"You don't have to doubt it. I will harm him. I have my own reasons for choosing him. Don't worry, you disciple, I will protect him for the rest of my life."

After Fenghuang finished speaking, she raised her head and walked towards the grill again. When she walked by Master Songling, she stared at Master Songling for a long time before speaking.

"Instead of worrying that I will harm Xiuyuan, you should worry about this one. Sooner or later, he will be taken away by Zhu Jiuyin!"

After Fenghuang finished speaking, Chuhe froze again.

"What do you mean by that?"

Fenghuang didn't answer directly, but stood beside the flame, looking at the dragon meat that was still roasting on top, sizzling with oil and overflowing with aroma.

She pointed at a piece of meat that looked very well grilled and said.

"Can I have some more?"

Chuhe is really speechless. Could it be that these noble races in ancient times were all gluttons?

In fact, Chuhe didn't know that these ancient immortal-like figures simply bit and swallowed their food, just like wild beasts.

They can only feel the bloody smell of food, how can they know the delicious food.In addition, Chuhe also uses seasoning, which directly makes a piece of meat magical.

Even the proud phoenix like frost can't escape the temptation of this delicious food.

"You can eat as much as you want, but please tell me about the matter of Zhu Jiuyin seizing the house."

After getting Chuhe's promise, Fenghuang picked up the piece of dragon meat he liked, put it on his mouth, opened his white teeth lightly, and chewed the piece of meat lightly after touching the piece of meat.

Her eating posture is very elegant, compared with Ling'er and Ran Ran, she is a dignified princess.

The two women obviously realized that their food was not good-looking, so they returned to the barbecue grill, picked up a piece of barbecue, and imitated Phoenix's appearance, chewing with style.

Ling'er has lost her parents since she was a child, and no one taught her these eating etiquettes, so she looks a bit rough, but Ran Ran is different, she grew up under the teachings of the Golden Crow since she was a child, and she can still eat so unrestrainedly, It was enough to show that the Golden Crow either didn't teach her, or he didn't want to.

Chapter 819 Assimilation

The three women are like cats and tigers, all eating meat in the same posture, but they seem to eat elegantly, and their speed is not slow at all.

In addition, they are all huge in size, and their food intake is surprisingly tight.

After a while, all the dragon meat hanging on the barbecue stand was eaten by the three of them.

The three beauties looked at Chuhe involuntarily, meaning to let him continue roasting. Chuhe had no choice but to continue cutting dragon meat.

"Then what, Master Fenghuang, you haven't talked about Zhu Jiuyin yet."

Perhaps because he knew that it would take some time to re-grill the meat, Fenghuang simply licked his lips, licking off all the fat on it.

I don't know if it's her subconscious or deliberate action, this action is so seductive, Chuhe's nose gets hot and almost bleeds.

Master Mingdong and Master Songling didn't dare to look directly at the phoenix at all. The young monk was the closest. Seeing the movement of the phoenix, he hurriedly lowered his head, clasped his hands together, and silently recited Amitabha Buddha in his heart.

Phoenix didn't mind the reactions of these men, she cleared her throat and said.

"I have seen the inheritance many times, but I have never seen the human race accept the monster race's inheritance, but I can say responsibly that even if it is the inheritance, this situation does not happen."

As Fenghuang said, he pointed to Master Songling's face. His eyes were exactly the same as those of a snake, and the scales on his body were becoming more and more fine.

Make him more like a snake.

Chuhe also felt strange.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Zhu Jiuyin is probably not reconciled to death. He also wants to be reborn like me, but I have already thought of a way to be reborn safely without cultivating fate. It's just your friend, I'm afraid..."

Fenghuang half-spoken, and signaled Chuhe not to be in a daze, put the cut meat on the grill quickly, and the fairies were waiting to eat it.

Chuhe hurriedly stacked all the freshly cut meat on the grill, and the temperature of the fire made the dragon meat sizzle.

"Afraid of what?"

Chuhe has been thinking about this problem in his heart, so his movements are a bit weird. Often when he brushes the seasoning with a brush, he brushes it against the air, and there is no dragon meat underneath.

Phoenix's eyes rolled, and Chuhe's hand seemed to be adjusted by an invisible force, returning to the dragon meat, and Phoenix nodded in satisfaction.

"I see your friend, in the end it won't be him, but Zhu Jiuyin. He wants to use his body to complete the resurrection."

After hearing what Fenghuang said, Chuhe was stunned.

"No way, Mr. Zhu Jiuyin was the former master, how could he do such wicked things!"

"It's just a lazy snake. I'm still the master. I don't want to die. Not wanting to die is the most sincere expectation of every living being. It has nothing to do with his status."

"On the contrary, the stronger the strength and the more respected the status, the less you want to die!"

Chu He fully agrees with Fenghuang's words, not to mention these ancient powers, even those emperors of feudal dynasties thousands of years ago, none of them wanted to live forever.

In order to seek the elixir of longevity, Qin Shihuang asked Xu Fu to go across the sea to Penglai Wonderland to obtain the elixir, but Xu Fu was deceived.

Even a talented and strategic emperor like Li Shimin couldn't escape the shackles of wanting to live forever.

"Okay, now that I think about it, Zhu Jiuyin was indeed too casual when he bestowed the inheritance. It can be said that he took the initiative to hand over the inheritance to Master Songling."

