And the way Chuhe thought of was on the remains of the witch clan.

Now it seems that this witch clan must have reached the realm of a great witch, otherwise, it is unlikely that there will be a baby of the spirit treasure level.

Even in the prehistoric peak era when there were as many golden immortals as dogs walking all over the world, it was absolutely impossible for magic weapons of the level of Lingbao to fall into the hands of Xuanxian and Tianxian, at least only for monks of the golden immortal level. Qualified to control Lingbao.

And the great witch represents the golden immortal in the monk system.

There are also high and low points among the great witches. The most powerful witch is equivalent to the late stage of Da Luo Jinxian, such as Kuafu and his like, who can single-handedly kill the Jinwu, the king of the demon clan!

And ordinary great witches also have the strength of Taiyi Jinxian level, which is not weak.

If this bone was left by a great witch, then the bone strength is definitely very strong. From Chuhe's point of view, even if he cut it with his tiger soul demon knife, it would not leave any marks.

What Chuhe has to do is to refine this bone and become an incarnation outside his body!

The method of incarnation outside the body is described in the many wonderful doors passed down by Chuhe, but in fact, incarnation outside the body is not a profound technique.

For example, the real Wu Hai also knows the refining method of the incarnation outside the body.

However, refining the external avatar requires an extremely high level of spirituality of the monk, because it is equivalent to dividing a part of the spiritual soul to forcibly reside on the external avatar. If the strength of the external avatar is not strong enough, it cannot support the actions of the external avatar.

And when dividing the soul, you also need to be very careful, if you are not careful, you will hurt yourself.

Chuhe naturally doesn't worry about the problem of the soul. With the prehistoric world in the sea of ​​consciousness space as the backing, his soul can be said to be extremely stable!

It was when Chuhe was divided that it was difficult.

The souls of other monks only need to be divided a little before they can be separated.

But Chuhe's soul has an extremely strong resilience, even if Chuhe tried his best, he could not completely cut it.

In the end, Chuhe had to stop for a while, and even directly sacrificed the tiger soul demon knife, only to separate a strand from the spirit.

Chapter 437

This strand is not a big problem for Chuhe, and Chuhe doesn't even feel any discomfort.

It's just that after the spirit is separated, it still has to come back first to reconcile with the main spirit of Chuhe.

This feeling is very strange, it is clearly separated, but Chuhe didn't lose this sense of controlling the soul, but gained another sense at the same time.

It was as if two souls suddenly lived in the body.

This must be difficult for ordinary people to understand, but after reaching the level of immortals, there are too many things that ordinary people can no longer understand.

Chuhe silently closed the door to the Sea of ​​Consciousness, carefully controlled the separated ray of spirit, and directly integrated it into the body of the huge witch clan.

Generally speaking, refining an incarnation outside the body requires something more spiritual, or something with flesh and blood.

It is rare to hear that someone refined a stone as an incarnation outside the body.

I have never heard of someone refining some other dead things as incarnations outside the body.

This time, Chuhe tried to refine a skeleton as an incarnation outside his body.

If other monks found out, they would definitely accuse Chuhe of treachery, and then watch Chuhe's jokes aside.

After all, this is completely against what they think is common sense.

But Chuhe felt that he could give it a try.

Because the law he learned did not prohibit this kind of rule, and the law allows everything.

And as the soul entered into the body of the great witch, Chuhe's body also directly meditated cross-legged.

Carefully feel the feeling that comes from the body of the Wu clan.

Gradually, the spirit has flowed into the entire body of that body.

At this moment, Chuhe also felt a surge of desolation and sorrow.

It's like a big mountain, pressing directly on Chuhe's heart.

That kind of sadness, that kind of desolation, and that kind of unwilling indignation directly got into the deepest part of Chuhe's soul, and also the deepest part of Chuhe's perception.

Chuhe couldn't help but roar up to the sky!

And then, scene after scene, the lake like a slideshow spread out in front of the Chu River and flashed by.

That should be the prehistoric time in ancient times, and the picture should tell the life of the great witch of the witch clan.

From the beginning of the sound, the Wu clan seemed to be in a tribe at that time.

There are giants in the tribe. They have strange shapes, basic human shapes, and strange appearances.

In the depths of the prehistoric and desolate mountains, these people can crush the seemingly fierce prehistoric beasts with bare hands, drink and eat meat, and are very happy.

Even the unicorn, the king among the dragons and beasts in the phoenix water in the sky, is nothing more than a meal on their plate.

