Suddenly, several laser-like beams burst out.

One of them happened to shoot right here!

Chapter 59

The huge phantom of the gods and Buddhas originally sat on the ground with their eyes closed and their hands clasped together, as if they were meditating.

But just now, the phantom of the god Buddha suddenly opened his eyes, revealing two golden lights.

His hand is pinching Fajue!

The people on the square in the city opened their eyes wide after seeing this scene.

Especially when seeing that beam of light flying towards them.

These people didn't panic, but looked extremely enthusiastic.

"God's punishment... this must be God's punishment!"

"This is God and Buddha wanting to punish these two devils! Great!"

"God has eyes!"

"These two devils dare to be so arrogant and kill people under the eyes of the gods and Buddhas. They simply don't pay attention to the gods and Buddhas. Now it's all right, and finally attracted the wrath of the gods and Buddhas!"

Hearing these people's words, Chuhe grinned lightly.

What kind of punishment is this?

This clearly meant that the group of guys outside could no longer control the Demon Subduing Vajra Formation, and had no choice but to resort to the last resort.

And the reason why it is said that those people outside will not be able to control the Vajra Formation is that this beam of light that was set up inside the city is a clear proof.

If it wasn't for an error in the control of the formation, how could they let this destructive beam be aimed at the city?

From Chuhe's point of view, the demon-subduing vajra formation outside will be shattered within a moment!

As for the beam of light that was shooting towards them.

Chuhe didn't care at all.

Even if the light beam really shines on Chuhe, it will never do any harm to him.

What's more, Chuhe has long seen the trajectory of the light beam, and it will never sweep him.


The next moment, the light beam hit a tall building not far away!

It was as if a large amount of medicine was buried in this building, and the building exploded in an instant!

The ten-storey building turned into a pile of ruins almost instantly!

And the light beam even blew up the underground garage below at an angle. In an instant, gunpowder smoke was coded, and the water pipes underneath burst out due to the pressure!

The water vapor blocked some of the smoke and dust, but the entire square was still shrouded in smoke and dust.

"Cough cough cough! What a powerful divine power! It's a pity that it didn't hit these two bastards!"

"What do you know? It's not that the gods and Buddhas are afraid of hurting us? Otherwise, if we were so close to those two demon heads just now, what would we do if we received a dustpan?"

"But...but there were quite a few people in that building, and they all died before they could escape..."

"You know a hammer! It was all intentional by the gods and Buddhas. Since those people were killed by the gods and Buddhas, it means that they deserve to die, or they were led away to the western heaven by the gods and Buddhas..."

The smoke and dust gradually dissipated, but all the people around the Chu River retreated far away.

These people were obviously worried that they would be accidentally injured if they were brought by Chuhe's side.

Even Fu Lan stammered back, "Otherwise... this is the end of today's interview?"

Chuhe ignored him.

The crowd below suddenly knelt down towards the phantom of the god and Buddha!

"I beg the gods to send down another divine punishment to kill these two devils!"

"The gods, please send down divine punishment!"

With the apparition just now, these people believed even more that the phantom of the god and Buddha was protecting them, so they became more confident, and even started praying to the so-called god and Buddha on the spot to kill Chuhe.

Chuhe didn't leave, and there was still a hint of a smile on the corner of his mouth.

He knew that the so-called gods and Buddhas were nothing more than a condensed formation, and they were not real gods and Buddhas at all.

Moreover, this so-called phantom of gods and Buddhas will dissipate immediately due to exhaustion of power, and even explode!

Chuhe wants to wait a while, and then look at their expressions again.

By that time, they should regret it, right?

And at this moment, outside the city.

Jue Sheng's incarnation, Fumo King Kong, is still struggling to support, and many disciples around him are maintaining this formation.

But even so, it is still difficult to resist the terrifying power in this cloud.

Juesheng only felt that he was about to be torn apart. He knew that this feeling was that the formation was about to reach its limit!

Fuli and Wujian did not retreat, but turned back and fought with Juesheng.

Just because the road outside has been occupied by monsters.

The monster that attacked this time is absolutely extraordinary, and it can even be said to be the most powerful monster since the seal was broken!

The reason why it is called a demon is that from the beginning to now, they have not seen the appearance of the final demon, and it is not clear whether he is a demon, a demon, or a ghost.

All I know is that just the means of this monster have made them tired of coping.

