After Chuhe said this, Mo Bubu and Ran Ran all looked at him like a fool, but Chuhe didn't react yet.

"No, Fengshen is completely angry. Don't be different. Come back soon. Fengshen doesn't like you, so I'll give you another inheritance!"

Xuanniao shouted, this is also the first time she has encountered such a situation. You must know that although some strong people are strong, their hearts are still biased. The monster race rarely faces the human race. Of course, the Nuwa clan except.

I saw a violent sense of crisis coming, and a series of air ducts with high speed swept towards Mo BuFong. This air duct, which looks as thick as a thumb, has unparalleled power.

The moment Mobushi's white flame barrier touched the air duct, a big hole was blown open, and the airpipe shot towards Mobuyi in the center without slowing down.

Almost at the same time, Mo BuTong's heart was pierced by the air duct, his blood spattered everywhere, and he staggered and almost fell down.

Chuhe couldn't see what was going on in the flames, but Chuhe could hear Mo BuFong's screams clearly.

The air duct is like a bullet, it hits precisely and cannot be blocked. This seemingly small thing is the most dangerous killing move.

"Boy, what's the matter, is the Yaozu still as weak as you said?"

Seeing Mo BuTong vomit blood, Fei Lian sneered and said, Mo BuTong snorted coldly.

"This little injury is nothing to grandpa, come again if you have the guts!"

"court death!"

Mo Bubu is really a fool, the Fengshen was completely enraged, and the air ducts swept in again, but this time the number of air ducts became two.

These two air ducts pierced through Mo Bu Bu's arm, and when they reappeared, they turned into four air ducts. It turned out that every time it attacked, the number would double, and what was even more speechless was that his The number is increasing, but the intensity of the attack remains the same, and the high-speed air duct moves very fast.

Almost instantly, the air ducts have become countless.

It was like [-] sharp swords aimed at Mo Bubu at the same time, with Mo Bubu's speed he couldn't dodge at all.

It was the first time for Chuhe to know that the wind can still be used in this way, and it doesn't look much weaker than the thunder and lightning. He is glad that Mo Bu Bui chose the right inheritance, but now he is not happy at all.

"Master Fengshen, he is just a child, don't be as knowledgeable as him, if you don't want to pass it on to humans, you don't have to kill him!"

Regardless of whether the other party is a saint or not, Chuhe can't just watch Fengshen kill his disciple. He stares and roars loudly, Fengshen seems not to hear, just staring at Mo BuFan.

"Boy, tell me now, the human race or the monster race, which one is weaker!"

"My master, a golden fairy, can drag his family and his mouth up the ladder. These are things that you monster race will never be able to do, so my master is the strongest, and my master is a human race!"

Mo Bu Bui is really a dead duck, his whole body is riddled with holes, and he is still contradicting Fengshen, his words stimulated Fengshen again.

The windpipe became more fierce, and they all swept towards Mo BuTong.

Chuhe hurried forward to stop him, but his speed was too slow. For the fast-moving wind, only light and thunder could catch up with him.

"Gods, please listen to my prayer, Queen Mother Xi, please bless my child!"

Ling'er's voice sounded, and big trees suddenly began to grow around Mo BuTong. The big trees were tangled and coiled, forming a super huge round shield, which tightly protected Mo BuTong inside.

The wind pipe is very powerful, but after breaking through these wooden defenses, the speed and Willy have become not deadly enough, and of course Fengshen didn't use all his strength.

After he saw that his attack was frustrated, he looked at Ling'er with great interest. At first Ling'er appeared with a human mentality, and he thought Ling'er was a human being.

But after seeing Ling'er's singing just now, she knew that she was from the Nuwa clan.

"It turns out that you are a descendant of Nuwa, and you have received the inheritance of the Queen Mother of the West. You have not yet awakened your blood and can block my ultimate move. You are very talented!"

When seeing Linger, Fengshen obviously showed a smile. This kind of smile is slowly falling in love with it. This is eccentricity. Fengshen unreservedly favors the monster race. He hates human beings deeply. If there is any provocation, it will be wiped out. fate.

Linger was overwhelmed by the praise, and now Fengshen was her enemy to be precise.

"Master Fengshen, you are happy and angry, that child is my disciple, please spare his life!"

"You can keep him alive, but you can't give him the inheritance."

Fengshen looked at Ling'er, the more he looked at it, the more he was satisfied, and the more he looked at it, the more he liked it.

"Okay, if you don't give it, you won't give it, as long as you don't kill him!"

Anyway, Xuanniao said just now that Mo Bu Bu can be re-elected. He can get the inheritance of Thunder if he doesn't get the favor of Feng Shen.

Chuhe said that he wanted to send Fengshen away, but Fengshen didn't intend to leave, but looked at Ling'er with great interest.

"I want to pass it on to you, descendants of Nuwa!"

As he said that, the Tianmen above Mo Bubu's head actually began to gradually move, speeding towards Ling'er.

All the people present were dumbfounded.

Xuanniao hurriedly stopped Fengshen.

"Lord Fengshen, Nuwa's descendants have already received the inheritance from the Queen Mother of the West. She cannot accept your inheritance. This is the rule."

After Xuanniao finished speaking, Fengshen gave her a blank look.

"Where do so many rules come from? I am the rule here. My own inheritance, I can pass it on to whoever I want, can you control it?"

He couldn't help being irritable and straightforward, and he couldn't listen to persuasion at all. Chuhe was also speechless, but he was not disappointed. After all, it is not a bad thing to let Linger have another inheritance.

"Descendants of Nuwa, just take a few steps forward, and I will pass on the inheritance to you!"

