Chuhe spoke again, but this time, it disappointed many people.

Don't have to call the teacher?

Isn't this rejecting them?

Of course, some people were not reconciled, and even rushed out and knelt down on the ground.

"I beg the teacher to accept me as a registered student! The disciple is willing to go on the saddle in the future, as long as he can still get the teacher's friendship in the future and come into contact with the true chapter of the Dao, the disciple is willing to pay all the price!"

Chuhe looked at the man kneeling in front of him, and didn't speak or show anything.

Seeing this appearance, other people originally wanted to imitate that man and bow down to Chuhe directly, but they hesitated for a while and dared not go forward.

"I haven't reached the realm of Daluo Jinxian, I won't accept disciples."

Chuhe said again, "And you and I have already done our fate, so you don't need to push too much."

After speaking, Chuhe was about to leave immediately.

Seeing this, those people cried out in grief, "Teacher! Don't know the name of the teacher yet? Let me remember it in my heart and pray for the teacher day and night!"

Chuhe only thought it was funny.

I still need you to pray?

But he has no scruples about his name, "Chuhe."

After finishing speaking, Chuhe disappeared directly.

Everyone looked at the empty Wuxiang Shrine, and they silently recited the two words, Chuhe.

So far, Chuhe has no Taoist name.

Firstly, Chuhe felt that he hadn't found his way so far, so it was still too early to mention the way number.

What's more, Chuhe is always reminding himself of his true identity, otherwise, he may even really forget that he came from time travel.

At this time, the word Chuhe is not well-known in this continent.

Although 100 years ago, in that small world of the earth, the Chuhe River was in the limelight for a while, and even directly became the public enemy of mankind. It can be said that the word Chuhe is very popular there.

Even after 100 years, many people still know the word Chuhe, and understand the meaning of these two words to that world.

And the monks in this area of ​​Dongsheng Shenzhou are relatively unfamiliar with the word Chuhe, and this is even the first time they have heard of this name.

But they didn't dare to slack off, and they all kept these two words deeply in their hearts.

Many of them even resigned from their positions within the gang and left the gang directly after returning to the division, and have been walking as Chuhemen since then.

And there are not a few such people.

Although Chuhe didn't say a word, and didn't explain anything to them, he just left in an instant.

But these people are obviously not so peaceful.

They thought they were Chuhe's disciples, and then each withdrew from their respective sects. Then, under the influence of someone with good intentions, they joined together and formed a force!

As soon as this force was formed, it immediately became one of the top forces in Dongsheng Shenzhou!

Among other things, these dozens of Profound Immortals alone are enough to conquer Shenzhou.

What's more, there are countless angels, so many tyrannical monks gather together, and the energy they burst out is amazing.

Of course, these are all things to come. Now these people only vaguely have this kind of idea in their hearts, but they haven't practiced it yet.

There is actually only one thing they want to know most now, and that is - where is Chuhe going now?

Will he leave forever?

Or will you start preaching again later?

Chapter 461 Guess

If Chuhe wants to preach next time, will he still preach in Wuxiang Shrine?

These are their top concerns.

After all, Chuhe has been preaching for 100 years, and even only a few decades in the middle, but these decades have given them much more than the thousands of years of practice before.

Of course they are eager to hear Chuhe preach again, and of course, they are most concerned about this.

But when Chuhe left, he didn't leave any words at all, and he didn't say where he went or whether he would come back, which made these people have trouble.

Someone directly suggested to wait for Chuhe at the same place, maybe Chuhe will come back at any time, so that the embarrassing situation that they are not here when Chuhe comes back can be avoided.

Some people responded, and some people thought that Chuhe would not come back.

After all, Chuhe has already said that his fate is over. If so, it is impossible to wait for Chuhe even if he waits here.

But no matter what, they finally reached a consensus, that is, the Wuxiang Shrine must be well kept, and even treated as a palace of Chuhe from then on.

They didn't dare to call Chuhe's name directly, so they could only call Chuhe the Taoist of Wuxiang based on the Wuxiang Shrine.

Although this Wuxiang Shrine belonged to a Xuanxian monk named Wuxiang Great Immortal 100 years ago, and these monks all knew this, but they all felt that there was nothing wrong with it.

