The entire fleet has not fired a single shot, and all the missiles are like decorations.

The video is still going on, and it can be seen that the picture is shaking constantly, and the distance from the scarlet sea over there is getting farther and farther.

Fleet, fleeing at speed!

"Go away without firing a shot?"

"What about the most advanced missiles on this fleet? How about missiles that can travel [-] kilometers with one shot, and can directly destroy a mountain!?"

"Just run away without any resistance?"

When everyone reacted and began to speak, as always, they opened their mouths to blame them.

The commander of the fleet was full of anger, "Under that situation, as long as we fire, it will definitely attract the attention of those powerful beings. At that time, wouldn't firing let us die?"

"You are soldiers! It is your duty to die!"

Someone at the scene roared, "You guys are afraid of death as soldiers?!"

"We are not afraid of death!" The commander had blue veins on his forehead, "We just don't want to make unnecessary sacrifices! Under the current situation, our strength cannot be destroyed here, otherwise, how can we face more threats? "

"Fart! You are afraid of death!"

"What is fearless sacrifice!?" These people vented all their depression when they faced the video just now on the group of people who had just risked their lives to escape, "You just need to fire a missile, even if you die Now, you can also know how lethal this missile is to those monsters, how can this be called a meaningless sacrifice?"

"Exchanging your deaths for such precious data is a great thing for the entire human race, don't you know?"

"You are afraid of death! You ran back without firing a single shot!"

These people used to feel confident about the cutting-edge power of the human race. They only felt that as long as humans were given some time, as long as humans concentrated all their power on developing weapons, they would gather all scientists to develop weapons.

Especially in the current situation where everyone is united, the speed of human weapon advancement will undergo a qualitative leap.

Especially some time ago, in order to stabilize the morale of the army, the high-level officials deliberately released a lot of acting scenes. For the first time, the power of those modern weapons was brought to the eyes of ordinary people in such a real way.

I believe that anyone will feel a sense of peace of mind after seeing the mushroom cloud tens of kilometers high and the shock wave that can melt steel.

Obviously, these reporters and the onlookers have all seen these videos, and they all look forward to the Terran fleet gaining something this time.

However, the result is really unacceptable.

Facing so many responsibilities, the fleet commander still didn't say a word, just looked at them with a sneer, and waited until the voice of ridicule and abuse in the crowd died down a bit, and then said, "You guys, how do you know that we don't have any?" Fight back?"

"Do you really know the gap between us and those monsters?"

The fleet commander seemed to have thought of something suddenly, and there was a look of panic in his eyes, "That is not a force that can be resisted by humans, it is not a force that can be resisted by one can..."

He said, switching the video to another one.

This is the picture after the fleet has fled a long way.

The sea looked very calm, only the figure of Tongtian Yuan could be seen in the distance, and the whole picture of Tongtian Yuan could not be seen clearly under the video, it looked like a small island.

Suddenly, the sky became cloudy, and several beams of light flashed across the sky in the video.

Then, a towering phantom suddenly condensed in the distance!

That looks like an emperor in a crown suit!

Then, a rumbling sound came.

"Congratulations, father!"

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

The real voice, even through the screen, they feel shocked.

After the familiar voice of "Welcome Father" came, everyone immediately understood.

The Great Tang Emperor has finally arrived!

Chapter 368

"Congratulations, Your Majesty!"

"Congratulations, father!"

One after another voices came, seeming vast and somewhat illusory.

But still let everyone hear the truth.

Especially the sentence "Greetings Father" made everyone feel that the voice was very familiar.

They had all watched the live broadcast of Zhang Zidong and others on the Great Tang Treasure Ship before, and immediately heard that this was said by the Great Tang Prince Li Yansheng!

Since Li Yansheng called this man Father Emperor.

Then the identity of this person has been revealed.

He is, the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty!

"Emperor Tang came here in person!?"

"Looking at the power and power, it's simply indomitable!"

Everyone looked at the huge phantom of the emperor in the picture, and couldn't help feeling a desire to worship from the bottom of their hearts.

