"Although you two were forced by me to become weapon spirits, don't feel wronged. After all, you provoked me first. I didn't raise my hand to kill you. Let you survive to give you a chance."

"I didn't even sign any master-servant contract for you that if you betray your master, you will die. Although you are weapon spirits, you are still free."

Chu He's just two simple sentences still shake the belief of Master Mingdong and Master Songling's betrayal again.

"Besides, this monkey is not very capable, but his ambition is not small. He wants to follow the figure of the Great Sage, defeat me, and then absorb your cultivation base in refining, which will greatly increase its strength, and even break through the golden fairy realm. What do you think? Big temptation, can he really refuse?"

Chuhe's tone was flat, but his sentences hit the point. Thinking back carefully, Master Songling and Master Mingdong both regretted it. Just now, the monkey's eloquent tongue charmed them with wonderful lies, which caused them not to think calmly. He made a big mistake by helping the evildoers.

Seeing that the two who had just persuaded them to rebel were about to be dragged back by Chuhe, the Monkey King was impatient, but in order to survive, he had to come up with a more ruthless one.

"You two, don't listen to his nonsense. Our monkey race is different from you humans. Although we are fickle, what we say is a promise, and we will never go back on it."

"This king can swear to the Dao of Heaven and Earth. I just told you all my sincerity. If you violate the oath, you will be backlashed by the rules of heaven and earth, and you will be wiped out from now on."

After the strength reaches Jinxian, almost all of their supreme mana comes from the rules of the Dao. Other oaths may not be credible, but if you swear to the rules of the Dao, you will be bound by the Dao. Then erased from the world.

The Monkey King dared to make such an oath, which meant that he would definitely keep his promise.

Suddenly, Master Mingdong and Master Songling's thoughts came alive again.

Maybe they didn't realize that they were gradually retreating. Since Chuhe didn't set a prohibition on them, betrayal would be punished by God, so what were they worried about.

Let them fight and they will be free.


Chuhe sighed, it seems that the trust between people really can't just rely on verbal promises, it must put fetters and shackles on these two rebellious boys.

"Why are you scared? It's late, haha, today is your death date. Such an amazing and brilliant genius is about to die in my hands. It's exciting to think about it."

The Monkey King trembled a little with excitement, but in the end he was the one with the best skills, counterattacking and killing.


Chuhe still let out a long sigh, and his tone was full of sorrow for his misfortune and anger for his indisputability.

No matter how you say it, the Monkey King can be regarded as an enemy who has fought against Chuhe. He knows Chuhe's temper to some extent, and he will not leak this expression for no reason, but he really can't figure out what is the expression of Chuhe's determination. mean.

"What the hell are you sighing about!"

Just when the monkey and the two golden fairy spirit treasures were puzzled, it may be that the authorities were confused by the bystanders, and the little monk was the first to find out that something was wrong.

"Taishang Zhenzhen, didn't you notice that the two gods and evil flags that were hanging in the sky just now are gone!"

As soon as the little monk finished speaking, the Monkey King hurriedly looked up to the sky. He was in a desperate situation just now, and he had no time to take care of the Shensha Banner, which was completely at a disadvantage above.

The Shensha Banner is not a mortal thing, and it cannot be owned by a simple drop of blood. It has its own independent consciousness and will find a more suitable person to be its master.

Chuhe's incarnation outside his body was the corpse of a great witch. His physical strength was at the level of a Daluo Jinxian, and he already had a banner of gods and demons to recognize him as the master.

After the divine evil flag that originally belonged to the Monkey King and now belonged to the Monkey King was controlled, Chuhe was forcibly seizing it.

As if going through the motions, the Monkey King's Shensha Banner basically surrendered without any decent resistance, and now it is already the Lingbao of Chuhe.

The Monkey King realized something was wrong, and hurriedly mobilized his thoughts.


