"I can't stop it in the end. I told them that this is the gate of the spirit world. As long as it is opened, countless monsters will swarm out. You should have seen this, right?"

"So, what did I do wrong in this matter?"

"You...but you still let the gate of the spirit world break, and you are still an accomplice!"

Chuhe snorted coldly, "If I want to break the gate of the spirit world, why wait until now? I have guarded the formation all these years, and there are countless opportunities to let go of the formation. Did I do it? On the contrary, I am protecting the formation. Array! You can't see these!"

"You can only see what you want to see. You are just looking for someone to take the blame for the gate of hell that you opened for your desires, and it just so happens that I am the one who takes the blame."

"So, it's all very simple, isn't it?"

Chuhe's words were a little teasing, "Because I didn't do anything, I did everything, ha ha."

R&F's eyes widened in shock at these words.

He wanted to refute, but couldn't open his mouth.

Chapter 52 Anchor

After Chuhe finished speaking, he continued to walk towards the city gate regardless of their reaction.

He could see that there were also some Buddhist formations in the city gate, but to him, these formations were nothing more than chickens and dogs, which could be destroyed with a wave of his hand.

R&F stood there, watching Chu River go away.

He's not a bad guy, and his head isn't strong enough to make him a bad guy.

Seeing that Chuhe was about to enter the city, R&F shouted loudly, "Yes, I misunderstood you!"

"But! You still have a chance to correct yourself!" R&F roared, "As long as you fight side by side with us and deal with demons together, you still have a chance to correct yourself!"


Chuhe sneered.

Ignored it, stepped on the formation with one foot, pushed open the heavy door, and walked in.

Only those three people were left standing there, looking at each other.

And their faces gradually became gloomy.

Although there are monsters around outside, but in this stone city, Chuhe found that the atmosphere inside is not bad.

Because of the monster, these people didn't have to work, and they all came to the street one by one, and some people gathered together to discuss the monster.

And some people played mahjong directly on the street.

It is completely impossible to see that these people are in Shicheng, which is full of dangers. They seem to completely ignore the fact that their lives are hanging by a thread, as if they are completely isolated from the outside world.

It also seems to feel that the peace I can enjoy now is peace of mind.

It should have been a tourist attraction before, with signboards on both sides.

Some people held live broadcasts on their mobile phones and said very exaggeratedly to the mobile phone, "We are now in Shicheng, a city surrounded by demons, and it is also the forefront of our battle against demons. I will risk my life and leave the city later to take pictures for my family. The real appearance of the monster..."

There are a lot of people doing live broadcasts like this.

But there are not many people who really go to the door to die.


Chu He was observing, when he suddenly heard the sound of gastrointestinal motility coming from his abdomen.

Turning his head to look, he saw Ah Qing's face turned red.

"Sorry, I'm hungry." Ah Qing said timidly.

Chu He touched Ah Qing's head, "I'm hungry when I'm hungry, why do I have to apologize?"

Ah Qing raised her head and said, "I thought that if I was hungry before, they would scold me and torture me, and give me very unpalatable food, so I don't think I should be hungry."

"Those are all wrong." Chu He rubbed Ah Qing's head, "When you are hungry, you have to eat. There is nothing to apologize for."

"Am I a human too?"

Hearing this, Chuhe felt distressed again, "Of course."

"Let's go, I'll take you to eat hot and sour noodles. You must have never eaten it, haha."

Seeing the signboard of Hot and Sour Rice Noodles nearby, Chu He took Ah Qing to walk there.

Because Chuhe changed his clothes and wore a hat to cover the iconic Daoji, so at the moment, no one recognized that the boy next door who was shuttling through the crowd was the devil that went viral on the Internet .

When I came to the store, I saw that it was deserted and deserted. There were no guests, only two idle young people sitting here drinking.

"Two bowls of noodles."

"No!" One of them said impatiently, "The boss ran away a long time ago, get out!"

Instead of retreating, Chuhe advanced, "Are you employees here?"

"No!" One of them slapped the table and stood up, "Hurry up... Huh? There's a little girl? Come, come and have a drink with brother."

Although the surface of Shicheng is peaceful now, in fact the order is only on the verge of collapse. Some people have long disregarded the original order and frantically tried on the edge of morality.

Ah Qing glanced at Chuhe, "They want me to drink?"

"Can I drink?"

Chuhe smiled and said, "You can drink it, but it's not necessary."

