"I just don't know if you will say it again after I was killed by you, like what you said just now?"

"Misunderstanding! It's all a misunderstanding!" Hearing Chu He's words, Master Wu Hai already knew that Chu He was going to be serious, and felt bitter.

"It can't be a misunderstanding before something is done, but it can be a misunderstanding after it is done."

Chuhe has never been that kind of generous person.

This Wu Hai real person sneaked up on him without making a sound. If it wasn't that he had some skills, and the magic weapon was sharp enough, he might really die in the hands of this person.

Chuhe reckoned that if this was the case, this person would never feel that it was a misunderstanding.

"If I kill you now, would it be called a misunderstanding?" Chuhe said, activating the magic formula, and the suction on the four elephant pagoda became stronger.

"Don't worry, I will tell you about the misunderstanding twice."

"You're deceiving people too much!" The real Wu Hai suddenly erupted with an extremely powerful wave, as if he was about to explode himself.

Chu He frowned.

This is a monk at rank six of the Celestial Immortal. This is definitely the most powerful monk Chuhe has ever seen. If he blew himself up, he didn't know how much energy it would generate.

"Forgive me and forgive me!" Master Wu Hai said almost angrily, "If you let me go today, then I swear, I will never trouble you, and I will never take this matter to heart again. , from now on, there will be no relationship between you and me!"

"If you let me go, I won't let you go either!"

Real Wu Hai knew that it would be useless to speak soft words at this time, so he started to be harsh again, as if he planned to die together.

"If you are pressing me hard, I will directly explode myself! Your magic weapon may be able to stop the power of the immortal self-destruct, and it will not be completely destroyed. How can your physical body resist it!?"

"If it continues, it will only hurt both sides. I will definitely die, but you will not feel better either!"

He originally thought that such a threat would be useful. After all, every monk didn't want to be injured, let alone anything that might harm his Daoist foundation.

What's more, when this unprecedented world of great contention is coming.

If you get injured at this time, it will definitely affect the future layout, and you will even fall behind step by step in this world of great contention.

It is directly possible to lose everyone in this world of great controversy.

"You have potential, and you also have chance and luck. Why use your future as a bet here to kill me? Let me go! I can give you chance, I can give you my magic weapon, I The exercises, even what you want, as long as I have it, I can give it to you!"

"If you still insist on going your own way, then I will have to use my life to end your future!"

These words are sonorous and forceful. The pit will scare others, but it will definitely not scare Chuhe.

"Hehe." A smile appeared on Chu He's face, "My future? Your life?"

"You think too much, why don't you think about whether you can enter the six realms of reincarnation!"

After speaking, Chuhe immediately began to exert all his strength.

It's a pity that Chuhe's strength is too low now.

Although the Earth Immortal is already the pinnacle of this world, for a magic weapon like the Four Elephant Pagoda, this kind of cultivation is undoubtedly not enough, so even if Chuhe tried his best, he could not bring out the strength of the Four Elephant Pagoda One percent, even one thousandth!

But even so, it was very oppressive for the real Wu Hai, and it would be unreasonable to even make him blew himself up.


The real Wu Hai suddenly let out a howl, and then concentrated all the energy in his dantian.

An extremely powerful and terrifying force gathered in his dantian.

He's about to blow himself up.

Naturally, Chuhe would not stand here foolishly and let the power of self-explosion threaten him, but directly came to the inside of the Four Elephant Pagoda.


At this moment, a powerful wave suddenly erupted outside.

Inside the Four Elephant Pagoda, it was naturally safe and sound, but outside, it burst out with a powerful force like a cloud bomb explosion!

The sea is directly evaporated!

The bosom friend with a radius of hundreds of miles formed a vacuum zone, and a large semicircular crater was blown out by the explosion below.

Within a radius of a hundred miles, all creatures in the sea were killed, or even directly vaporized.

And the clouds above were also directly evaporated.

With a radius of hundreds of miles, a huge circular vacuum was directly formed, and the powerful shock wave even brought up a soaring tsunami, sweeping across islands with a radius of tens of thousands of miles.

On the land of Xichi Country, the tsunami has reached tens of meters high!

For those demons, it was almost a catastrophe, because this was not an ordinary sea wave, and at the same time came the powerful shock wave produced by the self-destruct of the angel.

In front of this kind of shock wave, those demon's body protection skills were torn apart like a layer of paper, and there was no room for resistance at all.

Even in the earth world thousands of miles away, human beings have detected the vibration of the strong thunder here.

It even reached an earthquake of at least a dozen magnitudes!

Chapter 416 Chain Reaction

There may not be any clear sense of earthquakes in the earth world, but the Datang world was still hit by a big tsunami, including the coastal areas of the earth world, which were also hit by tsunamis to varying degrees.

It's just that the shock wave generated by the real Wu Hai's self-explosion has been exhausted, and this place is really too far away.

