And this method is very easy to solve, just catch Chuhe and it's over.

"Father, I advise you to go back quickly. You are not the master's opponent. If you don't want to die here, you can obediently submit to the master, and maybe you can save your life!"

It's fine if his son doesn't help him, but he still wants to surrender himself. Even if he is a servant, this is too loyal. The fire in the old Dragon King's heart can no longer be suppressed.

"Well, you Chuhe, I don't know how to infuse my son with ecstasy soup, so that he can help you like this, but don't be too happy, you think you can use my son to contain me, your abacus It fell through."

The old dragon king said this in front of everyone, and Chuhe laughed when he heard it.

"Oh, what? What else can you do to deal with me? Could it be that you really cruelly killed your own son? Tiger poison doesn't even eat your son, not to mention your strength may not be as strong as your son's, you Whether he can beat him or not is a question."

"Now, I give you two ways, one is to surrender obediently, give up your position as Dragon King, let Ao Bai be the Lord of Dragon Palace, and I can spare your life for the time being."

Chapter 858 Time Stands Still

"If you dare to resist, then don't blame my subordinates for being ruthless. I can defeat Xiang Liu, and I can also defeat you!"

Chuhe's words were domineering, but in the ears of the old dragon king, there was only one feeling, that was arrogance.

In his heart, he felt that Chuhe must be able to control Bobai so that he dared to be so confident, but he underestimated himself too much.

As long as he uses his innate supernatural powers and everything stops, everything will be at his mercy. Chuhe has a master-servant contract with his son, so he really can't kill him, but he can arrest all the people around Chuhe.

Use their lives for this kid to terminate the master-servant contract.

At that time, there are two big Luo Jinxians on my side. Even if Chuhe has the ability to shake the sky, he will not be able to escape, and if he dares to treat his son as a servant, he must not let him die easily.

You must torture him well, let him suffer so much that he cannot live or die!

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on the corner of the old Dragon King's mouth.

"Innate supernatural power: Time stands still!"

As the voice of the old Dragon King fell, the chains of the avenue began to spread. Looking around, everything in his domain was still.

Mo Bufei's constantly flying robes stopped immediately, and the flames kept burning, but they were no longer aggressive.

Xuanyuan Sword surrounded him, and the little monk also opened his eyes wide. Now he can't move, seeing the cruel smile on the corner of the old Dragon King's mouth, an inexplicable panic hits his heart.

At first, he didn't think that Master's saying that the old dragon king was very strong was a very general statement, but he didn't expect that what master said was right, the talent of this old dragon king was really abnormal.

"Haha, Chuhe, do you think you have any way to threaten me now? In my domain, I am the only true god. Everything here is under my control. You can't even move now, you can only watch Watch me come to your side and kill all the people around you."

"By the way, I will leave behind Nuwa's descendants. Our Dragon Clan needs her to create a more powerful bloodline for us. By then, the Dragon Clan will be invincible in the world!"

"As for you, you can only watch the people around you being killed, and the woman you love being snatched away and reduced to my plaything. All these are punishments for you, and all this is just the beginning."

"I have more ways to torture you, to let you know the fate of treating my son as a slave!"

The old dragon king looked at Chuhe while talking, but found that although the corners of his mouth could not move, it seemed to be mocking, so he couldn't help being curious.

"You are still smiling, you are still smiling, but this may be the last time you smile, I promise you, you will never laugh again!"

The old dragon king took a step forward as he spoke, with the posture of a winner, but when he just lifted his feet, he found that his legs were very heavy, as if there were ten thousand mountains tied to his feet. Make it impossible for him to move forward at all.

"what happened?"

The old Dragon King glanced around, and found that Ao Lie beside him was pale at this moment, and the huge gravity seemed to crush him directly, but now time was still in a state.

Ao Lie, who was supposed to fall heavily to the ground, didn't move at all, he could only stop in the air, and all the blood gathered at the tail. As long as the time stillness ended, the blood would spurt out due to the huge pressure.

