"Let's see who dares to do it!" The chunky Qi Linling who had been smiling all the time also stood up, and the two stood side by side in front of the bulldozer.

Seeing the tense atmosphere, Chuhe smiled.

"Lin Feng, Lin Ling, step back and let them tear it down."

Qi Linfeng and Qi Linling immediately looked at Chuhe, "Who are you to dare to...huh?"

The two of them froze in the middle of their conversation.

Why does this person... look familiar?

Chapter 7 Meet the Master Uncle

Pictures gradually emerged in the minds of the two of them.

That was 150 years ago, the two of them were still young, and they joined the town of demons in order to avoid the war and have a bite of food.

They always remember that gentle and elegant young man who smiled and told them to eat slowly and not choke.

The figure in the memory gradually overlapped with the Chuhe in reality, and the two were inexplicably shocked.

"Chu...Chu River...Master Uncle!"

Qi Linfeng's eyes became moist instantly, "Is that you? Uncle Master?"

The two of them have been in Yaoguan Temple for more than [-] years, while Chuhe has always maintained a young appearance. After a long time, they realized that Chuhe is actually a direct disciple of Master Baixing, the founder of the Yaoguan Temple. .

His seniority is frighteningly high, and he has maintained his youthful appearance for hundreds of years.

Now it has been a hundred years since they left Zhenyaoguan, looking back at Chuhe, he still looks like a boy.

The hearts of the two could not be calm for a long time.

They both said that they would not live forever, but at this moment, the two really wanted to know how old their master uncle was?

Could it be that he has become a fairy long ago, but he has never been transformed into a fairy?

The shock in their hearts was inexplicable, and they could not speak for a long time.

Seeing this, Chu He shook his head slightly, and casually threw out a stream of cool Qi into the bodies of the two of them.

The two of them only felt that their restless hearts, as if moistened by rain and dew, became calm instantly, and at the same time they could feel the Dao rhyme flowing in the true energy.

"More than 100 years have passed, and your xinxing has not improved. If this continues, how can you break through the shackles and return to the original?"

The two of them felt a twinge in their hearts.

The breath just now was...

Their eyes were full of horror.

That is the breath of the patriarch! ?

The two looked at each other, then bowed directly to Chuhe, "Disciple Qi Linfeng!"

"Qi Linling!"

"I've seen Master Uncle!"

After speaking, the two directly bowed to Chuhe, regardless of what other people thought.

They felt the familiar and majestic aura from Chuhe, which is the Taoist rhyme that only the master of Zhenyao Temple can have.

The Demon Suppressing Temple has been passed down to the present, and before any temple master sits down, he will pass his whole body energy to the next temple master, so no need for any identity tokens, as long as you feel the familiar one, which belongs to the temple master alone Fluctuations, they already understood.

Now, their great-uncle Chuhe is the master of this term!

But the respectful actions of the two fell into the eyes of others, but they were as funny as clowns.

It made everyone laugh.

"Hahaha, I read that right, right? Singing in a big show? Still bowing? Master uncle? Can he be someone else's master uncle at his age?"

"In my opinion, they are just acting. They just want more money for the demolition. First, one person comes out to let them demolish it. Then two people object to it. Then they are acting and raising prices. We need more demolition funds."

All of a sudden, on the webpage that was being broadcast live, barrages floated past one after another.

Mostly sarcasm.

What age is it, and you still play this game?

Qi Linfeng and Qi Linling couldn't see this. After the two of them saluted, they went directly to Chuhe and said in a deep voice, "Master and Uncle, this Demon Town Temple... can't be demolished! If the Demon Town Temple is demolished , the seal that suppresses the spirit world is broken, and then..."

"The gate of the spirit world? Seal?" Wang Changlin couldn't stand it any longer. "Are you acting in a movie here? What kind of bullshit is the gate of the spirit world? There is a gate of the spirit world under this Taoist temple?"

"Get out of the way quickly, don't stand in the way of the demolition, don't you just want more demolition funds? I'll give you another [-] more, just get out of the way!"

Qi Linfeng said coldly. "Hmph! If the town demon temple is demolished and the seal is broken, none of you will be able to escape, and you will all become a meal for the demons that have been suppressed for thousands of years!"

"Who are you scaring?" Wang Changlin said disdainfully, "It's just that there is such a bullshit spirit world gate, and with President Jiang of our Taoist Association, it is suppressed casually?"

Chu He sneered and shook his head. He looked at Wang Changlin and the people around him who were making fun of melons.

It's like watching another bunch of ignorant clowns.

"What are you looking at? Hurry up and drive!" Wang Changlin didn't want to delay any longer, he had to clean up the place today to avoid long nights and dreams.

