As for the few people closest to the monster with a human face and a bird body, they almost peed their pants in fright.

They dare to scold these monsters in front of the TV, and they dare to say that if the monsters come over while drinking, they will die with them.

But when the monster really came in front of them, they were more timid than each other, because this is a real monster, not a monster in the TV screen, or a monster in imagination when bragging with friends.

This is a real monster that can smell the stench in its mouth!

"Forgive me! Grandpa Monster, please forgive me!" Seeing that they couldn't escape, these people simply knelt on the ground.

"Don't kill me, those gods and Buddhas hurt you, we are all innocent!"

These people finally started to regret at this time, and looked in the direction of Chuhe, "Quick! Why are you still standing there!? Quickly save us!"

They all know at this moment that if Chuhe can smash the phantom of the god and Buddha with one finger, he will definitely be able to deal with the monster in front of him.

As long as he makes a move, everything is easy to say!

Chapter 62 Bowing

"Please!" Someone cried bitterly at Chuhe, because the monster over there was getting closer and closer.

What dignity, what shame, were all left behind by them. At this time, they just wanted to survive.

"Save our Guanzhu Chu! You can't just ignore death!"

Those few people also begged for mercy.

But only a small group of people begged for mercy.

Most of the other people have no intention of repenting at all, and even if they do, it is only a little bit.

Most people are panicked and afraid at this moment, but they don't regret it.

Because they don't feel that they have anything to do to Chuhe from the bottom of their hearts, but it is Chuhe who is sorry to them!

Chuhe sneered in his heart seeing that there was only a little remorse value in the account.

No tears without seeing the coffin.

But it was too late to cry when I saw the coffin.

Seeing the monster with bird body and human face approaching constantly, but Chuhe still didn't have the slightest intention to make a move.

Those people finally despaired.

At this juncture, they began to curse Chuhe viciously.

"You bastard who won't save you! You will die under the monster's body sooner or later!"

"You are a devil, you are not worthy of being a human!"

They yelled with all their might, unable to tell whether they were really cursing or emboldening themselves.

The next moment, the monster with a bird face and a human body glides down at high speed.

Seeing that the claws were about to catch these two people.

But at this moment, a loud shout suddenly came out.

"Dare to be evil!?"

This burst of shouting seemed to hit people's hearts, but it did ignite hope in these people's hearts.

"Master R&F! It's Master R&F!"

Everyone shouted wildly, "Master R&F of the Xingzhe Sect has made a move! We are saved!"

Seeing that Monk Wu also followed R&F, everyone cheered again.

"There is also Master Wujian from Banruo Temple. With these two masters here, we are absolutely safe!"

Fuli Wujian and Juesheng outside, these three are well-known Buddhist cultivators, and it is precisely because of them that they have blocked the monster's attack for so long.

As a result, although Shicheng is so close to the seal, it has not been attacked by monsters at all.

All this is the credit of these three and their teachers.

It's just that these three have been outside the city all the time. In fact, the people in the city don't know much about their efforts, but they all think that these three are peerless masters!

But Fuli and Wujian didn't think so at the moment.

In fact, they have been observing behind for a long time.

Especially when they saw that Chuhe actually attacked the Fumo King Kong formation, their hearts were even colder.

Although they knew that even without Chu He's help, the Buddha Demon Vajra Formation would not last long.

But at the same time, they also knew how powerful the Demon Subduing Vajra Formation, which was jointly arranged by the three of them and hundreds of Buddhist cultivators outside, was.

Even if it is the end of the crossbow, no one can break it with one blow.

This strength alone is enough to shock them.

What worries them even more is the attitude of these people towards Chuhe.

They originally came to ask Chuhe to save these people, but these people treat Chuhe like a devil.

Will Chuhe still make a move?

They secretly scolded these people in their hearts for being stupid, but they didn't dare to act rashly, they could only wait anxiously outside.

And after the monster with a human face and bird body fell, they couldn't calm down anymore. If they didn't make a move, someone would die!

So the two of them chose to shoot.

R&F moved sideways to the side of the strange bird.

The strength of the strange bird is actually not weak, but at this moment, it was messed up by the big formation, and it was directly taken advantage of by R&F.

I saw the crescent shovel in R&F's hand and shoveled it quickly.

The strange bird monster directly turned into two halves!

The demon blood boiled down and landed on people's bodies.

Those people below saw that R&F had dealt with such a frightening-looking monster so simply and neatly, and they were all excited for a while.

R&F at this moment is like a savior in their eyes!

"Master R&F is mighty!"

"Look! Look!! This is the person in the practice, who eliminates demons and protects Taoism. He is not like some people. On the surface, he is the leader of the Taoist sect or the master of the demon-suppressing temple, but in fact he is a A cold-blooded, heartless devil!"

When Fuli and Wujian heard this, their faces changed instantly.

We have always begged Chuhe to help us, how dare you say that?

"Ahem, don't even talk..."

R&F wants to stop these people.

But where would these people listen to R&F?

When they saw R&F stop them, they shouted Geng Huan, "Master R&F, you don't know, this guy just killed someone! You must decide for us!"

"That's right, Master R&F! This guy is a demon, he should be killed! Dismember him!"

Some people gritted their teeth against Chuhe, and they didn't know where the resentment came from.

Someone even said directly to Chuhe, "Chuhe! Aren't you still arrogant just now? Why don't you talk now? Do you think no one can control you anymore?"

"Many acts of injustice and autism, like you, a shameless scum, someone will naturally come to clean you up, right, Master R&F?"

"Chuhe! It's too late for you to beg for mercy now, but if you still have a little conscience, kneel down now and kowtow to the two people you killed just now!"

Fuli and Wujian's faces turned black when they heard these words.

It seems that these people seem to have been talking for a long time, but in fact they are talking all over the place for a moment, and they can't stop it at all.

"That's enough!" Seeing R&F's soft voice, they didn't listen at all, so they simply roared angrily.

Sure enough, these people instantly quieted down and looked at R&F.

"Master R&F is angry, Master R&F is about to make a move!"

Someone looked at Chuhe with hatred, "See where you are going to escape."

The consciousness was still there and everyone thought that R&F stopped them to execute Chuhe in public.

I don't know what they were thinking, anyway, these words put a lot of pressure on R&F.

He even swears in his heart.

I Cao!Don't post it and talk nonsense, who is going to execute Chuhe! ?

What if Chuhe executes me in front of me for saying this! ?

He had no choice but to stare fiercely at the few people who said this just now.

But from the eyes of those people, I saw fanatical support and encouragement, as well as expectations.

In the eyes of everyone's expectation, R&F slowly walked up to Chuhe.

Then, beyond all expectations.

He bent down to Chuhe and bowed deeply!

Chapter 63 The Barrier Disappears

There was an uproar at the scene!

This... what the hell is going on?

Isn't Master R&F going up to carry out the controversial execution against Chuhe? ?

Why... why did you suddenly bow to Chuhe?

This sudden, unexpected change left them stunned.

But soon someone said, "This... this must be a sign before Master Fuli makes a move. Master Fuli is a real master. Even if he is facing a big devil like Chuhe, he must be polite before fighting!"

After hearing this final explanation, everyone felt relieved.

"That's right, now I'm bowing to Chuhe, and I'm going to wipe Chuhe's neck later!"

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