"You humans are really hard-talking. You are already dying, so why are you pretending?"

Ran Ran didn't understand Chuhe's behavior, so Chuhe could only smile helplessly.

"Miss Ran Ran doesn't know something. We offended a golden crow. We dare not use any spiritual power now, just because we are afraid of being discovered by him. Otherwise, my injury is not worth mentioning at all."

Chuhe talked about the pain in his heart, but Ran Ran's face twitched, a little embarrassed.

"Actually, she's not that vicious. I'm a good friend with her. I can make peace with you about your affairs. I think as long as you cook her a delicious meal, she will definitely forgive you! "

Ran Ran proposed conditions for herself, but Chu He was confused.

"What, just one meal can make him forgive us, girl, stop making fun of me!"

"Who made fun of you, how will you know if you don't try, what if it works!"

Seeing that Chuhe didn't believe it, Ran Ran became a little anxious, and at this moment, Mo Budong spoke.

"Sister, you don't know, that stinky black bird is very bad-tempered, let alone give it a barbecue, I think, if we meet him, she can directly barbecue us!"

After Mo BuTong finished speaking, Chu He nodded hurriedly, but at this moment she found that Ran Ran's eyes looked like she wanted to kill someone.

In the dark night, the feather flew all the way to the back of Mo Bu different's head, and hit him hard on the head.

There was no sound when the feather hit the head, but Mo Bufei felt an unbearable pain.

"Who, who hit me!"

Mo Bubu covered his head, the black feathers could not be seen clearly under the cover of black.

"It may be that some people talk nonsense and break the taboo here, so they will be beaten!"

Mo Bubuyi was already a little afraid of this place, and when he heard what Ran Ran said, he put his palms together hastily.

"My gods, my gods, I'm still just a child, if I say something wrong, if I offend you, please be an adult and give me a chance."

"You can at least remind me, don't hit me on the head!"

Chapter 765 Flame Spirit

The appearance of Mo Bu Bu Bu begging for mercy was very interesting, Ran Ran giggled straight at the sight, Ling'er felt sorry for Chu He, picked up the Xuanyuan Sword on Mo Bu Bu Bu's back, and was about to draw it towards her palm.

Spiritual power cannot be used to heal injuries, and her blood is the best medicine.

Linger really wanted to do something, Chuhe hurriedly grabbed her.

"You're stupid, you're injured, you can't recover, how can I save you then, I was too tired just now, now I'm almost rested, let's move on!"

Chuhe got up, golden blood dripped down, and just as he took a step, he felt his body go limp, and he fell heavily to the ground.

Ran Ran happened to be beside him, supported him again, and said with a smile.

"You human beings really don't understand. Is that Golden Crow so scary? You are going to die. What's the point of recovering a little bit, and she likes to sleep late. If you don't provoke her, even if you put the whole Kunlun Shenshan If the world is turned upside down, she may not even talk to you."

What Ran Ran said was from his heart, but Chuhe didn't dare to believe it easily. The sea of ​​fire that filled the sky was something he couldn't handle now, and he didn't dare to make a big deal at all. If he could hide it well, maybe he wouldn't die either. The worst is to kill him alone.

If found, all three will die.

Naturally, Ling'er was not willing to let Chuhe die. She insisted on cutting her palm to heal Chuhe's wounds.

But this time, Ran Ran made a move to stop him, the black feather knocked down the Xuanyuan Sword in her hand, and said.

"Sister Ling'er, don't bother, let me help him!"

Ran Ran stretched out her small hand, and suddenly a red flame appeared in her hand. In the center of the flame was a child-like elf. The elf was about five centimeters high and one centimeter wide. The little face rubbed against Ran Ran's fingers.

It looks so cute.

"What is this stuff?"

Mo BuFei looked surprised, but he wasn't worried about Ran Ran using spells, after all, he was originally from here, and the Golden Crow wouldn't suspect her use of spells.

"This is the flame elf. As the successor of the Dao of Fire, you don't even know this?"

Ran Ran suddenly asked such a rhetorical question, and Mo Bu Bui would not be able to fix it directly.

Since he was promoted to Vulcan, he has never been hit so hard. It's not just a problem of strength, but he can't beat him in strength.

But since entering the Kunlun Mountain, the Golden Crow has given him a big blow. He didn't know there was such a thing as a fire spirit, and now a fire spirit appeared, which made him even more confused.

"Then what, I... just forgot, how can I not know!"

It was difficult for Mo Budong to admit that he really didn't know, seeing him lying, Ran Ran gave him a blank look.

"You humans can't help but be hypocritical and like to lie."

It was another prejudice against the human race. Chuhe wanted to argue with her, but he had no strength left.

Seeing that Chuhe was about to lose consciousness, Ran Ran poked the flame elf in his palm with his index finger, then pointed at Chuhe, the flame elf nodded and flew towards Chuhe.

This flame elf is a rare thing. Although it is full of flames, even its hair is in the shape of burning, but it does not have a terrifying high temperature. It is like a campfire ten meters away. You can feel it. It's warm, but you don't have to worry about being burned by it.

