It seems to be to explain to everyone.

The dharma name on the viewing platform said, "Bao Babao Zen Rod itself is not heavy. You can only pick it up if you completely remove the desire in your body. The more obsession and desire, the heavier it will be."

"If the six roots are impure, even if you have a heaven-reaching cultivation, it is absolutely difficult to pick up the Eight Treasures Zen Staff, and if you have the heart of a child and the six roots are clean, then even a child can easily wield the Eight Treasures." Zen staff."

"The Eight Treasures Zen Staff is extremely rigid and powerful, and it has the magical effect of attunement. As long as you don't have any good thoughts in your heart, as long as you don't hit the Eight Treasures Zen Staff, you will feel remorse."

Wen Jian held the Eight Treasures Rod in his hand, clasped his hands together and said, "Amitabha, Nine Lives Cat Demon, this is your last chance, if the Eight Treasures Rod still can't wake you up, then I can only give you your spirit and soul!" Crush it, and there is no possibility of rebirth."

Xiao Hei looked at Wen Jian with a sneer, "Hypocrisy!"

These two words seemed to hurt Wen Jian, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

In fact, from the beginning to the end, Wen Jian had no intention of letting Xiao Hei survive.

All they did was to save face and let everyone know that Buddhism is benevolent. Even if you commit a heinous crime, in the eyes of Buddhism, it is not that there is no chance to repent.

Of course, these are not for demons, but for thousands of ordinary people who are watching the live broadcast.

Because Lei Yinshan knows that the wicked people in this world are too right, and there are too many people who have done evil things, too many to count.

Therefore, we must let them know that by putting down the butcher knife and becoming a Buddha immediately, the Buddhist sect can forget about the evil things they did before, and as long as they join the Buddhist sect, they can immediately start from scratch.

Only in this way can we attract more people to believe in Buddhism and make Buddhism more prosperous!

And the life-saving cat demon who is about to die will also convey a message to them.

That is, these monsters are all hopelessly vicious, even if they are given chances again and again, they still have no repentance or kindness in their hearts.

Monsters are evil, and only Buddhism can completely eradicate this evil!

Sure enough, most of the people who were watching the live broadcast had similar things in their minds.

Even many villains have already begun to think about joining Buddhism.

On the Demon Slaying Stage, Wen Jian was holding the Eight Treasures Zen Staff, and raised it high, as if holding a butcher's knife.

And under the butcher's knife is Xiao Hei, the cat demon with nine lives who looks heinous to outsiders!

"You, repent!"

Hearing that a stern look flashed in the corner of his eyes, he directly smashed down the Eight Treasures Staff!

There was silence so far.

Many people even closed their eyes subconsciously.

In the eyes of everyone at the scene, this time, the Nine Lives Cat Demon will undoubtedly die!

After all, this is the full blow of the Buddhist Supreme Treasure Eight Treasures Zen Staff held by the Holy Son of Buddhism. Can a mere Nine-Life Cat Demon survive this kind of attack?

Not to mention that the Nine-Life Cat Demon is now restrained, and has only half of its life left. Even if the Nine-Life Cat Demon is intact, it will definitely not be able to escape this blow!

A smile appeared on the corner of Faming's mouth.

This time, it is already understood.

Ranchenzi and Qixing both frowned.

These are a little different from what they thought.

Jiang Xinlian saw the change in Qi Xing's expression, and the next moment, she felt a powerful aura rushing towards her!

Xiao Hei, the cat demon of Nine Lives, was trapped by iron chains. He looked at the falling Zen staff without fear or blinking.

Even if she dies, she will never give in!


And at this moment of lightning and flint, a burst of intersecting voices came.

The sound is clear and crisp, but it makes people's eardrums almost burst.

What followed was a powerful shock wave that almost made everyone unable to stand.

The smoke dissipated.

The Zen stick that I heard didn't hit Xiao Hei's body.

Right in front of Xiao Hei, a strange flute made of bamboo blocked the way of the Babao Zen Staff!

Chapter 120

Hearing that he is confident and generous, he is simply showing the demeanor of a superior person. With a few words, the people who were still a little scared at the scene cheered up one after another.

Even if you are Chuhe, even if you are the master of the demon town, even if you are very powerful, so what?

Today, you cannot escape death!

Just after Wen Jian finished speaking, Chu He made a quick move, and the Concubine Xiang flute flew directly into Chu He's hands.

The pupils of everyone shrank.

That magic flute really belongs to Chuhe!

At the same time, everyone's thoughts are also different.

Some people think that if Chuhe dares to appear at this time, then he must be relying on something.

