The monks and disciples of the Taiyi Sect are all above the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, but the defensive power of the Immortal Gourd is limited, and the space above it is even more limited, and there are not many people who can protect it.

Therefore, some disciples begged hard under the fairy gourd.

"Elder! Take me up there! Please! I don't want to die yet!"

"Ahh! Elder! Help, Elder!"

Seeing the disciples of the Taiyi sect being burned to death one by one, Chenghe Shangxian's face was full of fear, and the monks on the Taiyi immortal gourd were all dumbfounded. They never expected that it would be now Such a result.

Mo Fei's face turned blue, looking at these raging flames, even he was not sure how long he could last in it.

This Golden Crow True so terrifying!

Mo BuTong was afraid for a while, but fortunately he didn't provoke the Golden Crow True Fire because of fear, otherwise, even if he was himself, he might have to confess to being in the flame.

And Chuhe...

He originally thought that Chuhe would turn into fly ash directly, but what he didn't expect was that instead of dying, Chuhe was alive and well.

Time rewinds to a quarter of an hour ago.

At that moment, Chuhe finally put his hand into the Golden Crow's real fire, and everyone could even hear the sizzling, sizzling sound of burning.

It's just that Chuhe didn't show any pain. The real water in his hand was being consumed by the Golden Crow's real fire, but the endless sea was connected under his feet!

Under the effect of the Shensha Banner, the real water was continuously replenished, and this little Golden Crow True Fire couldn't hurt him.

Now his body is condensed with the secret method in the Shensha Banner, inherited and worked together!

What kind of powerful force is this?

Even if the Chu River was immersed in it, it was almost infected, as if he could already turn into ten thousand waters.

Water is one of the avenues.

The Golden Crow is one of the fire.

Water beats fire.

Even though the Golden Crow is powerful, in the face of mutual generation and mutual restraint, its strength still needs to be discounted.

This is why Chuhe is confident.

The Golden Crow True Flame that others are afraid of can't hurt him at all!

As long as the sea doesn't dry up, then he will definitely not be burned by this Golden Crow True Fire!

He can even suppress the Golden Crow True Fire in reverse.

After all, the creatures in the Golden Crow True Fire are already very weak. For Chuhe, it seems that he can hold it in his hands with just a light touch.

Chuhe also had to lament that time is the most powerful weapon.

He could feel that within the Golden Crow True Fire, it was a Golden Crow, an adult Golden Crow!

The reason why he became like this should be that he suffered a very serious injury before that, so he had to seal himself, or even directly seal the entire Nanhai Demon Palace.

And the reason why all the spiritual power near the Nanhai Demon Palace was cut off was because the large formation he had arranged concentrated all the nearby spiritual power on him to nourish himself.

That should be an injury that could threaten his life.

Otherwise, it doesn't need to be.

However, what he probably didn't expect was that he underestimated the severity of his injury. Millions of years passed, and he never woke up. Instead, he became even more sleepy, and even became distracted.

It is said that he is still alive, but he just thinks that he has used secret methods to keep his body from corruption, but in fact he is almost dead.

Only rely on the remaining little obsession to live.

Chuhe probably realized it in his heart, so naturally he would not stop there.

This is also an opportunity for him. If the uninjured Jinwu is an adult, it is naturally not something that Chuhe can deal with now, but now Chuhe has full confidence to take down the Jinwu!

And what he cares about is not whether the Golden Crow True Fire can be used by him, but the inheritance in the Golden Crow's body.

After getting the body of the great witch, Chuhe can be considered to have obtained the inheritance of the great witch, and knows a lot of secrets of the ancient prehistoric era.

But these are not enough, he also needs to know some things from the perspective of the Yaozu to prove it.

In the current state of Chuhe, in fact, whether it is a magic weapon or a practice, it is of course of great benefit, but the most important thing is to understand the Tao, and if you want to understand the Tao, you can only know a lot of things, and then try to understand it. comprehend.

Therefore, there will be an epiphany.

Epiphany is not random epiphany. The premise of epiphany is accumulation. Only when accumulation is achieved can epiphany, or enlightenment, be possible.

Compared with other monks, the biggest difference between Chuhe and other monks is his understanding of the Tao, and the reason for this is because Chuhe is too young.

Although there are thousands of years now, for monks, it is just a flick of a finger.

How can this kind of accumulation be famous?

If it weren't for Chuhe's inheritance from the great witch, he would definitely not be qualified to preach.

He now has a vague feeling that he has reached the edge of a breakthrough. He only needs to continue to understand the way, and he can directly break through, and even reach the level of a golden fairy!

Chapter 504 Don't Look At God

It is precisely because of this that Chuhe will never give up this opportunity.

If you miss this opportunity, you don't know how many years you will have to wait to get it again.