Numerous pictures interweave flashbacks, which lasted for an unknown number of years, and the protagonist in the picture, that is, the owner of the remains, is gradually becoming an adult.

It's just that in the process, their territory is constantly shrinking, and people from the clan continue to die in the battle between the monster clan.

There was even a ten-day volley, when the ten golden crows were chasing and roasting the tribe of the Wu tribe in the depths of the prehistoric desolation, the tribe where the owner of the remains belonged directly suffered more than half of the casualties!

Most of the following scenes are constantly fighting with the Yaozu.

Fight, fight, fight again.

All the pictures are almost blood red.

Finally one day, he was strong enough to be called the leader of his tribe.

And that day, the sky was dark and the sun and the moon were dark.

For some reason, the ground began to shake violently, and the huge Wu clan creatures couldn't stand still.

Suddenly there was a loud noise.

Then the sun and the moon turned upside down and the sky was dark, and endless floods poured in.

Countless witches and other creatures were displaced.

This flood is not ordinary water, but water condensed by Gonggong water god Zuwu!

Almost irresistible!

After that, it was a dark scene again.

Afterwards, a lot of the screen was lost, and when the screen could be seen again, the owner of the remains of the Wu clan had already had a black command flag in his hand!

It was the one that Chuhe found on the bottom of the abyss.

But at this moment, in the picture, there are still dozens of witches holding the same order flag in their hands.

They formed a strange formation, and the twelve flags were combined together to form the image of the ancestor witch!

This large formation is somewhat similar to the Twelve Capitals Tianshensha large formation, but the people who make up these large formations are not ancestor witches, but great witches.

Moreover, the illusioned image after combining the formation is not the real body of Pan Gu, but the image of each ancestor witch.

In other words, this command flag is a weakened version of the formation flag of the Twelve Capitals' Great Formation of Gods and Demons!

Chuhe's mood was agitated, and the disturbed picture also began to ripple.

Seeing that these pictures were about to disappear, Chuhe hurriedly stabilized his mind, but saw the image of the ancestral witch condensed by these great witches soaring into the sky.

And in the sky, there is a group of palaces that are so magnificent that it makes people feel trembling just by looking at them.

Although it was the first time I saw these palaces, those two words were almost out of my mouth.


This is definitely heaven!

I saw that many generals with silver armor or gold armor poured out of the heavenly court to face these witch clan together...

The screen stopped abruptly.

Into the darkness for a long time.

And when the picture appeared next time, it was already in the ocean.

The seriously injured warrior of the Wu clan, who is the owner of this bone, was fighting a monster in the ocean.

The monster seemed to want to eat the flesh and blood of the witch clan, but although the warrior of the witch clan was seriously injured, he was still fierce.

Afterwards, the warrior of the Witch Clan held the corpse of the monster and gorged on it. What he ate was flesh and blood, and the ocean was almost dyed red.

During this process, the warrior of the Wu tribe gradually lost his physical strength and kept falling to the bottom of the sea.

He fell all the way to the cliff of the abyss, and he almost lost his strength in this matter.

He took off the monster's skull, engraved the secret method of the witch clan on it, and then bit the skull in his mouth...

This is the end of the screen.

Chuhe only felt a lot of emotion!

I didn't expect that there would be such a harvest, and I didn't know the Lich War thousands of years ago!

It's just from the perspective of the witch clan, and it's not comprehensive, and the warrior of the witch clan didn't advance to the strength of the great witch until the later stage, but at that time, the Lich War was almost at the end.

So there is not much information disclosed.

And, it's too restrictive.

After reading these, Chuhe didn't really think that in that Lich war, the witch clan was innocent, and the monster clan was the one who provoked the dispute.

After all, in that catastrophe, who can tell right from wrong?

It is nothing more than fighting for a chance of life for the ethnic group and for oneself.

Having figured this out, Chuhe no longer hesitated, and directly poured his soul into the bone, and the light on the bone flashed, and began to tremble slightly...

Chapter 438 Awareness

In fact, it was all accidental that Chuhe could get the information about the owner's previous life from the remains of the witch clan, at least it was not expected by Chuhe.

But in fact, the witch clan only cultivates the flesh body, and to some extent, it is also like the demon clan.

Because the Wu clan does not have a powerful soul, there is no carrier that can carry so many memories and complex cultivation bases, and they cannot do without such a carrier.

Under such circumstances, the flesh and blood of the witch clan actively became such a carrier.

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