The Monkey King didn't expect to have such a move, he was a little bit astonished, and missed the best time to escape, and was directly enveloped by the six-petaled lotus, and was locked in.

When the six-petal lotus is completely closed, a phantom of a big Buddha suddenly rises in the middle of the petals. The big Buddha is solemn, neither angry nor happy, and sits quietly on the lotus platform with his hands folded.

Seeing that the monkey was really locked in, Master Songling breathed a sigh of relief.

The attitude towards real Myeongdong has also undergone a 180-degree change.

"I didn't expect you, a bald donkey, to be really capable. Daoist really underestimated you before, not bad, not bad, take down the monster monkey and let this grandson pretend."

Master Songling was very happy, but the mood of the monkeys and grandchildren at the foot of the mountain was not so happy.

Their emotions are like riding a roller coaster, rising to the apex for a while, and falling into the abyss for a while.

"Your Majesty will be fine."

"Who is the bald donkey sitting on the lotus? Why is it so similar to the Buddha who suppressed that monkey grandson under Wuzhi Mountain?"

"When you say that, it's really very similar. If this happens, our king will never be able to come out again. What should we do?"

Chapter 552

Chuhe stared at the big Buddha above the lotus in a daze. Isn't it the legendary Buddha? Could it be that the six-petal lotus is related to the existence of Lingshan.

To be honest, Chuhe was secretly startled. In just a quarter of an hour, Master Songling first cast the spell of roll call and surrender. If this trick was used on himself, he would probably be sucked into the bottle like a monkey. Shenshaqi can help defeat his move.

The real person in Myeongdong even played a trick: the lotus lock demon array.

And there is a phantom of the Buddha above. If I am locked in, can I still get out?

Thinking of this, Chuhe was afraid for a while, what kind of tricks did these two old things hide and did not use? It seems that after surrendering to the monkey king, they must be beaten well, and don't let these two golden fairy-level existences follow each other at critical moments. Make trouble by yourself.

"Shangxian, this monkey is only mediocre, and he is still surrendering now. You only need to suppress him in the formation for seven to forty-nine days. No matter how cruelly he was killed in his lifetime, he will eventually become a follower of Buddhism."

"Shangxian still think about how we can get out of the enchantment."

As soon as Master Mingdong finished speaking, the Monkey King's voice suddenly came out of the six-petaled lotus.

"Go out? Just rely on you?"

"You human monks, whether you are Buddhist or Taoist, why can't you be upright when confronting people, and always play such insidious tricks. This king really looks down on you."

"Trying to use a few broken lotus flowers to help this king, you are too naive."

"Ruyi Golden Cudgel, big, big, big."

The Monkey King spoke three big characters in succession, and Master Mingdong couldn't figure out the magical effect of the golden cudgel, so naturally he didn't know what the Monkey King was talking about.

"Stinky monkey, just keep your mouth shut. Since the six-petal lotus was handed down, it has locked up countless monsters. It is rumored that in the prehistoric period, it even imprisoned and refined the Daluo Golden Immortal. You, a little golden immortal, can return you!" Trying to escape in vain is really ignorant."

But as soon as the real Myeongdong finished speaking, he began to slap his face.

The monkey king inside the six-petaled lotus is about to stand in the center of the lotus platform, and then he casts a spell to enlarge the Ruyi golden cudgel infinitely, and soon the top of the Ruyi golden cudgel touches the seal of the six lotus flowers.

A strong impact sound came from the top of the six-petal lotus flower. The petals were pushed up by the golden cudgel, and there was a bulge.

Moreover, you can faintly see that there are still gaps in the closed part of the petals.

Seeing this scene, the monkeys and grandchildren also jumped up for joy.

"Let me just say, how could our great hero be subdued by human monks."

"These human monks don't talk about martial arts, and they always engage in sneak attacks. Fortunately, our king is superior in skills. What kind of bullshit lock demon formation, how can we trap our king."

"Hey, I was also taken by the phantom of the old bald donkey on the lotus, thinking that this lotus is so powerful, it is not our king's opponent at all."

