Want to give them as gifts to an old friend?

This... what does this mean?

And Chuhe didn't let them wonder for long, and said directly, "From where I looked, I could tell from the first time I saw you that you have been bound too deeply with this spirit treasure, and it is almost this spirit treasure." Treasure's tool spirit."

"Since this is the case, you should just be a weapon spirit."

As Chuhe said, he released the two of them from his palms.

"You guys, what do you think?"

Although it is asking, anyone can clearly feel the sense of oppression.

The two of them had no other choice.

At least if you are a tool spirit, you still have a life, but if you don't agree...then there is only one dead end!

Chapter 535 Taiyi Immortal Gourd

"I am willing!" Master Mingdong agreed to Chuhe's request without any consideration at all.

Isn't it just to be a tool spirit? I have practiced for so long, so I just want to see the way, but if I refuse Chuhe now, I don't need to think about the end of my soul.

The aura is revived, and the rules of the avenue are gradually being perfected. At this time, he cannot die.

Immortal Mingdong had just finished speaking, and there was a wry smile on his always compassionate and compassionate face. Once upon a time, he was also the pride of heaven. In this era of incomplete Dao, if he can cultivate into a golden immortal, he is enough to stand out from the crowd.

He has enough dignity and arrogance. He never thought that at the moment of life and death, when he was in a dilemma, he would...

Thinking of this, Master Mingdong's Buddha heart is still a little unstable.

Chuhe nodded in satisfaction.

"Old monk, I thought you were the toughest of the two, but I didn't expect you to be the first to confess, but it's also good, a person who knows the current affairs is a hero, as long as you sincerely surrender and work hard, maybe I will As soon as I am happy, I will release you that day and restore your free body."

When Chuhe said this, it was Master Songling's turn to be astonished. He was still mocking this old bald donkey for his soft bones just now.

However, what Chuhe said meant that they still had a chance to regain their freedom, as long as they were good at being Qi Ling.

Master Songling regretted it now, why he hesitated just now, why didn't he stand up first and take the initiative to submit to Chuhe, letting a dead bald donkey take the initiative.

"I would too!"

Not allowed to think too much, Master Songling hastily expressed his loyalty, like two children fighting for favor, and if they were late, they would make the old father unhappy.

"Okay, what I want is your attitude, I will let you go now, and obediently get into your respective spirit treasures."

"I advise you not to play tricks. If you let me know that you have other intentions, then don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless and turning your souls into dust."

"Understood, understood!" This time Master Songling had already learned to rush to answer without waiting for Master Mingdong to speak first.

With the release of the big hands that restrained the soul, Master Songling flew directly into the Taiyi Immortal Gourd without saying a word.

Master Songling has left the Taiyi Immortal Gourd for a long time, he has been retreating, so for so many years, the Taiyi Immortal Gourd has been manipulated by others, and now the master has turned into a tool spirit and blended into it.

The Dao rules of the two complement each other, and the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, which has been silent all this time, trembles violently, as if it is alive.

Chu He secretly observed that the strength of Taiyi Immortal Gourd with Qi Ling has been greatly improved, not simply one plus one equals two, but a qualitative leap.

Chuhe couldn't wait to try the power of the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, so he directly activated the Lingbao, and the Taiyi Immortal Gourd slowly lifted into the air in his hands, then raised the bottom of the gourd high, and the lid of the gourd opened by itself.

"Give it to me!" With Chuhe's loud shout, Taiyi Immortal Gourd seemed to turn into a black hole, and a huge suction gushed out, causing an uproar in the originally dead sea.

Soon the sea water began to rotate violently, and when the speed reached a threshold, a huge water column thicker than a mountain rushed up, like a tornado made of sea water.

Taiyi Immortal Gourd is like a camel dying of thirst, swallowing a huge amount of sea water.

The waterspout is getting bigger and bigger, and the sea level is also dropping visible to the naked eye. Chuhe understands that if it continues, this sea area will probably be sucked dry.


With a loud shout from the Chu River, the Taiyi Immortal Gourd stopped, and the huge suction force suddenly disappeared. The waterspout seemed to lose its support, and it collapsed, splashing thousands of feet of waves.


As soon as Chu He finished speaking, the Taiyi Immortal Gourd turned 180 degrees directly, and the original huge suction turned into repulsion, just like a black hole turning into a white hole.

The seawater that had just been sucked in was directly pushed out by a huge force, and the sky-splashing water curtain that could not be seen at a glance was directly smashed down. When the water column fell, Chu River could clearly see that there were a lot of fish mixed in the seawater.

It was an unimaginable scene, and the fish may not understand what happened until they died.

Chu He looked at the Taiyi Immortal Gourd in his hand, and was amazed.

"Interesting, fun! If this thing is used as an offensive weapon, can it be accepted?"

Recalling the purple gold gourd of the Taishang Laojun in Journey to the West, even Sun Dasheng could take it in. Thinking of this, Chuhe pointed the mouth of the gourd directly at the disciples of Buddhism and Taoism who were watching from a distance.


Having just seen the horror of the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, seeing that Chuhe was going to attack them again, the monks all ran away desperately.

"It's over, this kid wants to take revenge on us." A monk was so frightened that he lost his mind and began to mutter to himself.

"What are you doing standing still, run away." The cultivator next to him gave him a hand, and flew towards the distance.

However, after flying for a while, they didn't feel right, because the sea water under their feet could not be used as a reference, and they didn't know that they were moving forward or backward, but they felt that the suction was getting stronger and stronger, and they could no longer escape.

When the two looked back, the huge Taiyi Immortal Gourd was right in front of them, and they couldn't even utter a scream before being taken in.