Therefore, the coastal areas of the earth were only affected by the tsunami, but were not affected by the shock wave produced by Wuhai real person's self-explosion.

Even so, many people were displaced.

But fortunately, there are not many people in the coastal areas.

After going through all kinds of things, the human races in the earth area are basically migrating towards the deep mountains in the southwest, because there is the Shrine of Creation there.

The human race has long discovered that although demons are raging in other places, within the scope of the Good Fortune Shrine, there are no demons who dare to do evil!

Fortunately, due to the expansion of the prehistoric world, the earth world has become extremely huge, otherwise, the vicinity of the Good Fortune Shrine would definitely not be able to accommodate so many people.

But now, the vicinity of Good Fortune Shrine is already overcrowded, and new towns and villages have formed.

The organizational model is also very different from before.

Chuhe doesn't know this at the moment. If he knew, he might find it ironic.

This was the case with the Demon Suppression Temple back then, and with the existence of the Demon Suppression Temple, it has suppressed evil spirits for thousands of years.

The same is true for the Good Fortune Shrine now, with the presence of the Good Fortune Shrine, it also suppressed all the evil spirits around it.

Those people have already begun to worship the Good Fortune Shrine like they first worshiped the Town Demon Temple, and even folks have begun to spread a lot of legends, saying that the Good Fortune Shrine is a miracle descended by the gods specifically to save mankind.

For these people, the Good Fortune Shrine appeared suddenly, like a miracle.

No one knows the truth, and no one cares. The stories they tell each other seem to have become the truth.

Now, almost everyone knows that the Good Fortune Shrine is the place where the gods live, as long as they are near the Good Fortune Shrine, they can get the protection of the gods and will not be infested by evil spirits.

And these are enough for them.

It's just funny that there are still quite a few people who resent Chuhe and feel that the world has become like this because Chuhe didn't take good care of the demon temple at the beginning, so a very interesting phenomenon has formed.

Outside the deep mountains in the southwest, that is, outside the Good Fortune Shrine, and entering the deep mountains, temples have already been built by people, and there are endless streams of believers inside.

The name of the god visited above is the true king of good fortune.

Because people don't know who the owner of the Good Fortune Shrine is, so they use the name of the Good Fortune Shrine to fabricate a Good Fortune True Monarch.

The pilgrims who come and go also believe that the True Lord Good Fortune is sincerely protecting the safety of one side, and that the True King Good Fortune is responsive to every request. If there is a serious illness in an infertile family, they all come here to pray for safety.

The temple is in charge of a group of Taoist priests, as well as a group of monks.

Because both the Taoist school and the Buddhist school claimed at the same time that the true king of good fortune is their person.

People in the Buddhist school say that the true king of fortune is the reincarnation of the Buddha, while people in the Taoist school say that the true king of good fortune is the emperor of the sky.

People from both parties, if you don’t let me, I won’t let you, because it means faith, and both Buddhism and Taoism pay attention to this. In this world of great controversy, the power of faith is also an extremely important resource for them.

Since both parties refused to make concessions, the result was the current strange situation.

In the temple of True Creation King, there are two huge statues, one is built according to the standard of Buddhism, and the other is built according to the standard of Taoism.

The pilgrims who come and go, if they are believers, burn incense in the main hall of Taoism, and if they believe in Buddhism, they burn incense in the main hall of Buddhism.

If neither side believes it, probably both sides will offer incense.

And in this temple, there is also a wishing pool.

It is to let people write down their wishes and put them in.

In fact, these are also negotiated by Buddhism and Taoism. They will regularly select some people's wishes and go to them to fulfill them. .

There is nothing more trustworthy than responsiveness.

In this wishing pool, one of the highest wishes all year round is to kill Chuhe.

To kill Chuhe, give justice to the world.

In short, the reasons are all kinds of strange, as if Chuhe killed their own mother, everyone hates Chuhe.

But the irony is that they sincerely knelt in front of the good fortune and cursed Chuhe's death.

As everyone knows, the Good Fortune Shrine was left by Chuhe, and Chuhe is the owner of the Good Fortune Shrine.

That is to say, the true king of fortune is Chuhe!

They worshiped Chuhe and wanted to kill Chuhe.

Isn't it ridiculous?

At this moment, a group of monks and priests gathered in the temple of Zhenjun Good Fortune, "There is a tsunami in the coastal area, and we need to rescue it."

"Is there anything to help?" said a monk with a fat head and big ears, "There are not many people there anyway."

"Don't tell me you're the only one who knows this?" A skinny Taoist priest like Taoist sneered.

"This tsunami has affected a wide range of areas. It is a good time for us to promote and preach. At that time, we only need to broadcast live. We can save a few people."

At this special moment, although Buddhism and Taoism are also competing, there is also a lot of cooperation.

"Won't it look bad if you only save a few people?"

"Hehe, they don't know the truth, why don't we just say how many?"

Everyone nodded in agreement.

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