Just like water.

In the small world of the earth where the Chu River was located before, if it was just the temperature of the water and some other materials, it would be a few hundred degrees.

And if you want to make the temperature of the water lower, it can only be zero degrees, and it turns into ice.

Or add some other materials into the water, which is nothing more than making the water tens of degrees below zero.

This is the incompleteness of the Tao of water.

And if the water is completed, then using the avenue, like the current Chu River, he can easily raise the water to thousands of degrees, or even the extreme high temperature of tens of thousands of degrees!

And it can also control the absolute temperature of water to several thousand degrees below zero!

These are impossible in the small world of the earth, because countless evidences show that those are iron-like laws, and it is absolutely impossible to break through.

But in fact, human beings on the earth have already taken a fork in the road. Those things are rules, but they are not rules.

It's just a manifestation of the incomplete Dao.

Just like the current earth world, some changes have long been accepted as the avenue is constantly being completed.

Having said that, how did Master Myeongdong find a way to become a golden immortal in this incomplete world?

Just because Mingdong Daoist is a genius, if he was born in an era where the ancient avenues are still intact, he might be able to become a generation of arrogance, and maybe even Daluo Jinxian can think about it.

It's a pity that he was born in this degenerate age, and he can only be promoted to Jinxian, and after being promoted to Jinxian, his realm was once unstable. Over the years, he has spent most of his time consolidating his realm so that I can completely stand firm in the Golden Immortal Realm.

And the reason why he was able to break through the shackles and reach the Golden Immortal Realm, the answer is actually very simple.

Just because there is also a small world inside the Taiyi Immortal Gourd.

That small world is like the Four Elephant Pagoda in the Chu River, which is full of self-proclaimed rules.

Although the rules inside are very weak, they are all complete and authentic.

Ever since, this Taiyi Sect's previous head teacher, Daoist Mingdong, made a breakthrough in the small world of the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, and the way he broke through was also very special.

Because although the small world of Taiyi Immortal Gourd has perfect rules, it is still too weak and small, and it cannot compare with the Four Elephant Pagoda of Chu River.

Wanting to be promoted here is only a theoretical possibility, and it is unlikely to be promoted.

Ever since, the real Myeongdong, who is a genius in heaven, thought of a way.

Inspired by Daoist Hongjun's body in harmony with Taoism, he directly integrated himself with the small world inside the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, so as to gain a comprehension of the rules of the small world inside the Taiyi Immortal Gourd.

He even directly integrated all the rules in this small world.

It is precisely because of this that he was able to successfully advance to Taiyi Golden Immortal.

But also because of this, his realm is very unstable and needs to be constantly cultivated, otherwise, his realm will fall.

In the process, he also realized the shortcomings of his doing so.

This is undoubtedly the cultivation of seedlings to encourage growth, and it can be regarded as the realm of golden immortals obtained by opportunism.

If you want to advance to a higher realm in the future, I'm afraid it will not be difficult.

Chapter 516 The Savior Has Come

And it is precisely because of this that although Master Mingdong was promoted to the realm of the Golden Immortal by relying on the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, he did not stay in the Taiyi Immortal Gourd to continue his cultivation.

He was worried that if he continued like this, sooner or later he would become the weapon spirit of Taiyi Immortal Gourd.

And Daoist Mingdong also knows that his own actions are like a spirit.

Therefore, his next time, on the one hand, is to stabilize the realm, and on the other hand, it is also to think of some ways to cut him off from becoming a weapon spirit.

It is precisely because of this that the Immortal Taiyi Gourd was handed over by Master Mingdong, and became the treasure of the Immortal Taiyi Sect again.

Immortal Mingdong was not worried about who would snatch the Immortal Taiyi Gourd, because when he used the Immortal Taiyi Gourd to advance to the Golden Immortal Realm, he had already completely controlled the Immortal Taiyi Gourd.

He even almost became the weapon spirit of this Taiyi Immortal Gourd because of this incident.

From this, it can also be seen.

And it was precisely because of his close connection with Taiyi Immortal Gourd that he knew what happened thousands of miles away.

The distance is too far, so Master Myeongdong doesn't know what happened, he can only vaguely perceive that there is a big battle here, and it is in the process.

Real Myeongdong felt a trace of scorching heat.

The scorching heat spread directly to his heart almost thousands of miles away.

Master Myeongdong, who was in retreat, opened his eyes precisely because of this.

That scorching heat was the main reason for him to leave the test!

Golden Crow!

Real Myeongdong was excited, this is exactly the key prop he found to prevent himself from becoming a tool spirit.

Only the few feathers on Jinwu's neck are needed to distinguish himself from the rules and connections in the small world of the Taiyi Immortal Gourd. From then on, he can still maintain the Jinxian realm, because the rules of the Great Dao outside have gradually changed. Complete.

At the same time, it can avoid becoming the weapon spirit of the Taiyi Immortal Gourd.

