The sky seemed to be collapsing, and the still demonic energy in the sky suddenly began to surge wildly.

It's just that this time it's not spreading outwards, but constantly collapsing inwards.

The devilish energy that almost covered the entire Wangwu Mountain was continuously compressed and condensed inwards, and finally gathered into a huge black sphere, suspended above the seal.

And that big demon, unable to maintain his phantom figure any longer, directly fell out of the black ball!

White hair, extremely hot figure, tight black skirt.

And the curved horns on her head also added a special charm to her out of thin air.

She was very beautiful, especially her bulging figure and scarlet lips, which made people unable to help but burst out with the most primitive impulse.

Enough to drive all men crazy!

It's just that Chuhe at this time is not included.

"Five thunders rectify the law!" Chuhe uttered the truth without any mercy, and the cloud and thunder rolled in an instant, and the momentum was terrifying!

Lei Fa is the nemesis of all demons!

If hit by any thunderbolt in this thunder cloud, this demon will definitely die!

The powerful thunderclouds were still gathering, and a thunderbolt slammed onto the huge black ball.


The thunder was like hot iron entering cold water, making a hissing sound, and directly evaporated an unknown amount of magic energy!

The demon's body couldn't help trembling, and his eyes were full of fear.

She didn't even think about it, she just plopped and fell to her knees on the ground!

"Please spare my life, senior! I was blind and didn't recognize the Lord of the Demon Suppressing Temple!"

"You also know that I am the Lord of the Demon Suppressing Temple? Since you know, why apologize to me?" Chu He sneered, "I let you go, but you dare to attack me, you have to die!"

Seeing that the thunder cloud has gathered a scarlet thunder.

The demon was terrified, and even spit out a pitch-black bead from his mouth.

"Senior! Since you released me, I must be useful. This is my life bead. As long as you control the life bead, you can control my life and death. If you want me to die, I can be wiped out with just one thought! "

She handed the bead to Chuhe, "Please accept this bead, senior, and save my life to repay the kindness of senior for helping me break the seal!"


life beads?

Chuhe pondered for a moment, and took the life bead into his hand with a wave of his hand.

Sure enough, it is the Demon Clan Life Orb!

Now that he has obtained this life bead, it is equivalent to controlling the life and death of this demon.

Most of the anger in Chuhe's heart disappeared, and he snorted coldly, "In that case, I will save your life."


The thunder that had gathered for a long time finally landed, but it didn't hit the big demon, but landed next to the big demon, and directly blasted a big pit on the ground with a flashing electric arc!

The big demon was sweating profusely, he let out a long breath, his body seemed to collapse, and he couldn't stand up for a long time.

Chapter 38 Beyond the Valley

What puzzled Chuhe was that the ghostly aura that was still full of this place just now has disappeared completely at this moment.

As if it never appeared.

Could it be that the few thunderbolts of the five thunder rectification can disperse the ghostly energy in the sky?

Chuhe looked towards the gap of the seal, but only saw the gap at this moment. No monsters or monsters rushed out, but it seemed strangely calm.

When I looked closely, I was able to knock out strands of ghost energy floating away, which were then absorbed into the gap and did not leak out.

There was a smile on the corner of Chuhe's mouth, and he strode towards the seal gap.

After walking in, look inside.

All I saw was a huge ghost with a green face and long fangs tremblingly hiding in the depths of the gap, desperately trying to get back.

The ghost general felt Chuhe's gaze, and his body froze immediately.

Before Chuhe could open his mouth, the ghost general curled up and got out of the gap, "Welcome to the Lord of Demon Town!"

The ghost will directly reach out and send out an elite jade.

"This is the soul jade that my life is tied to. I have long admired the majestic appearance of the master of the demon town, and begged the master to spare my life. I am willing to be a loyal dog under the master's feet!"

This ghost general's fear of Chuhe can't be increased.

Chuhe's soul-suppressing restrained the big demon, and then he used the five thunders to make the ghost general terrified!

Although the five thunders are the nemesis of almost all evil things, but for ghosts, this deterrence is stronger than monsters and monsters.

A trace of thunder can cause harm to the ghost race!

What's more, it's the five thunders' rectification?

