Gu worm!

The Five Immortals are really good at this kind of thing!

After Chuhe saw these Gu worms, instead of worrying, he breathed a sigh of relief.

What he was most afraid of was that Granny Baihua was not worthy of her name and could not get rid of the Gu worms on Ah Qing's body. Now that the disciples of the Five Immortals who came out to meet the enemy had such powerful Gu worm attainments, then Granny Baihua should be worthy of her reputation. scholar.

Chuhe is more sure about this trip.

And those people were quite shocked when they saw that the attack was caught by Chuhe.

"It... actually blocked it?"

"This golden light is somewhat familiar...does it look like the magic light curse that my mother-in-law once told us?"

"Even my Gu worms can't deal with it, it must be the Divine Light Curse!"

"If you say that, this person is really the Lord of the Demon Suppressing Temple!?"

Hearing what they said, Chuhe knew it was time to speak, "Guys, I am the master of the Demon-Suppressing Temple."

"The demon town masters are all old men, how could they be as young as you?" This was one of the reasons why they didn't believe it.

And what made them feel incredible the most was the following sentence.

"If you are the master of the demon town, why are you with a demon? And you are honored as the master by the demon?"

Seeing them become alert again.

Just as Chu He was about to explain, he heard a faint voice suddenly coming from the jungle.

"Stop it all and ask him to come in."

Chapter 102

After hearing the illusory voice of this life, those few people showed respectful expressions almost instantly, and then stopped.

Those people looked at each other back and forth, then obeyed the voice, put away all their weapons, and then said to Chuhe, "Please."

These people didn't ask why Chuhe was invited in, nor did they say a word of explanation, even as if the things just now didn't happen.

The turning point was sudden.

Chuhe nodded secretly, and also heard a sense of vast power from the voice.

This man is definitely a master.

He was stronger than everyone he had encountered before.

Of course not too much.

Could this person be Granny Baihua?

But listening to the sound doesn't feel much old.

Those people led the way, and Chuhe, Yinyue and Ah Qing walked inside together.

As you keep walking inside, you can see some buildings and people inside.

Chuhe found that the village looked very big, but it didn't have as many people as he imagined.

Most of them are young girls, there are also old people, and there are also children, but there are very few of them.

And after they really came here, those people looked at Chuhe with curiosity, and even had some impulse to come up to talk to him. Chuhe believed that if the people in front didn't stop him, he would definitely Will be stopped by these curious girls.

"Wow, why does that person look different from us?"

"Silly girl, that's a man."

"A man? Is that a man? It looks weird... But, but there is a strange feeling..."

"Oh! What am I thinking, why am I blushing..."

Some whispers around came to Chuhe's ears, which made Chuhe feel a little weird.

Did he really come to the country of daughters?

The people here even exaggerated to the point that they have never seen a man before, it is a bit...

"My lord! Someone has brought it."

When Chuhe was thinking wildly, the girl in front who had been leading the way suddenly spoke, which also drew Chuhe's thoughts for a while.

I saw that they had come to a wooden building.

The building seems to be built on the water, and several logs go deep into the water to support the house.

There are also covered bridge boards on the water.

And a girl dressed in blue and black patterned clothes, sitting barefoot on a wooden board, her feet dangling gently in the water, slowly raised her head and looked at Chuhe.

The girl has a lively expression, a pair of big eyes that look piercing, and two eyebrows that look black and thick, but it does not reduce the girl's beauty at all, but adds a touch of wildness and simplicity to the girl.

These two feelings coexist in one person, which makes people feel a little contradictory. It may be precisely because of this that people have a feeling of wanting to continue exploring.

The few leading the way in front bowed their hands and retreated directly.

This is Granny Baihua?

The doubt in my heart, looking at this girl who is not much older than Ah Qing, I have a thought in my heart, is it possible that Granny Baihua is just a title, not a specific person.

I have only heard about this point, and I don't know much about the internal affairs of the Five Immortals Sect.

And just when I was guessing, the girl said again, "You said you are the celestial master of the demon temple?"

Chu He heard the words and said indifferently, "It's as if it's fake."

