But they didn't dare to stand up at all. They knelt on the ground and hesitated, blocking the front of Chu River.

"Master Chu, I really couldn't help myself back then. Everyone is like this, so I have no choice but to do like this..."

"I admit that I am a shareholder of Jinshui Group, but I can swear that it was Wang Changlin's idea to demolish the Demon Town Temple back then. I...I opposed it back then! Yes, I opposed it back then! His own words are slight, and he can't count at all..."

He took out another golden bank card from his pocket, "This is my money, there are 3000 million in it, and I have other assets, as long as you can save me, I can go to the bank and get all the money Take it out for you!"

Chuhe looked at him indifferently.


Or someone from Jinshui Group?

Chapter 42

Chuhe looked at the people in front of him who were indifferent to his begging, and there was a weird smile on his lips.

It's not that he is perverted and enjoys this state.

It's not because the person kneeling in front of him is a member of the Jinshui Group, so he feels the refreshment of revenge.

No, Chuhe is not that low-level.

What made him smile and what made him enjoy was the growing regret value at this moment.

And now the amount of remorse value has reached a very considerable level!

【Ding!Congratulations to the host, get 785 points of remorse! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host, get 769 points of remorse! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host, get 899 points of remorse! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host, get 635 points of remorse! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host, get 760 points of remorse! 】

【Ding!Congratulations to the host, get 80 points of remorse! 】

Now the shock point of each of them has almost reached ten times that of before!

This shows that in their hearts, the feeling of remorse has reached a peak.

That's why Chuhe smiled.

Originally, I thought it would take a long time for the regret value to reach 100 million, but now it seems that it is not that difficult.

What just makes Chuhe amusing is that among the piles of nearly one thousand remorse points, why suddenly there is a two-digit number?

It seems that there are still some people who don't feel how wrong they have done, not because they are honest and repentant!

Is this called death without repentance?

Chuhe's eyes swept over these people one by one.

I have to say that the acting skills of these so-called masters in suits and leather shoes are really good.

It's really hard to tell who's lying just from their faces.

However, fortunately, Chuhe has a system.

This thing can absorb regret value, and if you want to get to the bottom of it, you can know who the regret value comes from.

So it's very simple.

All I saw was a bit of remorse popping out of the fat pig's head who claimed to be a shareholder of Jinshui Group.

In the beginning, there were still eighty points, but now it has become a single digit.

But it happened that he was the one who cried the hardest, with snot and tears, and a pig face wrinkled together, as realistic as his acting skills should be.

This is a powerful actor, and his acting skills are directly ahead of those little fresh meats.

The fat pig looked at Chuhe and him, and he cried harder.

"I beg you, please help me, I was wrong, I really know I was wrong, if I knew this was the case, I would use my life to stop it!"

His nose bubbled up from crying, but he hated Chuhe to death in his heart.

How could he not hate it?

Originally, he was the major shareholder of Jinshui Group!

It's not that he said why he is a small minority shareholder. He is under one person and above ten thousand in Jinshui Group.

He is also a well-known big shot, a rich man among the rich, but because of the demolition of the town demon temple, he suddenly became this precarious ghost.

How could he not hate it?

In his opinion, all of this is Chuhe's fault. If Chuhe had been firm in his refusal at the beginning, how could they have directly demolished Zhenyao Temple?

In his heart, Chuhe should have crashed his head on the excavator to death, so that if people were killed on the construction site, the Zhenyao Temple would not need to be demolished.

As a result, the boy Chuhe was unwilling to sacrifice himself, which directly led to chaos in the world, and I don't know how many people died.

It's all his reason!

Just as he was thinking, Chuhe suddenly asked, "What's your name?"

The fat pig shook his body and said subconsciously, "Wang... Zhang Jianguo! My name is Zhang Jianguo!"

Chuhe looked at him playfully, "If you lie, you will be eaten by monsters."

He shed a few more tears, this time he was not acting but was really scared.

