After Chuhe figured out the key point, he nodded casually and said, "Not only do I know Xiangfeizhu, I also know the origin of Xiangfeizhu."

Long Weiling stopped talking, although his eyes were filled with disbelief.

She continued to lead the way until she came to the entrance of the cave, and then she said to Chuhe, "This place is where Grandma Baihua retreats. I can only bring you here, and I won't take you in to find her. If you have If the method can wake up Granny Baihua, I will never say anything else, but if I bring you to Granny Baihua, but Granny Baihua doesn't want to see you, don't blame me."

After hearing this, Chuhe looked towards the cave.

After getting closer, you can feel the unusualness of this cave even more.

I saw the cave extending downwards, blowing up slowly with awe-inspiring aura.

Underneath the cave is darkness, no matter how you look at it, you can't see it clearly, and you can't see it clearly.

The sound of water flowing below could be vaguely heard, presumably this was also the source of the wind noise.

"As you said." Chuhe nodded and said to Long Weiling, "I will definitely wake up Granny Baihua."

Long Weiling just twitched his lips, and then slowly backed away with a sentence, "Then, I wish you success."

Although she knows that Chuhe's strength is extraordinary, she also knows the power of this cave.

This is the place where Granny Baihua retreats. Although Long Weiling is the leader of the Five Immortals Sect, even she cannot call Granny Baihua at will.

Because in the final analysis, the leader of the Five Immortals Sect can be changed at any time, but there is only one Baihua Granny, who is the protector of the Five Immortals Sect.

After Long Weiling withdrew, Chuhe looked at the cave again, and said tentatively to the inside, "In Xiachuhe, I am the master of the town demon temple. Now there is one thing I need to ask Granny Baihua for help. I hope Baihua Mother-in-law show up to save face."

Chuhe used his spiritual power, and the sound directly penetrated the stone and went directly inside.

He believes that if there are really people inside, then his words will definitely be heard.

It's just that one breath of time passed, two breaths of time passed... a quarter of an hour passed.

There was still no sound coming from inside, only the cold wind kept blowing outside, and the sound of running water coming from inside.

Chuhe was patient and shouted again.

As a result, after a period of time passed, there was still no response at all.

Yinyue frowned, and said in a low voice, "My lord, I think this Baihua Granny is shameless. Since you have asked her not to come out with good words, then smash her cave and see if she comes out." come out!"

Ah Qing shook her head and said, "It seems that Granny Baihua doesn't like me, otherwise, let's go, actually I think I'm in good health."

After finishing speaking, Ah Qing raised her head and showed a pale smile.

And it was obvious that her mental state was getting worse and worse.

Now that the original Gu worm is in her body, it is already very difficult for her to stay awake. According to the erosion speed of the original Gu worm, Ah Qing may collapse directly at some point, unable to get up again. Come.

Chu He frowned slightly, then comforted Ah Qing in a low voice.

"No, who wouldn't like Ah Qing? Granny Baihua didn't come out because she was deaf and couldn't hear."

"But your voice just now was already very loud."

Chuhe shook his head, "Whether the other party can hear it or not has nothing to do with the volume of the voice. Granny Baihua will definitely be able to hear what I say next, do you believe it?"

Ah Qing shook his head suspiciously and nodded again.

Chuhe smiled, then stood up and read a poem to the entrance of the cave.

Chapter 105 How Difficult Is This?

"Nine suspicions are all similar, but what is the double pupil and lonely grave?"

Chuhe read this sentence from memory.

But there was still no movement in the cave, and the breeze was as usual.

Chuhe looked up at the surrounding valley, and continued to read the next sentence.

"The emperor weeps among the green clouds, and goes with the wind and waves without returning."

Then Chuhe didn't stop, and continued to read the next two sentences in one breath.

"Weeping and looking far away, I see the deep mountains of Cangwu."

"When Cangwu Mountain collapses and the Xiang River dies, the tears on the bamboo can be extinguished."

As soon as Chuhe's voice fell, a very rapid cold wind came directly from the cave.

There has always been no movement in Shandong, but at this moment, there is finally movement.

And not far away, after hearing this poem, Long Weiling's pupils also dilated slightly, and the shock in his heart was no less than when he knew Chuhe's strength just now.

Who is he?

Why does he know such secret things! ?

As the leader of the Sect of the Five Immortals, Long Weiling naturally knew some secrets about the Sect of the Five Immortals, things that only the senior leaders of the Sect of the Five Immortals, and even the leader of the Sect of the Five Immortals, would know.

As for Chuhe, the verses that outsiders saw as obscure and difficult to understand just now were very clear to Long Weiling.

Seeing that the wind from the depths of the cave was getting stronger and stronger, it even scattered the surrounding flowers.

Those Xiangfei bamboos around are also swaying in the wind.

This scene directly made the surrounding female disciples of the Five Immortals Sect look dumbfounded.

