And if he had to escape quickly, he was worried that he would not have a chance if he was later.

But no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't escape.

Because of the water flow brought by the huge size of the Chu River, Swordsman Qingliu was imprisoned by his side, no matter how hard Swordsman Qingliu tried, he couldn't break it.

This is not a simple problem of water flow, and it even implies Chuhe's understanding of the way of water.

In other words, if you want to crack it, it is actually very simple, you only need to meet one condition.

That is, the understanding on the road of water surpasses that of the Chu River.

As long as the understanding on the water path exceeds that of the Chu River, you can get out of trouble in an instant.

But obviously, the swordsman Qingliu who has lost his soul now, no matter his understanding of the way of water or his current disposition, can't be calm, let alone transcend.

Gradually, Swordsman Qingliu began to feel a sense of suffocation!

This is simply an incredible thing for the immortal who has been able to hold his breath for a long time!

Because Qingliu Swordsman has reached the level of a celestial being, his breathing is all internal breathing, and he has long stopped breathing externally. He has long forgotten what it feels like to feel like suffocation.

But now he picked it up again.

And not only that, he even felt that water was crazily entering his mouth and nostrils, like a drowning person, he began to struggle crazily in the water.

But Chuhe ignored it and went straight up.

The sword between his ribs was also taken by Chuhe.

Then he held the precious sword and played with it in front of himself, and then, two fingers gently clamped the edge of the precious sword - Kacha!

With a little force from Chuhe, the sword instantly became two knots!

what! ?

Daoist Qingteng almost cried out.

Because he knew that this sword was given to Swordsman Qingliu by the head of the sect himself. It is definitely a magic weapon, a good treasure at the level of acquired magic weapon!

The reason why Daoist Qingteng felt that if the sword of Qingliu Swordsman hit him at that time, he would also be seriously injured. Apart from the fact that the move was indeed powerful, there was another very important reason that he had This sword is really a treasure of magic weapon level!

Such a magic weapon, a magic weapon that relied on killing power to win, did not leave a trace on Chuhe's body, which was enough to shock him.

And then Chuhe's two fingers were crushed by the sword, which directly shocked Taoist Qingteng!

Immortal Wuxiang over there also felt the same way.

I just felt that the warning signs in my heart suddenly reached a peak.

The two subconsciously looked at each other, and then communicated.

"Invincible! Can only be outsmarted!"

"I think that huge skeleton is very similar to a monster from the ancient times in the legend. It is rumored that this monster can capture stars and moons, move mountains and fill seas! But this kind of monster only has great strength, but Powerless!"

"Maybe this is the body of the monster, but I don't know why, but now it's alive!" Wuxiang Daxian continued, "I think you should also feel that although this skeleton is full of pressure, it lacks agility. We can trap it!"

"That's right!" Daoist Qingteng said, "You and I, and the ancient formation presided over by so many celestial beings, even if the golden celestial descends to earth, we can fight with it, so why are we afraid of this monster? "

"Hehe, originally I thought that the attack power of this Tai Chi Qi array was not enough, but now it seems that I was too worried. If this Tai Chi Qi array is used for attack, it may have some shortcomings, but if it is about trapping people, then my Once Tai Chi is said to be the second in China, no one dares to say that it is the first!"

Wuxiang Daxian really has the confidence to say this.

"Since this is the case, you and I should put aside our previous suspicions and work together!"

Taoist Qingteng said, "The bones on this monster's body are so hard that even the magic weapon for attacking and killing cannot leave traces on it. If it can be subdued, any bone removed from him will I'm afraid they can be practiced as magic weapons."

"Then we have to take it down first!" Immortal Wu Xiang raised his breath after finishing speaking, connecting all the joints of the formation.

Then, the flat Tai Chi pattern that was slowly rotating in the sky began to bend slowly, and finally, like a cover, it directly covered the water.

At this moment, the Chu River is very close to the water surface, and the transformation of the big formation into a trap is only completed in an instant.

Chuhe, who was in the water, suddenly felt an inexplicable silence around him, and even the aura became thin and stagnant.

He also saw that in the water, the huge Tai Chi pattern was extending downward rapidly, as if trying to wrap the Chu River in it.

If Chuhe retreats now, he is sure to rush out of the encirclement directly.

But Chuhe chose not to move!

He just wanted to try to see how much this incarnation outside his body weighed.

Thinking of this, he rushed upwards at a faster speed, jumping directly out of the water!

Under the sunlight, a crystal-clear huge skull that seemed to be carved from jade stopped on the surface of the water. He held the pagoda in his left hand and a black flag in his right.

A little bit of red light bloomed in the eyes!

Chapter 448 Treasure Mirror

For a moment, the entire surface of the sea was silent!

Even the whistling wind stopped for a moment, and everyone looked at the mighty skeleton figure above the sea!

"what is that!?"

Most of the monks who formed the formation did not have the strength of Immortal Wuxiang and Daoist Qingteng, and they could only see the Chu River clearly after the Chu River appeared above the water.

The huge skeleton and the sense of oppression brought to them by the Four Elephant Pagoda and the Command Flag seemed to appear suddenly, as if a mountain was suddenly pressed on them. Just by looking at them, they felt out of breath.


