Chuhe's foot had already been firmly stepped on. He looked at the two of them and said with a slight smile, "Really?"

Seeing Chuhe's confident look, the two were taken aback again.

Could it be... Could it be that he did it on purpose?


If he has made the right move before, then he must have a good understanding of the gossip formation, and he must also know what will happen if he makes a wrong move in the last step!

"Do you know why I'm doing this?"

Chuhe looked at the big formation that was constantly gathering towards him, and didn't continue talking.

Instead, he just recited the formula silently, and the Fumo Town Demon God Light Curse was instantly activated!

It came into contact with the big formation fiercely.

The power of the Eight Diagrams Fuxing Formation was directly transmitted to Chuhe's body, but it was like a breeze blowing on his face.

It didn't do any harm to Chuhe at all.

"Do you think you can compete against the big formation!? You must know that the most important thing in this big formation is to trap, not to kill! What can your undefeated golden body show!?"

"Hehe." Chuhe chuckled, watched the sea and listened to the waves, and started instantly!

A huge force gushed out directly, and the Eight Diagrams Fuxing Formation flickered a few times, like a piece of torn paper was directly broken by the surging force like a tsunami!

The huge force still didn't stop, breaking through the formation that Xiao Hei was in, Liang Zidao and Wu Daochang even retreated abruptly, resisting with all their strength.

In an instant, the gossip formation burst!

Chuhe looked at the two people struggling to support the aftermath of watching the sea and listening to the waves, and shook his head slightly.

The reason why he almost cracked the big formation first and then triggered the big formation was to tell them.

The big formation you are so proud of, to me, is nothing more than broken paper. I can break it with only skills, or I can ignore it and break it with strength!

"Not good! This kid has been hiding his clumsiness! We have all been teased by him!"

Liang Zidao was horrified in his heart. This feeling of powerlessness, which was almost like a cat playing with a mouse, made him frightened and angry, but also had an unconcealable fear.

"The Eight Diagrams Formation can't trap him!" Wu Daochang stepped back and leaped to Liang Zidao, "Can you hold him back for a while?"

Wu Daochang took out an array disk from his arms.

This is the formation plate left by their predecessors in Jianmen Pavilion. Inside is a set of large formations that have been arranged, and they can be released instantly as long as they are activated!

It's just that stimulation also takes time.

Liang Zidao said in a deep voice, "Although this kid hides his clumsiness and hit us hard to defend against, I can still delay him for a while."

"Even give me a little time to prepare, maybe I can take him directly!" Liang Zidao boasted, "Just activate the array, and he will be handed over to me!"

After Liang Zidao finished speaking, he rushed directly towards the Chu River!

Although he was also uncertain, he thought that it would not be a big problem if he just delayed for a while, so he dared to say that.

"Chuhe! Your opponent is me!" Liang Zidao opened his mouth and sprayed out a small sword!

The little sword flew directly towards Chuhe as if it had eyes!

The small sword is very small, and its speed is very fast. At this speed, it looks like it is invisible.

But Chuhe's current physique is already a bardo body, and his eyesight and spiritual perception have been strengthened!

So I saw the little sword at a glance.

"Flying sword?"

Chuhe looked at the little sword with great interest, and did not rush to make a move, but at the moment the little sword flew to him, he cast the spell of subduing demons and suppressing demon gods.


The little sword directly poked Chuhe's chest.

A hole was poked out in Chuhe's Taoist robe, and even pierced Chuhe's skin, shedding a little blood.

This was the first time Chuhe was injured, and it was under the premise of casting the divine light spell!

The sharpness of this small sword can be seen.

Liang Zidao watched this scene in horror.

It turned out to be instant with just the physical body! ?

This small sword is one of their Qingcheng's top magic weapon, it can directly pierce a steel plate half a meter thick!

In the end, it just broke Chuhe's skin?

How is this played?

To him, his strongest method is like scratching an itch!

Just at this time, Wu Daochang's voice came, "The array has been activated, Fellow Daoist Liang, retreat!"

Liang Zidao wanted to retreat a long time ago, and when he heard this, he pulled away and left.

