Although these two spirit treasures are acquired spirit treasures, after having two golden fairy-level artifact spirits, they are still reborn and directly approach the level of innate spirit treasures.

It's like a six-petal lotus, but it's hard to resist the full-strength blow of the golden cudgel from the magic weapon. Although the user is only a monkey king of the golden fairy level, the magic weapon is basically complete when it hits the spirit treasure. After the six-petal lotus took a blow, There was no damage.

This can't help but make Chuhe wonder whether this thing misestimated its quality.

There is also the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, which can swallow even magic weapons. Although the golden cudgel is a pure and brittle magic weapon without self-consciousness, if the quality difference is too large, this situation is impossible.

Chuhe looked at the two things in a daze, and the avatar coughed lightly.

Because of the same thoughts, Chuhe understood what the incarnation outside his body was thinking.

Hastily opened the Taiyi Immortal Gourd, and released the little monk and Mo BuTong.

Although it was not the first time for the two of them, they were still mentally prepared, but they didn't expect that they were almost instinctively refined by the Taiyi Immortal Gourd in just a short while.

Standing in the tower, the two were so weak that their bodies were shaking, and even standing was a problem.

Then both of them felt that the spiritual power around them was sufficient, and the rules of the avenue were perfect. They thought they had returned to Huaguo Mountain again, but after a closer look, this is not Huaguo Mountain. The fruit mountain is so big that you can't see the edge at a glance, and there are three thousand demons dancing around.

"Could it be that we have come to the Kunlun Great World?" Mo Budong was a little happy, he only cared about the perfect rules of the road, and sufficient aura of heaven and earth.

Chapter 564 Four Elephant Pagoda

But the focus of the little monk is different, he looked at the countless monsters in the small world, and murmured.

"Brother, I feel like we have come to the legendary Shura Purgatory."

Mo Bu Bui finally came to his senses, and used his spiritual sense to check the surrounding monsters, and found that many of them were at the level of heavenly immortals. If they fought, the two of them would not be small enough to hold their teeth.

Seeing the two children breaking out in cold sweat, Chu He, who was sitting on top, reminded them with a smile.

"What you said is wrong. This is neither the Kunlun Great World nor the Shura Purgatory. You two are now in the small world inside my Innate Spirit Treasure Four Elephant Pagoda."

Innate spirit treasure?Four Elephant Pagoda?

Mo Bubu said hello to the little monk, and looked up to where the voice came from.

On the throne above, sitting a grown man dressed in white, with a slender figure and extremely handsome facial features.

His eyes are soft, and there is a faint smile on the corner of his mouth, which gives people a feeling like a spring breeze, as if he is an exiled immortal alive.

In a place full of demons and demons all around, there will be an exiled immortal. This kind of scene is so out of harmony that it took a long time for Mo Bubu and the little monk to react.

"You... who are you?"

Seeing the panicked appearance of the two little kids, Chuhe smiled even more, and asked jokingly.

"Why, you don't even know me?"

"We...never...have never seen you before!" The little monk stammered back, and the clever Mo Budong had already noticed something was wrong.

"Why does your voice sound so similar to my master? Who are you?"

Sure enough, with his reflexes, Mo BuFong still had the upper hand, Chu He hooked his hand, and the avatar outside his body strode out.


The two children seemed to grab a straw in desperation and rushed to it.

However, the avatar outside opened his mouth, but the voice came from the mouth of that handsome man.

"Don't call me master, I have already said that I will not be your master."

Although Chuhe said so, the two of them didn't care at all. The ceremony of apprenticeship is fine.

It's just that at this time, Mo Bubuyi was a little dazed. He glanced at the avatar outside him, and then at Chu He, an exiled immortal in white clothes sitting on the throne. Every subtle movement of Chu He was reproduced on the avatar outside him, completely It is God in sync.

After all, being human in two lifetimes, Mo Bubu and the little monk guessed it almost at the same time.

The big bone they are holding now is probably not the master himself, but the one sitting on the throne.

Excitement suddenly appeared in the eyes of the two of them, they jumped off the big bone and ran towards the throne.

"You are our master?"


Seeing that the two children were about to approach, Chuhe hurriedly waved his hands to signal them not to approach. The two children looked at Chuhe in puzzlement, not understanding what the master meant.

"I'm repeating to you, I'm not your master, we don't have a master-student relationship, so don't be so close to me."

"That can't be done. I have done apprenticeship ceremony with my senior brother, and you have agreed to accept us as apprentices. You can't take your word for it."

This time, it turned out that the little monk who was a little slow to respond was the first to break the deadlock. Mo Bu Bu was worried that he didn't know what good reason to find. Seeing that the little monk's answer was almost perfect, he quickly followed suit.

"That's right, master, you can't play tricks on being a dazzling and trustworthy person."

Chuhe chuckled, knowing that you two boys are not easy to deal with, so you are waiting for me here, right?

Chuhe pointed to the avatar not far away and said.

"Tsk tsk, what does it have to do with me that you worship him as your master?"

This immediately confused the two of them, what Chuhe said was right, but they looked back at the incarnation outside their bodies who were still intimate just now, and suddenly felt that it was still Master Xiang on the throne.

"Master, you can't do this. Our apprenticeship must be an individual with an independent soul. We can't worship a bone as a teacher, right?"

In terms of apprenticeship, the young monk was more talented, and he keenly grasped the subtle loopholes in the mouth of the Chu River.

"Even if he is not your true deity, he is also controlled by your divine sense. We worshiped your divine sense at that time. Your divine sense is a part of your soul. We worshiped part of you as our teacher, so you are our master." .”

