But this primitive Gu worm has no effect at all in the face of attacking poison with poison.

Because the original Gu worms are the Gu worms that came out of nature, they were born in accordance with the way of heaven, not the Gu worms raised by humans.

It can be said that the so-called voodoo techniques of the human race are all inspired by the original Gu worms, and they are even made with reference to the original Gu worms.

Moreover, the original Gu worm does not only refer to a certain Gu worm, but refers to a type of Gu worm.

So now, Chuhe doesn't know what kind of original Gu worm is in Ah Qing's body.

And no matter what, there is no sign of Ah Qing waking up now, and Chuhe is very clear that now Ah Qing's body is weakening bit by bit in a perceivable posture.

If there is no accident, within three days, Ah Qing's essence will be completely absorbed by the primordial Gu worms.

And Ah Qing will die because of this.

Or, turn into a mummy, or be manipulated by the primordial Gu to become a puppet.

There are too many possibilities, but only one is certain, no matter what Ah Qing becomes, the real Ah Qing is already dead!

Chu He frowned.

He has a special feeling for Ah Qing, that kind of feeling when facing the same kind.

Chuhe originally came from across the world, and he was ignorant in this world. Now, he has become an enemy of the whole world, without any relatives and friends, and is alone.

He was alone when he came, and he is still alone now.

Ah Qing, on the other hand, has a very tragic past.

As the Holy Body of Witch Gu, as long as this news is released, she will also be the enemy of the whole world.

And the most important thing is, during this period of time with Ah Qing, Chuhe thought a lot, thinking that when he just came through time, facing this strange world, it was Master Baixing who helped him little by little. point him.

Teach him the rules of this world bit by bit.

Now, Ah Qing is like that Chuhe back then, and the current Chuhe is playing the role of Master Baixing, teaching her bit by bit, leading her bit by bit...

Do not!

Chuhe secretly decided in his heart that she must not be allowed to die like that!

There are not many people who can make Chuhe take it seriously, but once Chuhe takes it seriously, then nothing can stop him!

According to Master Baixing's words, Chuhe can sit alone in the demon temple for hundreds of years, and with the posture of a mortal, he can sit for hundreds of years!

He has never regretted it!

Then, because the world failed Master Baixing, he even crushed Master Baixing's bones to ashes!

Chuhe, in a rage again, did not hesitate to make an enemy of the world!

He also has never regretted it, which is nothing more than the case for the most affectionate and the most sexual.

He never cared about the consequences, only the present moment.

"Hey! Have you thought about it yet?"

Not far away, Shen Tuo suddenly said, "As long as you are willing to cooperate with me, we can go together and kill all the remaining forces of Jiangwumen!"

"And I can also give you some simple refining methods, hehe, although what I said is simple, but even these simple refining methods, if you learn them, you can be called a generation of masters."

Shen Tuo ignored Chuhe's state at the moment, and continued, "And what I want you to do is relatively simple. You are now a traitor of the human race who is the enemy of the world, but it is actually a very good identity. In this case, you can I can kill whoever I want, and I don’t have to be restrained anymore, so I also want to ask you to help me kill a few people..."

"I will also give you a suit of armor. You only need to go around a few places with many people. Of course, you are wearing this suit of armor. If someone asks, you can say that this armor was given to you by... a person. How? What you have to do is very simple."

"And after you finish these things, not only will you get the weapon refining method I gave you, but you will also gain a share of my friendship."

"You have to think about it carefully. You have to know that my identity is the successor of Bailianmen. Do you know how many people in the world are begging to have a relationship with me, just to ask for a magic weapon from me? This opportunity is very important. It’s so rare, I can even promise you, as long as you help me with a few more things, I can give you the weapon.”

His voice came from Chuhe's ear, but his heart was not on these bodies at all, but he was examining Ah Qing's body with all his heart, and Ah Qing's physical condition was indeed not optimistic.

Until now, Chuhe was finally convinced that if Ah Qing's current physical condition could not be resolved within three days, then Ah Qing would die forever!

Shen Tuo's noise came from his ears again.

"Chuhe, did you hear what I said to you? You are very concerned about the witchcraft holy body? Hehe, the witchcraft holy body is just a powerful tool. If you need it, I will give it to you." You can transform the Witch Gu Holy Body into a more powerful killing machine!"