The old dragon king couldn't understand it at all. Looking around, the shrimp soldiers and crab generals around him were basically in this state. Their consciousness could feel the severe pain caused by the heavy pressure, but they couldn't make a sound at all.

Chuhe had known for a long time that the old dragon king would use his innate supernatural powers, so he whispered a spell with his speech spirit a long time ago.

As long as the Dragon King uses his innate supernatural power, his innate supernatural power, gravity space, will be activated.

Gravitational space is considered a small hazard to the human race, but to the monster race, it is simply a nightmare.

As soon as Chuhe came up, it used a million times the gravity of the [-]th floor. Even Ling'er could barely support this gravity.

Fortunately, Chuhe had already given her and the people around her weight-loss words in advance, but the monsters on Chuhe's side still seemed extremely painful under the action of gravity.

"What's the matter?"

The old Dragon King naturally didn't understand what happened, but his intuition told him that it must have been done by Chu River. Since he knew the source, he just suffocated it.

He raised his foot again and moved forward with difficulty. Chuhe was worried that using too much gravity would directly cause large-scale casualties on his side, so he didn't dare to use gravity too much.

This also led to the fact that although the gravity space is useful to the Dragon King, the effect is not as obvious as Chuhe wants.

The old Dragon King was still able to move, but only very slowly.

"No matter what tricks you play, in the face of absolute strength, all struggles are futile."

The old dragon king walked towards the Chu River step by step, and slowly came to the front of the Chu River. The Dragon King of the Daluo Jinxian level was already tired and out of breath after walking a few short steps. Blood supply, his consciousness is a little fuzzy.

Walking in front of Chuhe, he stretched out his claws, intending to give Chuhe a fatal blow, but he looked back at Aobai, and he endured it again.

Instead, take another step forward and walk towards Ling'er behind Chuhe.

Just standing in the distance, when he saw Linger, he was completely fascinated. Now that he looked closer, he found that Linger was so beautiful that every inch of skin, every strand of hair, and even eyelashes were covered with Inherent charm.

She is simply a stunner at the beginning of the world, the most beautiful creature that the old dragon king has ever seen, so beautiful that the old dragon king felt a little ashamed and felt unworthy to be with such a woman.

"These beautiful things are all mine. From today on, beauty, you are still the lord of the heavens, and I am your husband."

The old Dragon King stretched out his hand, wanting to touch Ling'er's cheek, at this moment, Ling'er suddenly swung his fist and slammed it heavily on his old face.

The old Dragon King didn't realize it a little bit, how could the descendants of Nuwa be able to move, but if you think about it carefully, the blood of the descendants of Nuwa is too heaven-defying, and it is much nobler than the blood of a real dragon.

Being able to restrain Ling'er for so long is already very powerful.

The old dragon king was beaten by Ling'er so that he flew straight away, and fell heavily on the ground, his eyes were a little dizzy, and he was not angry when he was beaten, but smiled more happily.

"You are worthy of being a descendant of Nuwa. You have not yet awakened your bloodline, but you can break free from my time stagnation in such a short period of time. You are worthy of the Xeon bloodline. That's great!"

Chapter 859

"You smelly dragon, you also want to take advantage of me, and you don't even look in the mirror, are you worthy!"

Ling'er seldom got angry, this was a rare time for her to see her, she shook her fist, wanting to give the old Dragon King another blow.

"The beauty is angry, but it's useless for you to be angry alone, just follow me obediently, and I'll spare Chuhe, how about it?"

The old dragon king was so moved that, as long as Ling'er agreed, he would really release Chuhe.

"I still need you to forgive me?"

It's just that Chuhe suddenly spoke at this time.

The old dragon king was taken aback, because he heard Chuhe's voice was very close, and with the whistling wind, he turned his head, and Chuhe was standing behind him at this time, the golden cudgel in his hand was round, It hit the head of the old dragon king heavily.

