
The pterosaur didn't have enough brains, and now Ling'er said that he didn't know how to explain it.

Chuhe shook his head and walked towards Linger.

"Forget it, there should be a lot of food like Archeopteryx, so don't embarrass the pterosaur, let him go!"


Ling'er pouted her mouth, she was very unhappy that the food in her mouth was gone.

"Okay, don't worry about it, we came to Dinosaur Paradise, in this Jurassic Park, can you still worry about not finding food, I will let you eat enough."

"Let's go find Mo BuFong first. The kid doesn't know to wait for us when he comes in. He doesn't know where he is now."

Mentioning the difference, Linger really became worried. She had seen dinosaurs a lot, and knew that they were not all food, and some dinosaurs had awakened their talents and once dominated an era.

It would be dangerous for Mo BuFei to break in suddenly.

"Okay, then let's go find him!"

In front of her relatives, Ling'er temporarily suppressed her foodie nature and left with Chuhe.

The pterosaur lay on the ground all the time, and finally struggled to stand up when Linger walked away. His body was covered in blood, and the smell of blood would attract more enemies.

He wanted to run away in a hurry, at least in the sky, he didn't have to be so panic-stricken. In this age of dinosaurs, the pterosaurs were the real overlords in the sky.

It's just that he just flapped his wings a few times, and before he really took off, he suddenly heard the sound of dull footsteps in the depths of the forest.

The sound of footsteps was like drums beating on the ground, and they were getting closer.

The tension of the pterosaur became more intense. He fluttered his wings and wanted to take off as soon as possible, but the sky failed. Just as it was about to take off, a pair of huge red eyes appeared directly.

Immediately following a ferocious roar, the pterosaur's soul was shaken away.

The tyrannosaurus rex approached quickly, raised its big mouth, bit his claws, and slammed its neck downward, pulling the pterosaur directly from the sky.

Before the pterosaur could scream, its neck was bitten off by the tyrannosaurus rex, and the blood gushed out, and the pterosaur died immediately.

After the Tyrannosaurus rex feasted, he went to the place where Linger had just been and sniffed it. A smell that whetted his appetite came. After the Tyrannosaurus rex roared, it quickly chased after it.

Ling'er and Chuhe quickly shuttled through the forest, followed by Master Songling and Master Mingdong.

This is a forest, and there are so many trees covering the sky, it is almost impossible to find someone.

However, there is a very obvious characteristic between Mo Bubu and Jinwu, that is, both of them are the incarnation of flames. Wherever they walk, the humid environment will become dry. Chuhe followed them all the way according to this characteristic.

However, it is not necessarily guaranteed to catch up, because some creatures with fire elements passing by may also cause this situation.

It didn't take long for Chuhe to follow him.

"No, looking for it like this is like looking for a needle in a haystack. This child is really disobedient. He found a godmother and left the master behind. He only cares about his own style and happiness. When I see him again, I will teach him a lesson."

Chuhe was a little irritable, and Linger gave him a blank look.

"Which child doesn't like to play, don't teach him at every turn. The child needs care, not blame. If we have a child in the future, you are not allowed to bully him."

Linger said that Chuhe was a little embarrassed.

"Then what, Ling'er, I know. I don't know when this forest will end. Why don't we fly out so that we can expand our careers."

"Don't be in a hurry to expose yourself. This kind of place is too old. I don't know if there are any dangerous things. We fly into the sky, and the vision is really wide, and it may be dangerous."

Ling'er deserved to be living in such a similar age, so she was extra cautious.

"Isn't it just a dinosaur? If it's really difficult for ordinary people to deal with, but for us, it's just a bigger prey!"

"It's not just dinosaurs here!"

"This is the early stage of the ancient era, and many great powers have already begun to be born. It is definitely not as simple as you think."

Seeing Linger's serious look, he also became serious.

"Okay, I'll listen to you. We'll walk in the jungle. We'll talk about it first. It's just that how to find him is a problem!"

As Chuhe said, Master Songling took a step forward.

"Shangxian, I have a solution."

"any solution?"

Chuhe asked, at this time Master Songling stretched out his hand, and small insects came out of his sleeve and came to Master Songling's palm. The insects were colorful.

Chuhe knew in his heart that in nature, the brighter the color, the more dangerous it was.

"This kind of bug is called a flying monster, and it can be tracked by the smell of people."

Master Songling, speaking, took out a corner of Mo Bubu's sleeve and placed it in front of Xiao Feiyao. Feiyao sniffed it, then flapped its wings and started flying towards the north.

Chuhe nodded in surprise.

"You, Zhu Jiuyin's inheritance, can really be learned and put into practice, not bad, great!"

Chuhe praised Master Songling, Master Songling was full of pride, Master Mingdong was a little jealous, but his specialty was refining spirit treasures, this kind of tracking work, even if he wanted to, he was powerless, so he could only let Master Songling do it in Chuhe. In front of chic.

"All of these are rewarded by Lord Shangxian. It is my honor to help Lord Shangxian solve his problems."

Master Songling bowed to Chuhe in a gentlemanly manner, but the corners of his eyes were covered with scales at this time, and his eyes also turned emerald green, making him look a bit uncomfortable.

"Hurry up, the flying monsters are gone!"

Chuhe pulled Ling'er up and chased after him. Seeing Master Songling's appearance, Ling'er also felt uneasy.

