They looked around in fear, and then huddled tightly together.

What these people may like to do the most is stand on the moral high ground and point fingers at others, but unfortunately, these demons don't listen to them at all.

When verbal and written criticism have no effect, these people are like having their teeth pulled out.

At this moment, Chuhe finally began to receive the regret value from them on a large scale.

But not everyone is remorseful.

Over there, in the black mist, there was the sound of fighting, and there were also bursts of thunderous sounds.

But R&F and Wu Jian wrestled with the monster.

Both of them can be regarded as masters, but in the case of powerful masters, they are hard to beat with two fists and four hands. Facing so many monsters, it is still difficult for them to resist.

"Damn! Why are there so many powerful monsters!? Are all their monsters coming towards Shicheng?"

They were equally astonished and horrified. Originally, they had overestimated the number of monsters in the black air, but after they really came in, they realized that they had underestimated.

The two assisted each other to defend each other in the black air, and rushed towards the city gate all the way.

Although it was dangerous, they hadn't forgotten their friend. Monk Juesheng was still there!

Before approaching the city gate, they saw a piece of Buddha's light slowly walking towards them in the direction of the city gate.

I saw Monk Juesheng clasped his hands together, and bursts of golden Buddha light emanating from his body, which were clearly discernible in the black mist.

It's just that these Buddha lights are the nemesis among the nemesis to those low-level monsters, but to the slightly stronger monsters, it can only cause them a little trouble.

So from time to time, you can see monsters attacking the Juesheng monk.

And he was already exhausted at this moment, and it was already a miracle that he could hold up the Buddha's light, and he didn't have any energy to fight back at all.

It can only bear the attacks of these monsters abruptly, and it is about to fall down.

I saw another demon opened its mouth wide and bit towards the head of Juesheng monk.

If it is really bitten down, then monk Juesheng will definitely die!

There is absolutely no second way to go!

R&F's eyes were about to burst, but he couldn't save Juesheng even if he took a shot now, so he could only watch helplessly.

Seeing that the monk Juesheng was about to die under this monster.


A golden light flashed, and the monster was directly pierced through the head by the golden light in mid-air!


There was a muffled sound, and mottled blood burst out from the monster's head, and it fell to the ground with a bang.

The three were stunned.

But at this moment, Chuhe's voice slowly drifted into their ears, "You three are worthy of my rescue once."

Fuli, Wujian, and Juesheng's eyes suddenly lit up.

It's him!

It's Chuhe!

He made a move! ?

However, it was only for the three of them.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fuli and Wujian rushed up to protect Monk Juesheng in the middle, and led him towards the square.

After bringing Monk Juesheng to the edge of the square, R&F put him down, and Wujian began to treat Monk Juesheng directly.

"Juesheng, those disciples I brought..."

Juesheng's voice was weak, and he sighed, "They...the hundreds of disciples we brought with us, all...are dead..."

"What!?" R&F was taken aback, "All... all dead?"

Juesheng remained silent.

"Then what should we do now? If they are still there, we can arrange a large formation, but now..."

The meaning in his words is self-evident.

How can I resist this?

Just a face-to-face, the person is almost dead, and a fart!

And if it wasn't for Chuhe's action just now, even they would have died.

What the three said and did here were all seen by the crowd not far away.

They only saw three people appearing, but they didn't hear what they said. For a moment, they thought that the savior had reappeared.

Standing on the stage, Chuhe still had some doubts in his heart.

The heart said that it has reached this level, and the monsters are already outputting by riding their faces. Why do these people still have so little remorse?

It's not that these people don't have any regret points at all, it's just that those regret points are completely worthless compared to the situation they are facing now.

"Look! Those three masters have appeared again! We are saved!"

"Master, hurry up, block the monsters outside, hurry up!"

"Don't you guys know that hood? It's the hood that covers Shicheng, use it quickly!? Do you want us to die? Hurry up!"

Chapter 65 The Devil

Fuli and Wujian nearly spit out a mouthful of old blood when they heard this.