Immortal Wu Xiang gasped, although he had already imagined the monster below, but he couldn't help being shocked when the monster really appeared.

"Everyone, don't panic!"

Daoist Qingteng spoke loudly, "Don't let the formation lose its circulation, this is a great opportunity, but there are indeed dangers in it, so be careful!"

There were some warnings and Dao voices in these words, like a slap in the face, it directly restored the shocked monks who almost lost their minds to normal.

The large formation that originally covered the entire screen was deliberately pulled apart under the control of Immortal Wuxiang and Daoist Qingteng.

Before they have fully grasped Chuhe's strength, they still focus on probing.

At this moment, the Chu River, which jumped out of the water, was also looking around at these monks.

All I saw was a huge Tai Chi pattern, which shrouded in mid-air, and it seemed that no monk could see it, and they were all covered by the big formation.

It's just that this body seems to have the ability to break the law, and all the disguises are invisible to the incarnation of the remains of the witch clan.

Chuhe could clearly see that in the mid-air, these monks seemed to have formed this wonderful formation according to the positions of the stars, and the two eyes of the formation were two big bosses of Xuanxian level!

Counting carefully, there are 130 six monks at the level of heavenly immortals, and 530 nine monks at the level of earth immortals!

In addition, outside the big formation, Chuhe also faintly noticed that there were other people coveting.

What the hell happened in these 20 years?

Chuhe couldn't help thinking.

He also didn't expect that it took him more than 20 years to refine the magic weapon.

It seems sure enough, what Cultivation Without Years said is true, and it has reached this point, it is a common thing to retreat at will even for thousands of 800 years.

Time really seems meaningless to these people.

If this is the case, what is the purpose of comprehension?

At the very beginning, Chuhe always felt that the purpose of cultivating the truth is to be able to live as long as the heavens, so that he can live for a long time.

But now it seems that the lifespan of monks who have reached Tianxianxuanxian is close to tens of thousands of years, or at least tens of thousands of years.

Chuhe has not reached this state yet, and he is not clear in his mind, but judging from the performance of those people and some legends that Chuhe has heard, tens of thousands of years is a conservative estimate.

If this is the case, ten thousand years would be considered forever for most people.

If you really want an extremely long lifespan, isn't 1 years not enough?

At the same time, Chuhe also had a faint guess in his heart.

Combining the experience of his previous life, Chuhe knows that in the prehistoric world, there will be a catastrophe every once in a while. If it is not handled well, all saints may fall!

There is also the legendary immeasurable calamity. If it is activated, even saints will not have a chance to be destroyed.

If that step is really reached, it will be a repeat of the prehistoric destruction of the world, and another prehistoric world will be re-opened.

Chuhe just had a faint feeling in his heart, and he was not sure if it was true.

If this is the case, then these low-level monks may not know what they practice for, perhaps for life or for strength, but once they reach a certain level, they may understand that the ultimate purpose of practice is just to Saving one's own life is nothing more than surviving.

Of course, all of this is just Chuhe's guess.

It's just that Chuhe can still think about those things when he is under siege. If people outside know about it, they will feel that Chuhe has underestimated them.

After all, this is a large formation led by two mysterious immortals, dozens of heavenly immortals and hundreds of earth immortals.

Such a battle is a force walking sideways in the territory of Dongsheng Shenzhou known today!

Daoist Qingteng and Immortal Wuxiang are presiding over the formation at the moment, while secretly exchanging their views on this huge skeleton that suddenly appeared.

They only thought that the skeleton was really weird, not to mention the huge figure, but it was emitting bursts of precious light, and there were life fluctuations, which was really too weird.

Is this an unknown creature that has been lurking since the prehistoric period, or is it a magic weapon that suddenly became wise?

They really couldn't tell what it was, all because the fluctuations emanating from this huge skeleton were too weird.

Like life, but also like a magic weapon.

In fact, it’s no wonder that these two masters at the Xuanxian level are ignorant. After all, the spell of incarnation outside the body, although there are many spells with the same name in Dongsheng Shenzhou, those spells are just called incarnation outside the body. , is completely different from the actual incarnation outside the body.

These people have never seen Chuhe's attainments of incarnation outside his body, so how can they tell them apart?

Just like when Master Wuhai found Chuhe, he claimed to use the method of incarnation outside the body, but in fact it was just a part of his soul, which was just a simple application of the soul, maybe there were some skills, But compared to the real incarnation outside the body, it is still too far behind.

Just like now, after Chuhe directly refined the remains of the Wu clan who had been dead for an unknown period of time into an incarnation outside the body, it gave the remains of the Wu clan a new life, which can be said to be a creation. general presence.

Moreover, if Chuhe is willing, he can let this incarnation practice other exercises that are different from his own body, and even let this incarnation act on his own outside. He has his own will.

Even if Chuhe's body died, the remains of the witch clan incarnated outside his body would not just die.

This is the real incarnation outside the body!

Of course these people will not know, and it is impossible to know at all!

"Wuxiang Daxian, I heard that you got a treasure mirror in an adventure before. This treasure mirror can illuminate whether it is a treasure, or even directly illuminate the body of everything in this world. It has reached this point. Don't you Do you still want to hide it?"

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