After all, if Chuhe had acted aggressively from the beginning, they would have no chance to live till now.

Especially those Taiyimen disciples have a deeper feeling about this.

Because at the beginning, Chu River just crossed the big formation and did not cause any damage to the big formation. It was just to let them leave themselves alone and do what they should do.

But not only did Mo Bubu and the stinky monk from Xiaolin Temple not agree to Chuhe's request, but they sneered at Chuhe, which is why what happened now.

If this is the case, it is reasonable for Chuhe to kill Mo Bubu and the monk from Xiaolin Temple. As for taking back the Lingbao, it is just interest.

They didn't think there was anything wrong. Although this spirit treasure belonged to their sect, it didn't belong to them.

Only life is their own.

Therefore, what these people want to see at first is that Chuhe will kill Mo Butong and the little monk, and then let them go.

But now, Mo different words directly push them to the opposite side of Chuhe.

How could they not hate?

Even at this moment, their hatred for Mo Butong is greater than their hatred for Chuhe.

This is the reality. It is Chuhe who is clearly threatening their lives, but they can't hold any resentment towards Chuhe.

It's just because Chuhe's strength is strong enough that they dare not do so.

And Mo Bu Bui obviously became the target of their hatred transfer.

All of a sudden, almost everyone's eyes were on Mo BuFan, and the meaning in their eyes was self-evident.

Chuhe also looked at it playfully, but did not answer Mo BuTong's questioning.

And not only was Mo Bu Bu not afraid, but he laughed instead.

He hehe said, "Taoist Wuxiang, you must be a powerful person who has survived from ancient times to the present. You should also know that the world is different now. Tianjiao and heroes who can change the world will reappear."

"I naturally know that you want to fight well in this world of great controversy, but you should also know that in this world, you are not the only one who has lived so long, nor are you the only one with such powerful abilities."

Chuhe nodded slowly, "You're right."

Hearing Chuhe's words, Mo Butong continued, "Everything is nothing to worry about now, and all hatred can be put aside first. The most important thing is to improve yourself a lot during this period of time." Strength, so that we can deal with the bigger turmoil that will come, so that we can firmly grasp the opportunities in the future when they come, am I right?"

"That's right." Chu He continued with a smile, "It does sound like this."

Mo Bufei's heart relaxed a little more, and he continued, "So, why should we fight each other so hard? It's really my fault this time. I underestimated you, and it's because I wasn't ready. If you agreed at the beginning Your request, maybe this kind of thing won't happen."

After he finished speaking, he smiled wryly, "So, the injury on my body is my punishment now, but..."

Speaking of this, Mo Bufei changed the subject, "Daoist Wuxiang, you sure don't want to get hurt, right? If you get hurt now, you will miss too many opportunities. Maybe when you recover from your injuries, the people around you at this time Everyone will grow into an existence that you look up to!"

After finishing speaking, Mo Bubu stared straight at Chuhe.

The monk from Xiaolin Temple also raised his head and looked at Chuhe.

Although there was some tension in the eyes of the two of them, the fear had long since disappeared.

Everyone else listened to Mo BuTong's conversation, their teeth itching with hatred. Thinking of this time, do you still want to threaten Chuhe?

Hurt Chuhe?

The Golden Crow was so powerful just now that it couldn't hurt Chuhe, so how can you do it?

They were really worried that when Chuhe was angry, he would blow them all into ashes in one breath.

But Chuhe didn't do what they imagined. Instead, he showed an unpredictable smile.


Chuhe smiled, "Do you think you can hurt me? Or...that person behind you can hurt me?"

Chapter 513 Looking forward to it

Hearing Chu He's words, Mo BuFong's expression suddenly changed, and he was a little dazed.

what! ?

He... did he see it all?

Mo Bu was shocked in his heart. Just now, when he tried his best to mobilize Lingbao to resist with all his strength, he touched his spiritual consciousness to the word of the real Mingdong on the mouth of the gourd.

Ever since, a message was received immediately.

That's a message from the previous headmaster of the Taiyi Immortal Sect, Master Mingdong!

The message only said that he knew everything that happened here, and asked Mo Bubei to delay for a while, and when he arrived, he would definitely be able to kill this Wuxiang Taoist in one fell swoop!

At that time, there were only two emotions in Mo Bu's heart: shock and joy!

In fact, he doesn't know who real Myeongdong is. After all, he only joined Taiyimen for a while.

As for Master Myeongdong, almost everyone in the world thought that he had already passed away.

This name has long since disappeared into the smoke and dust of history. Who would have thought that such an old monster tens of thousands of years ago is still alive and well?

And has been silently controlling the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, the treasure of the Taiyi Gate?

Mo Bubu believes that the words in the message are true, because Mo Bubu can feel the majesty emanating from that divine thought!

That is definitely a superpower at the Golden Immortal level!