Although they are all members of the Five Immortals Sect, many of them have never seen Granny Baihua in their entire lives, and they know that this place is a forbidden place among the forbidden places, and Granny Baihua only works on major issues related to the life and death of the Five Immortals Sect. will appear.

Even the last time Long Weiling saw Granny Baihua was the leader of the sect, it was Granny Baihua who crowned her herself and taught her some secrets that only the leader of the sect would know.

But this time, looking at the movement in the cave, Granny Baihua is about to be born again this time!

Is it just because of a poem?

Long Weiling silently recited the last line of the poem, "The Cangwu Mountain collapses and the Xiangshui River dies, and the tears on the bamboo can be extinguished..."

She also looked at the Xiangfei bamboos around her.

And at this moment, a hearty laughter suddenly came from the cave, and an old lady in brown clothes came out of the cave step by step with a piece of Xiangfei bamboo in her hand.

The moment the old lady walked out, the whole valley was shaken!

"I've met Granny Baihua! Granny Baihua's body is safe!"

There are quite a few guards in this valley, but although these guards guard Granny Baihua's residence, some of them never see Granny Baihua for the rest of their lives.

What they didn't expect was that an outsider like Chuhe actually summoned Granny Baihua, which is simply unbelievable!

After Chuhe saw Granny Baihua, he looked her up and down in a leisurely manner.

I only saw that her age is indeed not young, she looks at least 90 or [-] years old, but this is only a superficial age, who knows how old she is?

The world is different now. For example, Chuhe has lived without disease and disaster for hundreds of years.

"You, did you create the poem you read just now?" Granny Baihua asked Chuhe directly as soon as she came up.

He simply ignored the leader of the Five Immortals Sect and those congregants.

Chu He shook his head.

This poem was written by Li Bai in his previous life, but it is hard for Chuhe to say who Li Bai is. After all, there is no Li Bai in this world.

"Who did that?" Granny Baihua continued to ask.

Chu He thought for a while, and then said, "It was done by an exiled immortal."

"Immortal?" Granny Baihua was taken aback for a moment, then she took a meaningful look at Chuhe, and then she stopped bringing up the topic, but sighed, "This is a secret thing, and only immortals know about it, and such a talented person Poems can only be made by exiled immortals."

When Chuhe heard this, he couldn't help but have some associations.

This poem is about an ancient legend.

Legend has it that Emperor Yao once married his two daughters, Ehuang and Nvying, to Emperor Shun. They later drowned in the Xiangjiang River, so they were called Xiangfei.

Concubine Xiang's crying tears stained the bamboo, and only then did Concubine Xiangzhu come into existence, which is also the origin of Concubine Xiangzhu.

Could it be that in this world, there are also legends about Concubine Xiang, but they are not widely spread, so they are called secrets?

There are too many similarities between this world and the world Chuhe lived in before, but there are also too many differences. Sometimes the similarities even make Chuhe think that he still lives in the same world.

But the differences are vastly different and confusing.

In short, no matter what, these myths are almost the same as those of Chuhe's previous life, but the spread is not so wide.

"Huh?" Granny Baihua looked at Ah Qing, and let out a little surprise, "Witch Gu Holy Body?"

Thinking of the purpose of his visit, Chu He didn't talk nonsense, and said directly, "Grandma Baihua, this is exactly the purpose of my trip. I want to ask Granny Baihua to save this person."

Granny Baihua looked at Ah Qing, shook her head slightly and said, "The original Gu worms have invaded her entire body, even I can't save her."

Chuhe froze for a moment, and Ah Qing's eyes also flashed a trace of darkness.

But then Granny Baihua said again, "But I can't save her. Doesn't it mean that I can't help her?"


What does this mean?

"I also ask Granny Baihua to speak up."

Granny Baihua glanced at the cave, "Follow me."

Chuhe didn't hesitate, and took Ahqing and Yinyue directly to the cave.

Long Weiling, the leader of the Five Immortals Sect, also followed and walked directly to the cave.

"This is Cangwu Cave." Baihua Granny said, "My Five Immortals sect has guarded Cangwu Cave for generations, and I also want to enter the deepest part of Cangwu Cave for generations."

Long Weiling was on the side, listening carefully, frowning slightly, she was thinking, why would Granny Baihua casually tell outsiders such secret things?

A group of people walked straight forward until they came to the depths of the cave, which seemed to be a place like a hall.

A huge circular space with a huge stone tablet in the middle surrounded by slowly flowing water.

This place is exactly where Granny Baihua retreated, and even Long Weiling only came here once when she became the leader.

Granny Baihua looked at the stone tablet and said, "Now only the thing under the stone tablet can revive the Witch Gu Holy Body. This is the method I said. If you want to save people, push the stone tablet away."

"What's so difficult about this?"

Granny Baihua said in a deep voice, "It's very difficult for me..."

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