Especially now that Juesheng was already seriously injured, and his Qi and blood flowed directly against him, and he almost lost control of his injury.

When is this all?

Are their eyes all blind?

Could it be that their eyes are all decorations! ?

Can't you see the situation?

Now they have really understood why Chuhe wants to be a spectator, because now they all want to leave directly!

It's just that facing such a powerful monster, even if they escape, where can they escape?

And Chuhe looked at what these people said, and finally understood why the value of remorse was so little.

It turned out that these guys hadn't realized that the three monks, R&F Wujian and Juesheng, had been seriously injured, and they couldn't stop the demon army at all.

But it doesn't matter, just wait a while, and they can see how fragile their life-saving straw is.

But at this moment, in front of the raging demonic energy all over the sky, there was a sudden cloud wave, and the black energy seemed to be boiling.

At this stall, a figure slowly formed in the devilish energy.

"It's been so long... It's really beyond my imagination." A rough, calm and evil voice came from inside, "I thought some kind of master was here, but it turned out to be a bunch of Buddhist trash? Ha ha."

This sound sounds so ugly that ordinary people can't help vomiting when they hear this sound.

It was definitely not his intention to attack with sonic waves when he opened his mouth casually, it was just something he had unintentionally brought with him.

"Thousands of years ago, there were many Taoist sects in the human race, and masters emerged one after another. It can be called a prosperous age!" the voice continued.

"Two thousand years ago, the human race seemed to have suddenly degenerated, and no one had any sense of crisis anymore, and began to eat the roots of the ancestors..."

"500 years ago, there were only a handful of masters in the entire human race, and almost all Taoist sects have become places to earn money and enjoy themselves. They are completely trash..."

When he said this, his voice was a little ruthless and fearful, "If it wasn't for... If it wasn't for the old master of the Demon Suppressing Temple at that time, how could I have been suppressed!"

"And now!" He suddenly looked at the lamb-like crowd below, and sneered, "And now, the human race is actually just ordinary people? Even cultivators can't understand it, it's ridiculous! Haha, it's ridiculous!"

He looked up to the sky and screamed, and all the demons and ghosts also cheered after him, crying and howling for a while, just like hell!

"Now is the greatest opportunity for us in the spiritual world! As long as we break through the seal left by the old temple master, who in the world can stop us?"

He looked at R&F, Wujian and Juesheng coldly, and said softly, "The era of the human race is over!"

He walked forward while talking, and every step he took, the devilish energy in his body became more solidified.

By the time he reached the square completely, the monstrous coercion had already overwhelmed him.

It feels like there is a big mountain above the sky at this moment, and a big mountain is just hung with a cotton thread, and it may fall down at will. When the big mountain falls, everyone will be smashed into meat sauce!

At this moment, the figure of the devil can finally be seen clearly.

The first thing that caught people's eyes were two hideous horn-like things.

These two horns curved upwards from the man's head.

This is by no means a human race, but a demon race!

These two horns are the hallmark of an adult male demon.

All I saw was a black cloak on the devil's body, and his black and red hair was loose, falling casually on his shoulders.

A strong wind came, blowing the devil's cloak to make a hunting sound.

He was wearing a strange leather armor, with bone spurs protruding outward at the joints, and some of the bone spurs were even stained with blood.

It looks ferocious and reveals a kind of domineering, which makes people feel Alexander at a glance.

When Fuli saw this demon, his pupils shrank sharply.

In his perception, he couldn't even detect the aura of this devil. If it wasn't for the devil standing in front of him, then he wouldn't even be able to perceive that there was such a devil in front of him!

And the monstrous aura he felt before, all disappeared at the moment when the devil appeared.

A show of insane strength!

This devil's grasp of his aura has reached a level that makes people straight!

This is definitely not as simple as a simple demon, "Who the hell are you!?"

R&F's voice was a little hoarse, and his fighting spirit was constantly declining.

How to fight this battle?

A strong sense of irresistibility rose from his heart.

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