As he was on his way, Ao Si shouted angrily, "Why didn't you tell me at the beginning that there is such a magical place in this world!?"

Ao Si was reprimanding Ao Qing, he had been ordered to come here, but he didn't mention the big mountain in the west.

Ao Qing was also very wronged, "Father, I... really didn't notice..."

"Are you blind!? Didn't even notice!?"

Looking along Ao Si's hand, I could only see in front of me a huge mountain peak of unknown height and distance lying between the sky and the earth!

That place is called Kunlun on Earth!

If Chuhe was here, he would be surprised, because before he left, Kunlun was still not like this. Although it became huge, it has not reached this kind of place that can be seen no matter in any corner of the earth. Outrageous degree.

Now the originally folded space is fully unfolded, and the earth is not a circle, but a continent.

That Kunlun is almost located in the center of the entire earth world.

But to this day, no one has successfully arrived at the foot of Kunlun Mountain.

Even Li Qingming and Ao Si couldn't do it.

They didn't know how long they had been flying, but they found that the distance from Kunlun seemed to be still that far away, and they didn't get close at all.


Li Qingming couldn't help but said, "Why can't you get close?"

"I'm afraid it's because the rules of heaven and earth are still incomplete at this moment, and the prehistoric world has not yet reappeared. If you want to get close to any sacred mountain, you may have to wait until the prehistoric world reappears..."

Ao Si silently shook her head to hide the shock in her eyes.

There were some words he didn't say.

He once entered Chuhe's Sea of ​​Consciousness World.

In Chuhe's sea of ​​consciousness world, I have seen a lot of things that are unique to prehistoric times.

And this mountain...he had seen it before in Chuhe's Sea of ​​Consciousness Space!

It's just that the mountain in the space of Chu River Consciousness Sea is so huge that it makes people feel like half an ant, and even wants to crawl at the foot of the mountain.

And the mountain in front of me seems to be a mountain that will never reach the final destination. Although it is similar to the mountain in the Chu River Consciousness Sea, it is only similar to the base, and the top is already dilapidated. The strength has been destroyed like this.

"This world seems to contain much more secrets than we thought." Li Qingming's eyes became sharper, "No wonder it can hide such a prehistoric old man like Chuhe. This place is...unusual."

With the abilities of Li Qingming and Ao Si, why can't they see the big secret contained here?

It's just that they still feel a little shocked in their hearts.

They are all top monks, and there are not many who can make their hearts fluctuate, but who would have thought that such things would happen one after another in a short period of time.

"The top priority is to deal with that one first." Ao Si didn't dare to mention Chu He's name, for fear of being sensed by Chu He. Naturally, Li Qingming knew who Ao Si was referring to.

"That's exactly what I mean." Li Qingming nodded, "I thought it would take a lot of effort to conquer and completely control this area, but now it seems that our plan can be advanced a few days..."

After the two discussed it, they left directly and split up.

A few days later, the official suddenly held a live conference on the Internet, announcing that from now on, all people and organizations in the world will form an alliance, regardless of skin color or race.

And the name of this alliance is - Tang!

The strange thing is that no official or organization objected to this name, and everyone accepted it with peace of mind.

In fact, the people watching the live broadcast had already guessed something after hearing the name, and when the official person in charge really announced it, they almost cheered.

That is, Datang will protect the world from now on, and it is still a promise from the Emperor of Datang himself!

On the live broadcast, Li Qingming also appeared on the stage, because of his strong leadership qualities, and some things that can be admired by ordinary people brought about by practicing the Renhuang Kungfu, he was directly on this live broadcast, which made him gain a lot. A lot of fans.

It is the kind of fan who can directly supply the power of faith!

Their plan was already underway. At the meeting, Li Qingming announced that they would wipe out the demons and ghosts that were making trouble in all directions.

Give this side of the world a bright future.

The crowd cheered even more excitedly, and even almost knelt down!

And the Dragon King over there has also quickened his pace. Every time he goes to a place, he must first contact the local demon king, not to kill them directly, but to try to incorporate them.

Li Qingming and Dragon King are indeed top powerhouses, but their respective powers have been stolen from their nests, and they are all lonely now.

They will have the strength to kill all these demons at that time, but they don't want to do that.

Chapter 372 Pagoda

It's just because it will take a lot of time to do this, and if this is the case, maybe some powerful monsters will be provoked.

After all, this world has been defined by Li Qingming and Ao Si as a world with great secrets, which can hide the ancient old man like Chuhe. What if another ancient old man is provoked at that time?

Therefore, they mainly focus on Huairou, and have no intention of forcibly exterminating these demons.

They even negotiated terms with these demons, promising how many virgins they would supply, or how much fresh human flesh they would contribute.

With these conditions, these monsters can be regarded as accepting obediently.

Soon, those who were harassed by the monsters found that those monsters who came to sweep the city from time to time, and those monks couldn't resist, were rarely disturbed.

