He Cheng and Shangxian didn't believe it!

Judging from his tens of thousands of years of experience, he thinks that it is absolutely impossible for him to make mistakes!

"Fellow daoists! Continue to increase your strength!" The monk who presented the joint attack technique with disheveled hair looks like a madman, "I can tear a hole in the formation immediately, and I must not slack off now!!"

The others knew what was going on without him saying anything, they could only drive mana crazily, and some even trembled physically.

And the body of the huge Jin family god became more and more solid, resisting all the attacks that were transformed in this large formation.

Even some disciples of Taiyi Sect felt the pressure, and sacrificed magic weapons one after another to deal with this general of the Jin family.

In this large formation, one ebbs and another grows, and the magic weapon of any disciple of the Taiyi Sect can be strengthened by the large formation, and can directly exert the power that is close to the ninth level of Xuanxian!

This is also the scary part of this large formation, which directly makes those monks complain endlessly.

It's just that now they have no way out, they can only keep rushing, even if they are exhausted, they can only persevere.

With the persistence of these people, and the combination attack technique is indeed extremely powerful, they did not retreat, but slowly moved towards the edge of the formation bit by bit.

As long as you come to the edge of the big formation and try your best, it is not impossible to really rush out at that time!

And as long as they can rush out, without the big formation as a support, these disciples of the Taiyi Sect will never dare to chase forward easily.

After all, the combined strike technique is still in their hands. As long as they are willing to combine the combined attack technique, they can directly kill all Taiyimen disciples who come to chase but do not have the protection of the large formation!

Hope is in sight, and these monks have exploded with even stronger power.

And just in a daze, these people who tried their best suddenly saw a figure in a black hooded suit standing in the big formation, looking at them with interest like a bystander...

Chapter 485 Retreat


who's that person?

It seems that he is not a member of the Taiyi Gate!

Who is that person?

Many people saw Chuhe in the formation, and many people thought of the person who angered Xiaolin Temple and Taiyimen before.

"He's that...that mysterious black-robed man!"

Others naturally thought of who Chuhe was.

After knowing that Chuhe was not from the Taiyimen, their calmness instantly became unbearable.

The joint strike technique they used gathered the power of more than a dozen Xuanxians to fight to the death, so they could barely compete with the big formation, but even so, they were almost exhausted and crumbling.

It only needs to reveal any flaw, and it will be directly torn to pieces by the big formation.

But looking at the Chu River.

The violent energy came obliquely, but to Chuhe, it was like a breeze blowing on his face. He didn't see any fear at all, and he didn't see any trace of resistance.

It seemed that standing there was not a person, but a shadow of nothingness.

But that sense of reality kept them from guessing wrong.

Chuhe, just stand there!

It was just a single person who resisted the turbulent formation.

Even now Chuhe's position is at the core of their struggle with the formation, facing the violent energy that seems to tear the world apart, but it can't shake his body at all.

These casual cultivators were so terrified that they affected the use of the joint strike technique.

But fortunately, it stabilized immediately.

"Keep your mind, the exit is ahead, don't be disturbed!"

When everyone heard this, they quickly tightened their minds, not daring to look at Chuhe again, and only focused on their eyes.

Even if they are horrified and confused, they have to let it go first, after all, the matter in front of them is a matter of life and death.

And right now.

The powerful energy erupting from the Great Formation of the Taiyi Gate here has already spread throughout the entire Nanhai Demon Palace.

The little monk glanced at Mo BuFong without even raising his eyelids, and said softly, "It seems that there are some problems with the big formation arranged by your Taiyi Gate, don't you need to go back and check?"


Mo Bufei didn't have a good face, "It's just an ant, and there is a large formation with spiritual roots, do you have the confidence to pass it?"

The little monk thought about it carefully, and then said, "If I risk my life, I have a five-point chance of passing."

Mo BuTong's pupils shrank, and then he sneered and said, "Don't say I'm the Taiyi Sect, isn't the formation of your Xiaolin Temple the same?"

I saw that the formation arranged by Xiaolin Temple over there was also thunderous, and Buddha's light was faintly emitted from it, obviously someone wanted to pass through there.

The little monk shook his head and said, "If it's just those monks, they are absolutely impossible to pass. It is because they got some benefits from the Nanhai Demon Palace that they can cause a little trouble, but it's just a little trouble."