However, just like the situation when the Golden Cudgel was swallowed by the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, the Shensha Banner did not respond to the urging of the original owner.

"Are you calling it?"

Chu He smiled jokingly, stretched out his hand, and two Shensha flags rose into the air, becoming larger in the air, spinning against each other, complementing each other, as if they had always belonged to Chu River.

No matter how the monkey yelled, the Shensha flag remained unmoved, happily spinning around another Shensha flag.

Chuhe's divine sense urges the Shensha flag.

A terrifying coercion was first released from one of the Shensha banners, and then the other Shensha banner seemed to resonate with the coercion, and also produced a coercion of the same intensity.

Moreover, the two coercive pressures were superimposed, directly increasing the power of the original Shensha Banner by four times.

"Your Majesty!"

With a loud shout from Chuhe, the Shensha flag spun rapidly, and the Monkey King only felt a huge force coming from above his head. At first he wanted to fight with the strength of a golden fairy, but he couldn't bear it in less than one breath. Under the strong pressure, the bones cracked and the joints began to dislocate.

Immediately, his legs softened, and he volleyed and knelt in front of Chuhe.

The sudden change shattered the Monkey King's Dao Heart, he smiled wryly, opened his mouth, and spurted out a mouthful of blood.

At this moment, he no longer had any pride, and he didn't care about the opinions of the monkeys and grandchildren. Facing the absolute pressure of death, he chose to succumb.

"Shangxian, spare me!"

Chuhe snorted coldly.

"Just because of your weak bones, you will never even think about surpassing the Great Sage in your life!"

The Monkey King may have been broken, and the knee that was forcibly pressed had broken all his dignity.

"What Shangxian taught is, my lord, no, I was originally a stubborn monkey. Thanks to the protection of the Great Sage, I was able to become a Golden Immortal. Not only did I not appreciate it, but I also tried to slander the Great Sage."

Speaking of this, the monkey king Rudian's eyes flickered with tears, he began to slap his face, left, and then again, in order to win Chuhe's sympathy, he exerted great force, every time he could hear the sound of bones breaking The voice, but I don't know whether it is the bone of the hand or the bone of the face.

"For the sake of the great sage, please spare my life. I am willing to be the pawn of the sage. I dare not refuse to obey your order."

The Monkey King no longer dared to look up at Chuhe, and Chuhe ignored him.

Instead, he turned his head and looked at Master Songling who was at the side.

I don't know when this soft bone has already knelt down.

Chapter 560 The Living Bodhisattva

Master Songling had calculated everything, but he couldn't imagine that Chuhe could subdue the Monkey King's Shensha Banner in such a short period of time.

In fact, it's not that there is no chance of a comeback, as long as he opens the Taiyi Immortal Gourd and releases the Golden Cudgel to the Monkey King, there may be a glimmer of hope.

However, this idea just passed by in a flash, and he immediately rejected it, regardless of whether the Monkey King can defeat Chuhe who has two Shensha flags after getting the golden cudgel.

Even if he could, the current monkey king has been frightened by Chuhe, and he dare not fight against Chuhe again.

Thinking of this, Master Songlin couldn't help but smile wryly. Even a peerless soldier like the Shensha Banner knows how to choose a good master to serve him. As a golden fairy, he thinks he is smart in his decisions, but he is not even as good as a Shensha Banner, so he can't tell the difference. Which is stronger and which is weaker.

"Shangxian, the old Taoist knows that he has betrayed you. The crime is serious, but the old Taoist still wants to live. The old Taoist shamelessly begs you to give me a master-servant oath. Since then, both body and spirit have disappeared.”

Chuhe just looked at Taoist Songling calmly, without any expression change on his face.

"One time of infidelity is useless for a lifetime. I planned to kill you again, but because your cultivation is not easy, and you took the initiative to swear to the rules of heaven and earth, I will forgive you once. Remember, this is the first and last time. "

After Chuhe finished speaking, he stretched out his right hand and drew a character servant in the void with his fingers.

