"Master R&F, say something, Master R&F! Don't pretend to be dead, I saw your eyes open just now!"

Juesheng is now doing his best to heal R&F's wounds. Although the devil just flicked his fingers a little, for R&F, that is an unbearable burden in life.

Now he must heal his wounds as soon as possible and remove the evil energy in his body, otherwise, he will definitely die!

And now in this state, he can't be disturbed at all. If he is disturbed, not only R&F will have problems, but even Juesheng, who heals him, will be injured!

But now there is a lot of noise outside, and some people even want to go up and pull the two apart.

Fortunately, Wujian was blocked by the Dharma protector outside, so the treatment was not disturbed.

"Don't save that mortal man! What's the use of saving him? Isn't he killed in a flash? With this time, it's better to save ordinary people like us who are still alive and have no power to protect themselves!"

What's strange is that the Demon Lord didn't rush to make a move in the gap that appeared now, but watched this scene with great interest.

A disdainful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"I seem to know why the human race is becoming more and more trash..."

At this moment, R&F's heart seemed to be on fire.

He made me open my eyes.

"Be careful! You can't move yet." Juesheng said to R&F, "Don't worry about them, we just need to care about ourselves."

In this short period of time, not only R & F's thinking has changed, but their thinking has also been reversed.

What kind of feeling would it be if the person you desperately want to protect, actually wishes to die in your heart?

Chuhe had experienced this feeling before, so his eyes were full of pity when he looked at the three people who were besieged by the crowd.

"Hey! You're awake!? Did you say something!" Seeing Fuli open his eyes, someone began to say, "Master Fuli, we all know that you have a heart of a Bodhisattva. Now it's time to test you. Should we save you or save you?" Us? You talk quickly!"

R&F glanced over the crowd lightly, then smiled, and said coldly, "Naturally save me, because I only know now that you... are not human at all."

"What!? You!"

"How can you do this!? Saving people to the end, sending Buddhas to the west, you don't know? Saving people halfway is tantamount to harming people!"

"If it wasn't for the three of you, I would have come all the way to Shicheng from other safe areas? Now you say you won't protect us if you don't protect us?"

These people began to falsify history again. In fact, the three people from R&F came to support Shicheng without much fanfare, and these people had already taken refuge in Shicheng before the three people from R&F came.

"You can't leave us alone, otherwise, the whole world will know that the temple where the three of you are in has taught such a disciple. Don't you think about the reputation of your teacher!?"

But no matter what these people said, the three of R&F remained unmoved.

They have paid too much for this, and now the three of them are all wounded, and the juniors and disciples they brought who trusted them all died at the mouth of the monster.

Even they themselves, if not for Chuhe's rescue, would have died in the attack of the monster.

Almost paid all the price, and ended up protecting such a piece of shit?

It is already difficult for them to start indiscriminate massacres without their mentality bursting.

But at this moment, the demon king seemed to have seen enough, he shook his head and smiled, "Human race? One generation is not as good as the next, how many times will this drama be staged again? I'm starting to look forward to it."

After he finished speaking, he snapped his fingers.

The monsters that had been drooling all around immediately waited for an opportunity to hunt the surrounding people directly around the crowd.

These monsters did not rush forward, but seemed to enjoy the pleasure of this slaughter.

Panic spread instantly, cries sounded, people standing outside squeezed in desperately, and some people kept throwing the thin people around them at the demon, just so that the demon would not hurt themselves.

"You three, go and resist the demon!"

"You are masters, don't hide among the crowd, this is not the place for you!"

"Quick, throw them out, just throw them out, even if they don't want to make a move, they will do it!"

After discussing it, these people were about to step forward and lift R&F and Juesheng who were sitting cross-legged on the ground to heal their injuries and throw them out.

Wu saw that one person was protecting the two of them, but he didn't dare to use lethal spells in the face of these ordinary people coming.

After all, they are monks, and there is still a trace of kindness in their hearts.

And it was because of this kindness that the swarming crowd broke through his barrier and lifted R&F and Juesheng up forcibly.


The two groaned at the same time.

Now they were in the critical moment of healing, and they were interrupted so violently. As a result, R&F's injury was not cured, but actually aggravated.