Mo Butong looked away from the Golden Crow True Fire in front of him, and looked at the raging Taiyi Sect formation over there.

All I could see was a huge Jin family god general roaring and fighting inside.

The powerful energy emanating from above made even Mo Bu Bu frightened.

"The art of joint attack... As expected of the Nanhai Demon Palace, there are such spells..."

The importance of combined attack technique to a school is self-evident. Taiyi also has combined attack technique, but they are relatively low-end.

And the joint attack technique displayed in this formation, even if it hasn't been well-tuned, it still bursts out with powerful energy close to that of a true immortal.

If it is possible for all the monks of the Taiyi Sect to learn...

Even Mo Bu different's heart was full of fire.

The little monk was also extremely hot-eyed, he just felt that it was a pity for the Taiyi Sect, such a joint attack technique, I am afraid that it would be cheaper for him.

Although this joint attack technique is powerful, in the eyes of these two people, it is still inferior to the big formation.

It's just that for other monks in the South China Sea Demon Palace, this is indeed an encouragement.

"What a powerful force!" Someone was hesitating whether to forcibly charge into the formation, looking at the large formation that was constantly flashing and bursting out with thunderous energy, they couldn't help being horrified.

"This kind of power... is absolutely no less than that of a true immortal!"

"Unexpectedly, among us, there are still people with such powerful power! This power should be enough to tear apart a corner of the formation, right?"

With this thought in mind, many people gathered in front of the Great Formation of Taiyi Gate.

He just wanted to wait until the big formation was broken, and then take advantage of the chaos to escape.

"No, it's not the power erupted by a certain monk. This... should be some kind of secret technique obtained in the South China Sea Demon Palace, or even a combination technique!"

"In any case, this force has the strength almost reaching the strength of a real immortal, and it should be no problem to tear up the formation!"

These people don't know whether they are really confident or just cheering themselves up.

But no matter what, the fear in their hearts about the fighting skills that broke out in this big formation is written on their faces.

Even for the most confident among them, I'm afraid they can only get one result.

That is, if they are now in the center of the energy in this large formation, they will be torn into powder in an instant!

"It's over!"

"No! It's time to decide the outcome!"

After the two with the highest cultivation level spoke, the other monks realized why they said that.

He only saw the huge Taiyi Immortal Gourd that had been looming in mid-air, and moved his body.

Cheng and Shangxian sitting cross-legged were revealed.

Then the Taiyi Immortal Gourd's mouth seemed to spray some green water that looked like smoke.

The water rushed down quickly and landed directly on the huge Jin family general.

All I heard was a piercing sound.

The huge Jin Family God General seemed to have rust on his body, and his activities began to be inconvenient.

And at this moment, some green vines began to emerge continuously in those places contaminated by the green water!

In just the blink of an eye, the huge Jin family god general was directly wrapped in green vines and turned into a green man!

And this Jin family god general is the combination of these monks below. After the Jin family god general is restrained, they naturally feel restrained, even as if they are bound themselves.

"One more step! Just one more step! The exit is ahead!"

"Everyone is holding on! Hold on!!"

"It's useless!" Some people directly sang the opposite tune, "If we continue to persevere, we will only have a dead end, and there is absolutely no other way to go!"

"This is the power of Lingbao!" The man said hoarsely, "We can't resist it at all!"

"The reason why Cheng and Shangxian waited until now is because they want us to persevere to the end, only in this way can he catch us all!"

As soon as these words were said, everyone was shocked!

Seeing that only one step ahead is the exit, everyone naturally wants to persevere, but as long as they persevere, they may never be able to leave again.


They walked through the critical moment of life and death, and instead of becoming despised of life and death, they cherished their own lives even more.

Ever since, almost instantly, everyone retreated in unison to the rear!

Once again, they returned to their original positions, and Chuhe still stood there motionless.

Chapter 486 Standing a memorial archway?

Returned to the original position again, but this time these monks were in a completely different mood from before.

At the beginning, they still made great strides, only thinking that they would be able to rush out.

But now, they have no heart, and they only think that they can leave intact, which is already burning high incense.

When they saw Chuhe again, their moods were mixed.

Some even wanted to call for help.

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