"After all, as a craftsman, the Witch Gu Saint Body is also considered as a facial weapon material, and it is also a top-level crafting material."

Hearing this, Chuhe's face turned cold, and he handed Aqing directly to the white-haired witch, while he turned around slowly.

Seeing this, Shen Tuo asked, "Why? Have you thought about it?"

"Think about it." Chuhe said lightly, "I've thought about how to kill you."


Shen Tuo was startled, and immediately felt a little bad feeling.

Sure enough, the next moment, his body became slightly stiff, as if he was directly fixed in place by someone.

The spirit-binding spell was instantly released by Chuhe, and Shen Tuo's figure was directly fixed for a while.

Although only for a short while, maybe even just a blink of an eye.

But for masters, this moment is already very fatal!

Sure enough, the next moment, Chuhe's Lihuo supernatural power was activated and flew directly towards Shen Tuo.

At this moment, Shen Tuo also got rid of the control of the spirit-binding curse, but it was too late to escape, so the seven lotus seeds were waved so tightly that they couldn't get close to the fire.

"That's all you have..." Shen Tuo wanted to sneer, but before he finished speaking, he suddenly felt numbness in the top of his head

He didn't even need to look, he knew that he must be locked by the thunder, and the next moment, thunder after wave struck towards Shen Tuo as if they were automatically aiming.

These thunderbolts were all five thunder rectification methods, with great power, a few seven lotus seeds blocked the thunderbolt's attack, but some thunderbolts also fell on Shen Tuo's body.

A golden light flashed on Shen Tuo's body, and there was even a magic weapon for protecting himself.

In fact, think about it, how could he, as the inheritor of Bailianmen, not have a few good magic weapons?

In particular, Bailianmen is famous for refining weapons, so it must have treasures that other schools do not have.

Chuhe was not surprised by this at all, but slowly launched the next offensive.

The five thunders rectify the law, and the five thunders unite!

Chaos Thunder!

Chapter 94 Died of Talking Too Much

Chaos Thunder!

Mixing the attributes of the five elements, but it has no attributes, it is the nemesis of everything!

To be honest, this Chaos God thunder beat Shen Tuo, it was overkill.

However, Chuhe is happy.

There's something fun about cannoning ants too.

For ants, this is not a good experience.

Shen Tuo was keenly aware of the nervous feeling that he was about to die in the next moment hanging above his head.

The feeling that his hairs were standing on end made him unable to be arrogant anymore.

what is this! ?

What the hell is this! ?

Chaos Thunder! ?

There is actually someone in this world who can use Chaos Thunder! ?

Before he could figure it out, Chuhe had already controlled the Chaos Divine Thunder to smash it down!


Two of the seven lotus flowers surrounding Shen Tuo were directly shattered, and the third one was also in danger and was about to shatter.

Shen Tuo suddenly lost his soul.

His heart aches, these are seven lotus seeds!

The treasure of Bailianmen's town faction!

Just like that, it was smashed into two halves by the Chaos God Thunder at once?

If this happens a few more times, wouldn't it be...

Shen Tuo didn't even think about it, what would happen if he continued, he began to be afraid and anxious.

"Stop! There is something to talk about! There is something to discuss! Stop!"

"Boom!" Another Chaos God Thunder answered him.

This time, three of the seven lotus seeds were directly shattered!

There are only two seven lotus seeds left around him.

Li Huo also took the opportunity to directly ignite Shen Tuo.

Lihuo burned directly from the inside of the body, but it only touched Shen Tuo's leg, and instantly set his entire leg on fire.

Seeing that the Chaos God Thunder from above was about to fall again.

Shen Tuo was so anxious that Leng Han was dripping like rain.

"Stop it! I can teach you the top-level weapon refining method of our Bailianmen! I can give you the top-level magic weapon, but I can..."

Chu He didn't care about what he said, until finally, Shen Tuo said, "I know how to deal with the original Gu worm! I know how to revive this witch Gu holy body!"


After he finished speaking, the Chaos Divine Thunder slammed down hard.

It didn't hit him, but directly beside him.

A big hole was smashed directly into the ground.

And Li Huo, who was also entangled with him, was also taken back by Chuhe.

Shen Tuo sat down on the ground directly, gasping for breath, his body was shaking, this feeling of narrow escape made him almost collapse.

Watching the footsteps of Chuhe walking in.

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