Listening to Chuhe's love words, Ling'er lowered her head shyly, but she still didn't forget to take a bite of meat and put it in her mouth, chewing carefully, as if she wanted to taste the taste of love added by Chuhe.

Mo Bubuyi also tore a mouthful and chewed it. While eating, he moved to Linger and whispered.

"Master, don't be fooled by the master. The reason why his barbecue is delicious is because of the seasoning. Did you see that, it's the small bottles in his hand."

"Ah, is that so?"

Ling'er looked at Chuhe in surprise, and Chuhe turned his head away, staring at Mo BuTong coldly, with a murderous look in his eyes.

What Mo Bufei said was the truth, and he had no ghosts in his heart, so he was not afraid of Chuhe at all.

Ling'er took the only piece left in her hand and carefully looked at the seasoning on it, and then bit down on the barbecue. Her little mouth was bulging, but Chuhe could hear what she was saying clearly.

"But I really tasted the taste of love!"

Mo Bufei could hear it clearly, and shook his head involuntarily: "Yes, the two of you are one willing to fight and the other willing to suffer. I wish you happiness as long as I didn't say so."

It was the first time that Linger spoke love words to Chuhe, and Chuhe excitedly handed Linger the skewers that he had just baked and planned to eat by himself.

If you don't have to, you want it, and you are directly scolded by Chuhe.

"If you want to eat and bake by yourself, how old you are, you don't have the ability to take care of yourself at all."

Sure enough, love will disappear, and it's hard not to be different.

After eating, Chuhe burped comfortably, while Ling'er didn't want to waste a bit, and licked off the oil and water on her lips with her tongue.

She still doesn't know how much damage this unintentional action has on Chuhe. Chuhe sees his Adam's apple rolling, and turns his back in a hurry, not looking at him anymore.

At this time, Mo Budong only came to the mountain spring water from the stream next to it. After the three of them had eaten and drank enough, they began to worry about how to get out.

I don't know how long the time has passed, because in this world, day and night are not fixed, but Miss Jinwu flies to work when she is happy, and sleeps on a hibiscus tree when she is unhappy.

Although she was sleeping most of the time when she was at work.

Chuhe watched as Jinwu waved its wings, and its elegant body flew in one direction. When her figure left, the surrounding environment began to become dark.

Like a monkey, Mo Fei climbed to the top of the tallest tree, looking at the direction where the Golden Crow left.

"Master, the Golden Crow seems to have gone back to its nest to sleep!"

When Chuhe heard this, he was overjoyed.

"Where is the direction it flies away!"

Mobu pointed in one direction on the big tree.

"It is recorded in ancient books that the Golden Crow hangs in the sky during the day, bringing sunshine to the earth, and returns to the east to rest on the giant hibiscus tree at night. Her current position must be due east!"

"I remember that when we came into the Kunlun Mountains, the position was south!" Chu He followed the point where Mo Bu Bu pointed, and began to adjust his body so that his right hand was facing the east.

"Front north and rear south, left west and right east."

Chuhe suddenly turned around and hugged Linger, and said excitedly.

"We found our way home!"

Ling'er is a little shy, Chuhe is getting bolder and bolder, at the beginning he didn't dare to hold his hand, now he just hugs himself up without shyness, but Mo Budong knows each time, whenever the two of them have some intimate behavior, He turned his face away, not looking at them.

At this time, Mo Bubu's face was facing the north, and suddenly the familiar staircase appeared in front of him.

Chapter 762 The girl in black

"Master, Master, I seem to have found the position of the ladder again!"

Mo Fei pointed to the north, and the Chu River was blocked by big trees, so he couldn't see clearly, but vaguely, he saw a staircase descending from the sky, shining silver light and extending all the way down.

"Ah, I'm so familiar with this road, it's what I encountered before."

Linger was also very excited, and Chuhe shouted.

"Don't worry, come down quickly. Since I found the way to the top of Kunlun Mountain, I will go all the way!"

"Good master!"

Mo Bufei hugged the tree trunk directly, and slid down from it in one swift motion.

The night was used as a cover, and the three of them shuttled forward in the dense forest. Most of the animals had already fallen asleep. In the darkness, dozens of pairs of green eyes were watching the Chu River from a distance.

Every time Chuhe took a step, his green eyes got closer, and they got closer and closer.

Linger has an instinctive sense of danger, and she frowned.

"Brother Chuhe, we seem to be surrounded by wolves."

"What? Wolves!"

Chuhe slapped his forehead, and then came to his senses.

"Damn it, wolves live in packs, how could I forget this!"

"what should we do?"

Mo Feifei was a little excited, and he didn't look panicked at all.

"You don't want to fight, do you? We can't deal with so many wolves. Let's withdraw quickly."

Chuhe said, holding one hand and running desperately towards the north.

It's a pity that they only have two legs, how can they run past the four-legged giant wolf.

Soon Chuhe was overtaken, and the wolves locked the encirclement tightly, enclosing them within a radius of less than ten meters. At such a distance, it only takes a blink of an eye for giant wolves to pounce on them.

Now there is no way to run, and Chuhe has no choice but to take out Xuanyuan Sword from Mo Butong and hold it in his hand.