"Brother Chuhe, we all inherited the inheritance, why only Master Songling's form has changed, could it be that there is something wrong with the inheritance?"

Chuhe didn't know either, and Zhu Jiuyin had reminded Master Songling many times that poison would erode his mind, and sooner or later he would be harmed. .

"If you have great ability and don't show off, it's like walking at night in brocade clothes. How boring. The problem of inheritance should not be big, and at present, he should have no problems."

As Chu He spoke, he glanced back. Master Songling's eyes were always green snake eyes, which looked like two luminous gemstones.

Chapter 802

Mo Bubu's face was a little nervous, and he looked at Ran Ran in front of him.

"Godmother, isn't it good that we don't wait for Master!"

As soon as Mo Bu Buyu entered the barrier, he was pulled by the Golden Crow and flew into the sky, and began to fly in a pattern. Mo Bu Bu Bu couldn't stop her at all, and was carried up by her.

"You child, he is your master, and I'm still your godmother. If you really want to talk about it, I'm closer to you than him, do you understand?"

Mo Fei hurriedly shook his head.

"Why, in your eyes, I don't have your master to kiss you, do I?"

Ran Ran's expression changed, and Mo Bu Bu hurriedly shook his head.

"That's not the case. The master is as close as the godmother, but the godmother is much more beautiful than the master. He can't compare with you!"

Mo BuTong made Ran Ran laugh with a single sentence, and she swayed her beautiful figure, circling around Mo BuTong.

"Hehe, you are so glib at such a young age. Your master is a man and I am a woman. To make him look better than me is to bully him!"

"You should compare me with your mistress, who is prettier between me and your mistress!"

It's over, this is simply an unsolvable answer. With Mo Bu's eyesight, it is obvious that Ling'er's status is much more important than the newly appointed Jinwu.

Besides, the mistress took good care of him in every possible way, and he was no worse than the godmother. He couldn't say anything wrong about the mistress, but he couldn't say anything bad about her in front of the godmother.

"I'm still young, so I can't tell which of you are good-looking, but in my eyes, you and my wife are like gods. When I grow up, I will find a fairy like Godmother as my wife!"

Ran Ran was a little speechless with Mo Bufei's unstingy words. She didn't get the answer she wanted to hear, but she also got some psychological comfort.

"Silly child, your old lady and I are unique in this world. You may not find a fairy like me. Poor child, you will die alone at a young age."

Mo Bufei murmured in his heart: "I didn't expect Jinwu to be so narcissistic. I'm not like my master. I marry a monster race. If I want to marry, I marry a human race. What a beautiful woman in the world, obedient, well-behaved, and watery."

"It's not like these big monsters. Although they look impeccable, if there is any disagreement between husband and wife, they will fight, and their lives may be lost!"

Mo Bubu thought that if Jinwu heard about it, he would definitely be beaten.

"What kind of wife to marry? I want to serve my master and my godmother for the rest of my life!"

After Mo Bufei said that, Jinwu subconsciously asked another question.

"The godmother is the godmother, the master is the master, the godmother is not with the master, you only have one person, you can only take care of one, who are you taking care of!"

Mo Butong raised his head, thought for a while, and said something.

"Then let the master and the godmother stay together, so I can serve both of them at once!"

After Mo Bufei said this, Ran Ran was not angry, but giggled instead.

"Aren't you worried that your teacher disagrees?"

Mo Bufei seemed to have just realized this problem, and he shook his head hastily.

"I was talking nonsense just now, if the godmother can't be with the master, the master will be sad."

"Then don't you worry about Godmother being sad?"

Ran Ran was inexplicably angry, and the fire element in the air jumped for a while, producing intense high temperature, which directly sparked flames, and with the appearance of the first flame, half of the sky burned.

The flames burned all the way down, and the large forest below was ignited under the intense heat. Mo Bubu rolled his eyes a few times and said hastily.

"I don't think Mrs. Shi should be so sad. You should be good sisters and be happy together."

Ran Ran didn't agree with what Mo Feifei said. She didn't think Linger would give up Chuhe to her, and she didn't really have feelings for Chuhe.

She just thinks this man is interesting, humorous, and powerful.

She has been waiting in the Kunlun Secret Realm for countless years, doing the same thing mechanically every day, and her only pleasure is to bicker with Xuanniao when she is off work.

But Xuanniao generally ignores her.

The appearance of Chuhe made her feel that this monotonous life seemed to have such a little fun. She didn't know if she liked Chuhe, but just wanted to play with him.

Moreover, Chuhe has already proved his great talent on the ladder. The monster race is born with admiration for the strong and likes the strong. This is instinct. Ran Ran herself doesn't know what kind of feelings she has for Chuhe.

In fact, she didn't feel much at first, this human being actually wanted to take her as a pet the first time he saw her, she was the daughter of the majestic Golden Crow Emperor, this kid actually wanted to treat herself as a pet.

But after Xuanniao's repeated inducement, she seemed to like Chuhe, but she didn't like it much, and it wasn't to the point where she couldn't help herself.

"Godmother, it's not good. The forest is on fire. These trees have grown like this for countless years. It's a pity to burn them!"

Mo Bufei said anxiously, but there was nothing he could do. The Vulcan was responsible for setting the fire, and he had never heard of it being responsible for putting out the fire.

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