Chapter 89 Who Are You

[The super lottery draw needs to consume a super lottery chance once, should the chance be consumed for the lottery draw? 】

[Currently there is *1 left in the super lucky draw chance. 】

"Yes, draw the lottery now!"

Chuhe didn't bother to go to the ink marks, and started the super lottery with full expectation.

According to the introduction, this super lottery is a lottery method that is sure to draw top innate magical powers.

In other words, this time the lottery draw will definitely draw a top-level magical power!

[Super lottery starts... Super lottery in progress...]

【Ding!Congratulations to the host, you got the innate magic method: Lihuo supernatural power! 】

A burst of mysterious experience came, and Chuhe instantly understood what Lihuo supernatural power was.

Lihuo supernatural power is a top-level attack method that can burn everything in the world!

Lihuo is a fire outside the body, which can burn all tangible things.

It is two different concepts from the Samadhi True Fire that has been cultivated. The Samadhi True Fire can burn invisible things, while Lihuo focuses on tangible things. As long as it is contaminated, it will be difficult to retreat from the whole body!

Although a little regretful, Chuhe is quite satisfied.

This is definitely one of the top innate magic methods.

And most importantly, this Lihuo supernatural power is not a top-notch attack method, but also a top-notch refining method!

The inheritance of Lihuo supernatural power received by Chuhe is divided into two parts.

One part is an attack, while the other part is a refining weapon.

In the beginning, Lihuo's supernatural power was only for attacking, and the refining tool was just a secondary supernatural power that complemented each other for the purpose of cultivating the control of flames.

But because of the characteristics of Lihuo's supernatural power, it can melt almost everything, which is absolutely unfavorable for refining equipment.

Ever since, the supernatural power of this weapon refining has become more and more important in the proportion of Lihuo's supernatural power, until in the end, it becomes half and half of what it is now.

Chuhe can be said to be satisfied.

After exiting the system space, Chuhe looked at Ah Qing over there, only to see that Ah Qing was retreating steadily and could not resist Zhuang Buyan's attack at all.

He was even about to be forced into a dead end by Zhuang Buyan.

"Ah Qing, do you need my help?"

Chu He said lightly, and threw out a flame casually, directly killing the living corpse that was still fighting with the golden armored general formed by Chu He's Casting Beans into Soldiers.

All I saw was the traces of flames, as if they were alive, they climbed directly onto the body of the living corpse.

Zhuang Buyan in the distance focused on two tasks, and also paid attention to the situation here.

After seeing Chuhe set fire again, a sneer twitched at the corner of his mouth.

set fire?

Hehe, although zombies are most afraid of masculine things like flames and lightning, but how can the zombies he controls with the bloodless corpse control technique be that simple?

Just now Chuhe released the five thunders to rectify the law, and even the zombies were helpless, so what can these flames do now?

Thinking of this, he directly threw himself into the battle against Ah Qing.

He wanted a quick fix.

It's just a nice idea.

Suddenly, he suddenly felt a tingling in his spirit.

He was startled, and immediately burst out, standing in a safe place and looking back.

I only saw the flames rising into the sky from behind!

The stinging pain in the spirit was due to the loss of control of the zombies.

And this soaring flame...

In the reflection of Zhuang Buyan's shocked eyes, he could only see that the zombie's whole body was covered with flames, and the fire seemed to be burning from within instead of from his body.

It even sprayed out from the zombie's mouth!

Until the zombie was burned to ashes, the flame was still burning, like a flame from hell that would never go out.

Satisfied, Chuhe took Lihuo back.

Is this Lihuo supernatural power?

As long as it is contaminated, it will start burning directly from the inside, it is really domineering!

Seeing this scene, Zhuang Buyan was almost out of his wits.

His trick was so easily dismantled?

And he can be sure that Chuhe has never used this trick of setting fire!

How many bottom-of-the-box tricks did he have that he didn't use?

Zhuang Buyan, who has always been very confident, unexpectedly felt invincible.

He stepped back quietly, but saw Ah Qing who was staggering and almost fell to the ground.

After fighting for such a long time, Ah Qing can only parry, and has no room to fight back.

But even so, Ah Qing still stubbornly refused to let Chuhe intervene.

"I... will solve it myself." Ah Qing said to Chuhe, "I will do it myself..."

Zhuang Buyan's eyes narrowed slightly, and after seeing that Chuhe was really unmoved, he was thinking again, how sure is he that he can directly take Ah Qing away?

Even if he can't be taken away, he can't be cheap, Chuhe!

Thinking of this, Zhuang Buyan took a step ahead, turning into a foul-smelling scarlet wind and flying towards Ah Qing.

Ah Qing still chose to resist with a strong body, but at this moment, the blood from the wound on Ah Qing's body was no longer red, but black, accompanied by a foul smell, and some ugly bugs came from the wound. climb out.

Horror and horror.

And the scarlet wind that Zhuang Buyan turned into was the trigger to detonate Gu worms continuously poured into Ah Qing's wound.

This is Zhuang Buyan's last resort.

Because once this method is used, it means that Ah Qing will immediately collapse into a blood clot, which means that the Witch Gu Holy Body can no longer be recovered.

But at this moment, he already knew that he was about to fail, so in order to prevent Ah Qing from seeking revenge, he could only use this trick.

"Haha, Witch Gu Saint Physique, if I can create you, I can also destroy you... In the endless pain, destroy it!"

Chuhe sensed something was wrong, and his eyes gradually turned cold.

As a result, at the moment when he was about to make a move, a sound of breaking through the air suddenly hit.

call out!

The speed is extremely fast, even so fast that the shape cannot be seen clearly.

And it's coming in the direction of Chu River.

If it weren't for Chuhe's bardo body now, and all his perceptions have been strengthened, he might not be able to find the hidden weapon flying towards him.

But now, even if Chuhe finds out, he still just tilts his head and barely avoids it.

Even the hidden weapon cut off a few hairs of Chuhe.

And following the hidden weapon, came a slightly younger voice, "Mistake, mistake!"

A man who seemed to be in his thirties appeared on the top of a nearby tree, "Guanzhu Chu, I don't have any malice towards you, it was just an accident just now."

The man was dressed in white with a jade pendant around his waist.

Dressed in a modern suit, with greasy hair, he looked like a gentle scum from a certain movie.

He jumped down from the tree, came directly to Chuhe, and sat down on the chair opposite Chuhe's table.

"Chu Guanzhu don't need to be nervous, I'm here just to..."

"who are you?"

Chuhe interrupted him coldly.

"Hehe, Guanzhu Chu, why are you so excited, let's slowly..."

"I ask, who are you?"

chapter 90

Is Xiaoyu delicious?

These words were like a heavy hammer, directly hitting Ah Qing's heart.

The hell-like scene in the past seemed to appear before her eyes again.

And... and that face that only makes Ah Qing feel warm in the endless hell of me——Xiaoyu.


Ah Qing finally couldn't bear it anymore, and shouted to the sky!

And at the moment when she was emotionally broken, Zhuang Buyan also directly choked Fa Jue.

Taking advantage of Ah Qing's emotional collapse, those Gu worms on her body exploded in an instant!


Zhuang Buyan laughed wildly, but gradually, his laughter gradually subsided.


Why hasn't Ah Qing's body exploded yet?

All I saw was Ah Qing clutching her head and looking up to the sky, screaming, her whole body was shrouded in a very thick layer of black smoke.

And around Ah Qing, a very powerful aura erupted, with Ah Qing as the center, a whirlwind even started to set off around!

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