The ghost general originally wanted to rush out with the big devil to get to know the Chu River, but after seeing everything that followed, he immediately became as stable as an old dog, hiding below and not daring to show his head.

It was really discovered by Chuhe, so he had no choice but to imitate the big demon and hand over the soul orb that his life was tied to.

Speaking of which, this ghost general was also unlucky. He just broke free from the seal, and before he was free for a while, he lost his freedom again.

Chu He took the soul orb and played with it for a while, then said with a smile, "Hehe, you are very knowledgeable."

The ghost king felt bitter in his heart, but he still held up a smile that was uglier than crying and said, "I just ask the Lord to be merciful and spare my life."

Chu He shook his head.

The ghost general trembled suddenly, and all thoughts were lost in his heart.

But what Chuhe said next made him stand there in a daze.

"What are you so worried about? I'll let you out and then kill you? What am I trying to do?" Chuhe sneered, "But if you dare to attack me, you must be punished. This soul orb I'll just accept it, the rest is up to you."

While the ghost general was delighted, he also felt aggrieved by the thief.

Injustice!I didn't attack you, it's all about that big devil, okay? ?

However, the ghost general didn't dare to argue, but continued to be grateful to Dade.

Chuhe ignored him, leaving only one sentence, then turned and left.

"You are free, do whatever you want, and do whatever you want."


Is this gone?

The ghost general stayed where he was, with a dazed expression on his face, no matter how he thought about it, he felt that he had lost a lot.

Originally, I had nothing to do, but because I was too scared, I handed over the soul orb directly.

This is so...

The ghost general had nowhere to vent his resentment, and looked at the big demon viciously.

It's all your fault!

It's not that you shot him out of nowhere, how the hell would I lose my soul orb?

The big demon turned around and gave her a sideways glance, "Did you really believe what he said? He is a human, and we are demons and ghosts. It is good not to kill us, but he said that we can do whatever we want? Ridiculous! "

When the ghost general heard this, he also thought it was the same reason.

"Then what does this tall man mean?"

"How do I know?" Da Mo pursed his lips while watching Chu He's leaving figure, "Anyway, it's better for us to restrain ourselves..."

As she spoke, she led a group of demons directly down the mountain.

The ghost general's eyes kept changing, he looked at Chuhe, and the nine-life cat demon who was following Chuhe, and finally let out a chorus, leading many ghosts down the mountain from another direction.

The Nine Lives cat demon over there has been following Chuhe, she will go when Chuhe goes, and he will stop when Chuhe stops.

"When are you going to follow me? You are free now, and now the gap in the seal has been completely opened. With the current power of the mortal world, it is difficult for anyone to seal it."

Nine Lives Cat Demon turned into a young girl, and said timidly, "Then...then where are you going?"

Chu He looked into the distance and said calmly, "Go home."

The Nine-Life Cat Demon was taken aback, and murmured, "Go home... go home?"

The inside of the seal is not my home, so where is my home?

Chuhe patted her on the head, turned around and walked towards the sunset without looking at her.

The setting sun was like blood, there were a few idle clouds, and three or five leaves were swirled by the breeze and blown past the Chu River.

His stature has fallen, and he is full of firmness...

The Nine-Life Cat Demon remained silent for a long time, and waited until Chuhe's figure disappeared into the setting sun before she regained her composure and summoned the demon clan following it to leave.

Chuhe did not leave Wangwu Mountain.

The mountains of Wangwu Mountain are continuous, and there are few people in it.

He went all the way around the path, and finally came to a valley.

There is a formation outside the valley, which is enough to prevent pedestrians from entering by mistake.

There is a lake in the valley, and there is a waterfall not far away, which has been flowing for thousands of years.

Next to the lake, a small hut stood quietly there.

Outside the hut, there are two stools standing by the lake.

Two bamboo poles were placed slantingly in the lake, as if someone was fishing here, but they just left for a while.

Looking at this scene, Chuhe felt mixed emotions in his heart.

Scenes of the past came to mind again.

At that time, when he traveled to this world, he was chased by a fierce tiger and strayed into this world, only to be discovered and rescued by Taoist Baixing.

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