Without the help of the monk from Xiaolin Temple, this enchantment would not be so easy to stabilize.

"Where is it?" Mo Bubu bowed to the monk from Xiaolin Temple, "Master, you also contributed a lot to stabilize the enchantment, so to speak like this is really depressing me."

The two complimented each other, but they actually thought the same thing in their hearts.

They all thought that the opponent would contribute more to the stabilization barrier this time.

But as everyone knows, what they don't know is that all of this comes from Chuhe's handwriting.

However, Chuhe didn't open his mouth, even if Layman Jiang He saw it, he wouldn't open his mouth.

He just stared blankly at what happened in front of him, at Chuhe, at the triumphant Mo Bubu and the monk from Xiaolin Temple.

And the enchantment that gradually became transparent.

In the eyes of Layman Jiang He, the barrier that gradually became transparent was not the credit of Mo Bubu and Monk Xiaolinsi, because his divine eyes could see clearly, and the spirits that the two poured into The energy didn't enter the enchantment at all.

And the root of everything is because of the seemingly inconspicuous order flag in Chuhe's hand. That order flag seems to have mastered the ocean where he is, directly using a gentle but unstoppable force to hold the flag. The enchantment completely surrounded it, and even firmly controlled the three-legged divine bird in the enchantment!

"Why don't you and I work together to break this enchantment together?" Seeing that the enchantment has been stabilized, Mo Budong felt a lot of confidence in his heart, so he said directly to the monk at Xiaolin Temple, "Wait until the knot is formed." After the world is broken, we will each rely on our own ability, as for how much we can gain from it, it depends on our own luck."

The monk from Xiaolin Temple laughed when he heard the words, "Since fellow Taoists have said so, how can I refuse?"

After finishing speaking, the two people who were still in a hurry came to the sky above the barrier together, and it seemed that they were going to work together to break the barrier!

On the other side, the monks on the six-petaled lotus of Xiaolin Temple and the huge treasure ship of Taiyi Gate also put on a posture, and it seemed that they wanted to help Mo Bubu and the little monk.

And those casual cultivators or monks from other sects who were about to withdraw due to the violent enchantment also stopped one after another.

"Originally, I thought Xiaolin Temple and Taiyi Gate would be the biggest obstacles for us to come here this time, but who would have thought that if it weren't for these two stable barriers, I would be killed if I couldn't even see the treasures. That's it!"

"Who said no?" A monk echoed, "The barrier in front is so violent, if Taiyimen and Xiaolin Temple don't care about it, they will naturally have a way to escape, but we may not escape death, but these two stood up to cooperate The enchantment has been stabilized, and I will not be able to pay back for this kindness alone!"

Those who spoke were all monks outside Xiaolin Temple and Taiyi Gate.

They are also really grateful to Mo Bubu and the little monk. In their view, the reason why the violent enchantment has been stabilized is the credit of these two people.

It is also equivalent to protecting their lives in disguise.

Even the monks from Taiyi Gate and Xiaolin Temple took all of this for granted, thinking that if their seniors hadn't acted, it would be considered lucky for these monks to escape one out of ten.

Taking this opportunity, Chenghe Shangxian on the treasure ship of Taiyimen suddenly said, "It's not easy for everyone to cultivate, and now the barrier is about to be broken, but the danger is still unpredictable. It's really my regret!"

"If you comrades trust my Taiyi Gate, you can use this certificate to enter my Taiyi Treasure Ship, and my Taiyi Gate will protect you comrades."

As he spoke, Cheng and Shangxian waved hundreds of rays of light casually.

Taking a closer look, the streaks of sunlight are really green leaves, about the size of a palm, looking crystal clear, as if carved from jade.

It is indeed the spiritual leaf conceived by the fairy gourd root.

Pieces of spiritual leaves flew out and passed many monks.

The monks had different expressions, and their eyes were full of struggle.

But in the end, someone reached out and took the spirit leaf in his hand.