Fengshen kept smiling in front of Nuwa's descendants. It was hard to imagine that this person was still killing a child just now, Mo Fei was extremely embarrassed at this moment.

The inheritance he chose was actually despised by others, he really wanted to find a crack in the ground to sneak in.

But Ling'er, who was supposed to get the double inheritance, shook her head.

"Lord Fengshen, thank you for your importance to me, but I cannot accept your inheritance, because Xeon's bloodline is not derived from the superposition of talents, but has a heart that never admits defeat, and can become a strong person."

After Ling'er finished speaking, Fengshen was obviously a little embarrassed, and Chuhe scratched his head. The good guy has a disciple and a wife, and no one is reassuring. They all disobey Fengshen. This guy has a bad temper!

What if he goes crazy and attacks Ling'er?

Chuhe's head gets dizzy thinking about it. No matter how amazing his talent is, he is too weak now to protect Ling'er. Fengshen is too powerful for him.

Even though it's just a wisp of remnant soul, it's irresistible!

Chapter 786 Suffocation

"Really not?"

Rarely, Fengshen didn't lose his temper, but looked at Ling'er feeling a little pity, Ling'er continued to shake his head.

"Master Fengshen, now is the era where people have to coexist, please don't be prejudiced, Mo Butong is a good boy, he is very strong and talented, and he will definitely not insult your name as Fengshen!"

Ling'er had no parents since she was a child, but she spoke as if she had been taught.

Chuhe couldn't help being a little dazed.

Fengshen shook his head.

"This kid is too arrogant, no one will give it to him, unless he can resist my three moves!"

"Which three moves?"

Chu He subconsciously asked, just now Fengshen just used a little bit of tricks, which put Mo BuTong into a situation where there is no end to redemption, if there are three tricks now, wouldn't Da Luo Jinxian not be able to stand it?

"Don't say I'm bullying you. I've used two moves just now. Although I didn't use all my strength, it can be regarded as that kid dodged. The last move, as long as the kid can persist, I will admit that he is qualified to inherit my inheritance .”

The two moves just now turned out to be just appetizers. Judging by Fengshen's appearance, he still has stronger killing moves. Naturally, Chuhe couldn't let Mo Bubei accept the challenge of death, so he hurriedly stopped.

"No, he is still a child, and he can't bear your powerful blow at all. Lord Fengshen, please spare him!"

Chu He said polite words on his lips, but he was scolding his mother in his heart. What kind of big man is he? Isn't this a bully?

This stupid tyrant, a good tyrant!

"Master, I am willing!"

Mo Bubuy suddenly said, his eyes were full of flames, it seemed that this violent temper had been snubbed and ridiculed by Fengshen again and again, and he also lost his temper, he had to fight against Fengshen.

"Good boy, you have courage. This ruthlessness is very similar to mine. I like you a little too!"

Fengshen was talking, but his hands were not idle. He flicked his tail lightly, just with such a slight flick, an endless stream of wind blades began to spread from his back.

There is a wind elf on the wind blade. Unlike the fire elf, the wind elf is wearing a white windbreaker, and his figure is extremely petite and cute.

"Boy, as long as you can accept my trick and pass it on to you, even the wind spirit will be given to you, how dare you accept it!"

"If a person is dead and his eggs are upside down, he will not die for thousands of years, and I am afraid that you will fail!"

In Mo different dictionary, he doesn't know how to write dead words at all!

"Okay, there is something, I like it!"

"do not want!"

Ling'er yelled hastily, but Chuhe shook his head, because for this appointment, one person invited and the other agreed, and the appointment has been completed. There is a hidden rule in this world to protect their battle, which is irreversible.

Mo Bufei said harsh words, but he didn't dare to hesitate in his actions. He tried his best as soon as he got started, knowing that he might not be able to hold on, but he was still struggling hard for the last time.

"You have to be ready, Human Race, no one can survive my move, I hope you are an exception!"

"Let the horses come!"

Don't cry out.

Fengshen also sneered, his voice was low and serious, his whole body circled his tail three times, then he stopped suddenly and let out a loud drink.

"Field of Wind, suffocate!"

As Fengshen's voice fell, Chuhe felt that the surrounding air was quickly drawn away, and the strong wind kept sweeping, directly forming a vacuum around him.

There is no sound, no light, and no oxygen here.

Almost at the same time when the Wind Domain was formed, Mo Fuyu's body began to swell violently due to the unbalanced pressure in his body.

In the zero-gravity space, after the atmospheric pressure is gone, Mo Feiyu can no longer breathe, and will soon suffocate to death, but this is not the most difficult thing.

The most difficult thing was that the air in his body began to blow out uncontrollably due to the reduction of external pressure. Fortunately, it was sprayed out from his mouth and nose.

If he was unlucky, it was directly stripped from his blood cells, and the air was filled with different blood vessel cells. A severe pain made him feel heart-rending.

If the wind blade just now is like Ling Chi, the suffocation now is simply torture on every cell level. Mo BuTong is in severe pain all over his body. As a golden fairy, he would never have imagined that because of a simple The loss of pressure will face such a terrible state.

He was in pain, but he couldn't cry out. It was like a silent outer space, and even the light couldn't shine in.

It was pitch black in front of his eyes, but even if the light could shine in, Mo Bu Bui would have already lost sight.

One of his eyeballs had burst due to the loss of pressure, and the other was also filled with bloodshot eyes. A large cloud of air gathered in the middle of the eyeballs, constantly hitting the cornea, trying to escape from this body.

Pain, loss of senselessness, inability to breathe, all these are rapidly depriving Mo Bufei of his life.

Ling'er has never seen this kind of ultimate move, and she doesn't know what happened inside, she just kept praying that nothing will happen to her.

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