For tens of thousands of years, countless cultivators have had countless Dao names. Does it mean that after others have used it, others can no longer use it?

Anyway, there is no such reason in the realm of comprehension. No matter what the name is, anyone can use it. However, some people may not be famous for a lifetime after using this dao name, while some people soar to the sky!

Anyway, Chuhe didn't think of this, that is, he didn't plan to give himself a Taoist name, but these cheap disciples of his gave Chuhe a respectful title of Wuxiang Taoist.

Moreover, these people later directly used Wuxiang Shrine as a base to establish forces in Wuxiang Shrine!

Of course, these Chuhes still don't know.

He didn't know how much change he had brought to Dongsheng Shenzhou by preaching here for 100 years.

Now he is still on the edge of Dongsheng Shenzhou, looking for traces of the Golden Crow.

According to the ancestor Minghuo, the Golden Crow is located at the junction of the border of Dongsheng Shenzhou and the world of Xichi Kingdom.

It was because of the strength of the Golden Crow True Fire that it directly burned through the barrier of space, which gave Patriarch Minghuo a chance to obtain the Golden Crow True Fire.

Now the ancestor Minghuo is still alive and well, even practicing in the Four Elephant Pagoda in Chuhe, he has directly broken through the realm he had always dreamed of before.

It can be said to be a blessing in disguise.

Under his guidance, the Chu River gradually came near the vast sea border of Dongsheng Shenzhou.

There is obviously something special here.

Looking around, there is a vast ocean, and there is no island in sight, nor any seabirds or even fish in the water.

Chuhe looked far away and looked at the surrounding environment. He only felt that this place was too barren, and even the aura was terrifyingly thin.

If Chuhe hadn't been the body of the great witch's remains and didn't need aura at all, he would probably be a little bit overwhelmed here.

What Chuhe didn't know was that he had come to one of the four forbidden places in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

South China Sea Jedi!

This is located in the South China Sea of ​​Dongsheng Shenzhou.

On the vast sea.

Because when approaching here, all spiritual power will be blocked, and it feels like a barren land without the slightest spiritual power.

So that the cultivation base of the monks cannot be fully utilized.

And if it's just that, this place won't end up with the title of a Jedi.

What is really frightening is that here, the closer you get, the more you feel that the aura in your body is about to be burned.

In fact, it is indeed burning aura!

As long as you get close, the aura on the monk's body will be burned directly!

Compared to sealing spiritual power, burning spiritual power is simply killing people.

So that no monk dared to approach here easily.

And for many monks, they also feel that there may be some opportunities here, or there are some natural and earthly treasures here, or some good treasures left over from the prehistoric era.

It is normal to have these thoughts.

Even, many people came here to explore.

Among them are some great men.

After all, in the world of comprehension, there is almost a common sense thing, that is, the greater the danger, the greater the opportunity.

This is the so-called misfortune and blessings.

That's how it fits.

For thousands of years, even ten thousand years, tens of thousands of years, countless monks have come here, feeling that they are different, and want to find their own opportunities here.

But all of them returned home without feathers, and even many monks fell directly into it.

Over time, this formed the title of the forbidden area.

Almost all monks agree that this place is barren and there are no chances.

Even if there is, it is not something they can covet with their current strength.

However, there are always people who do not give up.

Especially in the past 100 years, due to the gradual coming of the prehistoric times, the cultivation of monks has also improved a lot in the past [-] years, and many people have obtained their own opportunities, which also makes many people want to move.

In the four forbidden areas, for the past hundred years, there has been an endless stream of people coming to meet the fate of immortality.

Trying to reach the sky with one move like those other lucky monks.

As the Chu River continued to move forward, many monks walking alone were also found.

Some people even walked together in a hurry, even if they saw Chuhe, they passed by in a hurry, without any intention of staying to say hello.

Chuhe was puzzled.

In this forbidden area, the spiritual consciousness has been greatly oppressed, and it cannot be stretched far at all. Even the Chu River cannot directly cover this area.

That's why they discovered these monks after continuing to move forward for a hundred miles.

Here, the aura is almost completely forbidden, and the more you go inside, the aura in your body will start to boil and want to burn, which makes people very uncomfortable.

Even Chuhe felt parched and had no choice but to put his body into the Four Elephant Pagoda and continue to move forward with the body of the Wu clan.

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