The flame elves flew around Chuhe's shoulders.

Then he frowned, pinched his nose, then spread his hands suddenly, and flames began to sprinkle from his body, falling towards Chuhe's wound.

Ling'er wanted to stop it, because she was worried that the flame would cause secondary damage to Chuhe, so Mo Fei instinctively felt that this was a good thing, so she stopped the teacher.

Sure enough, small red and yellow flames fell on Chuhe's body. Chuhe's wound stopped bleeding quickly, and then began to heal. His wound was warm, and his whole body began to recover quickly.

While the flames were still burning, they couldn't even ignite his clothes.

Not long after, the flame spirit healed all Chuhe's injuries, and then flew back to Ran Ran's palm, with his hands on his hips, making him proud.

Ran Ran understood what it meant, she stretched out her finger and rubbed the flame elf's little head, then said with a smile.

"I see, you are awesome!"

The flame elf laughed, but there was no sound. It hugged Ran Ran's fingers and rubbed its small face affectionately. Chu He looked surprised.

"I always thought that flames were used to hurt people. It is the first time I saw that flames can be used to save people today. I am really enlightened!"

Ran Ran was greatly benefited from Chuhe's sincere praise, and she spoke proudly.

"Things of flames saving people happen every day, but you don't know it."

"How do you say that?"

Mo different questioned a little puzzled.

Ran Ran snorted coldly, but explained with great interest.

"In winter, you burn firewood to keep warm. You can't drink the water in the river, but you can boil it. There are many parasites on the food. As long as it is cooked, ah no, it should be said to be barbecued, you can eat it with confidence. The flame is always on. Affects every aspect of your humanity."

"The most important and indispensable one is the biggest fire source in the world, the sun. It burns itself and releases its own heat every day. Without it, the temperature in the world will soon become horrible. It is cold, and basically no living things can survive, so flames are the most beneficial to humans!"

Speaking of this, Ran Ran couldn't help but feel a little sad. Thinking about her nine brothers, they just wanted to have more warmth with the human race, but they were shot and killed by the hateful descendants.

Those human races were not only not heartbroken, they were all applauding.

"When you say that, it's true. It's just that these things are so common that we take them for granted, and then we don't take them seriously."

Chuhe praised Ran Ran, and Linger was upset at first, but thinking about how she saved brother Chuhe, she could only bear it.

Please interject at this time.

"Sister, it seems that your understanding of fire is already higher than what I can understand. Can you teach me how to use fire?"

It was also the first time Ran Ran met the Vulcan of the human race, so she was naturally willing to give some pointers.

"Of course you can, but you should pay attention to what you say in the future, and don't make me unhappy!"

Mo Bufei hurriedly nodded and agreed: "Don't worry, sister, I will definitely not make you unhappy."

After Mo BuTong finished speaking, he touched his head, thinking that I have always been very obedient, when will I make my sister unhappy.

When Mo Bu Bui was still thinking wildly, Ling'er was also very wronged.

"Want to rob brother Chuhe from me, and then rob his apprentice, what a bad woman!"

Chapter 766 Ran Ran's Identity

"Sister, since you are willing to teach me, can you discuss something!"

Mo Bubu rubbed his little hands, feeling a little embarrassed.

"what's up?"

Ran Ran asked.

"I really like that flame elf, can my sister give me one?"

"Send you one?"

After Mo Bu Buyi said this, Ran Ran was almost fell to the ground by her tiredness, she staggered and was about to fall, Chu He wanted to step forward to help, after all, this girl saved her life, but seeing Ling His face was not looking good, so he had no choice but to stop moving.

Ling'er wanted to step forward to help her and discover a miraculous phenomenon.

Ran Ran, who was about to fall, didn't panic, and didn't even protect important parts of her body with her hands, but started to open her arms and flap her little hands in the air.

When Chuhe first saw her, he thought she had some brain problems, but with the swing of Ran Ran's arms, her figure gradually stabilized, like a light bird.

After standing still, Ran Ran pointed at Mo BuFan.

"The flame spirit is obtained by your own understanding of flames. It is a flame spirit that can increase the power of your flames by more than ten times. However, this kind of thing cannot be given away, and you can only understand it yourself."

After Ran Ran finished speaking, the flame elf in its palm suddenly made a grimace at Mo Bubu, then turned around, shook his butt at Mo Bubu, and then looked down on him.

There was an explosion of anger, what kind of elf is this, it is obviously a mischievous child, just like this, I don't even want to give it to myself.

On the contrary, Chuhe has been staring at Ranran. From her behavior, Chuhe can probably tell her race.

"The girl is from the bird clan?"

When Chuhe asked this suddenly, Ran Ran naturally didn't notice anything wrong, and there were feathers on her clothes, so everyone knew that she was a bird clan.

"Yeah, isn't that obvious enough?"

Ran Ran has never felt inferior to her own race. As the most majestic and noble divine bird in the world, she is very proud of her bloodline.

"Yes, I am the Bird Clan."

Chuhe nodded, and the next question stumped Ran Ran.

"Niaozu, you are still proficient in flames, so the girl must be the Golden Crow, right?"

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