Not only did those two people see Chuhe, but they didn't seem to be afraid at all. They stood up immediately, "What the hell, don't you two know who I am? Does Chuhe know? That's my senior brother !"

Chuhe looked at this man suspiciously.


When did I have such a junior brother?

And the man came to Chuhe in a daze, still blowing in his mouth, "I tell you, those monsters outside are all raised by my brother, you'd better listen to me, otherwise, I will Just let the demon give you to...huh?"

As the man was talking, he was taken aback for a moment, only to feel that the man in front of him looked familiar.

When he took a closer look, he was dripping with cold sweat instantly.

This is really pretending to bump into the Lord, he only felt his buttocks tighten, his heels numb, and he stammered and shouted, "Qin, Chuhe!?"

This voice directly alarmed the crowd outside, and many people looked inside one after another.

But all I saw was a young man plopping on his knees, begging for mercy in a panic.

Those people outside were a little suspicious, but no one rushed to intervene.

With Chuhe's back facing them, they naturally couldn't see Chuhe's appearance, but they really saw the scared appearance of those two young people.

No matter who it is, it's not easy to mess with anyway.

In the current situation, most of them hold the idea that one thing more is worse than one thing less. They can't live happily anymore, and they will meddle in other people's business if it hurts.

Moreover, these two young men were not good things in the first place. They occupied the Hot and Sour Noodle shop, and outsiders dared not go in. This was the reason why there were so few people in the shop.

"Please! Don't kill me, I... I'm just kidding, I..."

Chuhe looked at the regret values ​​floating out of the heads of the two of them, and knew in his heart that they must be full of regret now.

Ah Qing walked forward without saying a word, and subconsciously stretched out her hand to crush their heads.

As a result, he was stopped by Chuhe.

Ah Qing was trained as a killing machine since she was a child, with only the skills of how to kill in her heart.

Perhaps in terms of killing people, Ah Qing can already write a book, but outside of killing people, she is just a blank slate.

Outside, a ponytail girl with a video camera hanging around her neck heard voices from inside the hot and sour noodle restaurant.

Chu River?

Her keen intuition as an anchor made her stop and look inside.

Although he only saw Chuhe's back, he still felt a little familiar.

Could it be... is it really him?

Thinking of this, the ponytail anchor directly squeezed through the crowd and walked towards the restaurant, only to be stopped by an aunt.

"Why do you go in, a little girl? Let me tell you, these two inside are hooligans. It's been a mess these days, and no one dares to mess with them. The owner of this store ran away overnight because he offended them. .”

"It's okay, I'll just go in and have a look... nothing will happen."

With that said, the ponytail anchor passed through the crowd and walked straight towards the Chu River.

Chapter 53 Interview

On the other hand, Chuhe wanted these two hooligans to go to the back kitchen to make a bowl of hot and sour noodles. As a result, these two guys were so scared that they couldn't stand still, let alone cook.

Helpless, Chuhe had no choice but to go to the back kitchen and let these two guys light the fire for himself.

Before entering the back kitchen, Chuhe said to Ah Qing, "Ah Qing, just sit here and wait for me obediently until I make hot and sour noodles for you. Until I come back, it's best not to move anything, okay?"

Ah Qing nodded, and sat down on the table next to her.

Chuhe also dodged directly into the back kitchen.

At this time, the ponytail anchor came in, but before he had time to say hello to Chuhe, he had already entered the back kitchen.

The number of onlookers outside was reduced to the moment that the masters had all gone into the back kitchen and disappeared, and there were only two girls left on the scene. They all felt that there was no fun to watch, and many people dispersed for a while.

The beautiful anchor looked curiously at the back kitchen, and wanted to step in, but stopped again.

She looked at Ah Qing and asked in a low voice, "Hey, is that person who was with you just now Chu He?"

Ah Qing looked up, without saying a word, just looking at her straight.

The beauty anchor looked at Ah Qing's still face with a strange feeling, she couldn't help but shivered, but didn't think much about it.

"I'm talking to you. Is the man with you Chuhe? The Chuhe from the demon temple?"

Ah Qing still didn't say a word, just looked at the woman in front of her so coldly.

"I'm talking to you!" The beauty anchor went up and was about to pat Ah Qing's shoulder, just before Ah Qing's hand fell on Ah Qing's shoulder.

Ah Qing's eyes instantly turned pitch black.

This is a sign that Ah Qing has entered a state of killing.

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