The old dragon king nodded.

"Your information is very accurate, and you have done a great job. Once you catch this kid, I will make you the Grand Marshal of the Heavenly Court. From now on, all the heavenly soldiers and generals will be dispatched by you."

When Ao Lie heard it, he had never had anything to do in Dragon Palace, and now his father gave him such an important position all of a sudden, this is the beginning of reuse, with soldiers and horses, his cheap brother, how can he be his opponent.

"It's my honor to be able to share my father's worries and problems, and it's not only..."

Ao Lie just wanted to say that his eldest brother, Bo Bai, might also be in Chuhe's hands, but before he could speak, Chuhe frowned.

"Old Dragon King, what do you mean? Are you planning to declare war on our Heavenly Court with such a big battle?"

As soon as Chuhe said this, the Dragon King was stunned for a moment, and then he burst out laughing, followed by dozens of demon soldiers who also laughed from ear to ear.

Ao Lie covered his stomach even more, pointed at Chuhe's nose and said.

"Returning to Heaven, and declaring war? I really laughed to death!"

"Oh, by the way, you may not know that during the time you left the Heavenly Court, my father has already occupied the Heavenly Court. Now your Heavenly Court should be called the Dragon Court!"

"Furthermore, the father is the Great Luo Jinxian. You are a little Jinxian, and you have the nerve to declare war on us? We just came here to capture you back, and then execute you, the devil, in front of the human beings all over the world!"

Ao Lie's words made the little monk turn blue with anger, and he cursed at Ao Lie!

"How dare you! How dare you insult my master!"

Ao Lie saw the little monk who had been promoted to the Golden Immortal, and this kid gave people a feeling of extraordinaryness just from his temperament, and found it very interesting.

"You little bald donkey, you are promising. You have been promoted to Jinxian at a young age. You are a potential stock."

"It's just that I not only want to insult your master, but we also want to insult your mother-in-law. Dad, after a while, if we catch Chuhe, can you give the descendants of Nuwa to your ministers as concubines? They have the blood of the Nuwa clan." , will definitely give birth to a more powerful dragon species!"

While talking, Ao Lie sized up Ling'er unscrupulously. Ling'er was so angry that he turned his head away, not bothering to talk to Ao Lie at all.

On the contrary, the old dragon king originally planned to agree to his son's proposal, but after seeing Ling'er's appearance, his eyes became straight.

You must know that dragons are a kind of race that is inherently lustful. Qu An who looks like a tiger.

Just by knowing their looks, one can know how inhuman things Zulong has done.

They didn't even spare those animals, especially Ling'er, who was overwhelmed by the country and the city, was simply a fairy in the eyes of the Dragon Clan. In addition, Ling'er was originally a descendant of Nuwa, and had the strongest attraction to all opposite sexes.

The old dragon king suddenly didn't want to agree to his son's request, he wanted to take it all by himself.

"Then what, let's talk about my son later, let's arrest this kid first."

When the old Dragon King was talking, he kept staring at Ling'er, drooling all over the floor.

When his woman was provoked by a group of people with such eyes, Chuhe became angry.

"Well, you old bastard, my women, you dare to have ideas. I just planned to go to you. You came here by yourself. That's just right. I'll take care of you now!"

The old Dragon King Aosi seemed to have heard the funniest joke in the world. He looked at Chuhe, not knowing where this kid got his confidence.

"Get rid of me? Are you crazy? Don't say you are just a golden fairy. I was bluffed by you last time. Do you really think I will be so stupid this time?"

"Besides, I don't even need to make a move. You can't deal with the fifty Jinxian-level powerhouses under me. You should surrender obediently. For the sake of Nuwa's descendants, I can make your death a little easier!"

"Master, what's the point of talking to him, I'll go and arrest him!"

Provoking Chuhe again and again, and insulting Ling'er, the little monk's lungs exploded. In his eyes, Ling'er is like his own mother, and he will never allow anyone to insult her .

Chuhe hurriedly sent a sound transmission with his spiritual sense, advising the young monk not to be impulsive.

"No, you are not his opponent, and this old dragon king's talent is time stagnation, which is just a very difficult talent, you should stabilize first, I have a way to deal with him."

"But Master..."

"Okay, if you can't bear it, you will make a big conspiracy. What they said, they will have to pay the price."

Chuhe waved his hand to signal the little monk to step back, and he took a step forward to protect Ling'er behind him, shielding the old dragon king from his wretched eyes.

"You mean that if you have more people, you can win. You have fifty golden immortals, and I seem to have more!"

Chuhe laughed as he talked, and the Four Elephants Pagoda slowly flew out of his body, spinning upward towards the top of his head.

Chapter 855

"Aren't you so frightened that you are in a trance, that you can say such a thing? Haven't I counted how many catties and taels you have in Heavenly Court? You do have a few golden immortals."

"Your two disciples, plus Master Mingdong, Master Songling, and you, there are only five people in total. If you can directly name five hundred, who are you going to scare?"

Ao Lie kept shaking his head. The last time he was in the sky over the East China Sea, he was taught a lesson by Chuhe, and he is still holding grudges.

At this time, fifty shrimp soldiers and crab generals also booed.

"Five hundred golden immortals, you picked them up as golden immortals, do you know the concept of five hundred golden immortals?"

"The kid can brag!"

"The human race is like this. They can't beat them, but there are so many tricksters. I hate the human race the most. They are not honest at all."

"My lord, why are you talking nonsense with him? Our brothers caught him and gave you the descendants of Nuwa. As for his two disciples, who are real people, masters, etc., let us eat them." how?"

