Before Xuanniao could speak, the two of them knelt down to Chuhe with a plop.

It doesn't matter if they don't get the inheritance, now Chuhe let them be free is the best reward they can think of.

"Master Xuanniao, they are free now! They are no longer spirits, nor are they servants of anyone. They are free, and they can inherit the Dao!"

After Chuhe finished speaking, Xuanniao's silver teeth clucked. If it wasn't for Mobuyong who hugged her thigh tightly, she would have kicked Chuhe away.

"Chuhe, don't go too far. There are still ten inheritances left. Are you going to take six from your own family? The most greedy gluttons in the world will worship you as their teacher when they see you, right?"

Xuanniao didn't know how to refute Chuhe, so she was so angry that she had to mock him. Anyway, Chuhe was shameless, so he didn't think there was anything wrong.

Ling'er couldn't stand it anymore. As a descendant of Nuwa, she knew how powerful the ancient sages were. It was really a waste to give their talents to ordinary people.

She wanted to persuade Chuhe, or let it go, but Chuhe didn't understand the meaning in Linger's eyes, so he continued.

"Master Xuanniao, these two are not the low-class people you said. In the era when the rules of the world were not complete and the aura was almost dry, the fact that the two of them were able to prove the Golden Immortal had already proved that they had absolutely extraordinary strength. "

"The entire Dongsheng Divine Continent is a vast expanse of heaven and earth, and only two golden immortals have emerged in tens of thousands of years. They are definitely not ordinary people."

"Yes, their strength is indeed very poor, they are just golden immortals, but in your era when Da Luo Jinxian was walking everywhere, in this era of lack of aura, it is so rare to be a golden immortal, they are a part of the world An outstanding person will not insult the prestige of a great person."

Chuhe said in a witty way about Lianhua. When he said this, Qingniao's anger had subsided a little. These women have soft ears. Have you ever seen any men? Naturally, they will be fooled by Chuhe.

Seeing that the blue bird was a little loose, Chuhe continued to fool around.

"I can assure Master Xuanniao that these two people will not inherit the inheritance in vain. When they are about to die in the future, I promise to let them come back and return the inherited inheritance to you. In this way, they will be regarded as temporary. Borrowing inheritance, not the real owner, what do you think!"

Qingniao's cheeks twitched non-stop when she heard it, and she was 1 unhappy in her heart, but at this time she couldn't think of any words to refuse, and what Chuhe said was right, none of the human races who could prove the Taoism of the Golden Immortal in this era They are all extraordinary people.

"Okay, remember to return it!"

Xuanniao almost finished this sentence with gritted teeth. Ran Ran was very upset when she heard that Xuanniao had compromised. She could not stop Xuanniao's decision, but she could stop Master Mingdong and Master Songling from choosing.

"I tell you, there are still six inheritances left. You can choose whatever you want, but you can't choose fire. If you dare not listen, I will burn you to death right now, understand?"

Ran Ran gritted her teeth and threatened Master Mingdong and Master Songling viciously. Both of them had a strong interest in fire, but Ran Ran completely cut off their thoughts with one word.

Seeing Ran Ran trying his best to maintain the inheritance of fire, Chuhe couldn't help asking.

"Master Xuanniao, may I ask, who is the giver of the inheritance of fire?"

"Golden Crow Great Emperor!"

Xuanniao gave Chuhe an angry look. When Chuhe looked at Ranran again, he already understood who Ranran was. She was definitely the daughter of Emperor Jinwu.

I just don't know if the Golden Crow that I provoked when I first came to the enchantment was Ran Ran himself.

So Chuhe has a second question.

"Excuse me, how many descendants of Emperor Jinwu are still alive?"

"Just one!"

At this time, Xuanniao has realized that Chuhe seems to be trying to guess Ran Ran's identity, and she is also happy to see it succeed, after all, she really wants to bring Ran Ran and Chuhe together, if she doesn't even know her identity, how tiring it is to fall in love !

"Emperor Jinwu has only one heir left, and he is still a noble princess, but you should have seen it!"

Hearing this, Chuhe's hair was covered with black lines. When he looked at Ran Ran, his eyes trembled a little, and even Ling'er couldn't help but take a few steps back.

