As expected of an anchor, his ability to pin hats is top-notch.

And the people in the audience were angered again.

"This bastard is still pretending to be arrogant at this moment. Doesn't he know that this place has been jointly protected by several masters? As long as those masters are willing, they can catch him immediately!"

"Since you're begging to interview you, then show some sincerity, a piece of trash that can't even protect your own home!"

These people thought that they could sit back and relax with the protection of Dianguang Temple Xingzhezong and Banruo Temple, and began to mock Chuhe crazily here.

In their view, Chuhe can ignore them, but he appeared at this time and accepted an exclusive interview.

It's not clear that they are afraid, and want to take this opportunity to negotiate peace?

"Since you are cowardly, then show a little sincerity and apologize to us first, and don't act like you are superior here!"

"Trash, didn't you say that your master used his life to suppress that formation, your master can use his life to suppress it, why didn't you go?"

"Don't mention his master, it's just as powerful as what he said. In the end, the big formation that he sacrificed his life to suppress broke just because the excavator dug a few times. That's it? Do you still need to sacrifice your own life? He The master is nothing but a waste!"


Someone wanted to say more, but suddenly shuddered, as if the surrounding had dropped below zero in an instant!

And Fu Lan looked at Chuhe in astonishment.

The root of the cold came from Chuhe!

next moment.

A figure quickly flew onto the stage!

It didn't fly to the stage, to be precise, it was sucked to the stage by Chuhe.

The person who said that Master Chuhe was a waste just now was sucked up from the crowd below by Chuhe, who pinched his neck with his hands!

"Do you really think I'm made of mud?"

Chuhe said coldly.

Do you really think that hiding in the crowd can be unscrupulous?

Maybe these people will always have an illusion, that is, there are many people, and there are so many people together, so they can say whatever they want, after all, the law does not blame the public.

However, that was already in the past.

Under the current set of rules, even if a thousand or 1 people gather together, it is nothing more than a hundred thousand ants.

That person's face instantly turned purple for 800 years.

"You...let me Juesheng...Master R&F...They will save me...If you dare to kill me, they will definitely kill you..."


With a strong hand, Chuhe directly broke his neck and threw his body into the crowd.

"Let them come."


The man fell directly to the ground.

And the people who were standing at that place also dispersed immediately, and the scene became quiet for a moment.

Those people who were still humiliating Chuhekou just now were shocked by this scene!


He actually killed someone!

Seeing it on video and seeing it in real life are completely different things!

These people haven't changed their minds yet, thinking that killing people is a big deal.

But now, human life is no different from ants.

Chuhe sneered, he just felt that these people were like grass on the wall, and he would fall towards whichever side the wind was strong.

But Chuhe didn't pay too much attention to these people, but raised his eyes to look outside the stone city.

There, the monstrous black air has quickly spread to the edge of Shicheng.

Like a gloomy thundercloud.

The black cloud overwhelms the city and wants to destroy it!

Chu He narrowed his eyes slightly.

If it's just an ordinary sky demon, big devil, or ghost general level existence, then the speed is absolutely impossible to be so fast.

More importantly, there is absolutely no way to make such a big noise.

That is to say, there must be something extraordinary drilled out of the formation in the demon temple in Wangwushan Town!

what is it?

Chuhe even faintly looked forward to it.

And right now it's outside the city.

A group of people are frantically repairing the formation.

"Damn it! Are these monsters coming out in full force!?" Juesheng of Jinguang Temple could no longer calm down, and looked in horror at the black air that looked like a sandstorm in front of him.

"A lot of sky demons, even big demons! Ghost generals are among them!" R&F withdrew his gaze and gasped.

"What the hell is going on!? It shouldn't be like this. We can't deal with even one monster at the level of the Heavenly Demon General, but now..."

"Oops! The Demon Subduing Formation is about to lose its hold!" Jue Sheng was horrified to find that there were cracks in the Demon Subduing Formation that he and his disciples had arranged together to block the stone city.

And this is just being attacked by this monster's aura, and no monster even made an attack!