Mo Bubu and the little monk also fled desperately. They didn't know what Chuhe was going to do, but as the holy son of Taiyi Sect, he knew the horror of Taiyi Immortal Gourd best.

"This kid wants to refine us. He is so cruel. He wants to destroy our sect."

Mo Bubu is the highest Taoist among the people present, so he flies the fastest, and only the young monk can keep up with his speed.

"This official is too murderous, and it is against the harmony of the heavens. We are destined not to go far. After we escape this time, we will find a place to hide and wait for the spiritual energy to recover. Maybe we have great luck. When our strength surpasses this official, we will give it to the master. revenge."

The little monk didn't know how many miles he had fled, thinking that he had escaped from the shackles of the Taiyi fairy gourd, but when the two were secretly happy, Chu He's voice suddenly sounded.

"I didn't expect you two to be quite ambitious, but do you still have a chance?"

Listening to Chuhe's voice, the two of them felt very close to themselves, as if they were whispering in their ears.

"Could it be that this devil can transmit voices thousands of miles away? Why do I feel like he's talking in my ear?"

"That's right, none of our Buddhism's non-phase sound transmission skills are so miraculous. What's the origin of this fellow?"

Lin Yu looked at Mo BuTong and the little monk who were already close to the mouth of the gourd, and asked jokingly.

"I said you two can't turn around? What is sound transmission for thousands of miles, we are only a dozen meters away."

Mo Bufei couldn't believe it. He had used the Taiyi Immortal Gourd countless times. He knew better than anyone else how far its mana could cover.

However, when he turned around, he saw Chuhe's slightly mocking face.


Chapter 536 Attacking Me

"Impossible, the Taiyi Immortal Gourd can collect things within a radius of ten miles. We have flown almost a hundred miles just now, how could we still be tricked?"

Mo Budong was puzzled, but he couldn't wait for Chuhe's reply, so he was directly taken in by Taiyi Immortal Gourd.

Chuhe looked at Taiyi Immortal Gourd.

"The kid just said that he could collect ten miles, but now that Master Songling is the tool spirit, he can at least collect a hundred miles, and it's just that the two of them were sucked back after running for a hundred miles. It is estimated that they will still be unable to escape even if they run farther. "

"Good baby, after having the Qiling, its ability has been directly multiplied by more than ten times."

After Chu He finished speaking, he looked at Master Mingdong, and then pointed to the six-petaled lotus. "Why are you still standing there?"

Even though Master Myeongdong is unwilling, he can only obey obediently.

When Master Mingdong's soul merged with the six-petaled lotus, the six-petaled lotus bloomed directly. Standing in it, Chuhe felt clear and clear, as if his comprehension ability had improved a lot.

Moreover, the six-petaled lotus is swaying gracefully, and has a feeling of being able to block all attacks.

Chuhe tried to punch his petals, but the petals just swayed slightly, and there was nothing wrong with him. You must know that even Jinxian couldn't take the power of his punch safely. Could it be that he didn't expect the defense of this thing? so high.

Although it's not as interesting compared to this incarnation outside the body, it's already pretty good.

What would happen if these monks attacked themselves?

Thinking of this, Chuhe opened the Taiyi Immortal Gourd and released the people inside.

It's just that Chuhe didn't realize that it was only closed for a while, and all the people inside became very weak, and even some weak ones passed out when they were released.

It seems that this Taiyi first gourd actually has the characteristic of refining divine power, and it can also continuously transport the refining divine power to itself.

For cultivators below Jinxian, this is simply an artifact, which can quickly improve their strength.

"Forgive me, God, I'm just a little monk. For a god like you with boundless mana, I can't pose any threat to you. Please don't kill me."

The monks who had just been released from the Taiyi fairy gourd began to beg for mercy. For them, the Chu River was already an unimaginable existence.

In this era of incomplete Dao rules, it is very difficult to become a strong Golden Immortal. He was able to defeat two strong Golden Immortals. To them, it was like an ant seeing an elephant.

Compared with surviving, the ones who want to live most are Mo Bufei and the little monk, because both of them are geniuses in the sky. They thought that after reincarnation, they could become golden immortals, or even Daluo golden immortals, but now it seems that Lin Chuhe will not give them this chance. It is completely unacceptable for them to kill them.

"Shangxian, I admit that I am not good enough to dare to offend you, but I still beg you to be generous, please forgive me this time."

Mo Bu Bui knelt down directly. Master Songling had just knelt down, and he didn't care about the fact that the man had gold under his knees.

Seeing Mo BuFei's low posture, the little monk was not to be outdone, he didn't kneel down but kept his posture very low.

"Shangxian, killing too many crimes will affect your achievement of Dao. We still have no threat to you. You can punish slightly. Please don't tell us to kill them all."

Hearing this, Chuhe laughed. At the beginning, these two people were very good at pretending in front of him, but now seeing that they are not his opponents, they humiliated themselves and tried their best to flatter him.

"You're talking about the devil, and you're begging for mercy now?"

"Let me let you go? It's not impossible, but there is a condition..."

Chuhe paused for a while when he said this, but when he heard that he was still alive, his face suddenly became happy.

"Shangxian please general, no matter what request, as long as we don't want my life, we can agree."

"Actually, my request is very simple. I want you to attack me now and use your most powerful moves, but you don't have to come alone, you all go together, don't waste my time."

When Chuhe said this, everyone present was dumbfounded.

Sure enough, it was the big devil who said he wanted to let us go, but let us all attack him, and then he took advantage of us to attack him and wiped us all out.

"Don't go too far. If you don't want to let us go, it's fine. Why make such an excuse, hypocrisy."

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