In order to be safe, Chuhe continued to ask.

"Excuse me, does that noble princess have any heirs?"

What Chuhe wanted to ask was whether Emperor Jinwu had any inheritance from his grandson or granddaughter, but he didn't wait for Xuanniao to answer.

Jinwu took a step forward.

"He has only one daughter and is still single. Do you have any questions?"

"No, no more!"

If you ask any more questions, you can only say hello to Miss Jinwu, and Jinwu said in her original form that she must burn Chuhe to death when she sees Chuhe.

So everyone knows this matter, everyone knows it, but they can't point it out.

Seeing Chuhe's nervous and frightened look, Xuanniao felt a lot more relieved.

"Emperor Jinwu's daughter looks really like a fish and a wild goose, and the moon is ashamed, if you like Chuhe, I can introduce her to you and tell you secretly, she likes you!"

After Xuanniao finished speaking, Chuhe swallowed sharply. At this moment, when he looked at Ling'er, his face had become extremely gloomy.

Of course, Ling'er was only angry with Chuhe, and she was also angry with Jinwu. She pulled Chuhe to her side and hugged Chuhe's arm tightly.

"My man already has a master, no one can take it away from me!"

Ling'er was talking, her eyes fixed on Ran Ran.

Ran Ran was a little guilty and dared not look Ling'er in the eye.

Mo Bufei really didn't understand what was going on, so he scratched his head.

Chapter 793 Candle Nine Yin

"Then what, Master Xuanniao, quickly let them inherit the inheritance!"

After Chuhe finished speaking, he winked at the two of them again, telling them to choose quickly, but without Xuanniao's nod, it was useless for them to choose.

There was no way, Master Mingdong and Master Songling had no choice but to look at me, I looked at you, and then looked at Chuhe and Xuanniao. The atmosphere was extremely awkward for a while.

Xuanniao knew that it was useless to keep silent, and finally resigned to his fate, gritted his teeth and said.


The two did not dare to get entangled, and they all expressed their desired inheritance.

First of all, Master Songling, the flame has been completely eliminated, the water is still low temperature, and it feels useless to birds. After much deliberation, he chose poison.

"I choose poison!"

Master Songling raised his hand when he was speaking, like a child listening carefully in class. Xuanniao nodded, but did not speak. She waved her arm, and a heavenly gate appeared. Before the heavenly gate was opened, the entire gate was covered with Colorful liquid gas, all kinds of insects and snakes float on it.

Dark green runes flashed, and when the gate of heaven opened, huge eyes appeared behind the gate. When he opened his eyes, the sky and the earth suddenly brightened.

You must know that Ran Ran didn't go to work, and now the entire Kunlun Secret Realm has been in a state of night, that is, the ladder itself will glow so that it doesn't turn into a dark depth of the universe!

But the creatures behind the door turned the entire Kunlun Secret Realm into daylight with just one eye, which is too terrifying.

Immediately afterwards, the eye slowly closed, and the world returned to darkness again.

"The next one who bestows on you the inheritance of poison is Master Zhu Jiuyin!"

When Xuanniao spoke, he looked at Master Songling. Master Songling stared at the giant eyes behind the door, his face was already pale with fright.

"What are you doing? Let this king pass it on to a golden immortal, or to a human race? Xuanniao, you're not doing favoritism, are you?"

Zhu Jiuyin glanced at Master Songling for a few times, his eyes were filled with disappointment that could not be concealed, his body was too big to pass through the gate, but the oppressive force of his eyes was already stronger than that of the violent Fengshen. It's scary, of course it's because Fengshen didn't attack Chuhe.

On the contrary, Mo Bufei has a deep understanding, and Fengshen is more terrifying.

"Lord Zhu Jiuyin, the thing is like this..."

Xuanniao has been the person in charge of the ladder for most of her life. She has always been self-denying and devoted to public affairs, and never favoritism. When she heard Zhu Jiuyin say that about her, she was naturally unhappy, so she talked about how Chuhe climbed the ladder, and then tricked these people. I have said it again about inheriting and inheriting.

After Zhu Jiuyin heard this, not only was he not angry, but he laughed out loud. His face could not be seen from the whole door, but his eyes were constantly moving up and down.