"I heard that the bastard sage was subdued under Wuzhi Mountain by the phantom real body above the lotus. The old bald donkey who couldn't deal with that bastard sage couldn't do anything to our king. Doesn't this mean that our king is bigger than that bastard? Saint is even better."

"If you say it like this, it's true. Your majesty is mighty. He will definitely lead our monkey race to dominate the world. Then we must take care of the cunning human race."

"Yes, let them be our slaves and serve us."

"Let them plant peach trees, banana trees, and various fruit trees on the land. They will pick whatever I want to eat."

Listening to the unpretentious dreams of the monkeys and grandchildren, Chuhe was really speechless.

These monkeys, after dominating the world, are not beauties and treasures who dominate the human race, but they think about various fruit trees. They really have short knowledge.

Just chatting with two beggars, what the emperor eats every day can be imagined by their imagination at most. The emperor can eat white flour buns for every meal, three in the morning, four at noon, and green onions in the evening More.

"Big, bigger, bigger, keep growing for me."

Seeing that the seal of the six-petal lotus was still loose, the Monkey King concentrated his mind on the golden cudgel and kept urging it.

A bigger bulge soon appeared on the seal of the six-petaled lotus, and with the Monkey King's voice, it became louder and louder, and the phantom of the Buddha sitting on it began to shake and gradually faded.

Real Myeongdong was dumbfounded, what the hell is this?Could it be said that this monkey can really break through the lotus lock demon formation? This is impossible.

"Break it for me!"

Seeing that the gap was getting bigger and bigger, the Monkey King yelled loudly, and the six-petal lotus finally couldn't bear the strong collision brought by the golden cudgel, and the petals opened instantly.

The Monkey King also took the opportunity to escape.

As if taking revenge, the moment the Monkey King jumped out of the six-petaled lotus, he raised his golden cudgel and slammed it down hard.

The petals of the six-petaled lotus swayed to block the impact of the golden cudgel, but the golden cudgel was too heavy, and the moment the petals touched the rod, they were bent and were about to snap.

Worried that the Lingbao would be destroyed and that he would suffer accordingly, Master Mingdong hastily mobilized his spiritual power to quickly shrink the six-petal lotus and take it back.

However, the impact of the golden cudgel still caused it to suffer severe injuries, and Master Mingdong's soul was shaken non-stop. If his physical body was still there, he would have to spit out a big mouthful of black blood.

"Shangxian, this golden cudgel is too powerful. Our magic weapon is no match for the Monkey King. I wonder what you can do?"

After the two fought against the Monkey King, they both discovered a fact that they had to admit, the Lingbao Golden Cudgel in the Monkey King's hand was much more powerful than their Lingbao.

With the golden cudgel in place, the two wonderful ultimate moves would have no effect on the Monkey King at all.

Moreover, anyone who was hit by this golden cudgel, even if it was just a light sweep, would be an unbearable injury to them who had turned into weapon spirits.

Chu He was also disappointed, he knew that things would not be that simple, Brother Hou's Golden Cudgel was the famous Lingbao, Dinghaishenzhen.

The golden cudgel, the Taiyi fairy gourd, and the six-petal lotus are all predictable things.

Moreover, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel is just a pure spiritual treasure, and there is no spirit in it. The power is so unparalleled, and it is too heaven-defying.

Thinking of this, Chuhe suddenly had an idea.

Pure Spirit Treasure!There is no spirit!The Monkey King can only use his mind or voice to control the Golden Cudgel. If there is a way to isolate the connection between the Monkey King and the Golden Cudgel with his mind or voice, the Golden Cudgel will be useless.

And I recall that in Journey to the West, when Monkey King was taken in by King Yinjiao with a purple gold gourd, the golden cudgel was also taken in.

Suddenly, Chuhe had a bold idea, and it was very feasible.

In order to prevent the Monkey King from gaining insight into his strategy, Chu He used his spiritual thoughts to communicate with Master Mingdong and Master Songling, telling them a way to subdue the Golden Cudgel.

