The nine-tailed celestial fox swayed at a high frequency, and the nine-tailed celestial fox had eyes like silk. Suzaku was a man of faith. Facing the nine-tailed celestial fox, even if he would not be completely charmed, he would still be hit for a short time.

At this time, the monarch butterfly slowly flew over, flapping its wings, and the surrounding space began to tear.

Even the golden-winged roc couldn't stand this move, and the little Suzaku couldn't stand it at all.

Now he was controlled by the Nine-Tailed Fox, and he couldn't escape at all. In desperation, he could only lower his head and start apologizing to the Monarch Butterfly and the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox.

However, Monarch Butterfly has long been unhappy with him, even if she knows she can't kill him with a unique move, she can still vent her anger with fists and kicks.

The monarch butterfly waved her small fist and hit Suzaku's body, but her strength was too weak, it was like scratching an itch, but the nine-tailed sky fox was different.

First of all, she was very big, and she struck very powerfully. When she punched down, Suzaku's feathers fluttered. Before it could cry out in pain, it was stopped by the nine-tailed sky fox opposite and slapped away.

Chuhe was surprised.

"I thought that only one clone of the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox was real. Could all nine of them be attackable?"

Luan Luan nodded.

"The nine-tailed celestial fox is not as weak as you think, and each of her tails is a life. When encountering an opponent of similar strength, she can split into nine and fight one. When in danger, she can turn into nine to escape. , Those opponents who don't know how to clone basically have nothing to do with her."

"And, as long as one of her tails survives, she can cultivate nine tails again."

Chu He was amazed after hearing this.

"Doesn't that mean that she is also immortal?"

This ability is similar to the Nirvana Avenue.

"So, that's why she chose me."

Luan raised her brows proudly, but everyone present knew that the Nine-Tailed Sky Fox had chosen her under coercion, and it was definitely not voluntary. It was just a coincidence that made her choose the most correct master.

Seeing that Suzaku was about to be beaten to death, the Flame Elf couldn't bear it. After all, this was his new younger brother, and a big brother couldn't watch his younger brother being bullied.

The flame elf went up to persuade the fight, and the wind elf also followed to persuade the fight. As the guardian of the different elves, she also turned to Ran Ran, but the emperor butterfly was the pet of the teacher, and she also wanted to turn to the emperor butterfly.

Only Nine-Tailed Fox has no one to help her, but she has Luan Luan to take care of her, so no one dares to mess with her.

After venting, Nine-Tailed Sky Fox stretched lazily.

"Be careful when setting fire down, if you hurt my hair again, I won't let you off so easily."

Suzaku, whose nose was bruised and face swollen from the beating, nodded hastily.

Chapter 850 Who is the Murderer

When Suzaku returned to Ran Ran, instead of being comforted by his master, Ran Ran looked at it with a cold face and disgust.

Ran Ran's strength is not as good as Shenhuang's, but even her little follower is not as strong as Shenhuang's little follower, which caused her to suffer a double blow.

After being beaten, Suzaku felt disgusted by his master, but fortunately there was a fire spirit beside him to comfort him.

"Okay, we've had enough to eat and drink, and it's time for us to go back!"

I have already walked around the secret realm, and found a little beast, and a powerful companion, Luan Luan.

Chuhe felt that at this time, the Dragon King was no longer his opponent, and his goal of entering the Kunlun Secret Realm had been achieved. As long as he went back to the Heavenly Court and cleaned up the old Dragon King, he would be able to spend a period of time smoothly.

A group of people flew towards the exit, and a few people came, and two Da Luo Jinxians died directly in the secret realm. If this spread, no one would believe it.

When they came to the position of the ladder, Xuanniao sent them the ladder, and Luan Luan returned to the body of the little monk.

Luanluan generally only appears in two situations. The first is when the young monk is in danger, and the second is when Chuhe is delicious.