"Haha, I have said long ago that the insidiousness of our monster race is also on the bright side, and the insidiousness and deceitfulness of the human race are the most terrifying. You, Xuanniao, were deceived by them. Once you have given something that is inherited, you have never returned it. "

Zhu Jiuyin's voice was endlessly cold in the vicissitudes of life, as if it was not a living thing, Chuhe couldn't help licking his lips, feeling a little embarrassed.

Xuanniao's eyes looking at Chuhe were already full of murderous intent. She was actually deceived by a human race. Fortunately, Master Zhu Jiuyin exposed it in time, otherwise she would have made a big mistake.

"Well, you Chuhe, you lied to me, and now you are seen through by the adults, you just wait to be punished!"

Xuanniao was very happy to see Chuhe suffer, but Zhu Jiuyin took care of him.

Xuanniao's threat really worked, and Chuhe began to become nervous, thinking about how to escape from Zhu Jiuyin's grasp with these people. Although there was little hope, he wanted to try.

It's just that Chuhe never dreamed that Zhu Jiuyin didn't mean that.

"Don't be nervous, this king will not attack you, and this king does not discriminate against humans like Fengshen. This king himself is the only spiritual creature brewed by heaven and earth, so he is neither a demon nor a human being. Like Xiang Liu Almost, just much better than him."

Zhu Jiuyin's words were a bit out of order, but Chuhe relaxed his guard after hearing it. Obviously, Master Zhu Jiuyin didn't mean to get angry.

"This king doesn't care who is my inheritor, but I want to find a suitable person. Logically speaking, this king is a snake clan, and those present are similar to this king. The most suitable person to accept my inheritance is the one with a human head and a snake body." The descendants of Nuwa, it's just a pity that her blood has a detoxification function, and my king's toxin can't play any role in her hands."

"Thinking about it this way, this person in front of you is more suitable. You can take it as a big bargain. However, people who use poison must be cruel, insidious and cunning. As a human race, this king is not worried about this, but As a human race, you don't have a strong body, so you can't participate in close combat, you have to learn to hide and play tricks behind your back, understand?"

"Thank you Master Zhu Jiuyin for teaching!"

At the beginning, Master Songling was terrified by Zhu Jiuyin's attitude, thinking that he would be dealt with by the inheritors just like Mo Bubu, but he didn't expect that Zhu Jiuyin's temper was not so bad.

Thinking about it, this kind of unique existence in the world can't even find a partner, and he has been lying flat all his life without desire or pursuit. He doesn't even pursue, so he is naturally not as extreme as Fengshen.

"Okay, that's all. Poison is not the right way after all. If you use it too much, it will erode your mind. It's better to use it with caution!"


Master Songling said solemnly.

"Accept the inheritance!"

Zhu Jiuyin's eyes moved away behind the door, and a group of dark green rule runes flooded towards Master Songling's sea of ​​consciousness, and the inheritance entered his body, and Master Songling's whole demeanor changed.

Fine snake-shaped scales began to appear in the corners of his eyes, and his eyes also turned dark green, looking a bit piercing.

"Congratulations, Sect Master!"

As the son of the former Taiyi Immortal Sect, Mo Bubu still honored his master as the head of the Taishang Sect.

"Lord Vulcan, please don't call me that, I really can't afford it!"

It is said that a rising tide raises all boats. Since Mo Bubuyi followed Chuhe, he not only became the Daluo Jinxian, but also obtained the divine weapon Tianyan, Xuanyuan Sword, and the Way of Proving the Fire. In addition, he has now obtained the inheritance of the Wind God and the Wind Spirit.

What's even more amazing is that he also recognized two super powerful godmothers, one is Xuanniao and the other is Jinwu.

Mo Bu different's status has long surpassed that of Master Songling.

Now that Master Songling thinks about it, he can only regret it. If he had been obedient and obedient at that time, he would not have betrayed the water when he was fighting the Monkey King, and had been loyally following Chuhe, relying on his strength with the real Jinxian of Mingdong.

There is no difference in these benefits, and there is a little monk's share.

But there is no medicine for regret in the world. Some things are done, and regret is useless. We can only try to make up for it.

Chapter 794

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