With such a magic weapon in command, even a true immortal would not want to walk out of the formation intact.

After the little monk saw Chuhe walking into the formation, he didn't disdain him like Mo Bufei, and always felt something was wrong in his heart.

Unlike Mo Bubu, this little monk also had the experience of confronting Chuhe head-on once, and just that one time, Chuhe almost broke the Buddha's heart by means she didn't know.

Just this moment made the little monk very afraid of Chuhe.

In his opinion, Chuhe doesn't seem like a human being.

Or in other words, it doesn't look like a monster race!

This little monk's cultivation level in his previous life was higher than Mo Bu Bu Bu's. After all, he has obtained the Arhat Status, and he can be regarded as the top figure of the Golden Immortal.

Although it is only the lowest-level existence among golden immortals, golden immortals are golden immortals, and they are still existences that other monks cannot compare with, and their knowledge is naturally higher.

Seeing that Mo BuTong was about to enter the big formation regardless of what was going on there, the little monk frowned and said, "Fellow Daoist, why don't you just take a look at the situation over there?"

"Look at it?" Mo Bufei sneered, "What are you looking at? Why don't you let me see how he died tragically? I'm not that interested."

The little monk shook his head, "You must be aware of this person's cultivation level. If you don't want to cause trouble, it's the safest thing for you, fellow Taoist, to go there yourself."

Speaking of this, Mo BuTong's expression suddenly turned cold, "Hehe, what do you mean? Don't you think my Taiyi Sect's big formation can't stop this mantis that is like a car with its arms?"

"Or... do you want to drive me away and swallow this Golden Crow True Fire all by yourself?"

The little monk was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't help feeling angry, "Forget it, I'm only doing it for your own good..."

"For my own good?"

Mobu laughed.

"Your Buddha's mouth is always for others, but in the end, how many benefits have fallen on others?"

After finishing speaking, Mo Bufei snorted coldly, "Don't think that I don't know what you are thinking, this Golden Crow is really hot, I will never let you eat it alone! Moreover, without my help, this Golden Crow is really hot!" Huo Mo said that you want to swallow it alone, even if you are backlashed, you may not be sure."

The little monk was secretly angry, and said in his heart that I did have some thoughts before, but those words just now were all for the sake of stability. Since you don't believe it, just wait!

Thinking of this, he didn't say anything about Chuhe, but looked at the increasingly violent Golden Crow True Fire in front of him, and said in a low voice, "What is wrapped in this Golden Crow True Fire... must be the Golden Crow."

"I just don't know if the Golden Crow is still alive..."

"Alive?" Mo Buiyu interrupted the little monk roughly, "I don't know how many thousands of years have passed, how could it be possible to still be alive?"

Don't believe it is just for fun.

The Golden Crow, a legendary fetish, is a secret to many monks. Most of the monks have only heard of the name of the Golden Crow, and what's more, even the name of the Golden Crow is unknown. Never heard of it.

Come to think of it, if the Golden Crow, the lord of the heavenly court who ruled the entire prehistoric period in the prehistoric period, knew this news, he would definitely die with regret.

It's just that the ruthless years are more turbulent than any mighty power. In front of the years, everything is like a vulnerable ants, and they are directly run over without any chance to resist.

Mo Bufei and the little monk must know more about some rumors from the ancient times than these people.

After all, these two people can be regarded as catching up with Honghuang's tail, and it is not a strange thing to know about the Golden Crow.

"If the Golden Crow is still alive..." Mo Bubei pursed his lips, a hint of greed flashed in his eyes, and then he was overwhelmed by fear, "If the Golden Crow is still alive, then what we have to do now is actually very simple..."

"Escape, as far as you can!"

Mo Bubu said very resolutely, "If this kind of fetish still has life, even if its power is only one ten-thousandth left, it is not something we can stop... Unless, unless this Jinwuhua is underage and still in the Hatchlings, we are barely able to fight."