Chuhe didn't stop him, but looked at the array that had been activated.

Wu Daochang felt distressed, "It's your blessing to die under this formation. This formation is called..."

"Needless to say." Chu He waved his hand, "Anyway, from now on, this array will no longer exist."


Before Wu Daochang understood what Chu He meant, his eyes were filled with light.


A thunderbolt with Tianwei directly struck the array!

The array disk that had been unfolded a little bit was suddenly entwined with a little bit of lightning.

In the middle of the sky, thunderclouds full of coercion have gathered, and the rumble of thunder contains the power of heaven.

Even Layman Suxin, who was busy arranging the seal gap in the formation, felt his heart skip a beat and turned his head abruptly to see this shocking scene.

"Five Thunders... Fa-rectification!"

Liang Zidao muttered to himself, "I know who cast the mighty lightning technique at the bottom of the mountain just now!"

He only felt that his scalp was numb, and he no longer wanted to resist.

What they are best at is the formation technique, they are not good at killing one, but now facing this powerful thunder technique, how can they stop it! ?


Another huge thunderbolt fell directly!

This time, it directly smashed the formation disk that had not been fully deployed.

Similarly, it also shattered the confidence of the two of them!

Next, it's them!

It's just that they waited for a long time, but they didn't see the thunder falling on their heads.

I saw that Chuhe had already walked to the gap of the broken seal, and was watching that Suxin and a group of disciples were stepping up to repair the formation.

Su Xin was also very nervous, 1 minute...just 1 minute...just another minute!

"You." Chuhe opened his mouth, "Do you really think you can restore the seal?"

Su Xin was taken aback.


Chapter 36

For many years, Chuhe has been with this formation day and night. If it is the understanding of this formation, who in this world can be better than him?

Moreover, in the past hundreds of years, in order to stabilize the formation, Chuhe has read many daozangs about the formation, and practiced on this large formation. Not only is his theoretical level top-notch, but even the actual formation is unparalleled in the world Master!

Layman Suxin doesn't know this, in her eyes, Chuhe is just a reckless man!

"Chuhe, let me advise you again. Turn your head now and use your body as the eye of the formation, and you can barely wash away your sins. Otherwise, the Taoists all over the world will unite and arrest you for questioning!"

"At that time!" Layman Suxin said coldly, "It won't be as simple as death!"

Chuhe smiled, "Taoism, do you still have Taoism in your eyes?"

He looked around and said with a smile, "Do you know that I am the leader of the Taoist sect?"

Layman Suxin's pupils shrank, "You are not worthy to be the leader of the Taoist sect at all! The shame of the Taoist sect!"

Chuhe glanced at her indifferently, "The position of leader of the Taoist sect was earned for me by my master, Master Baixing, by sacrificing himself. Do you think you are not worthy? What are you?"

From the bottom of his heart, Chuhe despises the position of the leader of this sect, but at this moment, it seems to be one of the few things left to him by his master.

"Guys, I don't want to hurt your lives, so let's leave as soon as possible." Chu He waved his hand like chasing away flies.

But I don't know how much harm this action and words have brought to the three Taoist seniors.

"Several! Form an formation together and suppress the seal!"

Liang Zidao roared angrily, and came directly to layman Suxin, and Wu Daochang did the same.

The three of them gathered together and instantly formed the prototype of a three-talent formation.

"The three of you and me, plus the damaged formation that already existed here, should be enough to last for a while. We only have a stick of incense time!"

Layman Suxin said coldly, "All disciples obey the order, and try our best to restore the formation!"

Time for a stick of incense?

You think too highly of yourself.

Chuhe didn't talk nonsense, and directly pinched Yinjue.

All I saw was a strong demonic aura emanating from the gap in the formation that had already been shrouded in golden light.

"Not good! He still has control over the remaining formation!?"

"Impossible, I've already rearranged the big formation, how could he still be able to control it!?" Layman Suxin was stunned on the spot, and when he came back to his senses, he began to operate crazily again, trying to stabilize the formation.

It's just that no matter how hard they tried, the gap that was already almost closed still began to expand extremely.

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