The moment Ling Ye got his hands on it, the man suddenly raised his head to look at the treasure ship of Taiyi Gate, and then used his kung fu to gallop towards the treasure ship of Taiyi Gate.

There is a spiritual thought contained in the spiritual leaf, which is inconvenient to say.

The Taiyi Sect promised to protect the safety of the cultivators holding the spiritual leaves, but [-]% of the gains from this relic must be handed over to the Taiyi Immortal Sect!

The conditions are not unreasonable, but now these monks have almost no choice, at least the status of the Taiyi Immortal Sect should not deceive them.

And the Xiaolin Temple over there was naturally not to be outdone, the holy monk Haoyan also said a bunch of nonsense in a high-sounding manner, and then scattered a hundred lotus petals, using the same method as Taiyimen.

A piece of spiritual root leaf and a piece of lotus petal floated to Chu River so lightly.

It seems that Chuhe is going to make a choice.

The holy monk Haoyan and Chenghe Shangxian in the distance also looked towards Chuhe, the threats and expectations in their eyes were self-evident.

Layman Jiang He, who was standing beside Chuhe, also had petals and leaves in front of him, but it was different from Chuhe's deepness hidden under the hood.

Layman Jiang He only showed a sneer and sarcasm.

To him, it all seemed like a joke.

Obviously it was Chuhe who stabilized the enchantment, so how could it be your credit instead?

Even using it as a threat.

Really don't want any face at all!

Chapter 475

The same spiritual root leaves and lotus petals naturally flew in front of him, Layman Jiang He.

It's just that he sneered, and waved the spiritual root leaves and lotus petals to one side.

His behavior attracted the attention of many people at that time.

"Huh? Who is that? He didn't show any mercy, and directly pushed away the olive branches thrown by Taiyi Gate and Xiaolin Temple?"

"Layman Jiang He." Someone who knew the identity of Layman Jiang He whispered, "It is also a great monk, but it is said that he has been unable to retreat for a long time. Unexpectedly, he was born in the Nanhai Demon Palace here, and even he came here."

Layman Jiang He is not an unknown person, but he has not been active in this world for a long time, and has been looking for an opportunity to break through. Over the years, although his reputation has faded, his identity has once again been exposed by others, and he has never heard of it. No one has really heard the name.

"Looking at him like this, could it be that he has comprehended the mystery and reached the realm of a true immortal?"

Some people were amazed at Layman Jiang He's action of pushing open Taiyi Gate and Xiaolin Temple without hesitation, and subconsciously said, "If that's the case, don't worry too much about Xiaolin Temple and Taiyi Gate..."

"True fairy?" Someone sneered, "It's not that easy!"

"What kind of state is that? My generation of monks can't get a glimpse of it in their entire lives!"

"That is to say, the rules of the avenue are now loose, and there is a great implication that the flood will repeat itself. Only in these years have people been able to get a glimpse of the true meaning." Someone snorted coldly, "In my opinion, in today's world, only Xiaolin Temple and Taiyimen have such Experts like those two just now."

"Other than that... only Heavenly Court has such great power.

"He is only a casual cultivator, and it is very rare to have the strength of the late Xuanxian, but he has only touched the level of a true immortal...he is not qualified yet!"

The person who said this is the third largest force besides Xiaolin Temple and Taiyi Gate at the moment. It’s just that they are the third largest force, but they want to go far away from Xiaolin Temple and Taiyi Gate. Therefore, it is completely powerless to resist.

However, they have no scruples about evaluating casual cultivators.

"This Layman Jiang He is a casual cultivator after all. Although his strength is good, how can he have the huge resources of the sect to support him? And there is no one to exchange information. In today's world of great changes, a wrong step is a wrong step, so He would take the risk of coming to this South China Sea Demon Palace alone, maybe he has already figured out that if he wants to go further, he can only seek it from danger."

"He deliberately pushed Xiaolin Temple and Taiyi Gate open this time. In my opinion, he is not confident in his own strength, but he is just planning to put all his eggs in one basket!"

This person talked eloquently, after all, he was the head of Xichang Xianzong, the leader of the third largest power lingering here now.