What Li Qingming practiced was the way of the emperor, and these people are all human beings. After seeing his phantom, it is not surprising to feel this way.

"The emperor of the Tang Dynasty is so powerful! It seems that he should join the Tang Dynasty, and if he gets the taboo of the Tang Dynasty, even in this troubled world, it is not impossible to protect himself!"

"That's right, from what it looks like, the Great Tang Emperor is here to deal with that strange bird?"

Originally they still called the Golden Crow a divine bird, but now with the arrival of the Tang Emperor, they began to call the Golden Crow a strange bird again.

The commander of the fleet looked at the performance of the people at the scene, and a sneer flashed across the corner of his mouth.

Everyone was unclear, so not many people paid attention to the commander. Only a few people saw it, but they didn't express anything.

I saw the video continue, and the next moment, another huge phantom appeared.

Now, let the people on the scene blow up the pot!

I only saw another huge phantom appearing opposite the Emperor Datang, which is directly in front of the video.

The huge phantom made them extremely astonished.

Because, that phantom looks very familiar.

"Chu...Chu River!?"

"Am I blind? That's Chuhe!? He's not dead!?"

"Why! How is it possible that he is not dead!? Even... dare to confront the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty!?"

After they saw clearly the figure of Chu He, who was not in the least imposing of the Tang emperor, they all gasped.

They thought that Chuhe was dead, and that the Tang emperor appeared to fight against the strange bird that wiped out the monsters of Xichi country with that move.

But now it seems that the appearance of the Tang emperor was not to fight against that strange bird, but... but to fight against Chuhe?

This unbelievable scene made everyone's brains almost shut down.

They couldn't imagine how Chuhe could become so powerful?

Wasn't he trapped in that strange flame?

All those monsters were burned to death by the flame, but the Chu River was intact?

Even face the Emperor of Tang directly! ?

Someone gulped down a mouthful of saliva, thinking it was too exaggerated, so that people couldn't believe it.

"No...isn't it?"

"The emperor of the Tang Dynasty appeared to fight against Chuhe?"

In their consciousness, after previous understanding, they already think that Datang's strength is definitely above theirs, I don't know how many times it is theirs!

The emperor of the Tang Dynasty is naturally the strongest person.

But now, the strongest person in Datang is fighting against Chuhe?

The barrage is also directly frying the pan!

"Unexpectedly, Chuhe is still alive! And even alarmed the Emperor of Tang!?"

"So what if he doesn't die? Isn't he still going to die now? Could he still be able to resist the Great Tang Emperor?"

After everyone saw this sentence, they were deeply convinced.

Yes, so what if he didn't die?Could it really be against the Tang Emperor?

The scene that followed seemed to confirm their guess, only the phantom of Chu River shrank rapidly until it was invisible.

"Chuhe was instantly killed?"

"Isn't it? That's it?"

A barrage of ridicule erupted, and everyone in front of the harbor smiled mockingly.

One is to laugh at Chuhe, and the other is to laugh at himself for being too sensitive. If Chuhe can create a miracle once and twice, can he still create miracles all the time?

This is impossible.

The fleet commander also had a sarcastic smile on his face. Unlike them, he was mocking these self-righteous people at the scene.

As the video continued to play, everyone's views were changing again.

Because they saw with their own eyes that the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty sent a figure who looked like a giant spirit god to fight against Chuhe. As a result... the figure who seemed to be a giant spirit god shattered and dissipated in an instant!

In other words, defeated by Chuhe?

The disappearance of the phantom of Chuhe just now doesn't mean that Chuhe is dead?

Does he still have the strength to kill the emperor's men?

In the process just now, they didn't see anything clearly, they could only vaguely see a cold light flashing by where Chuhe was standing.

Through the screen, they could all feel the bone-chilling chill, as well as the stern and strange feeling.

Afterwards, the phantom like a giant spirit disappeared directly.

At that moment, they also saw that it seemed that Chuhe drew his sword and slashed?

This blow directly split the giant spirit god into two from the forehead, and the huge phantom disappeared immediately.

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