And at this moment, a scream suddenly came from one side.

Another person lay down directly on the ground.

"President Wang, someone has fainted!"

"Damn, bad luck!" Wang Changlin cursed secretly, turned his head and said to the camera, "Don't worry, everyone, it's just that the workers have heat stroke, which often happens on construction sites. Don't worry, we have a set With complete safeguards, workers will never be harmed."

Heatstroke in this weather?

Chuhe felt the cool wind and sneered in his heart.

I really don't even bother to cover it up.

"Uncle Master, the person who fainted seems to be a little abnormal. Seeing that he is surrounded by death energy and his face is covered by black energy, I'm afraid it's not the evil energy entering his body!" Qi Linfeng said in surprise, "Could it be that the big formation..."

Leader Qi Lin frowned, and said, "Master Uncle, if that man doesn't pull out the evil spirit from his body in time, I'm afraid... please ask Master Uncle to help him."


Chuhe smiled brightly, but there was no trace of warmth in this bright smile.

"Master's bones were dug up by this person, you want me to save him?"

Qi Linfeng and Qi Linling were taken aback for a moment, and a burst of anger suddenly shot out from his eyes.

"Save me... save me..."

After the fainted man was lifted up, he suddenly spoke, "There is a ghost... There is a ghost!"

Wang Changlin waved his hand, indicating that he should be lifted down immediately, in front of so many cameras, he didn't want to cause trouble.

"Demolish, demolish everything!" Wang Changlin shouted to the construction team, "speed up, there are not many ruined temples!"

Chuhe just sneered.

From the moment his master's bones were pushed to the ground by them, he no longer cared about the lives of these people.

If the sky commits evil, you can violate it. If you commit evil yourself, you cannot live!

The construction teams under Wang Changlin started the machines directly after hearing the rumors.

The excavator near the main hall, with a flick of its mechanical arm, directly destroyed the main hall.

Sanqing Palace.

Inside are the three patriarchs of Taoism.

The excavator continued to move forward, directly poking off Yuanshi Tianzun's clay sculptured head.

Jiang Yunshan, the president of the so-called Taoist Association, didn't care about this. Instead, he took out a handkerchief to block his mouth and nose, frowned and patted his clothes, as if he disliked the dust that had stained his clothes.


The last pillar supporting the main hall collapsed, and the mud tiles smashed hard on the sitting statue of Sanqing, leaving a mess on the ground.

In the entire town of Yaoguan, there is no longer a single standing house.

The plaque of the Sanqing Palace fell straight at the foot of the Chu River.

Chuhe smiled.

The entire Wangwu Mountain was instantly covered with dark clouds.

A gust of wind picked up.

Everyone shivered for no reason.

Chuhe looked at the demonic, ghostly, and demonic aura all over the sky, with a sneer grinning at the corner of his mouth.

Chapter 8 The Gate of Hell - Open!

Sensing the aura of destruction contained in this, both Qi Linfeng and Qi Linling's expressions changed.

If a plane happens to pass by Wangwu Mountain at this time, you will see a black air surrounding Wangwu Mountain, which is not like ordinary dark clouds.

Even this cloud of black air is constantly changing various hideous appearances.

It's just that the people on Wangwu Mountain are deeply in the dark air now, so naturally they can't detect it.

But those with keen senses have already noticed a trace of abnormality.

Jiang Yunshan only felt that his tailbone felt a little chilly, and he couldn't help shivering when he saw the dense aura around him.

"Why is it suddenly cold?" Jiang Yunshan muttered to himself, wrapped his clothes tightly, and whispered to Wang Changlin, "Hurry up and finish the dismantling. As the president of the Taoist Association, I will stand for you in person, which is enough for you." You have lost face, do you want me to keep blowing on it?"

Noticing Jiang Yunshan's displeasure, Wang Changlin immediately laughed and said, "I'll take it down here, and I'll go down here after it's taken down... I've made all the arrangements at the Jinsha Hotel, as well as your favorite skinny horse, President. gone."

Qi Linfeng and Qi Linling looked at each other, took a step forward, bowed to Chuhe and said, "Master and Uncle, please take action, otherwise the formation will break, and the world... will be turned upside down by demons! "

"Master and uncle, please take action to suppress the seal again!" The two bowed to Chuhe in unison.

"I take action?" Chu He frowned, "Are you asking me to take action to kill these ungrateful and shameless people?"

"Huh!" Chu He snorted coldly, and shook his sleeves, "Master's golden body was exposed by them, my cultivation home of Yaoguan town was destroyed by them, even the Patriarch Sanqing was insulted by them, now you want me to take action ?”

"Master Uncle... the common people in the world..."

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