At least Chuhe has not seen the third condition that can make Luan Luan appear.

Xuanniao was very surprised to see that following Chuhe and the others was a little divine beast, and Aobai who had proved Dao Luo Jinxian.

"I didn't expect you to go to the ancient secret realm, and you could get so much love, and even surrendered a dragon, and this dragon seems to be the first generation. You are so lucky!"

"It's really good luck. We didn't expect that there would be a phenomenon of returning to the ancestors if we let the monsters under our hands eat a bite of golden dragon meat."

Chuhe said proudly.

Unexpectedly, Xuanniao's face suddenly became ugly, and she looked at Chuhe in a dark way.

"What did you say? Golden dragon meat? Is it a five-clawed golden dragon?"

Chuhe nodded, Xuanniao was so angry that he almost passed out.

"That is the only dragon with the purest blood in the ancient secret realm. It is the hope of the revival of the dragon in the future when the rules of the world change, and you actually ate it!"

"You know that as the guardian of the secret realm, I have the responsibility to protect these creatures who originally lived here. Because of the rare and noble blood of the descendants of Nuwa, I tried to save you on the ladder many times, but I didn't expect you to fight back! Killed a big Luo Jinxian."

"I will never forgive you!"

Chuhe also felt embarrassed after hearing this. He didn't expect Xuanniao to have feelings for the creatures inside. Chuhe didn't even dare to say that he not only killed a golden dragon, but also killed a golden-winged roc by the way.

"Master Xuanniao, don't be angry, I can explain this matter."

Xuanniao stared at Chuhe coldly.

"You'd better explain it to me, or you'll pay for his life!"

Hearing this, Chuhe felt even more nervous. At this time, Mo Budong took the initiative to stand up.

"Auntie, don't kill my master, in fact, it was Erniang who killed the golden dragon."

Ran Ran was feeling guilty, she didn't expect her godson to sell her directly, Xuanniao looked at Ran Ran in disbelief.

"My good sister, if they kill the golden dragon, it can be said that they don't know the situation, and you are often with me, don't you know that I don't allow the big Luo Jinxian here to fight to the death?"

"You don't know, the golden-winged roc in the secret realm wants to eat the five-clawed golden dragon in its dreams. I have been trying my best to stop it and disagree, but you are good, you kill him!"

Ran Ran pursed her lips and said with some embarrassment.

"You can't blame me entirely. I didn't mean to kill Jinlong. He killed Mo Bu Buyi first, so I fought him desperately. Who knew he had such a violent temper. I told him that I could let him go. He insisted If you want to fight with me, and burn your life essence in the end, he committed suicide, so you can't blame me."

"If you really want to be punished, at worst, I will pay for my life, and I will die!"

Ran Ran's words are basically three points false and seven points true. It is not the five-clawed golden dragon who is grumpy. When the five-clawed golden dragon learned of Ran Ran's identity, he had already decided to settle the matter peacefully. Angered the five-clawed golden dragon.

To be honest, Ran Ran couldn't escape the responsibility for the five-clawed golden dragon's death.

Unexpectedly, the ultimate murderer turned out to be his good sister, even if Xuanniao was angry, he would not really let Ran Ran pay for his life.

"You, I'm really convinced. I don't know how to say hello. By the way, didn't you say that the five-clawed golden dragon killed Mo Butong? Why is he still fine?"

"The innate supernatural power of the five-clawed golden dragon is the Destruction Dragon Cry. If it is covered by his attack, not even the bones will be left, and the spirit will be shattered."

Xuanniao still felt sorry for this godson, but he felt a little strange seeing that Mo Bufei was fine.

"Oh, that's right, our godson's soul was indeed crushed, but before Jinlong died, he told us that there was a spirit-gathering pill in the golden-winged roc, so we went to find the golden-winged roc, and he wanted the spirit-gathering pill , saved this kid."

Hearing this, Xuanniao let out a long breath, but when he thought about it, he felt something was wrong.