A string of contract runes suddenly emerged between heaven and earth, turning into a golden light and flying towards the center of Master Songling's eyebrows. Almost at the same time, the word servant appeared on the center of Master Songling's eyebrows.

A faint whisper could be heard from the sky and the earth.

"The contract takes effect, and the relationship between master and servant begins. If the servant violates the oath, he will be destroyed by the nine heavenly thunders!"

After establishing the master-servant contract, Master Songling felt the shackles in the dark, and when he looked at Chuhe, he had no disobedience.

Chu He waved his hand.

"Go inside your gourd, I don't want to see your face."

Vaguely, every word of Chuhe seemed to sound from Master Songling's mind, and there was a stronger consciousness in his mind reminding him that if he didn't obey Chuhe, he would die immediately.


Master Songling actually wanted to say something more to show his loyalty, but it was a pity that Chuhe didn't give him a chance, so he could only obediently return to the Taiyi Immortal Gourd.

Chuhe shifted his gaze to Master Mingdong again.

"What about you?"

The real Myeongdong fell to the ground.

"Me too!"

After establishing the master-servant relationship for Master Mingdong again, Chuhe also let Master Mingdong enter the six-petaled lotus.

All the two spirit treasures flew back to Chuhe.

Chu He opened the bottle cap and released the Ruyi Golden Cudgel from the Taiyi Immortal Gourd.

The Ruyi Golden Cudgel has no self-awareness, but when it flies out of the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, it automatically connects with the Monkey King's divine sense and wants to fly back to the Monkey King.

Seeing something dangerous to the owner, the two Shensha flags quickly flew over the golden cudgel, one after the other, imprisoning the golden cudgel in the air.

Chuhe held the golden cudgel in his hand, and forcibly erased its bond with the Monkey King with his divine thoughts. The golden cudgel suddenly lost its owner, and there was no other change.

Unlike the Shensha Banner, Chuhe didn't force the golden cudgel into his consciousness to make it recognize its owner, but just turned it into something unowned and held it in his hand.

The golden cudgel sank vigorously, Chuhe danced a few times casually, and a violent wind was set off.

Blowing the mane of the Monkey King kneeling directly below stood on end.

Monkey was worried that Chuhe would do something to him, so he could only slap his mouth harder.

"Shangxian spares my life, Shangxian spares my life!"

Chu He sighed.

"This golden cudgel is Brother Monkey's weapon. You don't deserve to have it. I will keep it for Brother Monkey temporarily. As for you..."

At the end of speaking, Chu He's voice suddenly turned cold, and the Monkey King felt a chill all over his body, and a terrifying killing intent swept towards him.

Chuhe wanted to kill him very much, because the monkey king had done many evil things and arranged for the great sage, but after careful consideration, Chuhe still planned to let him go.

After all, the Monkey King is the king of Huaguo Mountain, and Brother Hou almost tried his best to protect the monkey grandson of Huaguo Mountain.

He killed the Monkey King rashly, and it was hard to explain when he saw the Great Sage later.

Chuhe just thought in his heart, but didn't express his thoughts. Don't mention how anxious the Monkey King was, he could only speed up the movements of his hands.

The current monkey king looks very miserable, but Chuhe doesn't feel sorry for him.

For Jin Xian, even if the body is extinct, as long as the soul is still there, it can be reshaped at will.

Chu He turned around, looked at the barrier in the sky, and urged the two Shensha flags. The Shensha flags stood side by side. Chu He forcefully separated the two Shensha flags, as if pressing the two sides of a gate. door handle.


With the separation of the Shensha Banner, a gap of the same size also appeared in the barrier.

It's just that this gap is invisible and can't be seen with the naked eye. The reason why Chuhe is sure that the barrier has been opened is because the incomplete rules of the road outside the barrier are constantly pouring into Huaguo Mountain towards the gap.

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