In his last life, he wasted almost his entire life, unable to touch the threshold of the Golden Immortal, and even until his death, he never saw the beauty of that realm.

He has an almost obsessive obsession with golden immortals, and he knows the breath of golden immortals best.

He knew he would never be wrong!

And these are the confidence of what he said to Chuhe just now.

In his opinion, although Chuhe is strong, he can be regarded as powerful, especially since the battle between Chuhe and Jinwu's real body just now, he has a feeling that Chuhe's strength may have reached the level of a real immortal.

Even this kind of strength belongs to an extremely powerful existence even among true immortals.

So much so that Mo Budong thought that Chuhe's strength might have reached the level of a half-step golden immortal!

Half-step Golden Immortal means that there are almost no opponents under the Golden Immortal.

But after all, there is no opponent under the Golden Immortal.

If he met a real golden fairy, his fate would not be much different from that of an ant who met a human.

Comparing half-step golden immortals with golden immortals, although both are called golden immortals, the gap is worlds apart.

All golden immortals can master at least one of the three thousand roads, so they can be called golden immortals.

And under the Golden Immortal, no matter how powerful they are, the exercises they practice are all traceable, and they are all following the path of the predecessors step by step.

But Jinxian wants to create a road and walk along this road, and the end of this road is a saint!

In other words, in order to reach the level of a golden immortal, one must not only be strong enough, but more importantly, one must find a way to become a saint.

And this road, not everyone can find it.

Correspondingly, once found, it will directly ascend!

From then on, he will no longer be called an immortal cultivator, but a Taoist cultivator.

And the gap between golden immortals and non-golden immortals will be widened at this moment. Non-golden immortals, even half-step golden immortals, have no power to fight back in front of golden immortals. They only have to be beaten, and there is no counterattack at all. possible.

What about the half-step golden immortal?

They were slaughtered like chickens!

Mo Bubu seems to have brought himself into the power of the Golden Immortal, and he has long since lost the slightest awe when he looks at Chuhe.

But for Chuhe to be able to see at a glance that he was in contact with Da Neng behind him just now, Mo Bufei is still a little afraid.

What he was afraid of was not whether Chuhe would also defeat Master Mingdong, he never doubted this.

As soon as Master Mingdong arrives, Chuhe will die, there is no doubt about it.

What he was afraid of was whether Chuhe would take action directly after seeing through, without giving him a chance to delay time at all?

If this is the case, then even if Master Myeongdong arrives, but he is already dead, what is the point of all this?

So Mo Bufei gave a jerk and hurriedly said, "Daoist Wuxiang, since you have already seen it, then I will not hide it from you. Yes, there is indeed a big man behind me, and that big man also wants to talk to you." Talk, I think you should have a lot of common topics."

"Amitabha!" The little monk over there also recited a Buddha's name, and then followed up, "Daoist Wuxiang, my Buddha is merciful, just now I received a telepathy, and there is an Arhat who protects my Buddha nearby. Maybe this is also an accident. Fate, implying that the donor is destined to be with the Buddha."

Guardian Arhat?

After hearing this, everyone felt terrified.

In Buddhism, as long as one can reach the Arhat status, he is equivalent to a golden immortal who cultivates the Tao!

There is not much difference in strength, and because of some reasons of Buddhism, many people may hate Buddhism even more.

If at the beginning these people heard that Mo Bubei fell asleep and there was a big man who was enough to threaten Chuhe, they would be excited and excited.

At that time, they also understood why Mo Budong dared to speak to Chuhe like this, and they finally knew Mo Budong's confidence.

At the same time, I am absolutely sure that I may be saved!

But after hearing the monk from Xiaolin Temple say that there is also an arhat from Buddhism, all of them turned bitter again.

They were really worried that after the Dharma Protector Arhat came, he would directly say that I think you all have a predestined relationship with my Buddha, so what should I do if they directly convert them to my Buddha?

In fact, among the many monks in this world, many people hate Buddhism, and among these people who hate Buddhism, those who hate Buddhism because they think Buddhism forcibly converts monks occupy an absolute majority.

If the Buddhist Dharma Protector Arhat really came here, even if Chuhe was driven away, it would only drive away the hungry wolf, and the tiger came again in the end, there is no big difference.

It's just a tiny bit better than death.

Really become a bald monk, but at least one life can be saved.

Chuhe didn't think so much, nor would he think about it.

He just looked at the little monk still different, then grinned, then shook his head again.

The Golden Immortal behind Mobubu is also good, and the Buddhist Dharma Protector Arhat behind the monk of Xiaolin Temple is also good.

It's not my business?

Let them come when they come, but if they come here and want to deal with me, there is naturally a way to make them go and never return.

Thinking of this, Chuhe squeezed the Shensha flag in his hand again.

Speaking of which, the external incarnation of the great witch is indeed powerful, and Chuhe, who uses the great witch as his external incarnation, is almost inevitably infected with some of the great witch's temper.

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