At this time, only Mo Bu Bu and Chu He knew that Xiang Liu looked seriously injured, but that was exactly what he looked like.

Xiangliu's characteristic is that as long as there is still one head left, he can be resurrected infinitely. When Mo Bufei set fire, he would use three heads to tightly surround one head and retreat, that is to say, Mo Bufei He did not burn all nine of his heads in one fell swoop.

"Master, this Xiangliu is too cunning, what if he loses his head?"

Mo Budong was a little angry, he thought he could get rid of Xiangliu with his own hands and make a name for himself, but he didn't expect that it was a short move.

This cannot be blamed on him, after all, a creature like Xiangliu has lived for endless years, has too much combat experience, and his weaknesses are well known, so in order to be able to survive, he has tried every means to protect him head.

"In this cage, he can't run away at all. Look out, I'll burn his last head to death!"

After Chuhe finished speaking, he imitated Mo different ways and began to form seals.

"Yan Ling: The Spiritual Realm of Fire, the White Realm in all directions, and the Red Lotus Blossoming!"

As soon as Chu He's words fell, the air in the square cage instantly became agitated, and the fiery high temperature was rushing rapidly before the flames were formed. Xiang Liu had not had time to catch his breath after beheading eight heads. I felt a familiar high temperature spread.

He glanced at Chuhe in confusion, and the last thought in his heart was.

"Damn, Yan Ling can still be used like this? This is too much!"

Unlike Mo Bufei, the flames of the Chu River are directly linked to the scope of his avenue. The flames of more than 20 kilometers long are incomparable to those of the Chu River. The square cage turned into a blank land.

A huge amount of high temperature passed through the cage and went directly to the outside. The armor on the Golden Armored God General turned red due to the high temperature, and soon his clothes burned.

Fortunately, the flames burning on them were just ordinary flames, otherwise none of them would have survived.

Seeing that Xiang Liu didn't know whether he was alive or not, and that all the golden armored generals were about to die, Ling'er naturally couldn't bear it.

She waved her hand violently, and a powerful spiritual barrier protected the golden armored generals behind them, and then the wind and clouds above their heads changed, and it began to rain heavily.

For these generals, ordinary flames can't do much damage to them, but the kind Ling'er doesn't even want them to get hurt.

Xiang Liu would never give Linger such a move, even Li Qingming would not do this, all of these golden armored generals knelt down and worshiped Linger.

Linger said a word, that is, people are emotional animals, they can tell who is good to them and who is not good to them.

Mo Bubu looked at the flames all over the sky, feeling a little unbelievable.

"No, master, how can you know my supernatural powers, and you can release stronger power than me!"

Mo Bubu looked at the whiteness in front of him, he was the god of fire, immune to fire, but Chuhe was different, Chuhe was not the god of fire, he was not immune to fire.

Chapter 719 Sudden Changes

The huge amount of high temperature made Chuhe breathless, and as soon as the sweat that was constantly transpiring from his body flowed out, a burst of white smoke flew up quickly.

The Four Elephants Pagoda rotated rapidly above his head, trying to offset the harm of the flames. Fortunately, Chuhe also ate the fairy grass Yangyancao, otherwise he would have been melted by the high temperature.

This is also the most painful point for Chuhe.

His talent and speech spirit can copy many tricks, but he can't get the characteristics of the caster, so that he can't resist these injuries.

For example, not long ago he learned how to summon meteorites from Li Qingming. He summoned even more powerful ones, but those meteorites could also cause him harm.

What's more, even though he imitated Mo Bu different's Fire Domain, he couldn't imitate Mo Bu Bu's Fire Dao, and he couldn't be immune to flames.

In other words, the spells he copied can not only cause damage to the enemy, but also to himself.

And if you can't figure out the mystery of the opponent's spell, you are more likely to cause harm to yourself.

This is really killing eight hundred enemies and destroying three thousand!

Time passed, and Xiang Liu's screams could no longer be heard. Chu He felt that it was almost done, so he took away the flames.

When the flames dissipated, I saw a pile of huge corpses on the ground. A huge snake hovered like that. The whole body of the snake was scorched black, and a gust of wind blew in. The huge skeleton seemed to be unable to bear the balance, and it smashed with a bang. fall to the ground.

For a moment, dust rolled up in the cage, and the vision was completely obscured.

"Master Vulcan, and Lord Demon King, they are really too powerful, did they really burn that skinny snake to death?"

"What we couldn't do with hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the entire heavenly court, the two of them did it easily. How strong are they already?"

The Golden Armored God General was a little confused. They looked up at Ling'er, who was respected by Chuhe as the Emperor of Heaven, how strong he must be.

Especially those generals who participated in strangling Ling'er in the past, now they have mixed feelings in their hearts, others can clearly crush you like an ant.

But she chose not to harm any of the ants.

"It's over, Master!"

Mo Fei kept pushing away the ashes with his hands, and slowly moved to Chuhe's side.

Chu He was also in a trance for a while. He thought that there would be a fierce battle with Xiang Liu, at least it would be a dark fight, but in just a few minutes, he just disappeared?

A feeling of bewilderment rose in Chuhe's heart. Hearing the cheers from the golden armored general, he was a little puzzled.

"The legendary ancient villain, who even Chi You couldn't completely kill, was burned to death just like that? Could it be that Xiang Liu is not as powerful as the rumors at all?"

Chu He muttered to himself, but Mo BuFei didn't care.

"Master, you just thought too much, the body was burned to ashes, Xiang Liu was dead, but unfortunately I haven't had enough, I originally thought of using Xuanyuan Sword to chop off his head one by one. "

Chuhe took a look at Mo Bubuan, but the worries in his heart could not be shaken away.