"No, let's not talk about the golden-winged roc. I have met it many times. It is not as easy to communicate as you said. Besides, there is Chuhe. The first-generation species around him are all dragons. Will the golden-winged roc let them go? "

"Didn't you fight when you met?"

Ran Ran didn't want to talk about the golden-winged roc at first, but thought she was hiding it, and when sister Xuanniao found out about it after a while, most of her anger also dissipated.

Unexpectedly, there was an obvious loophole in her words, mainly due to Xuanniao's cautiousness, which was immediately recognized by her.

"It was indeed fought, but the golden-winged roc is not my opponent. Those who have been taught a lesson by me dare not resist, so they obediently handed over the spirit-gathering pill to us."

Ran Ran's words were an obvious lie, and Xuan Niao, who had been with her all the year round, couldn't hear it.

"Ran Ran, others don't understand you, how can I not understand you, let's not say that your strength is not as good as the Golden Winged Roc, and you can't hurt him at all based on his speed alone, obediently defeat him, Do you believe me?"

Ran Ran's eyes dodged left and right, not daring to look directly at Xuanniao, Xuanniao's face was gloomy and cold.

"Could you have killed the Golden Winged Roc as well?"

After Xuanniao finished asking, he scanned the crowd, and everyone lowered their heads, not daring to answer.

"Sister Ling'er, you are so pure and kind, you will definitely not lie. Tell me, is the golden-winged roc dead?"

Linger really can't lie, she nodded and replied apologetically.


Xuanniao felt like a bolt from the blue.

"You guys are really good. There are only two big Luo Jinxians in total in the ancient secret realm. You went there and wiped out all the households. The locusts crossing the border are not as ruthless as you!"

"If Ran Ran can kill the five-clawed golden dragon, I still believe it, but Ran Ran is bragging that she can kill the golden-winged roc. Tell me, which one of you killed him!"

Chapter 851 Unlucky Little Monk

The first thing Xuanniao looked at was Chuhe, Chuhe shook his head hurriedly, Xuanniao glanced at him.

"The one who doubts you the least is you. Although you have the blood of the ancestral dragon, the golden-winged roc is immune to the innate supernatural powers of the dragon clan, and your level is too low. The first one will rule you out!"

Good guy, Chuhe was looked down upon by others, and then Xuanniao saw Bobai again.

"As the first generation, you do have the qualifications to fight against the Golden Winged Roc. However, you have just been promoted to Da Luo Jinxian, and the difference in strength is too great. It would take a lot of effort for you to blow yourself up, and you will not be a murderer."

Ao Bai was actually highly regarded by Xuanniao, in fact, Ao Bai knew in his heart that he was not even qualified to fight against the golden-winged roc, and it was completely a unilateral killing!

Excluding Ran Ran, Chu He, and Ao Bai, the remaining few people are the most suspected, but they are unlikely.

She is still very clear about the level of her godson. She can no longer hold on to the fifty steps, and it is impossible to be the opponent of the golden-winged roc.

Even if the golden-winged roc stands there and asks him to beat him, he can't kill the golden-winged roc.

And just now Ran Ran also said that when he went to ask the golden-winged roc to ask for the spirit-gathering beads, this kid was still in a broken state.

Mo Bufei was excluded, followed by the little monk.

"You little guy has the ability to regenerate from Nirvana, and you are indeed qualified to fight the Golden Winged Roc, but your strength is too weak to kill the Golden Winged Roc, and the murderer is not you."

The little monk kept nodding, approving Xuanniao's analysis.

Then there is Master Myeongdong and Master Songling.

"You two are mediocre, let alone rivals!"

The two were directly despised, and they were very upset, and they didn't dare to attack.

Everyone present has already gone through it, and then there are four little beasts.

"Although Suzaku is extremely good at attacking, it is impossible for such a small cub to hurt the Golden-winged roc."

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