Chuhe knows the urgency of time now, and the recurrence of the flood is the general trend, and no one can stop it, and it will intensify. In the process, more and more monks will soar into the sky.

And those old monsters can't bear the loneliness and leave the level one after another. At that time, if they don't have a strong cultivation base, how can they gain a foothold in this cruel world where the weak prey on the strong?

Chuhe wants to pursue Xiaoyao, but Xiaoyao must also have enough strength to support him. If he has no power and is always worried about his own safety, even if he is in danger, how can he talk about Xiaoyao?

Chuhe is clear about his goal, so he is more determined now.

It was at this moment that his hand finally touched the black Golden Crow curled up inside the Golden Crow True Fire.

The moment you touch it.

The curled up golden crows suddenly raised their heads.

An extremely powerful resentment rushed directly into Chuhe's mind.

"Seven Bones! How dare you come!"

Seven bones?

Chuhe was taken aback by the thoughtless Jinwu's divine sense.

But feeling the overwhelming hatred, Chuhe suddenly realized.

It seems that the body of this great witch of mine was an old enemy with the Golden Crow before, and maybe the injuries on his body now were caused by the great witch of Chuhe before his death.

Otherwise, the Jinwu would definitely not be so resentful when he saw Chuhe.

However, Chuhe could not continue to communicate with Jinwu.

It's not that the Golden Crow refuses to communicate, but that the Golden Crow has long since died, and what's left is just obsession.

"Seven bones! Your tribe has been killed by me! Even you have only one bone left, do you still want to turn defeat into victory!?"

"This world belongs to my monster clan!"

"This prehistoric is the prehistoric of my monster clan!"

"I am the prince of the monster clan, and I will inherit the orthodoxy in the future, and I will unify the prehistoric world!"

As his divine thoughts came out, Chuhe understood that it seemed that this was his obsession that he could not let go of even until he died.

And then, the Golden Crow soared into the sky.

The Golden Crow's real fire burst directly under the flickering of the Golden Crow's wings!

Everyone in the Nanhai Demon Palace was shocked by this scene.

Looking at your golden crow soaring into the sky, it seems that you have forgotten to think, and of course, you have also forgotten the danger that is close at hand.

"Not good! Come back quickly!"

Mo Bubu and the holy monk of Xiaolin Temple spoke at almost the same time, and what they said meant the same thing, asking their own monks to go to the market and return to the spiritual treasure of their own family.

But it was still a step too late.

I only saw that with the golden crow soaring into the sky, those flames also directly splashed everywhere.

What's more, it's those yin fires that seem to have no shape.

These flames cannot be seen, but their power is the same as that of the visible flames.

Just in an instant, those people who got close all spontaneously ignited, without screaming or struggling, they were burned clean like match heads!

The two large formations that Taiyimen and Xiaolin Temple were proud of did not persist for even a second under the flames.

This formation is like a pile of white snow, and the flames are like hot magma. Even before these flames touch the formation, the formation has already collapsed.

It directly turned into a pile of frantic aura and scattered in all directions.

And those frenzied auras seemed to add fuel to the fire for the Golden Crow True Fire.

The disciples of Xiaolin Temple and Taiyi Sect, who had been huddled in the formation, finally caught fire this time, and those flames entangled upwards, making them lose their ability to resist in an instant, and they could only be wiped out in ashes.

In the blink of an eye, those casual cultivators were almost wiped out, and everyone in Taiyimen and Xiaolin Temple had only one spirit treasure left to resist the Golden Crow True Fire.

Even, they dare not move now, even if they escape, they need to plan carefully.

Surprisingly, not all of those casual practitioners died, and some were still struggling.

They were indeed those monks who had learned the combined attack technique of the South China Sea Demon Palace.

Those monks used the joint attack technique, and the condensed Jin family god general stood in the flames.

And those flames, as if they had spirituality, bypassed the generals of the Jin family one after another.

Otherwise, even if those people used the joint attack technique, could it be used to resist the flames?

It seems that it should be because the combination attack technique was practiced by the demon generals of the South Sea Demon Palace, and those Golden Crow True Fires regarded it as their own, so they all avoided it, which also made those casual cultivators lucky not to die.

But things didn't get much better.

In the Golden Crow True Fire, everyone was like duckweed in the wind, they didn't have the strength to choose a direction at all, they could only pray that the wind would stop sooner so that they wouldn't land so abruptly.

Moreover, because the Golden Crow True Fire is burning violently, the spiritual power here is also rapidly depleted, but supporting the spirit treasure and this joint strike requires a huge investment of spiritual power. If the spiritual power disappears, the spiritual power in their bodies will also be used up. If it is exhausted, then it is the moment of their death.

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