"That's right, if we swallow the strong Golden Immortal, maybe we can go one step further and become the Great Luo Golden Immortal!"

This group of shrimp soldiers and crab generals were chattering, and Mo Bu Bui had already come out of the secret realm, and when he heard that someone was going to eat him, he immediately became angry.

"Eat me? Are you afraid of breaking your teeth?"

Before Chuhe could speak, the Xuanyuan sword behind him immediately unfolded, and the five Xuanyuan swords shot towards the demon soldiers who had just spoken.

The shrimp soldiers and crab generals have been in the sea all year round, and they don't know the power of Xuanyuan Sword at all. Seeing that Mo Bubu was angry, he laughed even more wildly.

"Hey, another one popped up, I know this kid, Vulcan is no different!"

"As soon as he comes up, he shines the sword, he is in a hurry, he is in a hurry!"

"A broken sword also wants to hurt the strong Jinxian, don't you overestimate yourself too much!"

A shrimp soldier watched Xuanyuan Sword stabbing at him, he didn't even hide, he stretched out his big pliers to pinch.

"Is it overestimated, you will know if you try it yourself!"

Mo Bubu looked at its death-defying behavior and was also surprised, really ignorant.

Xia Bing had just stretched out his pincers, and before he got close to the Xuanyuan Sword, Ling Lie's sword energy cut off his pincers directly. At this time, Xia Bing realized that something was wrong, the sword seemed to be a bit powerful.

It was at this time that he started to panic and wanted to use his mana to block it, but Xuanyuan Sword was too fast because it was blessed by Mo Bu Bu's own wind power.

For almost an instant, Xia Bing watched helplessly as the Xuanyuan Sword pierced his head, blood burst out, and its huge body fell directly from the sky.

"Old Xia, be careful, you will be knocked down no matter how you come up, our Dragon Palace's face will be completely lost by you boy."

At this time, the leading humpback whale also accused the shrimp soldier just now of being too disheveled and humiliated him.

But after the shrimp soldier fell to the ground, there was still no movement, but a large pool of blood spread on the ground, dyeing the ground blood red.

The tiger shark flew down to investigate, and then the whole person was stunned.

"Old shrimp is dead!"


The humpback whale looked incredible.

"How is it possible? The strongest part of our monster race is the body. How can the human race kill the golden fairy so easily with a sword!"

The old dragon king looked at the corpse on the ground and snorted coldly.

"Li Qingming's Xuanyuan Sword, such an important treasure, you actually gave it to a disciple, okay!"

Hearing the old Dragon King talking about Xuanyuan Sword, the shrimp soldiers and crab generals who hadn't taken it seriously before all became nervous.

Because Dragon Palace has been confronting Heavenly Court for a long time but there is no war, it is because Li Qingming has Xuanyuan Sword in his hand, which is a magic weapon of the level of a magic weapon.


What Mo Bufei shot was not one sword, but five swords. After the first one killed a human shrimp soldier, those shrimp soldiers and crab generals locked by Xuanyuan Sword suddenly panicked.

They had already seen the sharpness of Xuanyuan Sword, and they didn't dare to use their bodies to resist, but wanted to escape Xuanyuanjian's attack with speed.

However, some were far away and moved quickly to escape, and some were close and slow, and had no time to escape at all.


With two screams in succession, two more crab generals fell to the ground, one was completely silent, and the other hit Xuanyuanjian with pliers at a critical moment, deflecting his direction, missed the vital point, and survived by luck.

It's just that the wound on his body has been bleeding continuously. According to this posture, sooner or later he will die because of the blood draining.

"Brother Tiger Shark, save me!"

There were two other people who were being chased by Xuanyuan Sword, one of them smartly ran in front of Tiger Shark, Tiger Shark raised the sledgehammer in his hand, and smashed it heavily towards Xuanyuan Sword.

The two weapons collided, making a deafening sound, the hammer in Tiger Shark's hand broke directly, and Xuanyuanjian lost momentum and fell downward because of this powerful blow.

Seeing that this method was effective, another shrimp soldier ran towards the position of the humpback whale. The humpback whale did the same and saved the shrimp soldier at the cost of damaging its own weapon.

Mo Bu Bui just used one trick, causing Dragon Palace to lose two golden immortals and seriously injure one. What's even more exasperating is that the favorite weapons of the two generals were all damaged.

The price is too great.

"That's it? Golden Immortals are also graded. In my eyes, you are trash!"

Mo Bubu stood facing the wind, with flames burning all over his body, and the hurricane blew his robe up and down, making him look like a god.

Dragon Palace was completely furious, and before the Dragon King could make a move, the remaining shrimp soldiers and crab generals all rushed forward.

"Kill this kid and avenge the brothers!"

"kill him."

More than 40 strong men of Jinxian level were furious, and the rules of the avenue quickly enveloped the main battlefield, and the center of the storm was nothing different.

Rao is very powerful, but he is not an opponent in the face of more than 40 Jinxian-level powerhouses.

"Master, save me!"

Good guy, just after pretending to be cowardly, he immediately became cowardly, and Chu He was a little dumbfounded.

More than 40 slashing spears slashed towards Mo BuTong, and at this critical moment, the Four Elephant Pagoda flew over Mo BuTong's head.

"A broken tower also wants to stop us, court death!"

The humpback whale rushed up first. This side had just lost, but the Dragon King saw it. He had to perform well and get rid of a person from the Chu River side in order to regain face.

It's just that as soon as he rushed up, he felt his vision go dark. He looked up and saw a huge shadow suddenly appearing in the sky, completely covering his body inside.

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