A fetish like the Golden Crow naturally doesn't have the same realm division as a monk. As long as it is an adult, it is at the level of a Da Luo Jinxian!

When the Golden Crow was young, his cultivation was naturally much worse than that of humans.

That's why Mo Buwei said so.

"It feels like...something is about to gush out..." The little monk didn't answer what Mo Bufan said, but just said to himself, "It seems that this... I'm afraid there will be a price to pay."

The little monk pinched the prayer beads on his wrist, as if he had made up his mind.

Chapter 482

But at this moment, the process of these monks scrambling for magic weapons, natural materials and earthly treasures in the Nanhai Demon Palace has reached a fever pitch.

All kinds of magic weapons and spells filled every corner of the Nanhai Demon Palace.

Everyone is almost crazy!

Some people will be attacked immediately after getting the magic weapon, and some people will swallow it immediately after getting the elixir. As a result, they did not die under the danger of the South Sea Demon Palace, nor did they die under the sneak attack of their fellows, but died in the Under the pill.

What's more, some people have been wandering here for an unknown amount of time, but they didn't find a magic weapon or elixir.

Killings abound, and the smell of blood is everywhere.

These monks, who seem to be gentle and elegant on weekdays, went crazy in front of the magic weapon, the elixir, and the shining jade slips. They let go of their former restraint and turned into the most ferocious and violent beasts.

Among them, some people wanted to accept it as soon as they saw it. After getting the magic weapon and killing a few sneak attacking comrades, they flew directly towards the edge of the Nanhai Demon Palace!

Of course they know that the Nanhai Demon Palace has been isolated by Xiaolin Temple and Taiyimen's formation, but even if they know, so what?

Are they really willing to sit here and wait to die?

Ever since, more than two months of people began to attack the formation.

"Hmph!" The Taiyi Sect disciple who had mocked Chuhe just now, looked at the monks who came to attack the formation, and snorted coldly, "Overestimate your own strength! Don't look at your own strength, do you also want to break through? Pass my Taiyi Gate's formation that is almost comparable to Zhenshan Great Formation? Court death!"

He had the confidence to say this, but he had to know that the Chu River, which he said just now, was going to cross the big formation, and after entering the big formation, there was no movement at all.

It should have been directly crushed by the tyrannical force of the big formation.

He could only say yes, because...he didn't find any information about Chuhe either.

It's just that now facing so many people coming to fight, he has no choice but to put aside the news of Chuhe and concentrate on facing these monks who are already red-eyed.

"Stop here!"

The Taiyi Sect disciple directly yelled angrily at the cultivator who wanted to rush out of the Nanhai Demon Palace, "Don't you know that this is the Taiyi Sect's garrison? Do you want to make an enemy of our Taiyi Sect!"

"You guys are required to leave immediately, otherwise... don't blame our Taiyi sect for turning our faces and denying people!"

For these monks, the Taiyimen monks who think they have the upper hand will naturally not have a good face, there are no greetings and politeness, let alone any pretense, and they are death threats.

"Taiyimen! Don't bully others too much!"

Someone said to the Taiyi Sect disciple inside the formation, "We risked our lives to get these treasures, but you just set up a large formation outside, are you going to take [-]% of them? "

"No, no, no." The Taiyi Sect disciple said, "There are two mistakes in what you said, and I have to pick them out for you."

"First, we set up a large formation to guard against thieves outside, and also to guard against possible dangers in the South China Sea Demon Palace. In this way, our Taiyi Sect will naturally take the most credit for this. After all, in case the South China Sea If there is a change in the Demon Palace that you cannot resist, the only one you can rely on is our Taiyi Sect."

After saying this, all those monks were so angry that their heads were smoking.

How could there still be such a shameless person?

Could it be that all these famous sects are like this! ?

Before that, they still had a little bit of goodwill towards the famous Taiyi Sect in China, but now, that little bit of goodwill has long been shattered by the impact!