And not long after, these monsters directly led the crowd to surrender!

Of course, he did not surrender to these ordinary people, but to the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

According to the outside world, knowing that the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty came in person, he felt very panic. Because he had heard of the great reputation of the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty before, he didn't dare to make a mistake at all. He was worried that his life would be lost, so he asked to surrender.

Those ordinary people didn't know why, so they naturally cheered.

And the reply from the Emperor Datang is also very interesting, basically saying that because these demons did not do too much evil, nor did they kill too many people, they agreed to forgive, and let them make up for their mistakes, and let them be responsible for protecting the human city .

On the surface, it is said that this is to make them make up for their mistakes and punish them, but in fact, this is clearly to let these monsters become the city lords!

Before these monsters wanted to come out and do activities, they had to sneak around. After all, there were many masters among these human monks.

If these monsters are not particularly powerful, they basically carry out sneak attacks at night.

But now, they can directly show up in the city, and they don't have to do it themselves, and someone brings those fresh blood food to their house every day.

It's like living like a fairy!

In this way, some cities have defended for so long without being captured by monsters, but because of a word from the so-called official alliance, they were changed to let the monsters enter the city swaggeringly, and fell without firing a single shot.

Naturally, some people feel righteous indignation, but these people often appear on the table of those monsters the next day...

Just like that, the world has stabilized.

Almost every city has many monsters in it.

After those demons became the city lords themselves, they were still not satisfied, and wanted more demons to enter the city, so the later the time, the higher the proportion of demons in the city.

In the end, I had to set aside an area for these monsters to live in...

In front of the computer, a teenager was typing and replying to the post, "You said those demons secretly captured and eaten people, do you have evidence!?"

His expression was angry, his hands were trembling, looking at the so-called revealing the truth, accusing these monsters of still eating people, just secretly eating people, he couldn't help but yell!

"Also, these monsters are called commanders now. They are not the monsters before, but the patron saints of our human race! If they hadn't resisted, we would have been exposed to this dangerous world!"

"These monsters are all canonized by His Majesty himself. What is His Majesty's cultivation level? Can't you see if these monsters are sincere and repentant?"

"Also, you said in the post that many people have disappeared recently. Where is your evidence? Why haven't I seen anyone missing?"

In fact, quite a few people were missing, but even the city is extremely chaotic now, so not many people found out if there were few people.

And what if it is discovered?

Under such circumstances, it is normal for missing individuals.

And the reason why this young man typing on the computer was so angry was because he was a fanatic of Li Qingming!

The way of the emperor Li Qingming cultivated is actually the righteous way, which needs to change people's views over time and make people believe from the bottom of their hearts. Only in this way can the power of faith provided be more pure and vigorous .

But at this special moment, Li Qingming didn't care so much, and directly used methods to speed up the process, making these ordinary people already regard Li Qingming as the only true god, and the level of belief could even be for Li Qingming. Qing Ming dies!

In a short period of time, with the help of Ao Si and the deployment of various means, the entire world is almost completely controlled by Li Qingming.

All major cities have fallen into the hands of demons, and those demons have benefited from being loyal to Li Qingming.

Of course, the cost of doing this is huge.

If Li Qingming had been here all the time, it would be barely acceptable, at least the superficial order could be maintained.

It can make these monsters who have entered the city not so crazy.

But if Li Qingming leaves one day.

Then these human races will be completely reduced to the lambs raised by these demons!

Li Qingming treated his people in the Tang Dynasty very well, never before.

In the final analysis, everything he did was to take back Datang. As for the life and death of people in this world, what did he care about?

Soon, the monsters in the cities of all parties were ordered to build formations directly in the cities, and even to build temples in the center of the cities, with only one person enshrined in them.

That is Li Qingming!

The function of the formation is to influence people's mind, and the function of the temple is naturally to collect the power of faith more efficiently.

Li Qingming got a huge improvement almost within a short period of time!

At the same time, Chuhe, who was moving forward on the vast sea, also noticed something was wrong.


Chu He, who was lying on the cotton cloud, suddenly opened his eyes, then shook his head, "What the hell?"

Because in Chuhe's feeling, the rules of the world where Good Fortune Shrine is located have started to change slowly!

In other words, either there has been some great change in that world, or there is a powerful force that wants to change the rules of that world.

Although that world is thousands of miles away from Chuhe, Chuhe can barely feel it because of the Good Fortune Shrine.

After all, all the miraculous functions of a divine object like the Good Fortune Shrine are far more than just a nearly invincible defense.

Originally, Chuhe planned to go back and have a look, but after a second thought, he directly erased the idea.

He wanted to go back only because he was worried about those friends in the Shrine of Fortune, but the feedback from Shrine of Fortune to Chuhe was that no matter how the outside world changed, nothing would change within the Shrine of Fortune.

At this moment, no one can break through the defense of Good Fortune Shrine!

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