And, more importantly, Jinwu's inner alchemy can eliminate all his hidden dangers!

Originally using this opportunistic method to advance to the current Golden Immortal Realm, for Master Mingdong, it has almost blocked all the roads behind him.

If there is no great opportunity, then there is a high probability that Master Mingdong will directly die in this golden fairy state.

Thinking of him as a genius, he had already managed to break through to the Golden Immortal Realm even in the Dharma-ending Era, so how could he bear to stay in the Golden Immortal Realm for the rest of his life?

And it just so happened that when he was about to sleep, someone brought a pillow here.

It was this Golden Crow that appeared completely aimed at him!

Immortal Myeongdong couldn't restrain himself at that time, so he went out of the customs directly, and then ordered the Taiyi Immortal Gate to open the teleportation array at a huge cost.

Send it here directly.

As the real Myeongdong got closer and closer to that side, his heart became more and more excited.

When he came to the archway of the Nanhai Demon Court, he saw the golden dragon on the archway!

Even though he didn't know how long he had been dead, he was still lifelike, and even Master Myeongdong felt a hint of danger.

Of course, he also knew that this golden dragon who had been dead for an unknown number of years was definitely not his current opponent, but it would take some time for him to take down this golden dragon.

And now, he doesn't have that much time.

It's better to hurry over and subdue the Golden Crow, and then talk about other things.

Ever since, Master Myeongdong passed by almost like a gust of wind, without stopping for a moment!

But at this moment, in front of Chuhe, Mo Bubu, the monk from Xiaolin Temple, and some of their monks were all standing in the air.

And the Lingbao Taiyi Immortal Gourd and the six-petal lotus that they were stepping on under their feet were all in Chuhe's hands.

I only saw that these two spirit treasures had become the size of palms.

Chuhe put away the Shensha flag, but held the Taiyi fairy gourd in one hand, and dragged the six-petaled lotus in the other hand, and just looked at it silently.

At the same time, Chuhe slowly released his consciousness towards the inside.

When the divine consciousness entered the inside of the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, it immediately encountered a layer of resistance.

Chuhe frowned, and let his consciousness continue to move forward.

It can be clearly felt that this Taiyi Immortal Gourd is densely packed with other people's consciousness and restrictions, it is simply arranged like an iron bucket, as if to isolate anyone from gaining control over this Taiyi Immortal Gourd possible.

Seeing this, Chuhe became interested. He didn't even care about some restrictions in the six-petal lotus, and began to look at the Taiyi fairy gourd with great interest.

And after looking at it for a long time, Chuhe found some unusual things in it.

He could see that there was also a small world in this Taiyi Immortal Gourd, but it was different from the small world in the Four Elephant Pagoda. The small world in this Taiyi Immortal Gourd seemed to be alive. After that, some hostility appeared out of thin air.

It's like... like this little world has a sense of itself.

"Interesting..." Chuhe laughed a little, "Could it be that someone fits the way?"

Chuhe thought about it for a while, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, but then he couldn't help laughing again, "Who would be so stupid to use this method? Could it be that the owner of this Taiyi fairy gourd wanted to give Taiyi Immortal gourd refines a weapon spirit, so you deliberately force a certain monk to conform to the Tao?"

Chuhe said softly, only thinking that this might be very big.

After all, no one would be so stupid as to take the initiative to fuse with an artifact, right?

Even if this artifact is a spirit treasure, so what?

Only some people in the magic way, in order to make their magic weapon more powerful, will force some souls to fuse with the magic weapon, so as to make the magic weapon more spiritual.

These are common sense for Chuhe, because the inheritance that Chuhe got involves these contents.

Those are all from the inheritance of the prehistoric!

The most orthodox inheritance.

But those inheritances have been broken for a long time, so that Master Mingdong didn't even know that there was such a saying. He also thought that he had started a great genre, but in fact, this method was put in the prehistoric period. , the dog does not do it.

It's a good thing that real Myeongdong has not appeared beside Chuhe, otherwise, after hearing what Chuhe said, real Myeongdong would have to vomit blood.

But soon, the real Myeongdong appeared in the sky visible to the naked eye ahead.

A colorful light comes almost instantly!

Although he hadn't seen the appearance of the person coming clearly, Mo Bufei still subconsciously said, "Here we come!"

"Here comes our rescuer!"

Chapter 517 Why Don't You Worship

In an instant, everyone's eyes were focused on the Taoist who came stepping on the flying sword.

But the next moment, almost everyone lowered their heads subconsciously!

Just like when Chuhe was fighting with Jinwu's real body, everyone couldn't look directly at him, this old Taoist also exuded that kind of majesty that people couldn't look directly at.

Those monks who were originally lifeless were finally shocked at this moment, and thus felt a kind of joy from the bottom of their hearts!


Now, really saved!

The Supreme Elder of the Taiyi Immortal Sect endured the sharp pain and quietly looked at this person.

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