In fact, just as he thought, Taiyi Sect is like this, and so are all famous schools.

However, it was different from what he thought.

That is, of course a famous sect like Taiyimen also cares about their own reputation, but only when they should care. how?

And this idea is not difficult to guess at all. Most of the monks in the Nanhai Demon Palace who wanted to attack the Taiyi Gate formation understood it after a while, so their expressions were even uglier.

"The Taiyi Sect doesn't even want to be shameless... This is definitely a dangerous signal for us... This shows that they have no intention of letting us go out at all!"

After all, once they are allowed to go out, everything that happened today will naturally be leaked out, which is absolutely unacceptable for Taiyi Sect.

"Everyone! Regardless of whether we fought for the magic weapon just now, but now we are all standing together. If we are not united, what will happen to the magic weapon in our hands even if you get it? In the end, it is not Do you want to take advantage of these sanctimonious guys!?"

Someone shouted loudly, "We must unite! All of us are rushing towards one place, can't we break through a hole!?"

These people had different expressions, but in the end they all agreed.

They may not have known each other before, and some even experienced a fight before, but the huge difficulties that lie in front of them now have brought them together again.

They also know that they must unite at this time, otherwise everything will be in vain, and even their own lives will not be saved. If this is the case, they can only fight.

The Taiyimen disciples watched the formation of the people below, but they were not afraid at all, and they didn't use any means to interfere, because they were extremely confident in this formation, and they knew that although these people looked tough, Dozens of Profound Immortals gathered together, if they want to attack the big formation, there may be some effect.

However, the disciples of Taiyi Sect knew more clearly how stable the formation with spiritual roots is!

Not to mention these dozens of Xuanxians, even if hundreds of Xuanxians attack together, there is absolutely nothing they can do!

This is a large formation of the same level as the mountain protection formation, and it is also a large formation of the same level as the mountain protection formation of Taiyimen!

If there is no real immortal level powerhouse, it will definitely not pose any threat to the formation. Even if there is a true immortal level powerhouse, it may not be able to break through the formation, it can only be a threat to the formation.

That being the case, what is there to be afraid of these monks who are like chickens and dogs in their eyes?

So, the Taiyi Sect disciple continued, "Hehe, don't worry, I still haven't finished a sentence. There are two mistakes in your sentence just now, and I just said one."

"This second place may be related to your life and death, don't you really want to hear it?"

These words really had an effect. Those people who were aggressively planning to attack the formation immediately stopped and looked at the Taiyi Sect disciple in the formation.

I saw a sneering smile on the corner of the man's mouth, "You said that if you pass through here, you will keep [-]% of your income from the South Sea Demon Palace. You are wrong about this, and it is a big mistake."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and they felt happy randomly. Could it be that the people of Taiyimen saw that they were fighting against each other, so they relaxed their conditions?

The ratio of [-]% is really too exaggerated. If I can have [-]% left, it would be a worthwhile trip. Although I will definitely feel aggrieved, at least [-]% is much better.

However, the following words from the disciples of the Taiyi Sect directly wiped out the joy that had not yet surfaced on their faces.

"Tenty percent, not ninety percent." The Taiyi Sect disciple continued, as if talking about something insignificant, "You have to hand in all the things you got in the South China Sea Demon Palace. In order to prevent you For private storage, you still need to open up your spiritual consciousness, give up all defenses, and let us Taiyi Gate check it out."

"Taiyi Sect! You are bullying people too much!"

Everyone couldn't help roaring!

Chapter 483 The Art of Combining Strikes

Originally they thought that their toughness might be exchanged for Taiyimen's compromise, but what they didn't expect was that what their toughness got in exchange for Taiyimen's tougher!

There is no intention of compromising at all!

The treasures obtained in the Nanhai Demon Palace are completely handed in, which is a humiliation to them, and it is also the kind of humiliation that can make people sworn to death!

And what he said next was even more outrageous.

He actually wants to put down his defenses and open up his consciousness to let them check.

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