"My good fellow, this old thing originally wanted to be reborn in Master Songling's body!"

Hearing this, Master Songling was also very nervous, maybe because he had been assimilated by Zhu Jiuyin, he subconsciously helped Zhu Jiuyin speak.

"But when Master Zhu Jiuyin gave me the inheritance again, he told me many times not to use the talent frequently, it would kill me. If he really wanted me to die, why did he tell me these things?"

Chuhe didn't understand this kind of behavior. There was a smell of burning in the air. Fenghuang sniffed, frowned, and signaled Chuhe to turn over quickly.

Chuhe could only shake his head and wait for these young ladies to eat.

Seeing that his barbecue was back on track, Fenghuang nodded and said.

"Maybe he still has some divinity. What he said is sincere. It doesn't mean that he won't finally take away Master Songling's body."

"He's very smart. If you choose a weaker one, you can control him in the future."

Hearing this, Chuhe couldn't help frowning. How could it become a big problem for him to inherit the blessing that can only be cultivated in eight lifetimes?

"You don't have to worry now, your friend is safe for the time being, and even after Zhu Jiuyin is really resurrected, he won't be your enemy."

"Toxins are naturally afraid of flames, and the blood of Nuwa's descendants can also detoxify."

"You are a natural restraint for him, so don't worry about his harm."

After Fenghuang finished speaking, he raised his handsome chin, as if asking whether Chuhe had passed the test.

Chuhe shook his head.

"We have to wait a little longer, before he is almost ripe, sprinkle a handful of cumin, it will be the most delicious."

When Chuhe said this, Fenghuang was obviously a little disappointed, but fortunately, he could eat delicious food after a while, so he was relieved.

"By the way, Master Fenghuang, I don't know how to address you. Do you have a name?"

During the period, she purposely sat very close to the little monk, and the little monk didn't know if it was because of shyness or something, but he was able to keep a distance from Fenghuang.

He kept leaning to the side, but he didn't know that he had already slipped into Ran Ran's arms.

This is how to avoid a woman and finally enter another woman's arms.

Fenghuang was not angry either, but just glanced at the little monk lightly, and continued to speak.

"To be precise, I am not a phoenix. In our race, males are phoenixes and females are phoenixes. Also known as Qingluan, you can call me Luanluan!"

"Luan Luan?"

Chu He muttered in a low voice, and couldn't help but think of an idiom, upside down Luan Luanfeng, and then looked at Fenghuang's beautiful face, and then glanced at the little monk, thinking that this little guy is really lucky.

"Master Luan, is there any way to undo Zhu Jiuyin's resurrection?"

Phoenix shook his head.

"Zhu Jiuyin's reincarnation method is different from mine. I hid in it with the help of the Dao of Cultivating Fate, so as to escape the punishment of heaven, and Zhu Jiuyin simply assimilated this friend's body directly."

"That is to say, after a long time, he is no longer what you call Master Songling, but Zhu Jiuyin.

"In this case, if you want to kill Zhu Jiuyin, you must kill Master Songling first."

After hearing this, Chuhe couldn't help being a little discouraged. He glanced at Master Songling with embarrassment in his eyes.

"I'm sorry, I thought it was for you to inherit, but I didn't expect to hurt you."

Chapter 820

But Master Songling didn't mind at all.

"Shangxian don't need to worry too much. No one expected this result. As an incomplete Dao, I will be just a cannon fodder in the future. You gave me the opportunity to inherit the Dao and make me stronger. I am grateful to you before it is too late. How could I blame you."

When Master Songling was speaking, a pair of snake eyes stared at Chuhe, which always gave people an uncomfortable feeling.

"However, please don't worry, I'm still conscious, and I will kill myself someday when I almost lose control of my body!"

"Didn't you say that my life is up to me, no matter what Zhu Jiuyin or whoever he is, he can't enslave me!"

Master Songling was furious, and Chuhe patted him on the shoulder.

"There's no need to be so pessimistic. There is always a way. You should not use your talent for now, so as to slow down the speed of assimilation."

When Chuhe said so, Master Songling nodded, and Master Mingdong looked at Master Songling with unspeakable sadness in his eyes.

He had been fighting with Master Songling all his life, and under the entanglement of all kinds of grievances, he already had feelings for him. The reason he bickered with Master Songling was to prove that he was stronger in front of Chuhe.

But he didn't want Master Songling to die like this, after all, it's not easy for both of them to practice.

"Is the meat ready?"

Ran Ran licked her lips, imitating Fenghuang's appearance, but she didn't feel that kind of temptation, just a little cute.

"Okay, let's eat!"

Chuhe directly took out two pieces and handed them to Ran Ran and Ling'er, Fenghuang frowned.

Chu He also frowned. He gave the little monk who was still squeezed on Ran Ran a look, picked up the piece of barbecue that Fenghuang had been staring at just now, handed it to Xiu Yuan, and then winked at Xiu Yuan.

"Xiu Yuan, the meat is ready!"

"Thank you Master!"

Chu He meant to ask Xiu Yuan to give the meat to his future wife, but he didn't expect Xiu Yuan to eat it by himself.

Fenghuang's eyes became even colder, and the bone-piercing chill began to spread, all rushing towards the little monk, who shivered from the cold, and stopped the movement that really wanted to bite.

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