By now, they were already exhausted and tried their best, but they still couldn't stop them, even if they delayed the black cloud's footsteps for a moment.

It's like a big mountain is pressing towards them, all they can do is stand up and live with some dignity.

Other than that, everything else is useless.

"Senior brothers, go to the city and invite Chuhe!" Juesheng forcefully supported the formation, and squeezed out a few words from between his teeth, "At this moment, any rescue is too late, only Chuhe may... ... Maybe he can't stop it, but he may be able to delay for a while and let the people in the city evacuate."

"But...but how could the devil Chuhe help us?"

"Do you think he is the devil?" Juesheng said, holding back the pressure, "I don't think he has completely fallen into the devil's way, but his obsession is too deep. It seems that this kind of person, as long as he can let go of his obsession If you recite it, you will immediately become a Buddha.”

If Chuhe heard this, he would definitely laugh out loud, becoming a Buddha?


"And now there is no other way, hurry up, I can't hold on anymore! Go!"

Fuli and Wujian looked at each other, then nodded fiercely.

"Senior Brother Juesheng, hold on for a while, I'll definitely bring him over later!" R&F patted his chest.

Juesheng said, "Don't use force. You are not his opponent. You have tried it just now... and it is not only you. Even if the three of us are tied together, you are definitely not Chuhe's opponent. Therefore, you must not use force. Otherwise, it will be self-defeating..."

R&F and Wujian are not unreasonable people. In fact, they probably knew what was going on in their hearts, so they went to the city without any delay.

And when they came to the central square of the city, they did see the Chu River.

But I was also stunned by the scene in front of me...

Chapter 60

All I saw was the Chu River standing in the middle of the square, while the people below the square were kneeling towards the phantom of the god and Buddha, chanting words in their mouths.

"Ask the gods to send down divine punishment, kill Chuhe! Kill this scum of the human race!"

"I ask the gods and Buddhas to quickly lower the divine punishment..."

Most of them were begging the gods and Buddhas to send down divine punishment to kill Chuhe, and the lesser half were talking incomprehensible words.

"I beg God and Buddha, let me make a fortune..."

"Blessed by gods and Buddhas, let me be promoted, and let me be the director..."

"I beg the gods and Buddhas, let me, Cuiping, fall in love with me, and when we have a child, we must make the child believe in Buddha..."

These people whispered, they simply regarded gods and Buddhas as merchants who could trade anything. I give you tribute, you satisfy my desires, I give you faith, you satisfy my desires...

When R&F and Wu Jian saw this scene, their hearts sank.

Especially when I saw the building not far away that was destroyed by the demon-subduing vajra formation just now, and these people were muttering that they wanted to ask the gods and Buddhas to kill Chuhe.

They are all top smart people, seeing this scene, how could they not know what is going on?

"What should I do now..." R&F was so stupid that the only person who could save these people was Chuhe, but they knelt down here and prayed that Chuhe would die.

Although the two of them haven't contacted Chuhe yet, their hearts are already half cold.

At this moment, in their hearts, they also hated these people in the city.

"Do these people hate Chuhe so much? Not to mention that the gods and Buddhas are illusions of the Vajra Formation, even if the real gods and Buddhas have come, shouldn't the wish they want to make be to reseal all the demons? Why must Want Chuhe to die?"

"Now I really wonder if Chuhe killed their relatives..." R&F looked at those kneeling people, his eyes full of sarcasm.

Is this the kind of person I desperately protect?

At this juncture, you still want to get promoted and make a fortune playing with women?

Wujian also felt a little unacceptable. Of course, what he was most worried about was, how should they speak to Chuhe in this situation?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help being angry, and looked at the crowd and cursed secretly, "This group of idiots, do they know that only Chuhe can save them now!"

R&F strode forward, "It doesn't matter, now I can only beg that Chuhe still has a sliver of rationality and is not attracted by these ignorant people, otherwise, not only they are finished... we are all finished too! "

Wujian also followed R&F's figure.

They slowed down after walking into the road and seeing the Chu River. They didn't walk fast or perform any light kung fu.

Although the time is tight now, they still showed great respect for Chuhe.

After all, only Chuhe can save them now.

And Chuhe also discovered these two disgraced monks early on.

Seeing that the two of them seemed to want to speak after walking into the crowd, Chuhe directly shook his head and refused, telling them to shut up.

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