"Sect Leader... If you say he is alone, that's not the case." Someone reminded, "Look at the person in front of him, the two of them have been traveling together for the rest of the journey."

Qing Zongzi, head of the Xichang Immortal Sect, glanced at Chuhe, only to see that Chuhe's whole body was covered in black robes, and couldn't help but sneer, "It's just a person who hides his head and shows his tail!"

Before that, the young monk from Xiaolin Temple and Mo Budong from Taiyimen all had a high opinion of Chuhe, but when it came to Qing Zongzi, this was not the case.

In the end, he was still lacking in strength, and his eyesight was also weak.

"Looking at the golden lotus he is stepping on, it seems that he was shocked into the Weng Zhong of Xiaolin Temple."

A trace of contempt flashed in Qing Zongzi's eyes.

Most of the monks present today accepted the leaves and lotus petals from Taiyimen and Xiaolin Temple, and many people stepped on the golden lotus branched from the six-petaled lotus.

From time to time, monks went to take refuge on the treasure ship of Taiyi Gate.

After all, above this fantasy sea, mana is forbidden, and if there is no magic weapon for protection, they will not even be able to persist here.

Seeing Chuhe stepping on the golden lotus, he subconsciously felt that Chuhe had taken refuge in Xiaolin Temple.

It's just that although Chuhe stepped on the golden lotus, he never surrounded the six-petaled lotus. He was with those who also stepped on the golden lotus. This naturally made Qing Zongzi puzzled, but he didn't think much about it.

"The Taiyi Sect even sent spiritual root leaves to this person. Didn't you notice the golden lotus under his feet?"

Qing Zongzi said so, but the next moment, his pupils suddenly shrank.

I saw Chuhe make a move and grab the lotus petals and leaves in his hand.

Even holding both! ?

If you only take one of them, then it is easy to understand, it is regarded as taking refuge in one of them.

It's just that holding both of them is meant to be provocative.

Just now Layman Jiang He pushed all the leaves and petals away. Although it was eye-catching, no one said anything, because like Layman Jiang He, there are many ruthless people who would rather risk dedication than accept any party's solicitation. exist.

But Chuhe is the only one who holds all the petals and leaves in his hands!

Even the monk from Xiaolin Temple and Mo Bubu from Taiyi Sect cast their gazes at the same time.

The two of them have noticed Chuhe for a long time, and now that Chuhe is changing, they naturally take care of it.

Seeing that the enchantment has dissipated, the scene inside the Nanhai Demon Palace is gradually emerging, and the opportunity to enter and search for it is in front of them. They don't want to be taken advantage of by others for nothing.

It's fine if Layman Jiang He is like that. After all, Layman Jiang He is strong, but in their eyes, he is only mediocre.

But if it was the Chu River, which couldn't see through the depth, they would inevitably worry about the fire in the backyard.

What surprised them even more was Chuhe's hand...to be precise, it was Chuhe's skeleton!

Chu He, who had been shrouded in a black burqa, revealed his lineup for the first time.

A crystal clear skeleton hand stretched out like that, and the spiritual root leaves and lotus petals twirled on the skeleton hand like that.

Among the monks, it is not surprising that there are some weird appearances, even if the whole body is covered with skeletons, it is not shocking.

It's just that for some reason, Chuhe's bones were exposed, and both Mo Bubu and the little monk felt a feeling of fear.

It's as if this hand is not a hand, but a huge mountain, as if as long as this hand is waved, it can stir up the world!

This is... what breath! ?

That kind of shocking feeling made them feel a little familiar, but they couldn't imagine where they had seen it before.

And Chuhe is also sneering in his heart.

It's fine if you don't come to provoke me, but now you want to humiliate me?

Chuhe could feel the information conveyed in the spiritual root leaves and lotus petals at once, but these information also made his mood plummet.

The message conveyed in the olive branch to Chuhe is different from others.

The others have agreed that as long as they accept the token, their safety will be guaranteed, and in the end they only need to hand in nine of their achievements.

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