Chapter 553

The two were still afraid and hated the golden cudgel. After hearing Chuhe's method, they naturally became extremely happy.

"Shangxian is worthy of being a Shangxian. This kind of wonderful method is beyond the imagination of the old Taoist. Admiration, admiration!"

Master Songling's flattering skill is very good, and Chuhe sounds very useful.

"I have to admit that apart from strength crushing us, Shangxian is even inferior to me in intelligence. With your method, I will be able to subdue that monstrous monkey."

The real Myeongdong is also full of praise.

The compliments of the two golden fairies were not through sound transmission, but directly chanting loudly, which would not be possible for the monkeys.

Doesn't this situation have the upper hand?What's the matter, these two people have suddenly changed, and they can still laugh.

Is there any other conspiracy?

The Monkey King glanced at Chuhe and the three of them with his electric eyes. He still fought against Master Mingdong and Master Songling. He was not at the same level at all, and he was not afraid at all.

If there is any conspiracy, just guard against Chuhe. His physical body is very strong, but apart from proving that this kid is very resistant to beating, there is nothing special about him.

Chuhe is not even a golden immortal, and he has not obtained the Dao. In a real fight, he is not his opponent at all.

What's more, I have the Ruyi Golden Cudgel left by the monkey, no matter what, I am already invincible, what are the three of them talking about?

Could it be that he was so desperate that he had already begun to lose his mind.

Just when the Monkey King was puzzled, Master Songling urged the Taiyi Immortal Gourd again and shouted at the Monkey King.

"Monkey King, I call you, do you dare to promise?"

The monkey king laughed.

"You stinky Taoist priest, are you too forgetful, or do you think this king is a fool, thinking of using the same trick twice on this king? Are you playing monkey?"

Seeing that the Monkey King didn't agree this time, Master Songling didn't panic, and also smiled contemptuously, and said in an extremely mocking tone.

"Stinky monkey, why are you talking so much nonsense, I'll just ask you, I'll tell you if you dare to agree, and it's over."

The Monkey King was still agitated by Master Songling's words, but he was still sober enough to not answer, just staring at Chuhe and Master Mingdong beside him.

Chuhe still didn't move, but there was a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, which made him very upset, but Master Mingdong quietly touched the six-petal lotus and opened it again. It seemed that he planned to repeat the same trick and trap himself in the lotus again .

Thinking of this, the Monkey King sneered in his heart.

This group of human monks really took me for a fool, so that's fine, I just pretended to be a little stupid, let them relax their vigilance, and this time they insisted on destroying one of the two spirit treasures.

"Why, dare not answer, you stinky monkey is afraid, right? You are so loud, so you are a coward. Since you are confident that you will eat us, what are you afraid of?"

Knowing that Master Songling was provocative, the Monkey King resorted to tricks and deliberately pretended to be offended.

"Grandpa is here, grandpa is here, grandpa is here!"

After returning three times in a row, the Taiyi Immortal Gourd locked on the target, and a huge suction rushed towards the Monkey King.

Knowing what would happen a long time ago, the Monkey King was already prepared, but he still pretended to be flustered for the sake of the small calculation in his heart. Seeing his figure flying upside down and approaching the mouth of the gourd, he grabbed some hills indiscriminately again, but followed The result was the same as last time, the captured mountain crumbled instantly, and the monkey continued to fly towards the mouth of the gourd.

And the Ruyi golden cudgel in his hand had disappeared from his hand when he replied.

In the same way, the same plot as last time was staged again, the only difference is that the real Myeongdong urged the six-petal lotus to press directly on it this time.

When Brother Hou's feet approached the mouth of the gourd, he let out a weird smile again, and unlike last time, he silently chanted a spell to activate the golden hoop, but shouted loudly in the direction of the Chu River.


A simple fixed word, as if under a spell, the sound travels very slowly in the air, and for an existence of Chuhe's level, it can be avoided in an instant.

However, this time it was completely different. Chuhe felt that when the monkey king shouted out the fixed word, he could not do any movements at all, his body was stiff, completely out of his control, and he really just stayed in place in a daze. place.

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