As he said that, Chuhe directly revealed his hand, and the divine light curse was released again.

The girl's eyes lit up immediately, "Sure enough, it's the Light Curse of Subduing Demon Suppressing Demons, but I didn't expect the master of the Demon Suppressing Temple to be so young."

"Hehe, I never thought that the rumored Granny Baihua would be so young."

The girl was taken aback, "I'm not Granny Baihua."


"I am the leader of the Five Immortals Sect." The girl did not stand up, but said casually, "The Venerable Dragon of the World."

The leader of the Five Immortals Sect is also called the Venerable Dragon. As for why he called it that way, Chuhe is not very clear.

"It turned out to be the leader." Hearing the girl's self-introduction, although Chuhe was a little surprised, but other than that, it didn't cause too many waves, and just bowed his hands casually.

The leader of the Five Immortals sect bowed his hand in return, and then asked, "What's your name?"

"Chu River."

The girl nodded slightly, "My name is Long Weiling."

"Hehe, Dragon Hierarch."

Long Weiling frowned slightly when he saw me calling that, "You don't have to, I want to know the purpose of your visit."

Seeing that Long Weiling wasn't doing him any harm, Chuhe also talked eloquently, "I came here to find Granny Baihua."

As for why, Chuhe didn't say it directly.

"Looking for Granny Baihua?" Long Weiling frowned, then parted, "I'm afraid I'm disappointing you, Granny Baihua is in seclusion."

After she finished speaking, she continued to ask, "I want to know, why did you bring a demon here?"

As Long Weiling said, his eyes narrowed slightly, revealing a sense of danger.

Although the girl in front of him looks weak and even cute, Chuhe has no doubts about her strength. She is the leader of the Five Immortals Sect.

Of course, the most important thing is that Chuhe doesn't want to have any conflict with them now.

"Don't worry, I didn't bring her here to target you. I promise, I don't have any malice in coming here."

"Hehe." Long Weiling, the leader of the Five Immortals Sect, said with a chuckle, "So what if it's malicious? It's just a devil, so what if you are added?"

When she said these words, she obviously had very strong self-confidence in her heart.

Of course, Chuhe still replied with a slight smile.


The leader of the Five Immortals Sect's eyes suddenly fell on Ah Qing, "This is..."

Her eyes suddenly lit up, "This is... this is the holy body of witchcraft?!"

Chuhe glanced at Long Weiling in surprise.

The current Ah Qing is completely different from the previous Ah Qing, the obvious poison and impurities in her body have long been dissipated with that outbreak, and now Ah Qing looks like an ordinary person.

Even Chuhe, if he didn't look carefully, he would definitely not be able to discover Ah Qing's current state.

But Long Weiling could see the abnormality at a glance.

The leader of the Five Immortals Sect, Venerable Shenlong really wasn't a cover, it seems that there are indeed two brushes.

"It's a pity, this voodoo body was actually parasitized with primordial Gu worms." Long Weiling shook his head slightly, looking at Ah Qing with some pity.

Then, as if she suddenly thought of something, she suddenly said, "Oh, that's it, I know why you came here."

Speaking of this, Long Weiling's eyes gradually became cold.

The surrounding temperature actually dropped a few degrees.

Chapter 103

Chuhe couldn't understand what he just said was good, why did he suddenly turn his face when he said it?

The surrounding people from the Five Immortals Sect also crowded around. Although Chuhe was not worried at all, he still felt a little troublesome.

But I heard Long Weiling, the leader of the Five Immortals Sect, continue, "The Holy Body of the Witch Gu, or the Holy Body of the Witch Gu in this form... You are from the Wumen Sect, right?"

When she spoke, there was a kind of contempt, "Isn't it enough that you descended from Wumen and suffered in our Five Immortals? How dare you come again?"

Chuhe shook his head helplessly, "You misunderstood, I am not a descendant of the Wumen."

As he said that, Chuhe directly talked about the relationship between Ah Qing and Jiangwumen, and by the way, the news that Jiangwumen's current owner and two elders had been killed.

After Long Weiling heard it, he was incredulous at first, and then nodded deeply, "I see. If what you said is true, then you can be considered a good person."

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