These two little heads don't look very big, and what they said actually got around Chuhe.

Seeing that the master on the throne was frowning and didn't know how to refute, the two of them approached step by step, of course using sweet words as a cover.

"Master, your deity is beautiful and handsome. You are the most handsome man I have ever seen in my two lifetimes. If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't believe it. There are people in this world who are a hundred times more handsome than me." Man, the master is willing to bow down to this disciple alone."

Mo BuTong had already come to the throne while he was speaking, and as soon as he cupped his hands, he squatted beside the throne and pinched Chuhe's legs skillfully.

The little monk came from Buddhism, and he didn't really care about the appearance of sentient beings, and he couldn't say anything as nasty as Mo Budong.

But he can't be compared to Mo Bu.

"Master, looking at your fluttering clothes and extraordinary temperament, you have a feeling of detachment from heaven and earth. Are you the master of this world? If you don't know that ancient times experienced a great catastrophe, those immortals with great supernatural powers are gone. I thought you were an exiled immortal from that era."

Although Chuhe's cultivation base is unpredictable now, his soul is still a mortal in his bones. These two little guys are too good at boasting, and one beats his back and the other pinches his legs, which is more troublesome than those monsters.

If he doesn't hit the smiling person with his hand, Chuhe will stop arguing with them on the status of master and apprentice.

Comfortably enjoying the service of the two little kids, Mo Bu Bu asked.

"Master, you said that we are in the Four Elephant Pagoda, where there is plenty of aura and the rules of the avenue are perfect. I wouldn't be surprised if there are a large number of immortals like you. Why are there monsters with strange shapes everywhere?"

"They don't know that they are restraining the evil spirit, and this place is almost submerged by the evil spirit."

It may be that after getting along for a long time, Chuhe can't smell the so-called strong evil spirit.

"These monsters are not born in the tower. They are the three thousand demons I have captured from the Xichi Kingdom. I was worried that they would harm people everywhere, so I simply locked them here."

"Fortunately, they still abide by the rules. They didn't cause trouble in this place with abundant aura and perfect rules. Instead, they practiced hard. Many of them have reached the level of heavenly immortals."

When the little monk heard Chuhe's original intention to imprison the demon, he admired him and felt grateful.

"Master really has a bodhisattva heart and is willing to give these monsters a chance. Unlike the Taoist sect, they will be killed when they encounter monsters. They don't distinguish between good and bad, and they don't care about injustice."

Chapter 565 The people here have not changed in 100 years

At this time, the little monk was arranging the Taoism, but Mo Budong, the holy son of the Taoism, didn't respond at all.

Chuhe asked curiously.

"You don't even want to protect your family?"

Don't turn your face away, as if it doesn't matter.

"What is my Taoism, the place where the master is, is my Taoism."

Seeing that these two people wanted to show their loyalty again, Chuhe really didn't have time to talk to them about the matter of master and apprentice.

Standing up straight away, a strange look flickered in his eyes.

"Come with me, back to Kunlun Great World."

The little monk and Mo Budong were extremely excited. They were brought out by Chuhe with the Taiyi Immortal Gourd in Dongsheng Shenzhou just now. They didn't know how Chuhe traveled between the two small worlds.

This time, watching Chuhe wave his hand, a large formation of hundreds of feet appeared under his feet. The runes below the formation were complicated and flickering. The formation engraved with runes was flowing slowly like water.

Mo Bufei could tell at first glance that this was a teleportation formation, and it was many times stronger than their Taiyi Immortal Sect's teleportation formation.


At the moment when Mo Feifei was daydreaming, Chuhe shouted loudly, and the flickering formation under his feet suddenly burst into golden light, and the runes that originally flowed slowly like streams began to move like lightning.

Not long after, the little monk felt a strange force coming from under his feet, which seemed to push them to a far, far place.

When the speed of the large formation reached its limit, the eyes of several people went dark, and the sky spun in an instant. There seemed to be countless stars twinkling around, from far to near, from small to large, and when the figures were on the same plane as the stars, they were quickly thrown away. behind.

I don't know how long after this, a burst of light came from ahead, like passing through a tunnel, as the light became bigger and bigger, until everyone was in the light.

They still came to Kunlun Great World.

Since the teleportation also carries less ideas, the end point of the teleportation array falls above the gymnasium that was forcibly demolished by the demolition team at first.

During the teleportation process, Chuhe was still imagining what his original world would look like after seeing him for more than 100 years.

To what extent has science and technology developed, whether humans have mastered controllable nuclear fusion, or whether there has been a breakthrough in the quantum field, and the brain-computer system has been perfected. At that time, Chuhe dreamed of putting his consciousness into the game.

Only in this way can we experience better pleasure and more real feelings.

However, Chuhe was stunned when he landed.

More than 100 years have passed, time has changed, and the current Kunlun Great World has changed greatly. There is plenty of spiritual energy here, and the rules of the avenue have been perfected. Streams and lakes.

Children and birds play freely in it.

"Wow. Is this heaven?"

The little monk looked like he had never seen the world, and he didn't feel so cramped when he saw Mo BuFei, but his breathing was heavy and he was obviously very nervous.

"This is not heaven, this is my hometown." Chu He said lightly, but there was no other emotion on his face except nostalgia for the old land.

"It turns out that the master was born here, no wonder the master is so powerful."

Living in the streams and lakes formed by spiritual power and bathing since childhood, even an ordinary mortal can become a monk.

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