Moreover, both of them had increased their hearts to varying degrees, so that they were unable to resist for a while, allowing the crowd to carry them.

In the end, the crowd directly threw the two of them to the periphery, and fell to the ground with a plop.

The two of them were heroes of Shicheng people an hour ago, but now, they were thrown out by Shicheng people like dead dogs.

Throw it directly into the monster pile.

Wu saw a person rushing up directly, fending off several monsters.

"Don't lie on the ground and pretend to be dead! Stand up and resist!"

"Stand up!" Seeing that the two were still lying on the ground, these people began to panic.

Wu Jian said angrily, "You interrupted their healing process, now they are all seriously injured, how can they stand up!?"

"Huh? It's our fault instead!? You went to fight against demons from the beginning, is that the case?"

"Did you say it beforehand? Do you want us to take responsibility for your mistakes?"

"Stop pretending, you are all masters, how could you be so weak, you just don't want to save us!"

Wu saw the clenching of his fists.

At this moment, he finally understood why Chuhe chose to be a spectator even though he had such great ability.

Because these people are not worthy!

And in such a short period of time, more and more monsters gathered beside Fuli and Juesheng's bodies. After all, their physical bodies were much stronger than those of ordinary people.

Wu saw that a person couldn't stand it at all, and was about to be breached by the monster, so he finally made that decision.

All I saw was a sweep, which briefly emptied the surrounding monsters, and then bowed deeply to Chuhe.

"Please Guanzhu Chu to save people...just save the three of us!"

Chapter 68

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar!

He even begged Chuhe to help, and this time he was no longer begging Chuhe to save everyone, but only begging Chuhe to save himself?

"Are you making a mistake! You only care about your own life?"

"If Chuhe can really save you, it can definitely save us too!"

"It's just talking and begging for help. You don't even want to take us with you? How much will this waste your saliva?"

"Looking at the three of you who are sanctimonious, I didn't expect that you are just a selfish villain! You are narrow-minded and shameless!"

When Wu Jian heard these words, blood dripped from his heart.


He has almost nothing for them, and he is still called selfish! ?

Chuhe felt emotional in his heart.

Indeed, in some people's minds, as long as you don't give your life, it is selfish. Even if you really give your life, someone will always say that your death is not beautiful enough.

It's just that you can't die again. If you can, they will probably make you die countless times.


Wu saw that the monsters around the three of them had been repelled by him for a while, and then surrounded them again.

This time, these monsters are determined to win. After all, these three words about the body are too tempting for them. After all, it is the body of a practitioner, and it is also the body of a Buddhist.

The surrounding monsters approached step by step, but this time, Wu Jian didn't make a move, but closed his eyes and sat cross-legged on the ground.

A raging flame burned on his body.

Now he has no choice but to let himself die with dignity.

The same sacred fire also began to burn on Fuli and Juesheng.

Seeing this, those monsters rushed forward fiercely!

Because they knew that if it was later, the three of them would be burned to ashes.

A group of monsters rushed towards the three of them almost from all directions, and then there was a bang!

As if hitting an air wall, the fastest running monster in front almost smashed his head.

With a wave of Chuhe's hand, it was like a breeze blowing by. The flames on the three of them were extinguished immediately, and the breeze blew through the monsters around the three of them.

It immediately turned into the sword energy of the five elements, directly beheading all the monsters approaching the three of them!


Everyone gasped as they watched this scene.

They all thought that the three of them must rise up to resist, but what they didn't expect was that the three of them were unwilling to resist.

And just when these people thought that the three of us must be dead, Chuhe actually rescued them.

Moreover, Chuhe killed so many monsters in just waving his hands!

He is really that strong, and he is really willing to save people!

They looked at the three of R&F, and many of them felt resentment in their hearts at this moment.

What the hell, if the three of them had brought themselves with them when they asked for help just now, wouldn't they be saved now?

And they, being selfish, only care about themselves!

A trace of remorse also appeared in many people's hearts.

If I had known that Chuhe was so powerful, and that Chuhe could really save people, why did I do that in the first place?

Chuhe only felt that the value of regret was increasing rapidly.

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