]%!"

"And... and... what else?" Black Bear Scratched his head, "I'll talk about it when I think about it."

The Tang monks below looked at each other, not knowing what to do.

But no matter how outrageous it is, as long as Chuhe is here, as long as Chuhe is not dead, they dare not mess around.

"Chuhe, why don't you be the emperor for a few days? The designation is very majestic, do you want to try it?"

Hei Xiongjing held the jade seal and said to Chu He, "Try it?"

But seeing Chuhe shaking his head, "I'm going to leave when this matter is over."

"Leave? Where are you going?"

The black bear was puzzled.

Chapter 357 make a lot of money

Chuhe shook his head, but didn't tell Black Bear Spirit.

But when other people heard that Chuhe was about to leave, they were all very pleasantly surprised.

I thought to myself, this evil star is finally leaving!

"Senior!" Ao Bai said, "I am willing to accompany each of you to serve senior with tea and water!"

After these things, Ao Bai has become a die-hard fan of Chuhe, and has made up his mind that wherever Chuhe goes, he will go there.

But Chuhe shook his head and refused, "If you leave, what will happen to this Dragon Palace?"

"Dragon Palace?" Ao Bai looked at the sea below, and said directly, "What can I do with this Dragon Palace? Could it be that senior wants me to be the Dragon King in this Dragon Palace? I..."

Ao Bai was taken aback when he said this, then turned to look at Chuhe, "Could it be that senior really wants me to be the Dragon King here!?"

Chuhe smiled and said, "Why not?"

"But... my blood..."

"Hehe." Chu He shook his head and said, "I don't know that in ancient times, the dragon clan was extremely prosperous, and the differences between various dragon clans can be described as thousands of different. Who can say that they are orthodox? Who can say that they are noble?"

"Without him, only strength!"

"Now your strength has greatly increased, and after being purified, you have unlimited potential. After staying in the Dragon Palace, you can go to the Dragon Palace's treasure house to find some natural and earthly treasures to help you cultivate and let yourself reach a level as soon as possible. In this way, It’s not in vain for our fate.”

Ao Bai was very moved when he heard it, and said with tears in his eyes, "Senior, I don't want the Lord of the Dragon Palace, nor the position of Dragon King, and I hope that the senior will let the younger follow around!"

"This junior made the senior's mount originally, and regards this as an honor for this junior!"

"Hahaha." Chuhe laughed even louder, "You and I are not destined to end, so it doesn't have to be like this."

"Hey!" Black Bear Spirit also patted Ao Bai's shoulder and said, "Wouldn't it be nice for us to be the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty and the Dragon King of the East China Sea? Why go to the wind and sleep with Chuhe, I guess we can't even drink good wine."

"You..." Ao Bai didn't know what to say to the black bear spirit.

He was even thinking, how on earth did this black bear live so big?

This is thanks to meeting Chuhe. If he met other seniors, he would probably be killed.

"That's it."

As Chuhe said, he took out two round red-yellow beads from his hands and gave them to the two respectively.

"It contains the Golden Crow True Fire, if you are in danger, you can use it."

Both of them had seen the power of the Golden Crow before, a real fire of the Golden Crow directly burned those evil spirits of the Xichi Kingdom to death, it was terrifying.

In their view, the Great Tang Emperor might not even be able to resist the Golden Crow True Fire.

"This... is a bit too expensive."

"Hey! Good stuff!" Unlike Ao Bai, Black Bear took the bead directly, "Is there any more? I'll exchange it with you for my old wine."

"Ha ha!"

After getting along with people for a long time, Chuhe likes this unscrupulous black bear spirit more and more.

So with both hands clasped, two more Golden Crow True Flames were condensed, and they were given to Ao Bai and Black Bear Spirit respectively.

"There are only so many today. If they continue to gather, the little Golden Crow will be unhappy."

The two were taken aback, and quickly caught it.

Everyone else has different thoughts.

Before seeing the divine bird summoned by Chuhe, everyone only knew that the divine bird was extraordinary, and could slaughter all the monsters in Xichi Kingdom with just one move. Now that they got the name of the divine bird from Chuhe's mouth, everyone was sure of it. .

That divine bird is the Golden Crow!

The legendary Golden Crow!

After telling these two people, Chuhe looked at the Emperor Datang again, and said, "After I leave, don't have any bad thoughts about this black bear, otherwise I will never spare you when I come back!"

Li Qingming felt bitter in his heart, so he could only nod his head in agreement.

"I absolutely dare not disobey the orders of the seniors."

Chuhe said again to that kind of dragon palace monk, "From now on, Ao Bai is the master of the dragon palace, do you have any objections?"

Those Dragon Palace monks scrambled to be the first to say, "Don't dare to refuse!"

"Ao Bai is originally from the blood of the dragon clan, but he was suppressed by the old dragon so he was not allowed to enter the Dragon Palace. Now that Ao Bai is the Dragon King, it is to reshape the orthodoxy. It is really the luck of my Dragon Palace!"

"Yes, this is the luck of my Dragon Palace!"

Chu He laughed, "In this case, then Ao Bai is the Lord of the Dragon Palace. If you dare to rebel, you will be imprisoned!"

Everyone shouted and dared not.

Seeing that things here are about to be understood, Chuhe also has the intention of leaving.

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