Thinking about it, this flute should be his reliance.

However, the ideas of the top combat powers such as Dharma Name Fakong, Ranchenzi and Qixing are different.

They were all terrified that this flute could compete with the Eight Treasures Zen Staff, and all they thought was, what would happen if this flute fell into their hands?

If there is such a treasure.

Then, it is equivalent to adding a top combat power out of thin air!

In this world of great contention, is there anything more important than the improvement of one's own strength?

As for the women in wedding gowns behind Chuhe, these people also paid much attention to them.

Some people have already recognized them.

"A member of the Five Immortals?"

Shen Lingshi, the master of Bailianmen, frowned and said, "As members of the Taoist sect, why are you standing behind this demon!"

He immediately asked, "Could it be that you have already betrayed the human race?"

Now that everyone knew the identities of these people, they shouted angrily, "I think you, the Five Immortals, can be regarded as a great power of the human race. Are you going to stand with the demons now?"

"It's still too late for you to turn around!"

Shen Lingshi looked at the five immortals with fanaticism in his eyes.

The Five Immortals Sect is also a power that has been passed down from above. It has a different understanding of witchcraft. It can be said that it is the person who understands and studies witchcraft the most in this world.

Moreover, they also mastered some inheritances of many ancient refining weapons, and even mastered the secret of putting living witches into the weapons and refining them!

If we can catch them all and torture them...

Just thinking about it, Shen Lingshi felt hot all over.

As a strange and mysterious sect, the Five Immortals Sect has always been inseparable from the orthodox Taoism, and generally does not appear in the world.

Moreover, the Five Immortals Sect is so powerful that even if some people covet some things of the Five Immortals Sect, there is nothing they can do about it, and they cannot attack directly.

And now it's different.

Now the Sect of the Five Immortals is blatantly on the side of Chuhe, that is to say, now they can directly have an excuse to call all the people in the world to attack the Sect of the Five Immortals directly.

At that time, everything of the Five Immortals, including women, will be tradable!

And there are quite a few people with similar ideas, so they almost unanimously defined the Five Immortals as Chuhe's entourage and followers, and they were also outright demons.

He didn't listen to the explanations of the Five Immortals at all.

Of course, the people of the Five Immortals Sect didn't bother to explain.

Granny Baihua stood up alone, followed by Long Weiling, the leader of the Five Immortals Sect.

The old and the young just stood up and made the atmosphere of the scene quiet.

After all, the strength of these two people is also very strong. Among other things, just a Baihua mother-in-law made everyone on the scene feel the pressure.

Qixing muttered to himself, "Could it be that this is your reliance? Relying on a group of women?"

The same ridicule also came from Wenjian's mouth, "Chuhe, do you want to rely on a group of women to stand up for you?"

"Shut up!" Granny Baihua shouted directly, "This is the Lord of Cangwu, but my lord, and we are all the lord's subordinates!"

Lord Cangwu?

Many people don't understand this strange vocabulary, even the people from Ranchenzi can't figure out what's going on.

But they all understood Granny Baihua's words.

Chuhe is actually the master of these Five Immortals?

Even Granny Baihua calls herself Chuhe's servant?

What method did Chuhe use to make these people surrender!

You must know that Granny Baihua is no ordinary expert, she is definitely one of the top experts!

Jiang Xinlian didn't say anything the whole time, but when she saw Ah Qing behind Long Weiling and Granny Baihua, she finally couldn't help it.

This is not the witchcraft holy body of Jiangwumen! ?

Why is he behind Chuhe now!

Few people know about the Wugu Holy Physique of Jiangwumen, and even fewer people know that Jiangwumen used the Wugu Holy Physique to deal with Chuhe.

Jiang Wumen also blocked the news that the witchcraft body was taken away by Chuhe, so until now, when the witchcraft body appeared in front of Jiang Xinlian, she knew that the witchcraft body was also taken away by Chuhe. Conquer!

Regarding Chuhe's strength, Jiang Xinlian has never had an accurate understanding, although she vaguely guessed that Zhuang Buyan from Jiangwumen and Xiaochunfeng from Taohuamen might have been killed by Chuhe.

But knowing at this moment, Jiang Xinlian can be regarded as a complete confirmation.

She knows the strength of the witchcraft holy body, and its strength is definitely not inferior to hers.

And why there are people from the Five Immortals Sect standing behind Chuhe now, Jiang Xinlian also has a faint guess in her heart, maybe it is also related to this witchcraft holy body.

After all, according to rumors, the method of making the Holy Body of the Witch Gu is very likely to be the refining method of the Five Immortals Sect stolen by the Wumen Sect!

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