"Fu Mo King Kong!" Monk Jue Sheng yelled angrily, his whole body burst into a rage, and his clothes were rattled by the blowing.

A huge figure suddenly appeared from above the formation, it was the image of a glaring Vajra!

"I have exploded the last potential of the Demon Subduing Formation, and it is estimated that it can be blocked for a while, two senior brothers, quickly retreat with the disciples!"

And at this moment, in Stone City.

The originally quiet and silent interview scene was suddenly broken by the image of a huge, glaring King Kong that appeared outside the stone city.

"That's... the coming of the gods and Buddhas! We are saved!"

People who were intimidated by Chuhe's methods at first began to come alive again at this moment.

Chapter 57 Nobody Can Judge Me

"The gods and Buddhas have come... This must be the gods and Buddhas appearing!"

Everyone looked at the huge golden figure outside the stone city, their eyes were full of piety and fanaticism.

"Chuhe! Your end is here!"

The shadow of such a huge god and Buddha made everyone think that it was the arrival of the god and Buddha. These people were shocked by Chuhe's aura just now. Unscrupulously provocative.

"People like you who have not won the common people for their own self-interest, the gods and Buddhas will definitely not let it go!"

Someone yelled at Chuhe, "If you don't agree with someone, you kill someone. Who do you think you are? Do you really think you're great? Do you know how powerful people are?"

"It's just a selfish villain. For the sake of innocent people in the world, he dare not sacrifice his own life. How dare he say that he is a descendant of Taoism and the master of demon suppression?"

Chuhe really smiled.

Is it selfish not to be willing to sacrifice yourself?

Then what are these people who stand on the moral high ground and point and point, they didn't pay any price, but just wasted a few spitting stars?

"Anyway, you're doomed if you regret it now!" A few people actually stood up directly, "It must be the gods and Buddhas who came down to save us now, and the first goal of the gods and Buddhas must be to kill you, an unrighteous bastard!"

Chuhe's eyes turned cold.

give you face?

He waved his hand directly, and these people flew out immediately!

Bang Dang fell to the ground!

Fu Lan was taken aback by this scene, but she was also quite excited at the moment.

In fact, she is also considered a half-Buddhist, and seeing such a huge phantom of a god and Buddha now, one can imagine the excitement in her heart.

But at this moment, on the other end of the live broadcast, there are countless people watching the live broadcast in front of the screen.

When Chuhe killed the person who insulted his master, these people abused wildly in the barrage and message place.

It's not as quiet as the scene at all.

After all, no matter how powerful Chuhe is, can he still kill people through the network cable?

But they can only vent some dissatisfaction by typing on the keyboard, so that they really come to Shicheng to confront Chuhe face to face.

They must be playing dead one by one.

And at the back, after the phantom of the gods and Buddhas outside the stone city appeared, the signal in the live broadcast room suddenly became stuck, as if it was disturbed by some powerful energy.

But the photographers at the scene all subconsciously aimed their cameras at the huge phantom of gods and Buddhas.

In the distance, beside the majestic mountains and rivers, a phantom of a god and Buddha with a height of hundreds of meters appeared in the air!

This directly made the people in the live broadcast room boil!

"It turns out that there really are gods and Buddhas! All this is true, we are saved!"

"Nonsense, if there are monsters, there will be gods and Buddhas, and it's too late for these gods and Buddhas to show up now."

"Compared with the gods and Buddhas dealing with those monsters, I want to see now that the gods and Buddhas directly smashed the garbage of Chuhe!"

"Yes! Squeeze Chuhe! Squeeze Chuhe! Everything is because of him, and he is the culprit!"

After the people in the live broadcast room saw the phantom of the gods and Buddhas again, they were completely relieved.

After all, gods and Buddhas have appeared, can Chuhe still run?

What's more, he started to pray directly, hoping that his thoughts would be heard by the gods and Buddhas, so that he could punish Chuhe severely!

It's just that this scene was also seen by monks who were also paying attention to the situation here.

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