"Go, come with me to check the corpse, since he is dead, why can I still feel his existence!"

Chuhe flew towards Xiangliu's body in a hurry. At this time, under the huge ashes, a human Xiangliu snake head with four limbs was hiding inside.

The moment Chuhe used Yanling just now, he directly hid his head in his stomach, and then wrapped his head three layers inside and three layers outside with its huge snake god, so that the flame went out at last , and his head was not burned by the flames.

Xiang Liu may be dull in other areas, but he is smarter than anyone else when it comes to saving his head and surviving.

Sensing the constant approach of Chu River, Xiang Liu hid in the ashes and sneered. He was waiting for an opportunity. When Chu River approached, he suddenly transformed and ate Chu River directly.

Chuhe is really approaching according to his idea.

"Master, you must have made a mistake, this place is full of fly ash, how could Xiang Liu still be alive?"

"There is nothing wrong with being careful in everything. Use your sword wind to blow away these ashes. I always feel that Xiang Liu is hiding in the ground."

Chu He's intuition was so accurate that Xiang Liu was a little scared.

Although Mo Budong didn't quite understand what the master said, he still obeyed obediently.

As Mo Bu different's fingertips waved, the Xuanyuan sword also spun. The five Xuanyuan swords formed a huge fan, and every sword was a fan blade. The fan began to spin rapidly, and a powerful storm swept through the sky with smoke and dust. The ashes flew, and soon, the ground leaked out.

Mo Bubu felt the familiar feeling again, his heart was startled suddenly, before he had time to speak, he pulled Chuhe back quickly.

"Chuhe, you are right. I am hiding below. Even Dayu can't kill me. Do you think you, a little golden fairy, can do anything to me? You are too ridiculous! "

"This time, I won! This world is mine!"

Xiang Liu transformed again, and his huge body quickly surpassed the speed of Mo Bubu's retreat. Xiang Liu went straight up with nine heads and swallowed Chuhe and Mo Bubu in one go.

The Golden Armored General, who thought he had won, was dumbfounded.

"No way, it was already burned to ashes, how did he survive, is he immortal?"

"It's over, Lord Vulcan and Lord Demon God have been eaten by him, now we are over!"

"The catastrophe of mankind has begun again!"

Almost everyone had a look of despair on their faces. Those golden-armored generals who originally supported Xiangliu, but because Chuhe had the upper hand, they switched to Linger, suddenly changed their faces.

"Haha, long live Uncle Xiangliu, little humans dare to attempt to kill gods, what kind of daydream!"

"The world is still owned by Uncle Xiangliu, but you traitors may never enjoy the glory and wealth again. When Uncle Xiangliu comes out, you will all die!"

The traitors at both ends of the first mouse lost face, but Ling'er ignored them at all.

She soared up from the throne, her eyes turned red with anger and despair, and she didn't care if she was Xiang Liu's opponent, but Brother Chuhe was still killed.

She wants to avenge them no matter what.

When Ling'er flew out, most of the Golden Armored Gods stepped forward to stop him.

"Master Heavenly Emperor, run away, we are here to block Xiangliu for you, only if you survive, can our human race have any hope of winning!"

"Brothers, form an formation and cover the retreat of the Emperor of Heaven!"

The Golden Armored God Generals began to form a human wall, and thousands of Golden Armored God Generals were all armed with spiritual light cannons, waiting in full force. Although they could not cause fatal damage to Xiang Liu, they could at least delay Xiang Liu for a while, as long as the Lord Heavenly Emperor can leave safely. That's fine.

Chapter 720 Where the Body Connects

However, these soldiers in golden armor chose to dedicate their lives in times of crisis, but there are still some traitors who quit!

"Damn, still want to run!"

"Let this little girl run away, how can we explain to Uncle Xiangliu, and try to stop Uncle Xiangliu, so we will kill you first!"

Those traitors began to pick up the aura cannon and fired at the human wall that the Golden Armored God would besiege.

The golden-armored generals relied on the number of people to increase their offensive, but their bodies couldn't stop the attack of the magic cannon at all.

After a few shots, several huge holes appeared in the human wall, and those golden-armored generals who were hit by the aura cannon were all blown to pieces.

Fighting against the enemy is not terrible, the most terrible thing is these two devils.

"Kill them first!"

The Golden Armored Generals realized that if these traitors were not eliminated, it would be impossible for them to form an effective formation to block Xiang Liu.

So they dispersed and began to attack the rebels, and the whole hall was under fire, and many people were strangled together, and fell into a melee.

Ling'er had no time to care about these things, she flew to the side of the Sifang cage step by step, but the Sifang cage was like an invisible barrier, Linger was blocked from the outside and could not enter at all.

Xiang Liu also realized this very quickly. He really couldn't believe that a large formation composed of several broken chess moves could trap him.

"Descendants of Nuwa, you really don't intend to run away. When I get out from here, I will be the first to eat you!"

Linger has lost all thoughts, death is not terrible to her, what is terrible is that she will never see Chuhe again.

"Xiang Liu, you have done a lot of evil, and today I will try my best to blow myself up and drag you to death together."

Ling'er had a ferocious face, and she desperately hit the barrier. Her crazy appearance made Xiang Liu a little scared.

"Grandma, women can't afford to mess with you!"

Both of them collided at different places in the barrier, trying to destroy the barrier, but unfortunately neither of them realized a problem at this time.

That is, the enchantment was arranged by Chuhe. If he really died, the enchantment should have disappeared long ago, but the enchantment still exists, and its power remains undiminished, which is enough to prove that Chuhe is still alive.

Xiang Liu hit the barrier with its huge head, and every time it hit, the black cage would become a bit darker, presumably it would not take long for Xiang Liu to escape from it.

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