"My name is Wang Changhu, my name is Wang Changhu!"

"Wang Changhu?" Chu He smiled, "That's Wang Changlin's brother?"

"I... He... Yes, yes, yes, he is indeed my brother, but our relationship is not good at all. I even wonder if we are brothers. I don't get along with him at all!"

Chuhe smiled.

Who doesn't know the Wang brothers of Jinshui Group?

These two people are one of the main people who promoted the demolition of the Town Demon Temple.

"Really! We are half-brothers!"

Wang Changhu was scared, he only hated himself for telling the truth, but he didn't want to pretend to be in front of Chuhe with his little knowledge?

Chuhe stretched out his hand and snapped his fingers.

with a snap.

Very crisp, the sound spread far and wide.

"Hey, those little monsters, don't hide, come here!"


Just on the other side of the street, a few little demons hiding on the trees in the green belt fell directly to the ground.

They looked terrified and looked at Chuhe tremblingly, almost terrified.

These little monsters are all people who have witnessed Chuhe's methods with their own eyes, and they have long regarded Chuhe as a god-like figure!

And here Wang Changhu was also terrified, he just felt like a gust of cold wind blowing from his throat to his heels.

It was so cold that his three corpses were about to freeze, and his head was not bright.

"Dada, master! Master Chuhe! What are you... What are you going to do?"

Chuhe casually picked up a big white rabbit toffee, unwrapped it and threw it into his mouth.

"It's nothing, since you have sincerely regretted it, then I will give you a chance."

Wang Changhu gulped down a mouthful of saliva, and while hope emerged in his heart, he also had some bad premonitions.

"Master Chuhe, what, what opportunity?" Seeing Chuhe eating toffee there, Wang Changhu said again, "You like to eat this brand of toffee? You let me go and save my life. Buy it for you!"

Chuhe didn't say a word, but saw Wang Changhu's forehead sweating profusely.

The little monsters outside didn't know what to do, either they left or they didn't.

One of the little demons raised his voice and asked, "Master Guanzhu, you, are you going to eat us?"

Chu He looked at these skinny little monsters, and said with a sneer, "How much meat do you have for me?"

Looking at the appearance of these little monsters, he knew that the life under the gate of the spirit world was not easy, and it was probably like purgatory.

If the seal is really what Xiao Hei said, then these monsters have suffered a lot.

Those little monsters shrank their necks, but their fear was also a little less, and they began to look at those fat people.

When these people saw the monster looking at them, they were scared out of their wits.

Wang Changhu cried, "Master, I really know I was wrong!"

"I know that giving you money is an insult to you, and I sincerely repent of my original mistakes. In order to get my life back, I am willing to do anything!"

Several other people also began to beg for mercy, and there were many reasons, all kinds of things.

All of them were terrible sellers, and they almost said that their parents died before they were born.

Chapter 43

One of them said, "Master, I sincerely regret it. As long as you can save me, I will eat fast and chant Buddha's name from now on, and I will no longer care about the troubles of the world."

After he finished speaking, he quickly slapped himself on the face, "I mean, I will become a Taoist priest from now on. If possible, I would like to worship under your seat, Master!"

Wang Changhu also said, "Don't let me be a Taoist priest, as long as I can survive, I can do anything. I will donate all my money to repair houses for Taoists in the world!"

Just letting them talk broke their throats, Chuhe just remained unmoved.

And those little monsters, under the signal of Chuhe, are getting closer and closer.

Seeing the little demon approaching constantly, these people felt more and more psychological pressure, almost reaching the limit.

They said everything, but Chuhe didn't respond.

At this moment, an obese middle-aged man who had been hiding behind finally stood up.

I saw him look at the few people who were still kneeling on the ground with pity on his face, "I understand, this crime can't be blamed on others at all, it is actually caused by the greed in our hearts, and it is all due to the dark side of our hearts." , which caused this catastrophe.”

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