This downward movement was heavy, and the old dragon king could easily dodge it with his strength, but the gravity space made his movements extremely slow, and he could only watch Chuhe's stick fall from his head.

Seeing that he couldn't hide, the old Dragon King spoke.

"Innate supernatural powers, time is quiet..."

Before the last stop word was spoken, Chuhe shouted loudly.

"Shut up and get beaten up, you stinking dragon!"

There was only a dull knocking sound, and the old dragon king who had just got up from the ground was directly smashed into the ground by the Chu River, and there was a commotion everywhere.

"Ah! Brat, I'm going to kill you!"

In a situation that was thought to be a sure win, the old dragon king was beaten by Chuhe, using his Dinghai Shenzhen needle from the East China Sea Dragon Palace, and the old dragon king was so angry that he went crazy.

He struggled to get up from the pit, trying to fight Chuhe desperately, at this moment.

Chuhe waved to him.

"Yan Ling: The battle turns and the stars move!"

Almost at the same time, Chuhe and all the monsters around him disappeared. With the disappearance of Chuhe, the gravity space was released, and the old dragon king also released the time static domain.

The shrimp soldiers and crab generals can finally move, but they just got free, many shrimp soldiers and crab generals all fell from above.

Under the terrifying coercion just now, they were already fainted by the gravity, and a dozen or so weak ones exploded to death directly.

Chuhe directly killed more than a dozen Jinxian powerhouses on his side in a gravity space, and those shrimp soldiers and crab generals who were still clamoring with Chuhe just now dared not despise Chuhe anymore.


Ao Lie spat out a mouthful of blood, knelt on the ground, and took a long time to get up.

"Father, what kind of ability does that kid actually make you feel like you're going to be crushed to death!"

"It's gravity. This kid actually inherited gravity. It must be the ability he obtained in the Kunlun Secret Realm. It seems that it is a good place. We can also get the same level of ability inheritance after we go in."

"Then shall we go in and have a look now?"

They saw the Chu River coming out of the lava cave, and knew that it was the entrance to the Kunlun Secret Realm.

"No, the top priority now is to catch that kid, I'm going to peel him off and get your brother back from him!"

"But where did they go? They can't be found at all? Let's go to the secret realm first?"

Ao Lie originally had his own plan, that is, he hoped to rescue his eldest brother who had been lost for many years from Chuhe, and then let him compete with his second brother for the crown prince. Sit back and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

But the situation is different now, the eldest brother is so strong that he has reached the level of Daluo Jinxian. The news he got from the Golden Armored General said that just a few days ago, the eldest brother was still an ordinary dragon at the level of a fairy.

It must be because of the adventures in the secret realm that he became so powerful, and he wanted to enter the secret realm quickly to find the adventures. You must know that his strength is a golden fairy. In terms of talent alone, he is even stronger than the eldest brother. Maybe he can also become Da Luo Jinxian, when the time comes, Dad will not be his opponent.

This throne is not his own.

"The entrance to the secret realm has been found, and you can enter at any time, but if you let this kid run away from under your nose, how will your father and I gain a foothold in front of the Dragon Palace, and so many masters of the dragon clan have died, this revenge must be avenged!"

In fact, the Dragon King also has selfish intentions, the main reason is seeing Ling'er, which makes him completely unable to walk. His greatest desire now is to get Ling'er, even if there is an inheritance as powerful as the real dragon inheritance in front of him. He chooses.

He would still choose Ling'er without hesitation.

Seeing that the Dragon King was so determined, all the shrimp soldiers and crab generals under him also shouted.

"Rescue the eldest prince, avenge the brothers, avenge!"

For a moment, the shouts shook the sky, and the whole valley trembled. Although Ao Lie felt unwilling, he did not dare to disobey his father, and could only follow his ideas.

"But where did they go, we don't even know!"

"This kid teleported away from us with so many people. If he left alone, I might not be able to find him. But this kid is just too kind. How far can he run with his family!"

"I can still feel his position, not far away."

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