"Brother wolves, can we have a good conversation, in fact, we don't need to be so stiff, I killed one of your brothers, but it was your brother who did it first, I was just protecting myself, you can understand !"

Chuhe didn't want to cause more trouble and wanted to negotiate with the wolves, but unfortunately there was no response to Chuhe's words.

It's not that these wolves are cold, but that these wolves are not intelligent at all, they are just ordinary beasts. They can't understand what Chuhe said, let alone reply.

The leading giant wolf howled loudly, and the surrounding wolves began to rub their paws, which was the rhythm of attacking.

Faced with so many wolves, one skill can actually handle them, but it is more difficult to handle them silently.

"This time it's over, the Golden Crow will definitely find out!"

Chuhe felt sad, but at this time the wolves had already started to attack, Chuhe and Mo Buyi protected Ling'er in the middle, but it was a pity that Linger was the one who needed protection the last, because the wolves did not dare to attack Ling'er at all. Do it.

In the first attack, Chuhe was injured, and blood flowed out along his shoulder. The smell of blood filled the air, stimulating the nerves of the wolves and making them more violent.

The injury cannot be repaired, and the battle has just begun, and Chuhe's face darkened even more when he encountered this situation.

Ling'er wanted to control the wolves with his supernatural powers, but Chuhe didn't dare to take the risk.

The wolves rested for a while and rushed forward again. More than a dozen wolves attacked Chuhe, but Chuhe couldn't get down completely. After killing a giant wolf, his chest was slapped hard by wolf claws. When the sound of bones breaking came, Chuhe spurted out a mouthful of blood. Linger was very worried. No matter what Chuhe said at this time, she would use her innate supernatural power.

The corners of her eyes began to glow with colorful light, and the wolves suddenly felt inexplicable danger.

"La Busia Lane!" A string of obscure notes resounded in the dark night, and the wolves who were still hunting the Chu River fell on the ground as if they were frightened by something, their heads pressed tightly against the ground, It's like kneeling down.

Chuhe looked at Ling'er, thinking that Ling'er had used his innate magical powers.

Unexpectedly, Linger shook her head.

"I'm not ready, I didn't do it."

"Xisai ah, what happened to the house..." Another string of obscure notes came to mind, and the giant wolves that had been kneeling on the ground retreated one after another, and when they were separated by a certain distance, they all turned their heads and ran wildly!

When Chuhe heard the language for the first time, he thought it was an illusion, but when he heard it again this time, he didn't think it was an illusion.

Looking along the sound, in the darkness, a pair of golden eyes flickered, and she was dressed in black.

The upper body is only a little simple, but unexpectedly covers the proud breasts, and the shorts below directly leak to the thighs, and the snow-white skin seems to glow in the night.

The girl in front of me and Ling'er have completely different styles. If Ling'er is the gentle and reserved kind, the girl in front of me is definitely a representative of unrestrained and hot.

She stepped on black high heels covered with a layer of black feathers.

When she walked in, Chuhe observed carefully and found that there were feathers everywhere on her clothes, and the embellishment of feathers made her look like a night elf.

"who are you?"

In the face of strangers who suddenly appeared, Chuhe kept vigilant instinctively. He protected Ling'er and Mo Bubushi behind him, but Mo Bubu seemed to have his own thoughts. The girl in black touched her back, and the Xuanyuan Sword in her hand touched grass stems, branches, and the like, and fell off like cutting tofu.

"Don't be nervous, I'm not a bad person, I just saved you, do you still want your apprentice to do something to me?"

The girl spoke human language, her voice was loud and clear, as if a noble bird was singing softly.

As soon as Mo Budong touched her back, someone pointed at her, and Chuhe coughed in embarrassment.

"Don't be different, come back quickly, children will know how to run around!"

Mo Bu simply passed by the girl directly. When he passed by Jinwu, he felt an inexplicable sense of intimacy. That feeling was the resonance of the fire essence in his body.

"Don't you think it's hypocritical, you obviously want to kill me!"

The girl directly exposed Chuhe's different behavior from Mo, and Chuhe couldn't help it.

"I'm sorry, little girl. I'm also a newcomer, and I've encountered some troubles, so I'm on guard. Please don't mind." Chuhe said and hooked Mo Bubushi vigorously, signaling him to come back quickly.

"By the way, you saved my life, and I still don't know your name!"

At this time, Chuhe's attitude was extremely polite and respectful, which made people feel like a gentleman. The girl raised her eyebrows.

"If you had treated me like this from the beginning, would I still want to kill you?"

As soon as the girl finished speaking, she realized that she had slipped her mouth. She hurriedly covered her mouth, and Chuhe looked at her blankly, a little puzzled.

Chapter 763

"What did the girl say? Kill?"

Because the girl realized that she said the wrong thing later, her voice also involuntarily became smaller. Chuhe dared not use his spiritual power now, and his hearing was not so sharp at all. He couldn't hear what the girl just said at all.

The girl also realized that Chuhe didn't hear clearly, so she chuckled.

"My name is Ran Ran!"

"Ranran? Which one?"

"Father..." Before she could say the emperor's word, she hurriedly changed her words: "Father, I hope that I can rise every morning like the sun, so please name me Ran Ran!"

Chu He frowned and looked at the girl.

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